Chapter 108

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:55:42
A+ A- Turn Off Light

After the interrogation, it was already two o’clock in the morning.

Luke said hello to his coworkers and went home to sleep.

In his last life, he often worked all-nighters and was able to stay up.

Since coming to Los Angeles, life had become scattered and regular, and the ability to stay up all night had gotten worse.

He woke up the next morning.

Luke checked the system and found that the system storehouse was missing an encounter card and had thirty more draws.

As soon as he woke up, he could see the rewards, today was destined to be a wonderful day.

What are you waiting for, draw!

A menu of options appeared in his brain, and on the left side was the warehouse interface.

On the right side, there was an additional lottery interface.

The pointer turned and stopped randomly.

The selected area lights up, one thousand dollars.

Keep drawing ……

30 consecutive draws for 27,000 dollars and 3 cards.

Two of the old cards, the Chance Card and the Bullet Avoidance Card.

One new card, pistol card.

The system warehouse now has 10 reserve cards and 45,000 dollars in reserve.

Adventure cards, 3 cards.

Precision cards, 2.

Bulletproof card, 2.

Detection card, 1 sheet.

Appraisal card, 1 sheet.

Pistol card, 1.

This card should be related to pistols, and he had another card related to pistols, the Accuracy Card (which could increase the hit rate by 50%).

Although he didn’t know the exact function of the pistol card, he speculated that there were two possibilities that were more likely, one was to increase the power of the pistol, and the second was to help in learning marksmanship.

In Luke’s experience it looked more inclined to the second one.

He’d look into it more specifically when he had some free time.

Detective Bureau.

Benjamin Nasi had already confessed to the crime, the next step was to identify the scene and go through the closing procedure.

Last night, Luke got home at almost three in the morning, slept late, and got up late.

Bought breakfast and brought it to the station to eat.

A small dumpling, a pancake, a carton of milk.

Blackie was nibbling on a burger, “Wow wow, Chinese food, this is called a bun, I’ve had it before, but it’s a lot smaller than the last one I had.

What’s that one called?”

Luke took a sip of milk and swallowed, “Pancakes.”

Blackie moved forward, “Is it good?”

“Not tasty.”

“Liar, I saw you eat them last time, why did you buy them if they weren’t good?” Xiao Hei had an expression of I don’t believe it.

“Knowing that you still ask?”

Xiao Hei swallowed his saliva and revealed a pleasing look, “Next time, bring one for me.”

“Make a reservation a day and night in advance.”

“OK,” Blacky swept his gaze around and sat his ass down on David’s table, “But then again, why isn’t David here today? He’s never late.”

“He’s off today.”

Kuro squeezed his eyes, “Wow wow, here’s your chance, wanna partner up with me?”

“No, I’ve got other things to do today, I’ll leave when the meeting is over.” Luke declined dryly.

A few minutes later, the group went to the conference room for a meeting.

Susan yawned and took a big gulp of coffee, “Luke, tell us about the interrogation yesterday.”

Luke organized some language and briefly described the interrogation.

After listening to it, Jenny revealed a puzzled look, “That gun that killed Riley Hari was owned by the female nanny Huifang Wang, why did the robbery fall into the hands of Benjamin Nasi, is there any connection between them?”

Luke explains, “The nanny girl is not related to Benjamin Nasi, the nanny girl bought the gun for Riley Hare and that gun has been used by Riley Hare.

The driver, Badman Pool, had the gun with him when he paid the ransom, and as a result, the driver, Badman Pool, was countermurdered, and the gun fell into the hands of the murderer, Benjamin Nasi, who then used it to kill Riley Hari.”

Blackie said, “Benjamin thinks he’s smart, but he’s actually out of his mind.

L.A. is a free city, it doesn’t belong to someone, and immigrants do bring problems that can be condemned, corrected, and punished, they shouldn’t be retaliated with such extreme tactics.

No wonder his wife left.”

The lieutenant shook his head, “Don’t speak in absolutes, everyone has their moments of bull’s-eye, certain issues that seem minor to you may very well be a big deal to someone else.

For example, if someone dares to be sarcastic about me being old, I’ll punch them.

If someone says you’re old, you’re probably indifferent because it doesn’t hit a sore spot.

If someone says you’re ugly, I’m sure you’ll beat them to death.”

“Haha ……” the crowd laughed.

Blackie also reacted and rolled his eyes, “You bad old man.”

After the crowd finished talking about the case, Susan began to organize the tasks, “Ramon, Marcus escort suspect Benjamin Nasi to identify the scene.

