Chapter 148.

Release Date: 2024-08-05 13:53:17
A+ A- Turn Off Light

These words were written slowly, and Sheng An’s eyes carried a hint of hesitation, not about the words, but about her ability.

Dr. Yan, however, his eyes lit up, his eyes gleaming.

Hao Jingye also instantly looked up at her.

Song Linwei hesitated for a split second, looking at the sentence and fixing his eyes on the word [experience] before slowly moving to Sheng An’s face.

Gu Qian Sheng: “What does it mean?”

He prided himself on being smart, but at this moment, he was also a bit confused.

Dr. Yan exhaled a breath before he slowly spoke, “There are two possibilities for experience, one is to briefly fast-forward and experience the next moment in advance, and the other is to rewind back to the previous moment after experiencing the next moment.”

He looked at Sheng An, “How long is the next moment roughly?”

Sheng An wrote down-

[Less than five seconds.]

The crowd sucked in a breath of cold air, even if they didn’t understand the meaning of Sheng An and Dr. Yan’s words, they knew that the rebound fae died in the “next moment”, that is, five seconds later.

Only five seconds!

Even Long Tianyu and Wu Buye couldn’t escape the explosion!

No wonder Sheng An was in a hurry, no wonder she had spared no expense.

It was only at this moment that they more deeply appreciated the sense of urgency at that time, such a short period of time, such a decisive decision.

Lai Wan Yun murmured, “Worthy of being Sister Sheng ……”

Hao Jingye and Song Linwei heard Dr. Yan’s words and looked at each other, both seeing shock in the other’s eyes.

Qi Lingwu slowly sat up with a serious expression, “Which one is it?”

Sheng An shook his head.

Dr. Yan always stared at Sheng An: “Team Leader Sheng’s ability hasn’t recovered yet, so I can’t determine which one it is, but the result is the same, it will all be attributed to the same ability.

“As I said before, the concentration of the special factor in her body is extremely high, which also indicates that her supernatural ability is extremely strong. Even if she hasn’t recovered and can’t skillfully control it yet, it’s normal for an alien ability to have an instinctive reaction in front of a death crisis.”

He looked at Song Linwei, “Your supernormal ability enchantment at that time was very crucial.”

Song Linwei already somewhat understood, pursed his lips and nodded heavily, “Yes, fortunately, strengthening Sister Sheng with her supernatural ability at that time was properly arranged by Team Qi.”

Sure enough, Qi Lingwu really understood Sheng An.

What Sheng An needed most at that moment, he had an instinctive cognizance.

Li Xin was puzzled, “What exactly is Sister Sheng’s ability? How come it feels like you guys already have an idea?”

Dr. Yan: “Actually, there has been this speculation for a long time, it was just that it felt unbelievable at the time, and the impact of saying it out loud was too great, so our institute blocked the news.”

Song Linwei picked up, “This [experience] has verified your previous guesses, right?”

Dr. Yan nodded, his eyes complicated to the extreme.

Mind-reading is ineffective against Sheng An, among the prophecies [she went backward], the recurring fever, the special factor that looks like an overdraft with an extraordinary concentration in the body of the supernatural ability, and the [experience] in the city of stone ……

One clue after another, pointing to the same speculation.

It also verified the same speculation.

In the crowd’s puzzled gaze, Hao Jingye wrote down two words on the paper and held it up-


Sheng An looked at those two words.

She had also had this speculation for a long time, she was just a little hesitant.

Gu Chisheng’s pupils shrunk and his eyes widened, “Sister Sheng’s supernatural ability is related to time?!”

Li Xin and the others:”!!!”

Crap, there’s still this kind of supernormal ability in the world?

Dr. Yan nodded solemnly, “Yes, all the clues point to Team Leader Sheng’s alien ability being related to time.”

The only uncontrollable thing in this world was time.

What if someone’s alien ability was related to that?

