Chapter 25

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:51:22
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“Who are you guys? Won’t you knock before entering?” Don’t look at the vice squad’s age, it was still a hot temper.

The ones who barged into the office were a man and a woman, looked like a couple, about sixty-something years old, belonging to the same age group as the vice squad.

The old woman looked anxious and uneasy: “Alisa …… Alisa is my daughter, have you found her?”

Jenny stood up and greeted her, “Is this Mr. and Mrs. White? I’m Agent Jenny.”

“Yes, Agent Jenny, we spoke on the phone, did you find her?” The older woman walked over quickly and took Jenny’s arm.

The lieutenant said, “Mr. and Mrs. White, please sit down for a moment and calm down. So far, we have not received any calls about Eliza’s disappearance, and the report of Eliza’s disappearance is just police speculation.

I invited you guys over here to also find out as much as we can and to determine Eliza’s current condition.”

Alisa’s father, Wyatt, asked, “How did you guys surmise that something happened to my daughter?”

The lieutenant said, “Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt, please follow me to the lounge. Luke bring in two glasses of water.”

Luke walked into the lounge with two glasses of white water and placed them in front of Mr. and Mrs. White.

The lieutenant introduced, “This is Agent Luke, he was investigating the case and noticed something unusual about your daughter. Luke, tell us what happened.”

Luke sat down across from Mr. and Mrs. White, organized his words, and asked, “Are you aware of the recent ‘Taser Robbery’?”

Wyatt said, “I think I saw it on the CBS news station.”

“Yes, that’s right, this is the case that was investigated by our Robbery and Murder Division, there have been two similar cases, and we have determined the general area where the suspects have been operating by their habits and locations.

It happens to be the place where your daughter works.

And your daughter’s physical characteristics are similar to the two previous victims.

In addition, we learned that Alisa had quit her job at a time close to the time of the suspect’s murder.

That’s when we thought of checking on Alisa’s status and determining her well-being.”

Wyatt said, “Officer Luke, thank you, if it wasn’t for you taking charge of the case, we wouldn’t know anything had happened to Alyssa right now.”

Luke reassured, “Mr. White, you don’t have to be too anxious, there is no clear evidence that Alisa was robbed yet.

We checked Alyssa’s cell phone and she sent two texts Saturday morning, one was a resignation text.

The other text was to her husband, Steven, saying she was leaving and for Steven not to look for her.

Knowing what you guys know about her, is it possible that she left the house because she was in a bad mood.”

Mrs. White shook her head, “No way, my daughter and I have always had a good relationship, even if she had a conflict with Steven, she would have told me, it’s not possible for her to leave without saying goodbye.”

Luke smoothly inquired, “How is her relationship with Steven?”

Mrs. White sighed, “My daughter loves Steven very much, I can’t see what’s so good about him, we didn’t approve of it when the two of them got married, and they often quarreled over the years of their marriage.

I even advised my daughter to leave Steven, but she wouldn’t listen.

If she really wanted to leave Steven she would have told me, not just run away from home.”

Luke asked, “Do you have any other way of contacting Eliza?”

“We’ve contacted all of our friends and family, but we haven’t heard from Alyssa.” Mrs. White brought up a sobbing voice, “She’s never been like this before, something must have happened ……”

As she spoke, Mrs. Wyatt couldn’t control her crying.

Wyatt wrapped his arm around his wife’s shoulders and wordlessly comforted her.

Luke brought a packet of tissues and handed it to Mrs. Wyatt.

“Thanks. You go on, I’m fine.” Mrs. Wyatt wiped her tears and forced herself to hold back the pain, hoping to hear more about the case.

“Ma’am, would you like to take a break.”

“No need, I’m fine, go ahead and ask.”

“Has Eliza been doing anything unusual lately?”

Mrs. White thought for a moment, “I just spoke to her on the phone last Wednesday, I asked her to have dinner with me on Sunday, but she said she didn’t have time. I didn’t hear anything unusual.”

Luke nodded, “Hypothetically, Eliza was kidnapped, do you have a suspect?

Mrs. Wyatt reddened her eyes and her voice choked, “Even the …… I can’t think of anyone who would do this.”

Seeing that Wyatt had been silent, Luke pressed, “Mr. Wyatt, do you have a suspect?”

Wyatt revealed an angry look and clenched his fists, “Where’s Steven? If my daughter was kidnapped on Friday, why didn’t Steven call the police and where is that asshole?”

“We’ve been to Alyssa’s house and met Steven, according to him he saw the message Alyssa sent and thought Alyssa was really going to leave him.”

Wyatt became even angrier and pounded his fist on the table, “So what? He’s so indifferent that my daughter isn’t even worthy of him looking? He won’t even give us a phone call.

How could I marry my daughter to such an asshole.”

The lieutenant waved his hand, “Mr. White calm down, anger won’t solve anything.”

“I’m sorry, I’m not against you guys, I’m just …… a little overwhelmed.”

“I have kids too, I can understand how you feel.” The lieutenant waved his hand, signaling Luke to continue.

Luke pulled out a picture of Tony, “Mr. and Mrs. White, have you seen this man?”

The two men took the photo and looked at it carefully, “Never seen him.”

Luke pulled out another picture of the two victims, “Recognize these two?”

Mrs. White took the photo with a trembling hand, “Are these two people the victims of the Taser robbery?”

“Yes, white women in their mid-thirties, long blonde hair, about 170cm tall.”

“My daughter, why is this happening ……,” Mrs. White held her forehead with her hand, looking overly sad.

The lieutenant nudged his mouth and kept making eyes at Luke.

Luke nodded slightly, “Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt, how is Eliza doing financially?”

Wyatt sighed, “Not very good, my daughter is a hard worker, but Steven is different, good and lazy, not even a proper job, life is a mess. Sometimes we pick up after her.

Does that have anything to do with the case?”

“Do you know what kind of work Eliza does?”

Mrs. White said, “She works as a teacher at a training facility.”

Luke pressed, “Does she have any other part-time jobs?”

Mrs. Wyatt shook her head, “I’m not sure, I don’t think so.”

Wyatt’s cheek twitched and he blushed a little.

“Mr. Wyatt, did you know?”

“What does this have to do with Eliza’s disappearance?”

“It’s still unclear why Alisa disappeared, we need to know about her family, her job, and her financial situation, the more comprehensive the police have, the more it will help in the investigation.”

“Alisa ……” Wyatt’s face became more and more ugly, swallowing, “She does have a part time job …… dancing at a club. ”

“The Ball Club.”


Mrs. White was surprised, “Dancing at a club …… how did I not know.”

Wyatt lowered his head, “I didn’t tell you.”

“Why? I have a right to know about my daughter’s work too. Why did you keep it from me.”

Apparently Mrs. Wyatt hadn’t figured out what kind of club it was, and Luke wasn’t going to explain it to her and continued to question Wyatt, “She told you about Eliza dancing at the club.”

“Alyssa never said anything.”

“Then how did you know?”

“Some time ago, someone planted an envelope on my doorstep with pictures of Alyssa dancing at the club ……,” Wyatt clenched his fists again and gritted his teeth.

“I don’t know what bastard put it there, and I’m afraid to tell my wife …… how I wish the pictures were fake, never thinking of my daughter ……”

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