Chapter 174.

Release Date: 2024-08-05 13:54:32
A+ A- Turn Off Light

D3 Refuge Hospital.

The shelters were all on the ground, and the hospital was just a separate area, there were three paths towards the hospital, one for ordinary people seeking medical treatment, one for emergencies, and one for special access.

The one for ordinary people to seek medical treatment leads to the main door of the hospital.

At this time, there were people gathered outside.

Some inquired, “Doctor, have I also contracted an infectious disease?”

Others were worried, “Doctor, is there any special medicine, everyone is gathering underground, if the infection is serious, won’t none of them be able to escape? Do something!”

There’s also a middle-aged woman who’s begging hard–

“Doctor, let me go in and take a look at Nui Nui, how did she catch an infectious disease? Please, I’m going to stay with my daughter, let me see if she’s okay!”

The doctor had a cold face, “The contagious condition is serious, entering could be infected at any time, and the hospital can’t hold that many people, no one can come in except the patient.”

After saying that, he was about to leave.

The woman hugged his leg and begged:

“On the day of the doomsday, my husband turned into a fae, he would rather tie himself up in advance than hurt my daughter, then my daughter’s grandparents died of an infectious disease, I only have my daughter left, you let me go in, even if I get infected I’m not afraid, at least let me take a look and know if my daughter is dead or alive!”

She was not a middle-aged woman, she was obviously worried and sad, and her temples had turned gray at a young age!

But the doctor waved her away, unsympathetic: “No.”

Out of the crowd, a teenager rushes out, snarling-

“There’s something wrong! There’s definitely something wrong with this hospital! That what infectious disease outside no one died, into the hospital are all dead one after another, also do not give family visits, is dead or alive are not notified, must be a period of time before posting a list of deaths, the body can not be seen, they must have a problem!”

That mother had long thought so.

She climbed to her feet, all haggard, and shouted along in desperation, “Yes, there’s something wrong! There’s something wrong with your hospital!”

The doctor’s face changed.

At that moment, Tian Jiaming came out from inside.

He was wearing a protective suit, so he couldn’t see his appearance clearly, only to hear him say in a sad tone:

“This infection is very serious, I’ve already contacted the capital base, don’t worry, we’ll definitely find a solution.

“This lady and this teenager want to see their families? You should know that you may also be infected if you come in, and we are doing this for your safety.

“The mortality rate of patients is not low, but there are also many people who are cured and discharged from the hospital, you guys can wait patiently for them to return home healthy, the hospital really can’t fit.”

After all, it was the head of the shelter who stepped in, and most of the people heard this and sighed longingly, choosing to go back and wait.

In the end there were quite a few people who were healthy and walked out of the hospital alive during this time as well.

The woman did not hesitate, “I want to see Nui Nui.”

The teenager, on the other hand, remained skeptical.

Tian Jiaming said gently; “In that case, let you go in to see your family, if you get infected ……”

“It’s fine, I’m responsible for myself!” The woman said sharply.

Thus, the two were brought inside.

The inside of the hospital was completely different from what was imagined outside, and the people …… inside surprisingly did not wear protective clothing!

The teenager’s pupils shrunk, sensing that something was wrong.

The woman was still persistent, “I want to see Nui Nui ……”

Tian Jiaming swept away the gentleness of just now, did not even look at the two people, and directly let people take them away.

That nurse smiled strangely with a twisted expression, “Let’s go, take you to see your family.”

The woman was cooperative.

The teenager turned around and was about to run, “Help, there’s a question in the hospital – um -”

The voice ended abruptly as he was covered and dragged away.

Instead, Tianjia Ming went into another room.

This room had just as much blood, but was slightly cleaner, the blood was all inside a glass jar with a meteorite fragment soaking in it.

There were also two shelter executives nearby, their eyes staring blankly.

A “doctor” stood directly in front of them, holding a pendant and shaking it.

Soon, the two men’s eyes became clear.

The doctor withdrew his hand, and they both took a deep breath and smiled at the same time.

