Chapter 26

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:51:25
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Mrs. White also heard the question, “What happened to the picture? What club was Eliza dancing at?”

Wyatt bowed his head, seeming to have trouble speaking.

“The strip club.” The lieutenant put it straight, in his opinion Alyssa’s disappearance was most likely career related and that window had to be broken.

“WHAT? How could Alyssa go to a place like that!” Mrs. Wyatt questioned loudly, sobbing in a low voice, “What the hell happened to my poor daughter ……?

Did that club force my daughter to dance?”

Luke asked back, “Why would you think that? Did she ever mention it?”

“No, but I can’t believe my daughter would do such a thing, I’m a teacher, that’s not what I taught her ……”

Luke looked at Wyatt again, “Mr. Wyatt, where did you put those pictures?”

“I burned them all, I don’t want anyone to see those kinds of pictures, I can’t take it.”

“Have you talked to Eliza?”

“I looked for her …… but the conversation wasn’t very good, I was a little excited at the time …… Alisa didn’t want to talk about it, and in the end we parted on bad terms.

I want to help her, but I don’t know what to do?”

“Do you have any suspects about the person who put the photo on your doorstep?”

Wyatt shook his head, “No, I can’t think of anyone who would do such a group of lackluster things.”

“Do you still have the bag with the photos in it?”

“I burned them.”

Just hearing that someone had put the photos Luke was kind of looking forward to it, this person was probably involved in the case, and as long as he could find the photos or the bag there was a chance to bring up the biotraces.

But Wyatt had burned them in a fire, which was tantamount to breaking the trail.

Luke sends Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt out of the office, promising to let them know as soon as he hears from Eliza.

After the Wyatt couple left.

The lieutenant turned to Luke and said, “What do you think about the person who sent the photo?”

Luke thought for a moment, “I’m afraid this person doesn’t have good intentions, and even if he’s not a suspect, he might have some connection to the case.”

“You’re right, that’s why another trip to the club is needed, the fact that he was able to take pictures of the dance means that he must have been to the club, and most likely had a run in with Alyssa.”

“I’ll go there in a few minutes, it’s still cleaner in the daytime, and I’ll give the owner an official statement.” Luke whipped his head around and asked, “David, you’re not going to say no this time.”

David stood up and grabbed his car keys from the table, “What are we waiting for?”

Marcus’ eyes darted around, looking at Luke one moment and David the next, “I can accompany you if you need.”

“No, I don’t want to take you along.” David refused dryly.

David threw the car keys to Luke, “The old horse knows the way, you drive.”

Half an hour later, the two arrived at the Ball Club.

Unlike the bustling hustle and bustle of the night, it seemed a bit cold now.

The door of the club was still open, Luke knocked on the door, “Bang Bang ……”

The door opened halfway, a big black man swept Luke a glance, “It’s not open yet, come back at night.”

Luke flashed his badge, “I’m Detective Luke, looking for Paul.”

The big man froze, “What can I do for you?”

Luke raised an eyebrow, “Are you sure you want to know?”

“Wait.” The big black man let out a word and prepared to close the door.

Luke propped the door open with his right hand, “I’m going to wait inside.”

Reluctantly, the big black man confronted him for a moment, but wimped out.

Luke entered the club, which was empty and quiet, and was too lazy to go backstage, directly pulled a chair and sat down, “I’m a little bit regretful, we should come at night.”

“Ringing ……”

Luke’s cell phone rang.

Luke glanced at the screen it was Daisy’s number, hesitated for a moment, but still pressed the answer button, “Hello.”

“Luke, do you have time tonight? Have a drink together.”

“Sorry, I’m a bit busy today, I may not have time tonight.”

“OK, let’s make a date some other time.”

Luke hung up his cell phone.

David laughed, “That Daisy again?”

Luke nodded slightly.

“Aren’t you quite interested in her? Why don’t you go? Don’t say you have to work late, hell I don’t believe it.”

“I can’t say, let’s air it out first.” Daisy’s appearance was indeed Luke’s favorite type, but he wasn’t sure what Daisy thought.

If Daisy liked him too, he would be happy to have a drink with the other party, but if it was because of gratitude or a case, Luke didn’t find it interesting.

Still, Daisy taking the initiative to buy drinks was a good start, and even if Daisy didn’t next time, Luke would have an excuse to return the favor.

“Wow wow …… isn’t this Officer Luke? I didn’t expect to see you again so soon.” Paul came out of the backstage with a twirl.

“Hi Paul, this is Detective David, we need to take your statement.”

“Inspector Luke, I already told you all I know last night, is it necessary to do it again?”

Luke made a please gesture, signaling the other party to sit down and said, “Last night, we were just here to find out the situation, and we weren’t even sure if Alisa was part of a normal departure or if something had happened.

Now we are basically sure that something bad has happened to Alisa, and we need to make targeted inquiries.”

“Are you saying that Alisa was indeed kidnapped?”

“That’s a possibility.”

“Which means that Saturday’s exit text wasn’t from her personally.”

“Most likely.”

Paul pulled out his chair and sat down, “Oh, that’s terrible. She’s too nice to have this happen to her.

If the exit text wasn’t from her personally, she’s still considered my employee now.

I do have a responsibility to her, so ask away.”

Luke turned on the law enforcement recorder, “How long has Alyssa been working here?”

“Four months.”

“You remember that well?”

“I looked at her file last night after you guys left.”

“I’m going to take her file with me in a minute.”

“Can I say no?”


Paul spread his hands, “Then what else is there to say.”

“By what means did Eliza apply for a job at your club?”

“We usually have three ways of recruiting, one is through acquaintances, another is by posting an advertisement on the club door, plus we have a club website and will recruit through that.

She belongs to the third type, she applied online and sent a few photos, I thought it was okay and let her come for an interview.

She’s really good and there are a lot of guests here who like her.”

“Why did she apply for the job?”

“I didn’t ask, but 80% of it was because of the money, no one comes to a place like this to dance out of interest. Except me, of course.” Paul swung around a bit.

Luke “……”

“Did Eliza have any trouble here?”

“We have bouncers at the venue, and they’re not just for casualties.”

Luke changed his line of questioning, “Any of those clients who are particularly fond of her, particularly fanatical and begging for more.”

“Is that even wrong? Aren’t you cops too lenient.” Paul made a perfunctory remark, he wouldn’t easily betray his client.

A client was God.

Customers pay money when they walk in the door, cops don’t.

Especially when that nigger last night actually tried to hit on a club dancer, bad thing.

“Through the investigation, it was found that someone had secretly taken pictures of Alisa dancing and sent them to Alisa’s father, is this kind of thing allowed in your club as well?”

“No, I always take care to protect the privacy of the dancers, our club does not allow photos.”

“Obviously someone violated your rules, and Alyssa’s disappearance is most likely related to this incident as well, and you still think it’s trivial?

What if other dancers’ fathers received similar photos?”

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