Chapter 244.

Release Date: 2024-08-05 13:57:44
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Li Xin’s eyes lit up, but they quickly went out again.

Next to him, Gu Qiansheng shook his head, “It’s taking too long.”

Backtracking involving a person’s death was already difficult, and the time between Academician He’s death and their return was well over half an hour, so after Sheng An’s return, Hao Jingye and the rest of them didn’t even mention the backtracking issue.


Gu Chisheng looked at Sheng An, “Can you backtrack the meteorite fragment?”

The shard disappeared out of thin air inside the box, how could it be retrieved?

Backtracking time to before the fragment disappeared!

Lai Wan Yun’s eyes lit up as she looked at Sheng An, “Sister Sheng, is that why you’re not anxious about the shards disappearing? As long as you determine around what time the shards disappeared, you can have Team Qi’s King’s Anchor cooperate with you to rewind time? Retrieve all of the shards?”

Sheng An wasn’t very anxious about the shards disappearing, those of them who knew Sheng An could tell.

However, Sheng An shook his head, “It may not be possible to retrieve the meteorite fragments through rewinding.”

“Why?” Jiang Yu was puzzled.

Qi Lingmu: “Whether or not time backtracking can be successful can be considered afterward, Sheng An is not in a hurry …… because the fragments are probably still within the Meteorite Research Institute.”

The crowd was stunned.

Even Hao Jingye was bewildered for a moment.

Then, he slapped his head, “Yes, it’s very likely!”

Li Xin and Jiang Yu looked at each other.

–Oops, it’s time to expose their intelligence again.

Sheng An explained as he examined Academician He’s remains, “Before today, Academician He didn’t look like he was being controlled, his anxiety in the lab was because he made a discovery, while at the same time, he put the fragments away but would check them from time to time.”

Gu Qiansheng analyzed along, “If the shard disappeared, it’s impossible for Academician He to be calm.”

Sheng An nodded, “Right, so before today, and even before Academician He’s accident, the shard might still be inside the box, and then after that, Team Leader Qiu and the others came, and so did we.

“After getting the meteorite fragment today, the probability is that the thief won’t leave the institute while the acid rain continues outside.”

Fae were just as afraid of acid rain as humans, and their still-human bodies would be corroded by it.

And so far, the fae had chosen to hide among humans, no fae had built shelters or bases to fight acid rain like humans.


The acid rain outside would also trap the fae in the human camp.

It was highly likely that the thieves hadn’t left yet.

Since it was still at the institute, they could find a way to find it and get the shards back, instead of rushing to expend the two strongest fighting powers of the fae to gamble on a time backtracking that could possibly fail.

Wanting to try to backtrack, regardless of whether it would work or not, could be done at any time, there wasn’t that much of a rush.

Li Xin sighed, “Sister Sheng, how in the world did your head grow, you can think so much in just a short period of time, while we need you guys to explain before we can barely understand.”

Jiang Yu instinctively nodded her head.

Thereupon, she immediately corrected, “Little Gold Man, that’s you, not ‘we’.”

Li Xin: “……”

Where’s the face?

Sheng An: “Be quiet, you guys.”

The forensic doctor has already examined, Academician He did die of suicide, there is absolutely no possibility of homicide, however, some of the effects of the supernatural powers, the forensic doctor will not be able to find out.

She pointed at Academician He’s palm.

There are faint blood traces on it, which he pinched out with his nails in his palm, and the traces are not from today, they are from before today, when he was thinking.

When people were out of their minds thinking, they would always have some small habits.

Academician He unconsciously drew on his hand, his nails were not trimmed for too long and were a bit sharp, and his hand was heavy, a long time of small actions, only to leave traces.

Hao Jingye went over, surprised: “Another circle?”

Another circle!

It was basically certain that the information that Academician He had discovered and was confused about was related to circles.

Song Linwei muttered, “Something like a circle will always give me not-so-good associations……. Sister Sheng, what exactly does the circle drawn by Academician He point to?”

It was a question.

But he had a guess in his mind.

–Those who shared his guess were Hao Jingye and Gu Qiansheng.

The two of them glanced at each other and both saw gravity in the other’s eyes.

After Sheng An made sure that Academician He didn’t have any other information on him, he gently covered his face, raised his hand in salute, and then turned to command:

“Hao Jingye, contact Academician Liu and call all the experts in the institute to simulate those three scenarios provided on the night of the fourth day of the acid rain descent.”

