Chapter 66

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:53:30
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Detective Bureau.

Luke walked into his office refreshed.

Crossing this period of time, he had been trying to adapt to the life, work, and relationships in Los Angeles, and the pressure was not small.

This time, the ship trip, the suppressed emotions were released fang, the whole person’s state was different.

After two days of not working, he chatted with David for a few moments, asking about the follow-up progress of the probate case.

Suddenly, a familiar voice rang in his head, [Congratulations to the host for successfully arresting two drug offenders and seizing one kilogram of solo product, rewarded with 10 lucky draw opportunities].

A menu of options appeared in his brain, with the warehouse interface on the left and the lottery interface on the right.

Lucky Draw!

The pointer stops and the selected area lights up writing one thousand dollars.

Continue drawing ……

Ten consecutive draws were made and nine thousand dollars and a detection card were obtained.

No new feature cards appeared this time.

This was the third time he had gotten a chance to draw, and the first time had the highest winning rate.

The first time was also ten chances to draw and won two cards and eight thousand dollars in cash.

After taxes paid off what David owed, leaving over three thousand dollars.

During his vacation, the cost of renting a Rolls Royce and cruise ship cost another two thousand dollars, and he now had only three hundred dollars left in his hand for emergencies.

The second lottery draw resulted in two decks and eighteen thousand dollars.

For the time being, he hadn’t realized the cash yet.

Together with the nine thousand dollars from this drawing, the total was twenty-seven thousand dollars.

There were now a total of four reserve cards in the Divine Detective System warehouse.

Strange encounter card, 2 pieces.

Bullet Dodge Card, 1 piece.

Detection card, 1 piece.

“Cluck ……” the office door opened.

Susan walked in from outside holding a file, “Everyone, meeting in the conference room in five minutes.”

Luke briefly cleaned up and walked into the conference room with his laptop.

Everyone was there.

Susan said, “As you all know, Assistant DA Carter and I have been negotiating with Dave for the past two days and have now reached a tentative agreement that he has provided the police with some leads on Tony Weir.”

“Tony Weir’s real name is Tony Smith, Dave’s uncle.” (Note why the suspect only changed his last name, not his first. The main consideration is the reading experience aspect.

Foreign names are already hard to remember, and with a new name, people might get their memories mixed up. Only change the last name, not the first name, reasoning is no problem. This is something that people should not dwell on.)

Susan puts Tony Smith’s information on the projector.

Name, Tony Smith

Gender, male

Date of birth, May 12, 1976

Social Security Number, 623-53-7748

Residence, Los Angeles County, Himes City

In the United States counties are larger than cities, with multiple cities under the county.

Los Angeles County is the most populous county in the United States, with nearly 10 million people, and the county seat is the city of Los Angeles.

The lieutenant put on his old glasses, “I’ve been to Haim, a very pretty little city.

There’s a local delicacy called ‘Kuta’, it has fish, lamb, onions, and a special spice that tastes amazing.”

Jenny, uninterested in the ‘cuisine’ the vice squad was talking about, suggested, “We could contact the Heim City Police Department, they might be able to find out more about Tony.”

The lieutenant spread his hands, “Like I said Hem is a small city and as far as I know there is no police department. Their police services should be outsourced to the county sheriff’s department.

You can contact the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department directly, but …… with what I know about them, don’t get your hopes up.”

Los Angeles County is larger than the City of Los Angeles, and in theory, the County Sheriff’s Department has a larger jurisdiction than the City Sheriff’s Department.

However, for the most part, the city police department autonomously manages policing within the city limits.

The county sheriff’s department has less funding, a limited police force and a reluctance to meddle.

County sheriff’s departments are generally responsible for only the remote, unincorporated areas of their districts.

Some small cities with insufficient funds would ‘outsource’ police affairs to the county police department, but of course, they needed to pay a certain fee.

Luke asked, “Why did Tony use a false identity 20 years ago?”

Susan shook her head, “Dave’s not sure, Tony didn’t mention it to him.”

The lieutenant bristled, “The guy is devious, or maybe he doesn’t want to talk about it. What valuable clues did he give other than Tony’s identity.”

“According to him, every year Tony goes to a place in the outskirts of Los Angeles where something might be hidden.”

“What kind of stuff?”

“He doesn’t know.”

The lieutenant was disgruntled, “This guy is insincere, so why make a deal with him.”

Susan said, “I said it was only a preliminary agreement, and if the clues he provided were of no value, he wouldn’t get the appropriate mitigation agreement.”

Luke pressed, “Where is the exact location of that place?”

Susan said, “Dave couldn’t say exactly where, we were going to take him on the ground to identify it.”

Marcus laughed, “I’m going to miss seeing that pants-wetting guy again.”

The following morning.

Several police cars pulled onto Highway 73 from the outskirts of Los Angeles.

In a black Dodge, David drove, Luke sat in the passenger seat, and Marcus and Dave sat in the back.

Marcus looked out the window, “Highway 73 again, this reminds me of the last time I went into the Gobi. Were you really in the trunk when Steven was driving?”

Dave shook his head, “No, I was laying down in the back, want me to demonstrate?”

Marcus frowned, “Don’t dare lie on my lap and you’re dead.”

