Chapter 87.

Release Date: 2024-08-05 13:50:13
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Sheng An shook her head as she instructed Hao Jingye, “Send a message to the Information Department and the Audit Department to retrieve Ms. Xu Jia’s recent action track as well as determine where she is now.”

Since it was determined that the other party was also in the Lin’an neighborhood, regardless of whether they were related or not, they had to be taken into consideration.

Any single detail must not be overlooked.

Hao Jingye immediately carried it out.

Not long after, Lai Wan Yun also returned.

The remains were carried out by the first captain and covered with a white cloth, the expressions of all the peers were very ugly, and Li Wan Yun’s face was slightly white.

Can make people like her who have experienced the end of the world change their faces ……

Sheng An quickly stepped over, uncovered the white cloth to check, Song Linwei twisted his head away, did not dare to look at it again, Jiang Yu was even almost vomited, his face brushed white.

Qi Lingwu stood next to Sheng An.

After looking for a while, he said, “It’s already unrecognizable.”

Sheng An nodded and covered the cloth, “DNA check as soon as possible.”

The wreckage from the broken open cloth tape and complete texture can only see men and women, has been completely indistinguishable from the appearance, and even the age can not be judged ……

Zhang Kun is difficult to endure nausea and asked, “Why is the perpetrator so brutal?”

Hao Jingye shook his head.

Lai Wan Yun exhaled a breath and slowly spoke, “This scene makes me think of bad things, I can’t help but associate it with-”

She and Long Tianyu glanced at each other, both seeing complexity in the other’s eyes.

Immediately afterward, the two spoke in unison:


Sheng An looked at the two, “This technique resembles fae behavior?”

Lai Wan Yun shook her head, looking serious: “Fae don’t have specific behaviors, they are filled with the desire to kill, they can do anything, in the last life, there was no complete way to differentiate between fae, most of the time it was based on intuition.”

Yu Feng frowned, of course he knew what a fae was.

From the mouths of the reborn, they had heard this term time and time again, it was an existence that was more terrifying than zombies, and was the biggest crisis of the end times.

“Just by intuition? Then how can we guard against the Fae?” Yu Feng was puzzled.

“There is no way to guard against it.” Lai Wan Yun pursed her dry lips, her voice hoarse, “Fae, no matter how they hide, they will restrain themselves from killing, killing many, many people.”

Wan Wan sucked in a mouthful of cold air and pulled up his voice, “So, the way most people judge fae is …… blood?”

Judging fae under the verification of countless blood.

How cruel.

He could almost imagine that in the future, where every fae appeared, there was blood everywhere, and how much trust could be retained between people?

Anyone was afraid that when they woke up the next day, the people around them would turn into fae and tyrannize and kill.

Fae still have the ability to survive, but what about ordinary people?

Hao Jingye: “Luckily we have Wu Buye.”

He snapped his eyes to Wu Buye, who was listening carefully to his heart in front of him, and asked after him, “His mind-reading skill should be useful, right?”

“Useful.” Long Tianyu smiled bitterly, “But he is only one person.”

The crowd was silent once again.

The hidden crisis was like a big hand, a hand gripping the heart, yanking the heart out of balance, the chest cavity was empty, a chill spread from the feet, inch by inch to the scalp.

Sheng An slightly lowered his eyes, his voice hoarse:

“Lai Wan Yun, Long Tianyu, do you think, this is the work of the Fae?”

Her voice was very, very light, seeming like it would float away with the wind.

Lai Wan Yun shook her head, “I think it’s a bit like that.”

Long Tianyu, however, frowned, “But it shouldn’t be, the Fae is an existence born around the meteorite fragments after the meteorite descended.”

The meteorite was still floating in the sky, where did the fragments come from?

And how could a fae be born?

“Aren’t meteorite fragments the ones that improve the abilities of fae?” Hao Jingye was puzzled.

Lai Wan Yun: “It is able to improve the ability of xenos, but in the second year of the end of the world, we found that meteorite fragments can also improve the ability of fae, and where there are meteorite fragments, the probability of fae are much higher.”

Sheng An lowered his eyelids and listened quietly.

Fae, Fae.

It was like a chess game, both sides vaguely confronting each other, one black and one white, killing to win.

Sheng An raised his hand, and the first captain ordered the remains to be sent away.

The mind-reading examination continued.

It lasted until 10:30 pm, into the darkness of the night, and finally ended.

Time passed by, anxiously and quickly.

In this world, the hardest thing to manipulate was time.

Everyone’s inspection ended.

Wu Buye’s face was pale and was assisted over by Li Xin and Jiang Yu.

Wu Buye shook his head, “No, everyone is normal, panic, fear, disbelief, all kinds of emotions, I’ve carefully determined that none of these residents are related to the murders.”

Sheng An poured him a cup of hot water and patted his shoulder, “Hard work.”

It wasn’t a surprise.

Mind reading was just a lineup, and she had already guessed before that the murderer might not be in the queue.

Wan Wan looked up from the computer with a grave expression, “Sister Sheng, there’s someone else in the small area.”

On the screen in front of him, within the small area, there were still signals flickering.

Hao Jingye’s cell phone shook.

He swept his head down and jerked his head up, “Sister Sheng, Xu Jia’s cell phone is positioned in the small area, the person is not around the cell phone, and from the information department’s surveillance, she hasn’t left Lin’an district!”

Didn’t leave the Lin’an district, and didn’t bring a cell phone ……

Is the murderer hidden in the district?

Or …… the deceased?

Sheng An swept over the residents who were gathered together to rest, and then looked at the dark Lin An neighborhood, the residents are outside, the inside of the district did not light up many lights, it seems unusually dark.

“Long Tianyu, Wu Buye, Gu Qiansheng, Ke Jiaxue, you guys follow me inside.” She touched the gun on her waist and twisted her head to command.

Several people nodded their heads.

Lai Wan Yun: “Should I go in with Team Qi, Li Xin, and Liu Yue as well?”

They were also a formidable fighting force for Team B.

Sheng An shook his head, “You guys guard here and protect the residents with the first team leader and the others. Team Qi, watch over everyone and be safe.”

Qi Lingmu said nothing and nodded.

The trust and communication between them was only with a single look.

After saying that, Sheng An entered the neighborhood in stride.

The others hurriedly followed.

All the lights in the neighborhood were lit up, as if in an instant, illuminating the entire neighborhood with nothing to hide.

“Sister Sheng, will the perpetrator be in the neighborhood?” Ke Jiaxue inquired in a low voice.

Sheng An’s gaze was fixed on her cell phone as she walked towards the place where there were people.

She said back under her breath, “Line up, first go to the place where there are people, then go to Mr. Xu’s house, and finally go to see the scene ……”

Gu Qiansheng looked grave: “When I see someone later, I will immediately silence the other party, now still hiding in the small area and refusing to come out even after hearing the broadcast, the probability is that it is the murderer.”

Wu Buye nodded, “Right, all the residents I’ve read their hearts, the only one left still in the neighborhood-”

Sheng An snapped to look at him.

Her voice was hoarse, “All the residents have had their hearts read?”

Wu Buye scratched his head in bewilderment, “Yeah.”

Lightning flashed through her mind as something caught her hand.

Sheng An plucked up her voice, “Oh no!”

She turned around and flew back.

“Long Tianyu, quickly take me back!”

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