Chapter 117

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:56:09
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Half an hour later.

Jenny led Lucas’ wife into the office.

It was a white woman in her thirties with wavy brown hair, tall, not much shorter than Luke in heels, and with makeup on her face that had been cried out.

Luke sized up the other woman, “Ms. Enosha Souster?”

The woman slowly raised her head, a sad look on her face, “It’s me.”

“Can I talk to you?”

“About my husband?”


Enosha Thorst wiped the corner of her eye, “Any idea who killed my husband?”

“We’re still investigating, gathering as many clues as we can related to his murder. You’re her wife and know him better than we do, so you might be able to provide some useful information.”

“OK, I’m willing.”

Luke turned on the law enforcement recorder, “When did you and Lucas meet?”

Enosha Soest recalled, “Many years, also through a movie when I was a supporting actress and he was the lead.

He was super handsome at the time, and after spending a lot of time together, it just came naturally.”

David seemed to remember something, “That’s right, you did Special Ops Male as well, I think I remember you playing Lucas’ ex-girlfriend.

She was murdered by a gang of thugs and the character Lucas played picked a gang to get revenge on you.

Pretty tough guy movie.”

“Yes, that’s the movie, it’s a Lucas classic and a lot of fans know him through that movie. I was also mesmerized by his performance in the movie and fell madly in love with him.

After that, we fell in love, got engaged, and got married very smoothly.”

Luke continued, “When did you get married?”

“Last summer.”

“You were in a relationship for many years?”

“Nine years, we got over the seven year itch, felt the relationship was stable, got engaged, and got married. I loved him so much, and he loved me so much ……” Enosha Soest choked up again, “I can’t believe he’s just gone!

Jesus Christ, why did you do this!


Jenny handed her tissues and whispered comforting words.

After a while, when Enosha Thorst had calmed down, Luke continued, “Has Lucas been out of sorts in recent times?”

“Lucas is a workaholic, once he enters the set the whole person gets into it, I’ve always advised him to take care of his health, but he always says that movies are his life.

He had to put all his energy into the movie so that he could do right by every audience.

He really loves this profession.

In fact, we don’t see much of him these days, he spends most of his time shooting or working on the script at the hotel, with very little personal time.

I don’t perceive anything out of the ordinary.”

“Do you have any suspects about Lucas’s murder?”

Enosha Solstice sighed, “Lucas was good at everything, except that he was a bit impulsive in his actions, just like the hero in Special War Hero, he would do whatever he felt was right.

His personality offends people easily, and he did have arguments with some people, and I’ve been trying to talk him out of it.

But these are conflicts that can be resolved and there’s no need to resort to such extremes.

I really can’t think of anyone who would do something so cruel.”

“I heard that Lucas was in a car accident some time ago, wasn’t he?”

“Yes, about four months ago, when Lucas had just won the lead role in this movie and was driving out to dinner once. A woman drove into his car and he suffered some minor injuries, fortunately just a scrape on his arm, nothing serious.”

“Before that, did you know the perpetrator?”


“Was that crash an accident?”

“I do, after all the time that’s passed. Do you think Lucas’s death had something to do with that one traffic accident?”

Luke heard the implication, “What does Lucas think?”

“He thinks that Andal Anders ordered it.”

“Who’s Andal Anders?”

“The supporting actor in this movie, he also auditioned for the lead role, however, both acting and fame Lucas was more suitable and the producers and director chose him.”

“Andal Ander should be very upset, right?”

Enosha Soest shook her head, “I’m not sure, at least not on the surface. Lucas rarely mentioned it to me again either.”

“If Lucas suspected Andal Anders, why didn’t you have the police clamp down on the perpetrators?”

Enosha Soest sighed, “By then Lucas had already won the movie role, he had already triumphed. If things had gotten out of hand, it would have ended badly. It’s not glamorous news for a movie.

And we weighed it for a long time …… in terms of what was practical, and that was the best option.”

This statement did not satisfy Luke and continued to ask, “Lucas was the one who was hit, he was the victim, and regardless of the outcome of the investigation of this accident, he is the one who has the upper hand.”

Enosha Soest was silent for a moment, “The entertainment industry is very competitive, with ups and downs, no one can guarantee that they will always be on fire.

Lucas hasn’t had too many good works since he filmed Special War Heroes, and his job opportunities have gotten fewer and fewer in the past two years.

After I got engaged, I quit the entertainment industry, but started a new family and my spending went up instead of down.

The economy is in some trouble, and Lucas needs this role …… If he doesn’t have new income …… we as a family could face bankruptcy.”

After the inquiry.

Jenny escorted Enosha Souster out of the office.

Susan asked, “What do you guys think?”

The vice squad bristled, “I don’t like this woman.”

Jenny returned just in time, “WHY? I feel like Enosha Soest is pretty nice.”

“MAYBE, because she’s crying her makeup off.”

Jenny was a bit speechless, “Lieutenant, do you have a preconceived notion about women, the fact that Enosha Soest’s makeup is crying proves that she’s really sad.”

The vice squad retorted, “People who are really sad don’t wear makeup.”

“OK, on to the next issue.” Susan stopped the two and pointed to Luke who was off to the side, “What do you think?”

Luke thought for a while, “From the analysis of the existing situation, I feel that the traffic accident four months ago may not be a coincidence, the perpetrator’s name is Ida Phil has over ten years of driving experience and no driving violation record.

On the day of the accident there was no drugs or alcohol, just crashed straight into the car, very suspicious.”

Blackie said, “Then what are we waiting for? Let’s go straight to her for questioning, maybe we can get new clues from her.”

Luke said, “The perpetrator and Lucas don’t know each other, if the crash wasn’t an accident, then the perpetrator must have been instructed by someone. According to Lucas’s speculation, the person who directed it was probably Andal Anders, the movie’s supporting actor.

The case has been over for four months and has been finalized, even if we find Andar Fell, the other party won’t easily admit it, instead, it might have spooked the other party and reminded them of the mastermind behind the case.

Assuming that the mastermind behind the collision case is the one who killed Lucas this time, that would instead expose the direction of the police’s investigation and put us in a passive position.”

Blackie said, “Then just subpoena the supporting actor, Andal Anders.”

Luke shook his head, “We don’t have any evidence yet to prove that Lucas’s death and the crash are related to the male supporting actor, Andal Anders, even if we invite him, it’s just an inquiry, not an interrogation, and the other party will most likely not admit to it.

It’s just as likely that the other side will contact Ada Phil and both sides will conspire again.”

Black asked rhetorically, “So what do you say?”

Luke thought for a moment, “I think we should investigate covertly, if the male supporting character Andal Anders is really the mastermind behind the collision case, he and the perpetrator, Ada Phil, may have an employment relationship, so we can check their financial status.

When the investigation is clear, in order to avoid them colluding, bring them together to the police station for questioning, it is best to create a chance encounter for them, letting each other know that each other has been arrested, and be able to cause a certain amount of psychological pressure.

As long as one of them can’t carry it off, the interrogation will be able to make progress.”

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