Chapter 147

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:57:47
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The following morning.

Susan held a case summarization meeting in the conference room.

Luke gave a factual report of last night’s investigation.

Susan was concerned, “Luke, you did a great job, if you need a break, I can give you a vacation.”

“I’m fine, I don’t need a vacation at all.” The case had reached a critical point in the investigation and Luke didn’t want to quit in the middle of it.

“If you need counseling, I can apply for it for you.”

“No, not at all.”

Susan didn’t force the issue and continued the meeting to discuss the case.

Luke said, “The guy we found last night was from the Skull and Bones gang, and Marcus suspects that the shooting may be related to the Skull and Bones gang.

We returned to Theodore’s house afterward, but Tris wouldn’t open the door again and may have been under surveillance and threatened by the gang.”

David reminded, “I’ve heard that the FBI is also on to the Skull and Bones gang.”

The lieutenant mused for a moment, “If the Skull and Bones gang is the one behind the shooting, what’s their agenda? Because of schoolyard profiteering don’t kid yourself. Because there’s no need to make such a big deal about killing a member of the football team.” The lieutenant thought for a moment.

“There’s another reason FBI agent Fanny, Fanny is nominally here to investigate Campus Profiteering, but could there be another mission.

Or, maybe she found something wrong during the investigation of campus profiteering, and that’s why she was killed and killed. (Tyranny non-twisted word, anti-harmonization)

In my experience it looks like the FBI is definitely hiding something in this case.”

Susan said, “Marcus, are you sure about this Skull and Bones Gang thing?”

Blackie replied, “I can’t say I’m sure, but I can talk to the boss of the Skull Gang and maybe I’ll find something.”

“Do you need backup?”

“No, it’s not necessary, Luke and I can just go, more people will instead cause the other party to resent and cause unnecessary misunderstandings.”

Susan looked at Luke who was on the side, “What do you think?”

“No problem.”

“GOOD, be safe and wait for your good news.”

A Ford Explorer was on board.

Blackie started talking shit again.

“Dude, don’t worry, I’ll cover you, I deal with gangs all the time, they’re just a bunch of paper tigers, look me in the face when the time comes.”

Luke asked rhetorically, “Have you ever met the leader of the Skull and Bones gang before?”

“No, but I know the other gang bosses well, like buddies, they respect me, you know.

Moreover, once you’re back in the game, I believe that with a few more contacts the Skull Gang bosses will become my good friends as well.”

“Thoughts.” Luke nodded, he didn’t have much contact with the gang, it was the first time he formally dealt with the top of the gang.

Black drove up near a five-story apartment building.

The two men checked their guns and got out of the car to look around.

There was a large oil drum sitting in front of the apartment, and several black men were gathered around the drum, drinking beer and chatting, with several large meat skewers and chicken wings on the drum.

Luke and Blackie quickly caught the attention of the surrounding blacks.

One of the blacks wearing a bandana shouted, “Hey, who are you guys? Why are you here?”

Blacky flashed his badge, “I’m Detective Marcus, this is Detective Luke, we have a meeting scheduled with Boss Pike.”

“I’m aware of this and can take you in.” The black man in the bandana sized up both of Luke, “Are you armed?”

Luke flashed the Glock pistol on his belt, “Any questions?”

The black man in the bandana said, “You’ll have to give up your guns if you want to get into the apartment.”

Luke said, “Don’t dream of it, no one is going to touch my gun.”

The black man in the bandana grunted with a rap accent, “That’s the rule, no one gets in here without being frisked.”

Luke pulled his fingers out of his ears, “Dare to come within a meter of me and I’ll just shoot you.”

The two stared at each other for a while, the black man wearing a bandana finally lost the battle, and led Luke and the two into the apartment door.

Blackie was a bit surprised and whispered, “Ooooh, you were super fierce just now.”

Luke laughed, “I was just testing their attitudes, and it’s not too late to try to run away if you mess up at the door.”

At this time, Luke also finally understood the reason why Americans are reluctant to give up their guns, with a gun in his hand he is not panicked, not to mention seeing the gang leader, he is not afraid to see the president.