Hao Jingye got serious and nodded, “Okay.”

An hour later, the closed lab.

Sheng An was checking the surveillance over and over again, Gu Qiansheng, Song Linwei and the others helped along.

Qi Lingmu led Long Tianyu and a few others, almost rummaging through the entire Meteorite Research Institute.

Qiu Yu and the others, on the other hand, carefully questioned the people at the institute, looking for every clue.

“Any discoveries?” Hao Jingye asked the returning Qi Lingmu.

Qi Lingmu shook her head.

Long Tianyu was annoyed, “I now suspect that Chu Lao came over and probably couldn’t see anything!”

Gu Qiansheng didn’t raise his head, “It’s very likely.”

Song Linwei similarly nodded and picked up, “After all, the ‘face-changing puppets’ we’ve dealt with before were all existences that couldn’t tell if they were fae or not, and this time, it can’t be ruled out that it’s M manipulating the puppets into action again.”

Li Xin scratched his head.

He was really annoyed with the situation of not being able to feel a bit of useful information in all directions.

–especially for someone like him who didn’t have enough brains.

“It’s annoying, it would be better if the Thief could come out and we just have a real fight.” Li Xin gritted his teeth.

Sheng An ignored them, she was still looking at the surveillance.

Qi Lingmu sat down next to him.

Sheng An showed him a few clips and pursed her lips, “This one clip is from the fourth day of the acid rain, Academician He was piecing together the fragments, and due to the tiny fragments and the incorrect direction of the surveillance, it’s not possible to see the details of what he was piecing together.”

Qi Lingmu leaned over and examined it carefully.

The first fragment wasn’t long, but Academician He’s behavior was clear.

Only after piecing it together for a while, Academician He did not continue, but instead fell into a long silence.

Afterward, he took the draft paper and calculated something over and over again, some of which he left on the desktop, some of which he threw in the trash.

Then later, he changed a few programs and continued to spell.

Inside the video, Academician He was so serious that he hardly rested and kept working.

Until later, several options could not be successfully pieced together, and Academician He did not continue.

He blocked the fragments, this monitoring is very clear, the fragments were indeed put in, inside the box can not be seen.

But after that, it was never taken out again.

Last night, he was similarly withered, writing and drawing, occasionally sitting in silence, just look at the back to feel a little sad, helpless.

Qi Ling Mist: “Today, he looked at the shard once more, it should still be inside the case, so he similarly didn’t have much of a reaction, closed the case, left the lab, went in to the seminar room, and later committed suicide in the seminar room.”

Sheng An nodded, “The fragments were lost today.”

She shows him a few other fragments, “The first few images are of him drawing circles on a piece of paper with thoughtful eyes, and the last few are of him unconsciously scratching with his fingernails in the palm of his hand as he puts down the pen and stares.”

Qi Lingmu noticed one of the videos, and he clicked on it.

Inside this video, Academician He wiped his hand with paper, it was likely that he pinched his palm to bleed, that’s why he used the tissue to wipe and leave red marks.

His expression at that time was one of unconscious bewilderment and helplessness.

Qi Ling Mou: “He must have found some important information, information that made him not know what to do.”

Sheng An nodded again, affirming this guess.

Outside the door, Academician Liu hurried in with the people from the institute.

Sheng An and the others immediately looked over, and Hao Jingye busily asked, “Any results?”

Academician Liu nodded and handed out three pieces of paper:

“These are the possible results of the three scenarios, but the imitation fragments are, after all, imitations versus computer simulations, and we don’t know the changes that the fragments themselves will undergo when the fragments are spliced together.”

Their simulation only had an approximate shape, and without trying it directly with the mysterious shards, there was no soul.

Academician Ho’s reaction was so anticlimactic that they were suspicious – was there some other effect when the shards were spliced together?

That influence caused him to be unwilling to continue splicing and change to another option?

Sheng An shook his head and took the pieces of paper.

Ji Yani: “This one is also a circle.”

Liu Yue: “The direction Academician He is thinking about is related to circles?”

Long Tianyu looked over and froze, “Circles? Why do you think it’s weird?”

“Not weird.” Song Linwei stared at the piece of paper, his voice soft, “Because, it might not just be a circle, it might be a …… ball if pieced together completely.”

Crowd: “!”

Hao Jingye looked like he thought of something and flipped out the original precognition chart.

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