Chapter 106

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:55:36
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Luke and the others escorted Benjamin Nasi back to the Detective Bureau.

Deputy Director Reed himself greeted them downstairs.

“Luke, I’ve heard all about it, great job.” Reed led the applause, “I’ll be sure to buy you a drink after a busy couple days and hear about your experience tonight.”

Luke smiled, “One drink won’t be enough.”

“Then let’s not get drunk, you’re my favorite in the entire detective bureau, bar none.” Reed didn’t mince words with his compliments.

“Wow wow ……,” Luke was really a bit flattered.

Black stood next to him with an envious look on his face.

He really wished it was himself that dog had met.

The lieutenant team skimmed his lips on the side, “Reed didn’t lie, you are indeed his favorite type.

Being able to guarantee a solving rate and not having to pay overtime, he loves you.”

The ones who really wanted the team members to work overtime were often at the captain’s level.

This was because their primary responsibility was to guarantee the crime solving rate.

It’s different again at the level of the chief.

Crime solving rate is one thing, and so is funding.

LAPD has more than 10,000 officers, the annual overtime cost is an astronomical figure, how to save money is the primary consideration of each department.

This is why the LAPD likes to engage in prosecution and defense transactions, the fundamental purpose is to save money.

A very realistic question.

Reed came here not only to praise Luke, but also to supervise the case.

This case is being watched very closely from above, the sooner it’s solved, the better.

Under Reed’s urging, the interrogation could only be conducted overnight.

After resting for half an hour.

Luke and Blackie entered the interrogation room with coffee cups.

In fact, Reed and Susan wanted the Vice Squad to interrogate the suspect together, the old man was not likeable, but experienced and steady in handling cases.

The vice squad was reluctant.

Previously, he’d suspected Badman Pool of being the killer, and had argued with Luke about it.

Well, this is not even a night, Luke arrested Benjamin Nasi, he did not say anything, face a little embarrassed.

Since Luke is capable, let him be in charge of the interrogation.

He is now interrogating what is the matter, do not know that he thought he wanted to steal the credit.

He is an old man, can still work for a few years, why bother?

Luke turned on the law enforcement recorder and asked with a flourish, “Name?”

“Benjamin Nasi.”

“Any idea why you’re being arrested?”


“Benjamin, you know in your own heart what you’ve committed.

These charges are enough to put you in the electric chair, and the only way to get your sentence reduced is to cooperate with the police.”

Benjamin Nasi tried, “Detective Luke, what exactly am I guilty of?”

“You killed Haiyan Chang, the owner of the white shaggy dog, as well as Riley Hare, Badman Pool, and Santos Mendin.

The case is well settled, and it is useless for you to weasel your way out of it.”

Benjamin Nasi closed his eyes and contemplated for a long time, it was hard to weasel out of the case with the stolen goods, “That’s right, I killed all these people.”

After saying that, he let out a sigh of relief himself and slumped back in his chair.

Luke struck while the iron was hot, “Why did you kill them?”

Benjamin Nasi let out a long sigh, “Because they didn’t belong in this city at all.”

“You have a problem with immigration policy?”

“Yes, the population of Los Angeles is already large enough, it doesn’t need to be immigrating, and even if it does, it should be to bring in some technological talents, such as bigwigs like Musk, who can increase local employment.

Instead of bringing in some people with low education and low quality, their arrival will only rob the originally few social resources.”

Luke followed his words and asked, “You mean Santos Mendin.”

“That’s right, don’t look at him as outwardly honest, but he’s actually a scary guy. When he first arrived at the mechanic’s store his skills were mediocre, he couldn’t do a lot of things right and was often scolded by the owner of the mechanic’s store, Carruthers.

I taught him a lot of things, and he learned very carefully and was very polite to me.

When he learned, I was fired from the body store.”

“You think you were fired from the garage because of Santos?”

“Santos worked hard, never touched a fish during his shift, worked his ass off, and got paid three-fifths of what I got, and that miserly bastard Carruthers loves employees like that.

I know you’re probably trying to say ‘Hey, it’s not Santos’ fault, it’s your own lack of effort that got you fired by your boss.’

But I’m not an isolated case, tons of immigrants are coming into LA, and when they want to make a living, they take jobs from the natives, and unemployed natives like me abound.