Into the apartment, Luke has been observing the surrounding situation, really want to have a conflict, beforehand can also have a preparation.

Take the elevator up to the fifth floor, outside the elevator guarding a black man, the stairway guarding a black man, next to a very long plank, continue to go forward to the door of the innermost room there is a black man standing guard.

After going through the layers of guards, the two Luke’s finally met the gang leader, Pike.

This was a black man in his forties with a bald head and a gold chain around his neck, sitting on a couch smoking a cigar with a black girl standing behind him massaging his shoulders.

Next to him on a small couch sat a tall black man wiping his pistol with a rag.

The black boss, Pike, stood up and pointed his finger at Marcus, “Hey, you must be Marcus, I’ve heard of you, you’re doing well in the police department.

How come you have time to come to my place?”

Black pointed aside to Luke, “This is Detective Luke, he’s the one who wanted to see you actually.”

Pike took a drag on his cigar and looked Luke up and down, “I don’t like you.”

Luke asked back, “Why?”

Pike exhaled a smoke ring, “You’re too white.”

In fact, Luke liked to sunbathe and belonged to wheat complexion, his skin wasn’t considered white, but it depended on who he was comparing it to, it was definitely considered ‘white’ compared to the black balls around him.

“I rather like you.”

Pike smiled, “WHY?”

Luke said, “Your bald head is good for a target.”

Pike laughed and touched his bald head.

The tall black man sitting on the couch stood up and looked at Luke with a shady look on his face, quite literally thinking that he would finish Luke off at the boss’s command.

Luke was not accustomed to him: ”Put your pistol away, if you dare to rub that broken gun again, I can’t guarantee that I will not shoot you when I get excited.

Don’t try my patience, understand?”

Pike was a little disgruntled, “Detective Luke, did you come to my place just to strut your stuff and show off your LAPD prowess? If so, then you’ll just have to leave.”

“You’re the one who’s showing off, the guy at the door with the bandana, and this stupid big guy who keeps cleaning his gun, they all make me feel bad.”

“They always do, and I’m used to it, and you’re the first to object.

I’m not holding it against you, it’s just what they’re used to doing.

I’m already showing my good faith since I’m letting you in.” Pike gestured and the tall black man put his gun away.

Luke showed a satisfied expression, “OK, I’m not a small-minded person, so let’s forget about this matter. Let’s get down to business.”

“Sit down and talk.” Pike pointed to the sofa across the room, “What would you like to drink? I’ve got everything here.”

Luke waved his hand, “No need.”

Black replied, “Beer.”

Luke, “……”

Pike laughed and turned to the black girl on the sidelines, “A beer for Detective Marcus.”

Quickly, the black girl wiggled her ample ass and handed Blackie a beer.

“Thanks.” Blackie lifted the cap and took a long swig, smiling at Pike, “Good taste, I like the flavor too.”

Pike lifted his beer bottle in a gesture as well, then turned to Luke, who was off to the side, and asked, “Detective Luke, what did you want to talk to me about?”

Luke asked back, “What do you want me to talk to you about?”

Pike corrected, “You’re the one who wanted to see me.”

“You want to get information out of me too don’t you? Otherwise, you wouldn’t have had to see us.”

Pike bristled, “You injured my little brother.”

“I thought you were going to pretend you didn’t know about this?”

“I want a reason?”

“He was the one who shot first. What would you have done if it was you? Is that a good enough reason?”

Pike nodded, “You can say why you’re here.”

“I’m here to save you.”

Pike laughed, “Oh, are you kidding? Who do you think could hurt me?” Pike pointed to the big dumb black man and the henchmen outside the house, “I’m going to need a cop to save me?”

Luke looked serious, “You killed an FBI man, they won’t let you go.”

“Don’t frame me, I’m not stupid enough to kill the FBI.”

“It’s true, and the FBI is already investigating you, the best way for you to save yourself now is to cooperate with the police. The LAPD is the only thing that can protect you right now, otherwise, once you fall into the hands of the FBI, then nothing in this apartment will ever belong to you again.”

Luke said this, not to betray the FBI’s information, but only to scare Pike.

