Chapter 156

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:58:13
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Vampire – a legendary supernatural creature.

Survives for a long time by drinking the blood of humans or other creatures.

Although Luke was a person with a system, he did not believe in the existence of supernatural creatures.

This could be seen from the attributes of the system, and although he had learned a lot of skills, he did not have supernatural powers.

When he encountered a vampire, he only had to run.

Although most people didn’t believe in the existence of vampires, the legend had been passed down for at least a few hundred years, and there was still a small group of people who believed in it.

Previously, vampires were given the impression of terror and killing.

Some years ago, a vampire-themed TV series came out, which glorified the image of vampires and increased the audience of vampires by a lot.

Although the heat came down in the last two years, there were still a portion of vampire’s avid fans.

Susan scanned the crowd, “The situation is basically understood, what do you guys think?”

Jenny said, “She’s neither a child nor an old person, and I have a hard time imagining a young adult woman being scared alive.

It’s just too unbelievable.”

The lieutenant was a little disconcerted, “Are you suggesting that it’s normal for an elderly person to be scared alive?”

“No, I didn’t mean that.”

“Could there really be vampires?” Blackie stopped being silent when he encountered a topic of interest.

The vice squad shook their heads, “It seems like your brain is indeed broken. Didn’t you used to fall out of love a lot? What happened this time?”

“Julian is different from other women, you wouldn’t understand.” Black sighed.

“I’ve been married four times and you’re telling me I don’t understand?” The lieutenant asked back, “How many times have you been married?”

Blacky “……”

The vice squad shrugged, “Actually, getting married isn’t as scary as you think, I suggest you give it a try.”

Blacky bristles, “Then why have you gotten divorced four times?”

Lieutenant “……”

“Gentlemen, we are at the scene of the crime, can we get back to the investigation theme?” Susan interrupted the two, “David, Luke, what do you think? I’d like some normal advice.”

David said, “I’ve seen a lot of body dump cases.

What makes this case special is the bloody hole in the neck, I don’t think it’s possible that there’s some connection to vampires, and I’m not saying that vampires exist, but whether or not the murderer is deliberately imitating a vampire to commit the crime.

I’ve met some crazy vampire fans and some of their behavior is hard to understand by normal people.” David pointed to his head, “Even, I think they might have a problem here.”

Luke continued, “I agree with David, it is indeed possible that the murderer was imitating a vampire, but there may be some doubts about the murderer’s motive and purpose.

The victim wasn’t stabbed or shot, but was scared alive.

Herein lies the question, how does one scare a person to death? How can one be assured that a person will be scared to death? How can one gauge the limits of a person’s psychological tolerance?

There are too many uncertainties in this way of killing.

In other words, the possibility of some bold people being scared to death simply does not exist.

Then the question arises.

How does the murderer know that the victim will be scared to death?

Personally, I think the murderer probably didn’t know the victim would be scared to death either, and it was probably an accident.

Or maybe the killer wanted to hurt the victim, but just didn’t think she’d die of fright.

Or, it could have been a joke.

Only the joke went a little too far and got out of hand.”

Luke paused and continued, “This point can also be somewhat corroborated from the informant, who had been at the scene of the body dumping and had seen the two dumpers, but the dumpers didn’t kill him.


Did the throwers not want to kill him?

I do not think so.

From the description of the informant, the two throwers did not seem to be hesitant.

I prefer the speculation that the throwers didn’t think it was worth killing, and the reverse speculation is that the throwers probably weren’t murderers, or didn’t intentionally murder the victim.

There’s no need to commit a heavier crime for a misdemeanor.”

It was also unknown whether he was affected by the vice squad’s experience of getting married four times, Xiao Hei recovered some vigor, “I think the same as Luke.”

After listening to the thoughts of the crowd, Susan began to arrange the tasks, “Vice team, David, you are responsible for investigating the identity of the deceased.

Ramon, Jenny, investigate if there are any recent vampire-related cases.

Luke, Marcus, investigate the trail of that suspect vehicle.”

“Yes, captain.”

“GOOD,” Susan nodded, glancing at the dead man in a body bag, “Let’s catch this vampire sooner rather than later.”

Luke and Blackie then returned to the detective bureau to check the surveillance.

Luke used to dislike checking surveillance, it felt too boring.

But since he started exercising his observation skills, his mindset was different.

Checking the surveillance could be taken as a way to exercise the power of observation.

And after using the four observation cards, Luke’s observation power was far beyond normal, people are more or less climbers, the better they are at something, the more they like to do it.

To put it bluntly, it was also a sense of superiority.

Take the speed of looking at the surveillance, the more observant and sharp the person is, the faster they can view the surveillance.

The same video that Blackie might need an hour to watch, Luke could watch it in less than half an hour, and not only did he watch it faster, he was also more precise.

The two of them pulled up the surveillance video near the scene of the body dumping, and after lining up for about an hour or so, Luke finally found a suspicious black pickup truck.

