Chapter 215.

Release Date: 2024-08-05 13:56:29
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“Let go!” The black shadow’s voice where still a trace of composure.

The two figures almost vaporized.

For the first time, the black shadow raised his knife and slashed hard at his arm.

The movement was so fast that in almost just a blink of an eye, one of the Black Shadow’s hands had disappeared, and as Sheng An went to grab the other part of the Black Shadow’s arm, the Black Shadow dodged out of the way and frantically unleashed his Time Ability.

Without hesitation-


Lai Wan Yun, Li Xin, Long Tianyu, Wu Buye, Liu Yue, Ke Jiaxue and the others, even though they had just continuously struck out and had already consumed a lot of their alien energy, at this moment, they still simultaneously pumped out their own alien energy and struck at the time fae with all their might.

They didn’t know what was happening in another time.

But the long tacit understanding, Sheng An’s and Black Shadow’s reactions all told them – this was the most crucial time.


The Black Shadow was hissing, but he had to split his alien energy and pull time.

With so many high-ranked xenos attacking with all their might and falling at the same time, even if they were undead, they would temporarily lose their mobility, and it would take time to recover.

There was no way for the Black Shadow not to use his time alien ability.

But the second the black shadow distracted his mind to use the alien ability, Sheng An grabbed the black shadow again, and another time was pulled ……

The third month of the End Times.

He saw it!

Qi Lingmu did not hesitate, the King’s Anchor was fully open, and with the effect of time and the assistance of loopholes, it crossed time and anchored the shadow that was still in the middle of the four small mountains.

All the energy that could be used in the whole body, all of it was drained, and the pain of the depleted part was excruciating.

–Sheng An, everything is fine.

With that, Qi Lingmu’s eyes snapped, a huge gun in the void, using all of his alien energy, in excruciating pain, towards that blurry shadow, shooting.



In the sound of shattering, this time layer, completely turned into smoke.

The third year of the End Times.

The black shadow stiffened in place, those eyes hidden under the cloak, first unbelievable, then turned into shock, until the figure began to fade, along with the third month of the End Times, completely turned into smoke.

And while the black shadow disappeared, it fell full of meteorite fragments, smashing at Sheng An’s feet.

This amount, even if they had collected it all the way, they still felt shocked.

No wonder the Time Fae was so strong!


The sound of the wind rose, and the struggling and fluctuating time around them were all quieted in an instant, and the twisting space was restored to solidity.

And that gap, disappeared in an instant.

If it wasn’t for Folded Ears Root drawing back quickly, I’m afraid it would have stayed in that world as well.

But even so, it still only kept one leaf, and the remaining one, disappeared with the gap.

The world seemed to become quiet at this moment.

Sheng An’s originally blurred figure was gradually becoming clear.

Jiang Yu opened his mouth and squeezed out a sentence only after a long time, “What …… happened?”

Jia Guangliang had only just joined the Special Intelligence Service, and was still awake, his voice soft: “The Time Fae is dead, and the other time, it’s gone.”

“Team Qi and Shan Hua?” Jiang Yu looked blankly at Hao Jingye.

She actually knew.

But she didn’t want to believe it.

Hao Jingye pursed his lips and opened his mouth only after a long time, his voice was obscure and difficult: “…… sacrificed.”

Jiang Yu’s eyes were instantly moist, and she could no longer say a word.

Long Tianyu and Lai Wan Yun, who had just drained their supernormal capabilities, exchanged glances and looked at Sheng An with worry at the same time.

Sheng An’s figure became clearer and clearer.

How would she accept the fact that Qi Lingmu and Shanhua had sacrificed themselves when she had completely landed in this world?

They were sad, but they were more worried about Sheng An.

Sheng An didn’t say anything, on the contrary, she was calm, the energy that Song Linwei had transferred to her had been completely depleted, her figure would only become clearer and clearer until she was completely integrated into the third year time layer of the end world.

Her body split in half once again.

One half was in shock and collapse, while the other half was thinking calmly.

When her body was about to become completely clear, her hand, which had been behind her back, slowly came out.

In the blood dripping, it held the meteorite fragment.

In the game she had just played with the Time Fae, she had been pondering a question, the Time Fae was the blood pool fae of the Southwest, and the reason why it became powerful was because it used the Southwest as a blood pool to absorb the power of the shards.

And the fae powers were endless because the shards existed.


Can a xeno be?

Just like Song Linwei’s and Gu Chisheng’s experiments, what the fae can do, why can’t humans do?

The species invaded, and the fae knew how to use the shards better than humans.

Then, as a last resort, could humans learn from the fae to use it?

This idea was her backhand.

Sheng An had always liked to have more cards, to take risks, but there could be enough of them to win.

So, she had only struck once.

After that, she pulled the fae with only one hand at a time, the other behind her back, soaking the shard with her own blood in an attempt to try and move the energy inside.