Assuming, hypothetically, that FBI agent Fanny was really Pike’s murderer, then surely he would have been wary of FBI retaliation from the start, and it would have been the same whether Luke said it or not.

If Fanny hadn’t been killed by Pike, then it wouldn’t matter if Luke said it, it wouldn’t make a difference.

Pike grimaced, “I’m not scared.”

“So you’re ready to fight the FBI?”

“Again, I haven’t killed the FBI, and I don’t have any grudges against them, so why would I want to fight the FBI?”

“But the fact of the matter is that an FBI man died on your turf and they think it was you. If you want to clear your name, you’ll have to assist the police in their investigation.”

Pike pressed, “Investigate what?”

“The Malaboia High School shooting.”

“What does that have to do with an FBI agent?”

“At the time, there was an FBI agent doing a sleeper mission on campus who was also taken out, and the FBI already suspects you.”

“I had nothing to do with the shooting at Malaboa High School, and even if an agent did die, it’s just as irrelevant to me.”

Luke laughed, “It doesn’t matter if you did it, what matters is that they think you did it.”

Pike was silent for a moment, “What can I do to clear my name?”

“Tell the police what you know about the Malaboia High School shooting clues, when I find the real killer, they’ll naturally have no reason to target you anymore, think about it.”

Pike sat on the couch, eyes closed, smoking a cigar, and after a while said faintly, “I’m not going to cooperate with the police, ever.”

“Then there’s no point in talking.” Luke said, getting ready to get up and leave.

“Ooooh, that’s leaving? It felt like you guys were pretty chatty, thought you’d stay longer.” Black followed suit and stood up, not forgetting to take the remaining half bottle of beer with him.

Pike followed suit and got up, “Marcus, you brought a friend with a bad temper.

But I still like you, so we’ll be in touch often.”

“No problem, you’ve got a nice apartment, perfect for a party.”

“You’re right, that’s what I was looking at in the first place.” Pike pulled out a business card and handed it to Marcus.

Blacky pulled out his own card in exchange.

Luke and Blacky then left the apartment.

Blacky said with a smug look on his face, “See, everyone likes me.”

Luke shook his head, “It’s not you he likes, it’s this layer of skin on you.”

“You’re a cop too, why wouldn’t he want to talk to you.”

Luke recalled when the two had talked, “First, he doesn’t trust me, and doesn’t fully believe what I just said about the FBI, and hasn’t made up his mind whether or not to cooperate with the police.

Second, he couldn’t talk about cooperation in front of his little brother either; if he wanted to cooperate, he would have contacted you privately.

Third, if the mastermind behind the school shooting is really him, there’s no need for him to cooperate with the police.

The main purpose of our visit this time is to test his attitude, so let’s wait and see what he does next.”

Blackie thought for a while before digesting, “Do you think Pike was the mastermind behind the shooting?”

“The key here lies with FBI agent Fanny, if Pike really wanted to kill someone by such extreme means, then surely he had to get rid of this person, it would be too easy for him to kill a student.

If he was going to carry out retaliation on campus, then the reason must have been to take advantage of the chaos to kill FBI Agent Finney.

In addition, through the minions we captured last night, Pike, even if he is not the mastermind behind the shooting, he should have some connection with the case and hold clues that we are not aware of.”

Black nodded, “You’re right, that’s what I was thinking.”

The two of them drove off and noticed a few cars coming from the opposite direction, and he instantly recognized the license plate number of one of them, it was FBI agent Anthony’s car.

“Turning around up ahead?”

“What’s happening?”

“The few cars that just passed were FBI agents.”

Black showed a surprised look, “What are they going to do? Are they really going to take out Pike.”

Luke thought for a moment, “Taking out to not so much, but with the FBI agent dead and the gangs involved, they will definitely do something.”

American gangs seldom went hard with the police and FBI, and rarely dared to kill police officers, because once they did so, they would usher in retaliation, and the price would be very painful.

Like Luke had just said, it didn’t matter if Pike had done it or not, the FBI didn’t have the murderer now, and it always needed a catharsis.

Pike is involved in this, and the identity of the self-respecting boss is unwilling to assist in the investigation, the FBI does not get you, get who?