Lieutenant, Jenny, and Matthew organize the file and information.

Luke has another assignment.”

Downtown Los Angeles.

A cab pulls up at the entrance to an alley and a white girl, innocent and pretty, wearing denim shorts, gets out of the car.

The shorts girl chews gum, looks around, and walks into the apartment building coming down the alley.

The shorts girl rode the elevator to the second floor of the basement and it was obvious that the air was a lot more humid.

There was a barred door on the second floor of the basement, and there was a dark-haired young man sitting inside playing with his cell phone.

The short pants girl approached and looked: “What game are you playing, the game character is quite beautiful?”

“King’s Honor, want to try?” The dark-haired youth was none other than Luke, who came here today to wrap up yesterday’s action.

A few days ago, he downloaded King’s Honor, but the network was a bit delayed, the ping value was always high, and he was stuck crying.

Today, he had time to download a gas pedal, and the ping value fell down, cool.

The shorts girl waved her hand, “No, I’m a gaming idiot, you won’t be able to resist punching me.”

Luke put away his phone and laughed, “I never beat up pretty girls.”

“Classy.” The shorts girl smiled back and pulled five green bills out of her pocket, “I’m here to pick up the goods.”



Luke checked the log book, “You’re early, your papers won’t be made until the evening.”

“My previous appointment was for the afternoon.”

“A difficult customer came out yesterday and messed up the place, delayed things a bit.”

The shorts girl thought for a moment, pulled another hundred dollars out of her pocket, and handed it over, “Can you rush it for me? You know this neighborhood isn’t very safe at night, and I’m not too brave to hang around alone.”

Luke took the money and went around the house, “I’ve rushed it for you, it’ll be ready in about half an hour.”

“Doubtful, thank you so much.” The shorts girl gave a satisfied smile as if she remembered something, “By the way, I seem to remember seeing a black guy last time I was here.”

“That’s right, Marcus, he was too ugly and was replaced.”

Thinking Luke was being snarky, the shorts girl didn’t think too much of it and laughed, “You do fit better than him.”

“Hey, hang around, can we talk?”

“What do you want to talk about?”

“You’re so pretty, what do you do?”


Luke looked up and down and guessed, “Actor.”




“Too bad, you’re so pretty, you should have tried it.”

The shorts girl was chatting too, and naturally said, “I’m still in school.”

“Let me guess, Berkeley?”

“No, I wish I could get in, but I’m still in 11th grade.”

“You’re still underage?”

“Not even a year yet.”

“Why did you get a fake driver’s license?”

“A friend asked me to go to a bar, but you know California law says you can’t drink until you’re 21, so ……,” the shorts girl gave a you-know-what look.

Luke sighed softly, disappointed, expecting to run into some big fish, but it turned out to be a tadpole eager to turn into a frog.

“If you can’t go to the bar, you can drink at home, why do you need to falsify your papers, it’s against the law.”

“Wow wow …… you’re such a funny guy.” The shorts girl smiled a little unnaturally, “Is there a bathroom around here? I want to go touch up my makeup, you know girls are a pain in the ass.”

“I’m not sure about this neighborhood, I can take you to the police station bathroom.”


The shorts girl turned around and ran, however, she didn’t take more than a few steps before she came back, two patrolmen were in her way.

The shorts girl waved her hand as she backed away, “This is a misunderstanding, I just wanted to go to the bar and hang out, I didn’t mean to do anything bad.”

The shorts girl seemed to see that Luke was the one doing the talking and twisted her head, “We had a pretty good conversation earlier, can you help me out for once?”

“I’m helping you right now, so you can learn a lesson and save yourself from going down the wrong path in the future.” Luke sidled up and signaled the female patrolman to cuff the shorts girl.

The shorts girl shouted, “No, you can’t arrest me, I’m underage.”

Luke nodded, “You can call your parents.”

“You really can’t let me go just once?” The shorts girl had a pitiful look on her face.

Luke was unmoved.

“Give me back my money.” The short pants girl said in annoyance.

“That money belongs to stolen property now.”

The shorts girl seemed to know it was hopeless and gave Luke a hard stare, “You’re a liar.”

“I’m LAPD, doing my duty and enforcing the law.”

The female patrolwoman pulled out a paper and pen, “Hey, GIRL, who do you want to call?”

The shorts girl didn’t take it well, “My mom.”

Luke said, “Call the father.”

The female patrolman nodded, “YES, DETECTIVE.”

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