We could have had a good life, a stable job, a loving family, spending time with our wives and children after work.

Now it is different. We have to compete with immigrants, put in more effort, take up more time and earn less instead.

It’s not fair and it shouldn’t be like this.

Why don’t they just live in their own countries where they can work hard, why do they have to come to LA to take our jobs.

I hate Santos Mendin, I taught him skills and he put me out of work.

My wife left me, my daughter won’t see me, I have nothing left?

Didn’t he cause this?

Doesn’t he deserve to die?”

Benjamin Nasi held his hand to his forehead and covered his eyes, but tears still flowed down the corners of his eyes, “My family, my life is ruined.”

Luke waited for him to stabilize and handed him a few tissues, “When did you kill Santos?”

“Early in the morning on the 29th, I was coming home from the bar and I saw this asshole’s car, and this asshole honked at me, and in a fit of rage I stopped the car and took him out.”

Luke could probably guess that scenario, a drunk man catwalking on the side of the road, in his place he probably would have honked his horn as a warning.

“How did you kill him?”

“With a gun.”

Luke glanced at his laptop, the times didn’t add up, the coroner speculated that Santos died between the morning of March 30th and the early morning hours of April 1st.

And according to Benjamin Nasi’s description, the time of the crime was a full thirty hours earlier.

Luke drew the mark and asked, without moving, “What did you do with the body?”

“After the shooting, I was shocked, too, and my head cleared enough to know it was over.

I shouldn’t have been drinking so much with myself, much less with a gun, and I screwed up.

I had a problem with Santos and now that he’s dead the police must suspect me.

I wanted to bury the body on the spot at first, but I was afraid that the body would be found by the police and traced back to me.

Later, I decided to dispose of the body and create an alibi for myself.

For this, I made two other plans.”

Benjamin Nasi sighed, as if he didn’t want to remember it himself, “I dug up the bullets from Santos’ body and put his body in the freezer to freeze it. I’d seen on TV that this changes the temperature of the body and delays the time of death.

Then I was going to go out and have some fun and create some alibis for myself in the process.

By then, even if the body is found, I’ll be off the hook.”

Luke nodded, “Good idea, why didn’t it happen?”

“There was a little accident.

On the night of the 29th, I packed my schedule, ate and drank intentionally loud, and talked to a bunch of disillusioned people in high dudgeon, slamming current politics, blaming the guys in the White House for inaction, and …… Riley Hare.

She is a traitor and a disgrace to Los Angeles by vigorously advocating for an immigration bill that has made a mess of the city.

So, I decided to teach her a lesson, and what better alibi could there be?”

Luke asked, “What lesson? Kill her?”

“No. Killing Santos was already an accident, I wasn’t thinking of killing anyone else at the time, I was just trying to teach Riley Hare a lesson by smashing the glass in her house with a rock and scrawling graffiti on the walls, that’s all.

But when I found Riley Hare’s house, I saw something interesting through the window.

The woman was sitting on the driver applauding for love, wow …… you are not seeing what she looked like at that moment, like a wildcat in heat.

I find it ironic when I think about how prude she was during her speech.

I know the driver, she talks about this guy a lot during her speeches, the black balls she got from Africa.

The speeches are so grandiose, to help the poor African people, to promote global progress for all people, and to get the world to contribute to the development of Los Angeles.

Shit, she’s just looking for a young slave to applaud for love.

I see right through her, she doesn’t deserve to be LA.”

“So you made a video to blackmail her?”

“No, I made the video to make it public so that the people of Los Angeles would see her true colors and no one would ever believe her bullshit again and no one would ever support the immigration bill.

But, I was too excited and got caught.

I tried to run, but I was drunk and couldn’t outrun that black asshole.

That asshole stopped me and tried to grab my cell phone, I wouldn’t give it to him and he had the nerve to hit me.

I threatened him that if he did it again he would call someone and make the video public.

Riley Hare came out after me to stop the driver, knowing full well how much it would affect her once the video was released.

Asked me to come to her house to talk.

I’m not going to fall for that, as soon as I set foot in that yard again, the bad woman will absolutely crash me.

These sinister politicians love to play these tricks.

No one will sympathize with me when she makes some false claims on TV.”

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