–That would wield an extremely terrifying power, comparable to that of a god.

Gu Qiansheng thought of the image of the prophecy and muttered, “Sister Sheng is already powerful, and if the supernatural ability is still related to time, then what exactly has she encountered to make her that desperate?”

Wu Buye was also recalling the image of the prophecy.

He almost jumped up, “Wait, time? Then she went backward ……”

Dr. Yan nodded, affirming his thoughts, “We had a guess before, it’s highly probable, but we can’t be 100% sure until Team Leader Sheng’s powers are restored, or until she uses her powers, instead it will only add to everyone’s psychological pressure, do you want to hear it?”

The Special Intelligence Service had extremely high authority.

If they wanted to know, he could inform them of all the blocked speculations.

Hao Jingye and the others nodded without hesitation.

At the end of the crowd, Old Man Qin, who had been shrinking, suddenly spoke quietly, “What’s the point of knowing so much? It can’t be solved, isn’t it just asking for trouble?”

Everyone looked at him in unison.

Hao Jingye’s eyes were suspicious: “What do you mean by that?”

–This old man doesn’t know anything.

Old man Qin scrunched his neck and smiled awkwardly, “I’m just a little scared, it’s the end of the world, it’s a natural disaster, it’s a fae, and now it’s even about time and the future ……”

Long Tianyu rolled his eyes.

Sheng An gave Old Man Qin one more look, retracted his eyes, and nodded his head.

–She has to know.

Sheng An’s attitude was the attitude of Team B. Dr. Yan sighed lightly.

He raised his hand and pointed at Shanhua, who was quietly crouching aside, then pointed at Qi Lingmu, and finally pointed at Sheng’an –

“Loophole, anchor, and time, these are the three abilities that can work together.

“Shanhua doesn’t look like she’s coming into contact with you guys for the first time, Team Qi has problems with their powers and can’t fully utilize them, and Team Leader Sheng is even more drained of his powers, like he’s dead.

“A timeline towards extinction, the rules drill holes, the anchor locks the past, locks the memories and abilities, and then rewinds by time.”

A few simple words, and in an instant a needle fell in the room.

Everyone fell into silence, some were deep in thought, some were bewildered, and some were shocked.

Sheng An did not speak.

Qi Lingmu’s grip on her hand tightened, wordlessly comforting her.

Dr. Yan put away the paper with Sheng An’s handwriting on it and rubbed his brow-

“Of course, these are all just guesses, derivations based on abilities and current conditions, and there are still a lot of things I can’t figure out.

“For example, among the prophecies, what exactly did you find out? For example, who is interfering with you? Also, why were they chosen? And how did they do it? What was the ball you were holding in the prophecy? What value does it have?

“The information available is still too little, and the conclusions are unreliable; more research is needed on this world, the meteorites and the Fae, and on you.”

Sheng An looked at him.

Dr. Yan looked back at her, “The meteorite fragment is currently the largest, as big as a one dollar coin, before you were carrying a small fragment, if you want your xenomorphic ability to recover as soon as possible, it would be better to replace it with that large fragment, but-”

His eyes were full of hesitation, slowly said, “You have special abilities, under the premise of not being sure what the meteorite fragments actually are, carrying the fragments is risky, and will also attract fae …… You can’t have an accident.”

Sheng An couldn’t have an accident, so he hesitated, not knowing how to give advice.

Sheng An didn’t say anything, took the small fragment out and handed it to him.

Dr. Yan understood that she was going to take the largest fragment and restore her ability as soon as possible.

He sighed again, then looked at Qi Lingmu, and then at everyone in Team B behind him, “Until Team Leader Sheng has regained her abilities, I hope that all of you will do your best and not let anything happen to her.”

Hao Jingye and the others nodded heavily.

Even Li Xin and Jiang Yu, who were not as smart as the others, knew important information in their analysis.

If all the speculations were true.

Then He might not be a god.

–He is Sheng An.

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