Dave laughed and looked out the car window, “Can you open the window?”

Marcus said, “You can see out through the window just as well and it won’t interfere with identifying the location.”

Dave countered, “I just want to get a feel for the outside world.”

Dave said, “You can’t open the glass for safety reasons. You have an accident and we’ll all have to write a report.”

“Wowowowow, that’s very sweet of you.” Dave shook his head and didn’t say another word as his eyes continued to stare out the window, “Hey, drive slower, it looks like it’s right around here.”

Luke picked up his walkie-talkie, “This is Unit 7A1, requesting reduced speed, over.”

The speed of the convoy dropped.

After a few more minutes of traveling, Dave said, “STOP, it should be right around here.”

“This is Unit 7A1, suspects have spotted a suspected target location, curb stop.”

Several cars pulled over to the side of the road.

The rest of the officers got out and patrolled the surroundings.

A total of a dozen officers were deployed this time, in addition to those from the Robbery and Murder Division, there were also patrol officers and bailiffs.

After confirming that the surroundings were secure, Luke got out of the car with Dave in tow, “Can you confirm this is the place?”

Dave looked around a couple times and pointed to the east side of the driveway, “See that rock wall? There’s a bush to the west of the rock wall, it should be near the bush.”

The group then went to the bottom of the rock wall Dave had mentioned, and sure enough there was a bush.

Susan watched and measured it, “That’s a lot of bush, can you be more precise?”

“I’ve only been here once and was just sitting in the car waiting, not close enough to pinpoint the exact location.”

Susan nodded and went to communicate with the tech team.

Dave’s eyes scanned the area, eventually landing on Luke, “Officer Luke, can I talk to you?”

Luke glanced at him, “Wanna talk about what?”

“Actually, it’s to ask you for a favor.”

“Why me?”

“I have a feeling that you are one of the best people to communicate with.”

That just hit his ears and sounded a little patronizing.

But when Luke thought about it, it was true.

David and Marcus, needless to say, weren’t very reliable.

Susan and the lieutenant both had the stinky face of a stranger.

Ramon, Luke rarely even saw him speak.

Jenny, sort of the most righteous one on the team, certainly didn’t give a shit about Dave.

“Tell me about it.”

Dave licked his lips, “I’d like to see Alyssa, can you ask for me if she’d like to visit.”

Luke grabbed a bottle of mineral water from the case, “Want some?”

“Thanks, no.”

Luke unscrewed the cap and took a sip, “That’s a favor I can’t do.”

“I know that my behavior has hurt Alyssa, and she was asked to make amends.”

“Who knows, maybe it’s secondary damage, I don’t want to be your accomplice.”

“I’m not going to hurt Alyssa ……,” Dave explained, “At least subjectively, I want to change her predicament and drag her out of the mire.”

Luke said, “Then leave her alone.”

Dave sighed and continued, “You should have looked into Eliza’s situation, having a good time and she still goes to places like that to dance?”

Luke spread his hands, “That’s her choice, not mine.”

“You’re right.

But I care, I don’t want her to live that life anymore.”

“Dave, you’re about to go to jail, think about yourself.” Luke refused again, “I’m not going to ask about visitation for you.”

Not far away the tech’s were already moving in, pulling out various instruments to survey the surrounding area.

A tech crew member with a long pole probe shouted, “There’s a discovery here.”

A group of people gathered around, and the tech’s team discussed the situation with Susan, then began digging in the ground.

Marcus walked over curiously as well.

Luke stayed where he was and continued to watch over Dave.

Ramon also stood by with an expressionless face.

“OK, Officer Luke, you’re right, it does seem a bit difficult to get Eliza to see me. I’d like to ask you for one other favor.”

Luke looked at him, “Why should I help you?”

“Count me as owing you a favor.”

“You’re about to go to jail, what good is a favor to me?”

Dave said confidently, “I’m a lawyer.”

“You’re not now.”

Dave pointed to his head, “But I have all my old contacts and experience, and that’s what counts.”

Luke mused for a moment, “What is it?”

“I really want to help Alyssa, I want to give her a sum of money, can you pass it on for me?”

“Why don’t you hire a lawyer and have him talk to Alyssa. Alyssa gets compensated, and there’s no chance she’ll help you in court. You’re supposed to be the expert on this.”

“You’re right, I used to do this all the time and no one is better at it than me. And that’s precisely why it’s clear to me that Eliza won’t agree. She won’t help me in court for money, and I don’t want to push her.”

“And you gave her money privately since you knew that?”

Dave sounded sincere, “I didn’t give her the money to reduce her sentence.

I just want her to be well, and I don’t want her to repeat her mistakes, let alone go back to dancing at the club. The thought of so many men on stage watching …… drives me crazy.

I can’t guarantee I won’t break out of jail if she goes back to dancing.

I want her to live her life the way she likes and stop worrying about money.”

Luke looked at him for a long time.

Man, what a complicated animal.

If a woman can treat herself like this …… this life is not in vain.

“I’ll think about it.” Luke did not say the words to death.


Luke nodded his head, secretly saying, should I give Paul a heads up that this guy is still thinking about letting Alyssa will go back to the club and dance.


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