Blackie turned around and returned to Pike’s apartment again.

Several Chevrolets were parked near the apartment, Anthony and the others got out of the car wearing bulletproof vests emblazoned with the FBI, and a few of the gang’s punks ran back to the apartment, scared shitless, and shut the door tightly.

“Hey Anthony, what are you guys up to?” Luke walked up to greet them.

“Doing what you want to do, but are afraid to do.” Anthony checked his rifle as he asked, “How did the talk go?”

“Not good? The boss has a lot of pie in the face.”

“Uh huh, I heard they had to frisk you on the way in, did they touch you?”

Luke grunted, “Nobody takes my gun, not even the President.”

“Don’t say I didn’t give you a chance, you’re the one who couldn’t, now it’s our turn.” Anthony finished and took a megaphone from one of his men, “Listen up people inside, you are surrounded by the FBI.

You have one minute to come out immediately, no weapons, no provocative gestures, put your hands on your heads and stand honestly by the wall, otherwise, don’t blame us for being rude.”

Anthony repeated it again, but the apartment remained unresponsive and very calm.

Anthony tossed the megaphone aside and said to his men, “Prepare for option B.”

Luke asked, “Need any help?”

“Sure, help keep order around the apartment, thanks.” Anthony finished and called a dozen of his men together for the final setup.

“Ringing ……,” Xiao Hei’s cell phone rang.

He glanced down and hurried over to Luke, “It’s Pike’s number.”

“Hang up.”

“Why? He’s probably trying to work with us.”

“Whether he’s trying to cooperate or not I don’t know, but he’s definitely trying to get the FBI to stop the operation, do you have a way to stop Anthony?

If you want to cooperate, you’ll have to wait until he gets away with it.” Luke finished as if he remembered something and looked at the apartment’s upper floors, “Come with me.”

Blackie wondered, “Where to?”

Downstairs in the apartment, the FBI made their final setup, and then Anthony gave the order to start a strong attack.

“Bang Bang Bang!” Under the impact of the door breaker, the apartment door was quickly broken down.

The FBI threw a few concussion bombs into the door.

“Bang bang bang.” After the explosions, a pair of FBI armed to the teeth rushed into the apartment.


“Everyone freeze!”

The FBI was well armed and trained, and their momentum was so strong that they barely encountered any decent resistance, with only a few sporadic gunshots.

The FBI attacked from the bottom to the top, the front and back doors were guarded, the apartment was surrounded by patrol officers, and it was almost difficult for the people in the building to escape.

At this time, the fire door on the side of the roof of the apartment building opened, and a special hard long wooden plank was released from the apartment to be erected on the opposite apartment building.

This plank was specially made with an added layer of hard plastic, very strong, and had grooves at the bottom to hold it in place.

At this point, bald Pike had lost his boss’s swagger and crawled from the plank to the other apartment, cursing under his breath, “These damn FBI, I’m @#$%&……”

Pike was depressed, but had no choice but to face the FBI’s strong attack.

The chances of winning a firefight were extremely small, and the chances of death and injury were high.

And even if the firefight won what could be done? Will only usher in the FBI more fierce retaliation.

Take a step back, even if he dares to fight, the little brothers are willing?

Good thing that Pike is smarter, but also left himself a back way, as long as the escape to another apartment building, there will be a chance to escape.

Pike quickly climbed to the neighboring apartment, the moment he jumped to the top of the apartment he let out a sigh of relief, “Finally ran out, this group of stupid FBI, you go eat shit.”

Pike took another look at the apartment that once belonged to him, his mood was very complicated.

He didn’t wait for the minions climbing one after another behind him, and prepared to run towards the bottom of the apartment, the sooner he escaped from here, the better.

However, just after opening the door to the rooftop of the apartment, he saw two familiar faces, and his entire body was confused.


Facing the black holes of gun muzzles, Pike hurriedly raised his hands, “Officer Luke, I’ve thought it over, I’m willing to cooperate with the police.”

“A wise decision, but until then hands on your head and face the wall.” Luke commanded to Blackie, who was off to the side, “Search him.”

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