After the time of the surveillance is 1:50 am, and the time of the body dumping matches.

License plate number, 5CFb382.

Owner, Bart Bull.

Sex, male.

Date of birth, February 9, 1986.

Cell phone number, 626 876 6384.

Residential address, 132 Cavelli Avenue.

Social Security Number, 623-51-7348

Criminal record, DUI, mobbing, vandalism

Blackie grinned widely, “Wow wow, this guy has quite the resume, basically reporting to the police department every year.”

Luke stood up and moved his legs, “Looks like we need to talk to him.”

Inside a black Ford Explorer.

Blackie asked as he drove, “Why do you think the vice squad has been married four times?”

Luke yawned and leaned back in his seat, “I’m not married, you should ask him personally.”

Black shook his head, “The old man’s a grump, I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

“You want to marry Julian?”

“I don’t know, the old man said that marriage wasn’t that scary, and I think he had a point, otherwise he wouldn’t have been able to get married four times.”

Luke thought to himself, it’s not scary, and he’s been divorced four times.

“Luke, you’re a smart guy, what do you think I should do?”

Luke thought for a moment, “Man, you’d have to ask yourself, I can’t give you advice.

The choices that are right for me may not be right for you either.”

Blackie sighed and didn’t ask again.

However, judging from Xiao Hei’s attitude, he did move his heart towards Julian, otherwise, with his previous pissiness, he would have broken up with the other girl long ago, what’s the point of being so entangled.

To be honest, with Luke’s understanding of Xiao Hei, it was not very optimistic about the relationship between the two.

This was also the reason why he didn’t give his opinion.

Twenty minutes later, Luke and Blackie arrived at Bart Bull’s house.

“I hate this neighborhood.” As soon as they entered the neighborhood Blacky began to whine.

It was a standard white neighborhood, the community’s housing prices weren’t particularly high, and the residents weren’t particularly wealthy, and often the more such low-level white neighborhoods were the more blacks were excluded.

This kind of community once the blackness of housing prices will depreciate greatly, unlike the freedom of residence in the country, in the United States if you do not get the majority of community residents recognized, it is difficult to live in this community.

There was once a black man who moved into a white neighborhood, moved in in the morning, and was handcuffed from his home by the police in the afternoon.

The reason was because it was reported by a neighbor that a suspicious man was hanging around her house.

The new black man was taken to the police station for questioning, and after verifying the situation, the police simply said, “Sorry to bother you this afternoon,” and that the whole thing was ‘just a misunderstanding.’

Claiming that nothing like that would happen in the future.

The black man sued but it eventually went away.

The Ford Explorer pulled up in front of Bart Bull’s house.

Luke looked around and saw a black pickup truck in Bart Bull’s yard.

The two men get out of the car and Black observes the surrounding area.

Luke inspected the black pickup, first going around the vehicle while crouching down to check the tires.

“Cluck ……” the door of the room suddenly opened, a white middle-aged man came out and loudly questioned, “Hey …… who are you people? Why are you in my yard?”

The white man had short hair, reddish skin, and a white tank top that looked like boiled shrimp.

Luke flashed his badge, “LAPD, I’m Detective Luke and I want to talk to you.”

“I have nothing to talk to you about, get out of my yard right now. And don’t even touch my car.”

Blackie flashed his handcuffs, “Why don’t we talk somewhere else, how about a day trip to the police station?SORRY, I said it wrong.

No chance it’ll be for life.”

Bart grunted, “I’m not scared, I know the law, name a reason for my arrest?”

Luke waved his hand, signaling Black to keep quiet, “No one’s arresting you, just talking, OK?

You’re involved in a case and we’re going to routinely give you a statement.”

Bart asked back, “What case?”

Luke spread his hands, “Are you sure you want to talk in the yard? Let the neighbors hear? Or get them involved in a little input.”

“OK, come on in.” Bart stepped aside.

“GOOD,” Luke stepped into the house, his eyes glancing around.

Blackie pressed his right hand down on the butt of his gun and followed suit.

He didn’t like the white guy, and he had a feeling the guy didn’t like himself either.

However, after entering the living room, Xiao Hei’s thoughts changed, and his right hand resting on the gun butt was a bit embarrassed.

Only to see that there were four large, white men sitting in the living room, each with a gun slung around his waist, and one guy with a semi-automatic rifle in his hand.

Luke gulped, suddenly regretted coming in, and had the feeling of a wolf in a tiger’s mouth.

At the same time, the heart also silently calculating, if the two sides flip, the first to kill which?

The one with the rifle?

No, there was an idiot who pulled out a grenade from his pocket.

FUCK, bunch of perverts.

Bart said to the four burly men on the couch, “Hey guys, we’ve got two new friends, Detective Luke, and his little sidekick.”

Needless to say, the four white burly men’s eyes were already focused on the two Luke’s, and especially kept glancing at Blackie.

