Chapter 225.

Release Date: 2024-08-05 13:56:57
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“Sister Sheng!” Jiang Yu exclaimed.

As if she had found her backbone in an instant, she looked at Sheng An with apprehension and anticipation.

Sister Sheng is back!

Can there be a remedy?

Just as she thought this, she saw Sheng An disappear, not suddenly, but her body tilted back and swooped in the direction of Chu Lao, while at the same time, a faint white light pierced her eyes.

She pinched the meteorite fragments, palm “tick tock” falling blood, as if the sound of the clock moving forward.

In that moment, Jiang Yu seemed to see the huge clock again, strange scale, white hands …… mysterious and dangerous.

The clock stood in the white light, taking Sheng An’s place.


In front of him, just a blink of an eye, the scene all changed.

Chu Lao sat blankly in his seat, blankly touched his neck, and then looked at the people standing in various positions, somewhat puzzled.

As if he did not understand the original good sitting in the car crowd, how all changed position?

There was no wound on his neck, but the blood on Song Linwei’s and their hands was still there.

Long Tianyu just blinked, people back to the seat, and he pinched in the hands of the “murderer”, at this time was pinched in the hands of Sheng An.

She stood outside the open door of the car, her leg against the door, one hand pinching the shards, dripping with blood, and one hand pinching the neck of the person.

Crowd: “!!!”

Time Rewind!

Sheng An first backtracked his own time, back to the car, and then backtracked a small area of time, pulling Chu Lao’s time back to before he was assassinated, Long Tianyu was in the closest position, and was affected, his state returned to before Chu Lao’s death.

Jiang fish round eyes.

Long Tianyu was unbelievable.

Even if you have already seen time back once, goodbye is still shocking ……

And it was obvious that Sheng An’s backtracking was not without cost.

The stored up energy was once again depleted, depleting everything, and at this time, her face was as white as paper, shaking, and fine blood lines like leaf tendons climbed up half of her face.

Such a situation, but her hand is still tightly strangling the murderer’s neck, gloomy face, eyes with a fury, the corner of the mouth smile cold.

Chu Lao: “What happened?”

He was at a loss.

Xiao Xi hugged him tightly.

Li Xin and the rest of them all stared blankly at Sheng An.

Lai Wan Yun opened her mouth and spat out a word only after a long time:


Sister Sheng this alien ability ……

is really fucking scary.

And what was even more frightening was her reflexes and decisiveness, as well as her precise use of the Time Alien Ability.

There was also an above-average tolerance for pain.

Time alien energy, especially time regression, consumed a great deal.

In the southwest can be done, that is because there are countless meteorite fragments to provide energy, but also because the southwest was originally pulled by force, after the death of the time fae is a little unstable, with the help of the anchor point, backward push back to the position that should be located, in fact, is not difficult.

This time, on the other hand, it was a forced time backtracking after Chu Lao’s death!

Last time it was a lucky break, with countless fragments feeding the energy and the King’s Anchor assisting.

This time it was a reversal of fortune!

I am afraid that the energy prediction is a little bit wrong, the mastery of time is a little bit weak, and I did not make the most appropriate layout …… in time, I am afraid that it will not be successful.

Sheng An did it.

She was shaking, but she still pinched the murderer’s neck, and word by word-

“If I forbid him to die, I can give him countless lives, you, you guys, are looking for death.”

Qi Ling Mu they returned at this point.

Chu Lao was still alive, the murderer was caught, the scene was chaotic, but quiet to the extreme, falling into another kind of eerie.

Qi Lingmu took large steps forward.

Qiu Yu stared tightly at Sheng An with complicated eyes.

Lou Mingwei was a bit bewildered: ”This is catching up in time? So the yin and yang eyes alien is still alive?”

“No, look at the blood all over the ground next to Chu Lao, this is not catching up.” Wu Buye eyes wild, “But Sheng sister pull back Chu old time, caught the perpetrator!”

Lou Mingwei: “???”