“Finally, we’ve dealt with those guys from the Special Intelligence Service.”

“That’s not true, mind reading plus the King’s Anchor, if it wasn’t for Suzaku’s ability, I’m afraid I might not be able to hide it from them.”

The two stood up.

“Tianjia Ming” stood next to the glass cylinder and took a deep breath, his expression mesmerized.

Then, he asked, “Suzu, what’s the situation now? How many companions are in this batch?”

Suzu replied, “The success rate has reached seventy percent, most of them will become companions instead of turning into aliens, the number of people you have sent is still too few, there isn’t enough blood, I need a lot of people!”

Tianjiaming smiled, “No problem, before, I was afraid that someone would notice that something was wrong and tip off the Special Intelligence Service, now that the Special Intelligence Service is gone, we can officially start the large-scale ‘Divine Surrender’.”

Suzu regretted, “It’s a pity that most of the energy sources have been given to the Special Intelligence Service, and now we only have five pieces …… left that are too few in number.”

Tianjia Ming’s smile fell as well, “It won’t work if we don’t give it, we have to get them to leave as soon as possible without suspecting us. Five tablets for now, we will continue to collect.”

His expression was a little cold, damn, that Special Intelligence Service had taken too many energy sources ……

Suzu nodded at this.


The teenager was dragged to a room that was filled with blood and many broken limbs, the smell of blood was desperate.

The teenager, whose name was Zhang Changxiu, stared at him, struggling desperately.

There was really something wrong with this hospital!

His eyes are full of despair, he is not afraid of death, he is afraid that he is not able to pass the message out, I do not know how many other people will suffer ……


These people were too hateful!

“Let go of me-” he continued to struggle.

The nurse droned, “It’s already an honor to allow you to participate in the ‘God’s Descent’, giving you the chance to become our companion, if you keep struggling, I’ll just drain your blood and make you food!”

Zhang Changxiu stagnated.

With that, he stopped struggling.

The nurse brought him inside, the same glass tank soaking a piece of debris was full of blood, and there were countless people lying on the ground, all of them without exception, all of them struggling in pain.

Next to it stood several people, they viewed the people lying on the ground as if they were looking at food ……

At this time, one man sat up violently.

The man standing was a bit disappointed, “Oh, it’s a companion.”

The man wiped the corner of his mouth and stood up, his eyes and expression had been completely different from the pain he had just experienced, as if he was a different person.

And there was another person on the ground, his body suddenly on fire, his body glowing with high fever.

Everyone looked at him, their eyes expectant.

After another moment, as if they were sure of something, they pounced on him as one.

The man who had just sat up was the closest, so he was the first to pinch the neck of the fire-alien, letting out a loud laugh, “Hahaha, alien, nice smelling blood!”

The other man cursed, “Damn it, you took the lead, I want his blood too, give me some!”

Zhang Changxiu’s breathing stuttered.

And that nurse had already scooped a bowl of blood from inside the glass jar where the shards were soaking and told him to drink it.

He was unwilling.

The nurse sneered, “If you don’t drink it, then you’ll have to go as food ……”

Zhang Changxiu took it with a trembling hand and fed it to his mouth.

He then slammed into the nurse and turned to run.

–He’d rather die than turn into a monster who turned a butcher knife on his fellow countrymen!

“Seek death!”

The nurse was extremely fast, instantly catching up to him, and was about to crush his neck.

Zhang Changxiu closed his eyes.


“Bang Bang!!!”

Around him, there was the sound of someone falling, and the hand that was tightly pinching his neck, slowly loosened.

Zhang Changxiu froze.

He opened his eyes blankly, only to see four people standing in front of him, they appeared without a sound, and in the blink of an eye, they resolved all the people standing inside the room except for him.

Lai Wan Yun and Long Tian Yu had ugly faces.

Wu Buye pursed his lips and slowly said, “D3 Where is it orderly …… clearly too many fae.”

This is simply entering the fae nest!

Sheng An’s eyes were icy cold as he slowly spat out one word-


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