Chapter 158.

Release Date: 2024-08-05 13:53:47
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Sheng An explained, “They are hidden fae.”

The crowd was stunned, and then they were horrified.

Especially the fae from Tang Tao’s team, they usually had contact with these people and didn’t expect them to be fae.


Wasn’t this number too much?

Sheng An turned back to look at them, “Is Tang Tao’s so-called awakening of xenos and enhancement of xenos with the help of meteorite fragments?”

One of the xenos immediately nodded his head.

The other one busily said, “Yes, he got a fragment from inside the meteorite, and after realizing that he could enhance his psychic abilities and create psychics, he used the fragment to brew water and gave it to those who wanted to awaken their psychic abilities to drink, and we sometimes share it as well.”

Sheng An’s eyes were stern.

Even Hao Jingye and the others changed their faces.

Song Linwei frowned: “Meteorite fragments are already extremely contaminating, just staying within a certain range of the fragments has a great possibility of turning into a xeno, let alone directly drinking water soaked in meteorite fragments.”

A xenophile hurriedly nodded, “Right, right, right, drinking water has the possibility of becoming a xenophile, but there is also a great possibility of becoming a fae, thought we had cleaned it up, didn’t realize that there were so many hidden ……”

He looked at those people and gulped.

Do not doubt Qi Lingmu their judgment, after all, the Special Intelligence Service from the arrival to now, showing absolute strength, unquestionable strength.

Liu Zhao gritted his teeth: ”Tang Tao is really disgusting! Surprisingly, he hid such news, only said that he could become a xenomorph, did not say that there is a greater possibility of becoming a fae!”

If they had said it earlier, I’m afraid that not so many people would have joined them.

As expected, those who had just joined today were all in a state of shock and afterthought.

Sheng An swept past all of them and fixed his eyes on Tang Tao’s corpse, his voice was calm but every word was clear enough for all the xenos to hear-

“The shard can indeed enhance the xeno abilities, however, it will also turn you into xenos without a sound, this is a very risky behavior, currently the state does not support it, of course, we will not stand in the way, it depends on your own choices.”

Immediately, a fae shook his head, “No, I don’t want to turn into a fae.”

The substances in the air would allow them to slowly improve, there was no need to risk becoming a fae to accelerate their improvement, especially under the premise that the country was in order.

Previously, under Tang Tao’s influence, they had all thought that this world had become a place of the weak and the strong, and that they could only desperately upgrade themselves for fear of being bullied.

Now, they found that the country’s order was still in place, and there was still the Special Intelligence Service pressuring people from making trouble.

They wouldn’t be bullied, and even if they became top strong, they wouldn’t be able to cross over to the Special Intelligence Service and bully others.

Then, there was no need to take risks.

As long as one could still live, who wanted to die?

Especially turning into a fae, as long as one thought of their body being occupied by another thing, the other party impersonating themselves to hurt people who trusted them, to hurt loved ones and friends ……

The fae shook their heads.

Captain Tan even stepped forward and said urgently, “Can that fragment be disposed of?”

He lowered his voice, “Actually, not only is there one at Tang Tao’s place, we also have a piece here, as well as on those meteorites in the surrounding area, there might be some as well.”

Sheng An understood and nodded, “We’ll take the fragments with us, the Institute is collecting them to find a solution to the Fae.”

She wasn’t surprised that there were fragments around B11, after all, this area had been lost for so long, it was already in a special situation.

Liu Zhao and Captain Tan were relieved.

Sheng An moved her neck, and said to the Special Intelligence Service people-

“It’s almost time, let’s move everyone.”

“Wan Yuan, Song Linwei, Hao Jingye, you build communications, Wu Buye, Gu Qiansheng, line up the B11 xenos, Li Xin, go repair the shelter with the earth-type xenos, Team Qi, lead the people to collect the debris ……”

“Alright!” Wan Wan raised his voice and answered.

The others nodded, and after hearing the order, they half hesitated and acted.

Looking at Liu Zhao and Captain Tan in a daze, this team is really well organized ……

Sure enough, it’s a national team!

Sheng An looked at them again, “You guys distribute the supplies, distribute some of the supplies from Tang Tao’s space, we brought quite a lot this time, we will give you another batch, after that build the base and distribute it according to labor, the capital side will arrange it for you.”

Almost instinctively, the two spoke in unison, “Okay.”

It took less than an hour before and after.

The entire B11 was refreshed and cleaned up the fae, even if they knew that it was impossible to clean it up one hundred percent, it made the people in the refuge put some heart into it.

The distribution of supplies, on the other hand, restored hope to those who had been desperate and uneasy during this time.

–The country was still around and would still care about them.

So, after receiving the supplies and putting them away, one after another ordinary people came out and volunteered to join the team to mend the shelters.

Little by little, the shelters were mended, just like their hearts were mended.

Even if the world is full of holes, there is always someone to mend it.

Liu Zhao arranged the matter of sending out the supplies and hurriedly came to find Sheng An.

They were in the convoy’s communication car.

Wan Yuan was busy with several technicians, occasionally conversing with the technicians who were in the communications room of the shelter.

Sheng An leaned on the side, playing with a meteorite fragment.


Liu Zhao was curious, “Is it hard?”

Wan Wan shook his head and nodded again, “It’s a bit difficult, this place disconnection should be related to the meteorite, the meteorite seems to isolate this area, forming a unique space.”

Hao Jingye picked up, “Then we have to see how the meteorites are distributed, Wan Wan can you see it here?”

Wanyuan shook his head, “Can’t see.”

Sheng An didn’t care, his eyes looked ahead through the darkness, “Wait for the Qi team’s feedback, they will check all the meteorites in the surrounding area.”

At this time the sky is already dark, the field of vision is limited, good thing Qi Lingmu special ability.

Walking outside, every day, only the evening to darkness that period of time, neither the sun, vision is not limited.

After a long time, it seems that everyone is gradually getting used to the darkness.

Before most people can’t see in the dark, now it’s good, most people can see in the dark.

This is evolution.

Humans don’t want to go extinct, they are all desperately trying to adapt and evolve their bodies in a favorable direction.

Liu Zhao was a bit bewildered.

After thinking about it, he asked again, “We are special here?”

“Well, it is somewhat special.” Sheng An put away the shards and stood up straight, “However, this is the end times, and every place is special.”

She looked back at Jiang Yu.

Jiang Yu was so bored that she was playing with her fingers.

Seeing Sheng An looking at her, Jiang Yu’s eyes lit up, “Sister Sheng, do you want me to do anything?”

She was a plant-based psychic!

Could be an overseer!

Sheng An: “Together with the planting research group, study this area to see if you need to take materials and try planting them as well.”

Jiang Yu: “……”

-got, she just couldn’t get rid of planting.

She let out a long sigh, and accompanied by Sheng An, Zhuang Fan, Ji Yani, and the rest of them, she went outside to find an open space.

Liu Zhao was at a loss, “What is this for? You guys even brought a research group with you this time out ah, where is it?”

He looked towards the long convoy behind him.

However, Jiang Yu, who was not far in front of him, closed his eyes and held them for a while, getting the members of the research group inside the space out.

A large group of people appeared on the flat ground.

Liu Zhao: “????”

He sits on his butt in shock, his eyes wide.

Crap, a big change!

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