He stiffly looked at the blood under the car car, and then stiffly looked at the intact but bewildered Chu Lao, and finally shifted his eyes to Sheng An ……

Lou Minggui gulped and took a step back almost instinctively.

-Fuck! This psychic ability is too damn scary!

She was able to travel through time, pulling, backtracking, appearing suddenly and silently, and directly making a move to open up a big, lethal force ……

What the fuck is this Wild King?

Lou Minggui recalled the provocation and mockery of Sheng’an at the beginning, and in an instant, his legs went soft, and he instinctively grabbed Qu Yi, wanting to support his body.

However, Qu Yi was also in a powerless state, and the two of them directly fell to the ground.

Lou Mingwei was shocked: “You didn’t offend Sheng …… sister, what are your legs soft?”

Qu Yi: “Flying.”

–Just overdrawn in order to catch up with Wu Buye.

This group of people in Group B, their strength is more perverted than one another, and their leader is even more perverted among perverts!

Lou Mingwei: “……”


Qi Lingmu strides forward and extends his hand.

One hand supported the strongly supported Sheng An, while the other grabbed the assassin.

With Qi Lingmu supporting him, Sheng An retracted his leg that was resting on the car door and ruffled the assassin’s hair, revealing his face.

“Cheng Bai Ruo?!”

Jia Guangliang snapped back from his shock and plucked up his voice in disbelief.

Jiang Yu and the others were equally stunned.

Originally, they only thought that this person looked like Cheng Bai Ruo, and his Fae abilities were almost identical, but they didn’t expect that the face was also identical.

Cheng Bai Ruo had become a fae?

Also came to attack and kill Chu Lao?

Li Xin was about to open his mouth, but Qi Lingwu had already killed “Cheng Bai Ruo”.

The body fell to the ground, “Cheng Bai Ruo” face disappeared, replaced by an ordinary fae, fae without special abilities ……

Sheng An: “Sure enough.”

Her body shook, gripping Qiling Mist’s arm tightly as she stared at the fae whose face had completely changed, “It’s a puppet fae.”

The “Time Fae” wore a cloak, not wanting them to see it, covering the traces of the “Golem”.

And once the “puppet” came out, there would be countless new speculations and ideas.

Sheng An’s eyes are bottomless.

Hao Jingye was shocked.

Qiu Yu froze.

She took a few steps forward and looked at the fae, her brows furrowed together.

This fae was not a fae fae, and his appearance was completely different from Cheng Bai Ruo, it was an ordinary middle-aged man, but just now, he was almost Cheng Bai Ruo’s appearance, using Cheng Bai Ruo’s fae ……

Hao Jingye breathed in sharply, “All the guesses are right, the Time Fae with an immortal body is not a Time Ability at all, that’s a puppet, it’s a Puppet Ability!”

Qiu Yu pursed her lips, “I can’t do that.”

Sheng An: “You may not be unable to do it.”

Qiu Yu was slightly stunned.

What was the mode of action of the Puppet Alien Ability?

It was invisible puppet strings holding a person and manipulating everything about that person, of course, as a xeno, she could only manipulate humans, not fae.

She was also able to apply her powers to puppets, such as Qu Yi.

As a freshly mutated fae, he could never fly to keep up with Wu Buyeo, but with Qiuyi’s augmentation, he was able to utilize Qiuyi’s abilities.

–This was the Puppet Alien Energy.

She borrowed her energy to Qu Yi, what if she had abilities other than her puppet powers?

Could her puppet borrow another psychic ability?

Qiu Yu snapped her head up and looked at Sheng An, “I don’t have a second psychic ability, so there’s no way I can tell you the answer right now, but I’ll analyze the answer based on my psychic ability as soon as possible and inform you.”

After a pause, her voice was soft, “Are you …… okay?”

Sheng An nodded.

She swept over the panicked scene around her, except for Hao Jingye who was thinking frantically, Song Linwei, and Gu Qiansheng who seemed to vaguely understand a bit, all the others were confused and had blank eyes.

Sheng An: “Now, immediately, go back to the capital!”

Qi Lingmu didn’t say much, picking her up with one arm and getting into the car.

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