When she didn’t let the fae go, saying “I want to win”, she had figured it out a bit.

The fae preferred the blood of a high ranked fae.

How many shards of power could the blood of a 9-star fae catalyze?

The time fae died and dropped shards all over the ground.

It means that the fae carries it with them at all times, and the TA needs these fragments to manipulate time.

At the moment of the collapse of the “third month of the last era”, it was as if she had truly sensed the rules of time, and the time fae had used so many fragments and the entire southwestern pool of blood in order to accelerate time.

–Because, time is the most difficult to control.

To forcefully pull it, it required an enormous amount of energy.

Then what if instead of forcefully pulling, the time that was forcefully pulled fast forward was restored in accordance with the order of the rules?

Wouldn’t it require such a huge amount of power?

Sheng An’s body was getting hotter and hotter, and large beads of sweat were coming out of her forehead, but her eyes were getting more and more awake and calm ……

The hand she raised, oozed out a large amount of blood, all of which fell to the ground, landing on top of so many meteorite fragments and splattering away.

The churning energy entered her body from the fragments on her hand.

The parched alien energy land was moisturized, and was growing back well crazily.

Her alien energy, officially restored.

But it was not enough!

Not enough at all!

On the ground, blood flowed on the fragments, more and more fragments were stained with her blood, more and more energy was surging towards her, and the body that was gradually clearing up was once again vaporized.

Li Xin’s jaw dropped.

Jiang Yu grabbed Hao Jingye: “What is Sister Sheng doing?”

The blood was getting more and more, and she tensed, “What should we do? Will Sister Sheng lose too much blood?”

Jia Guangliang asked, “Should we treat it?”

He was clearly hesitant.

Hao Jingye stared at the scene closely.

He shook his head, “No, let’s wait.”

–Nobody knew what Sheng An was going to do, but the longstanding tacit understanding made them trust Sheng An unconditionally.

Behind Sheng An’s virtual shadow, a clock that everyone could see suddenly appeared.

The scene was shocking!

The huge circle, the strange scale, and the white hands …… were mind blowing just by looking at it.

The clock seemed to carry an endless power that made people tremble.

Above, the hands that originally went very fast slowed down, is at a normal speed, slowly walking, probably because of the confusion of time, the pointer slightly trembling.

And accustomed to the clock’s originally very fast walking way, now slowed down, rather strange.

The hearts of the crowd jumped.

Sheng An did not turn around, she was still pondering her thoughts.

This so-called third year of the end of the world in the southwest was forced by the time fae, and now that the time fae was dead, the world that was forced over would return to the normal flow of time.

But it’s still not the same.

The world is the “third month of the last world”, here is the “third year of the last world” that was forcibly pulled, and without the support of the time fae, it is shaky.

The hands on the clock behind them continue to shake, and have already reached the point of instability.

Southwest Bazaar.

Returning to the bazaar of the xenos, some people pointed at the castle in horror, there is a huge clock on it, but at this time, the flow of the clock slowed down in their eyes!

“What’s going on? This clock isn’t allowed?”

“It’s possible, after all, it’s the end of the world, it’s normal for this thing to be affected and broken.”

“It’s a pity that God Lord …… ah no, Jia had a hard time finding it.”

“Why do I feel that slowing down is normal, before it seemed to be too fast?”

As he spoke, the slowed down pointer suddenly trembled and shook violently.

“What’s going on?!”

Beyond the southwest.

Qiu Yu looked down at his wristwatch, the latest news-

[Southwest shaking, wormhole earthquake, go and take a look immediately, no one is allowed to enter the southwest, just check nearby!

Autumn Rain pursed her lips, “Faster.”

The mutant bats picked up speed.

Before she could even get close, she had already felt the heart-stopping aura of the southwest.

What the hell is going on?

–Sheng An…… shouldn’t be in trouble, right?


The pointer trembled more and more violently, the original calm down around, once again turbulence, they all know clearly, this is because of the time fluctuation caused.

No one spoke, all looked at Sheng An, anxious.

Sheng An, however, suddenly smiled.

The huge energy that kept pouring into her body turned into a huge hand of time.

She turned around, holding the bloody meteorite fragment in one hand, the other hand raised, and the huge hand of time followed her hand’s movements.

The pointer that had been vibrating was flicked in the opposite direction by her.

The white light was so blinding that it was almost impossible to see, Hao Jingye and the others were so irritated that they squinted their eyes and physiological tears overflowed.

In the vague line of sight.

They saw Sheng An continue to dial the clock, muttering, “Wrong time, time to get back on track ……”

At this moment, she was finally sure of her powers, and she was also finally reckless, using her abilities-

[Rule Order Alien Ability: Time.

Time Rewind, Time Manipulation, Time Alteration, Hand of Time ……

True Time Alien Ability, Lord of the Clock.

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