Bart smiled, “Inspector Luke, don’t be shy, these are my friends, we all have gun permits, do you want to check?”

Luke thought to himself, check my ass, it’s fine if you guys have gun permits, if you don’t, will I flip out, or not?

“Man, we’re not here for trouble, even if you guys are going to rob a bank now, that’s your freedom.”

Luke’s statement was a bit exaggerated, but the matter of robbing a bank did come under the FBI’s control.

Bart spread his hands, “You respect me, I respect you. Go ahead, what do you want to talk about?”

Luke offered, “I suggest letting these four friends of yours go first, I don’t want them involved in this case, it won’t do anyone any good.”

Bart turned to a couple of burly white guys, “Guys, there’s beer on the second floor, why don’t you all have a drink and work on the bank robbery together.”

“Haha ……” The four white men laughed and went upstairs fully armed.

Darkness breathed a sigh of relief, he hadn’t said a word since entering just now, and felt a little dropped himself, “Good thing they ran away fast, otherwise, I don’t promise not to kick their asses.”

Bart laughed, “Oh, I was about to piss myself.”

The little black Knight was in his element, “I’m serious.”

Luke interrupted the two, “OK, let’s get down to business.”

“I’m also curious what you guys want with me. I’ve made a lot of mistakes in the past, but I’ve reformed, and I hope you guys don’t keep coming after me.”

“We’re here to prove your innocence, assuming you are.” Luke pointed to his law enforcement recorder, “You may not answer, but you better not lie.

Where were you between nine last night and two in the morning?”

“I want to know what case?”

“Answer me first.”

“I was at home.”

“Who can prove it?”

Bart shook his head and sighed, “I’m single now, and where could I have been if I wasn’t home in bed between 9:00 p.m. and 2:00 a.m.? Where am I going to find witnesses?”

“Are you sure you never left the house?”


“Where’s your car?”

“You mean the pickup truck outside?”

“Yes, the pickup with license plate 5CFb382.”

“It’s been sitting there all this time and I haven’t been out yet today.”

“You’re sure that car was there between 9:30 and 2:00 a.m. last night?”

“Yes, I’m sure, no one’s going to touch my car, not me, and my gun even less.”

Blacky interjected, “Hey, I don’t like your tone.”

Bart shrugged, “I didn’t invite you in either.”

Blacky said, “You’re easy to beat up with that attitude.”

Bart was defiant, “You’re right, but I’m usually the one who punches people.”

“STOP!” said Luke, interrupting the two with a wave of his hand and pulling out a picture of a dead woman, “Recognize it?”

Bart looked at it and shook his head, “No. Does it have anything to do with me?”

Luke said, “This woman was murdered around midnight this morning, driven and thrown into the ocean.”

“It has nothing to do with me.”

“Are you sure?”


Luke pulled out a photo again, “Is this your car?”

Bart glanced at the security video screenshot, “Why are you spying on my car?”

Luke reminded, “Look at the surveillance time.”

Bart narrowed his eyes and tightened his brow, “It’s not possible that my car didn’t go out at 1:00 a.m. this morning …….”

Luke’s right index finger tapped the photo on the table, “Then you explain what happened to the car in the surveillance video?”

Bart picked up the photo and looked at it carefully, “I don’t know what’s going on, the model and license plate number are the same …… but I really didn’t drive it out.”

Blackie said, “Did you lend your car to someone else? For example, those four big guys upstairs.

Murdering and dumping a body is no small matter, you can’t harbor them.”

“No, I don’t lend my pickup truck to anyone! And no one would steal my truck, I’m sure, it’s not mine.”

Luke asked, “Are you sure?”

“I’m sure.” Bart nodded.

Luke squared his shoulders and said, “GOOD, I’ll believe you once.”

Xiao Hei raised an eyebrow, a little surprised, Luke is not a disposition that easily trusts people, did …… he also wimp out?

Luke is not a goon, but to speak with evidence.

He checked the pickup truck outside before entering the house, the pickup truck had no scratches on the outside, there was a layer of dust on the surface, and none of the four tires were covered with sand.

The car in the video had a scratch on the right side, which wasn’t obvious, but Luke was far more observant.

In addition, according to the homeless man Jamie’s description, the car drove into the beach, the tires should be stained with sand, but Bart’s tires do not have sand, and the car does not have signs of cleaning.

So Luke speculated that it wasn’t one car, and it was probably a set car.

In the past, Luke had also encountered a car with a set of license plates when investigating a case in China, and some suspects liked to use a car with a set of license plates in the course of their crimes, so that even if the surveillance captured the vehicle and license plate, they could not track down the information of the owner of the car.

However, that kind of car is generally haphazard sets of plates, in the system, a check of the car model, color is not right to know is a set of plates.

But this time is different, is the same style and color of the car, set a different plate.

Once checked in the system, it just happened to match, and it was easy to treat the original car owner as a suspect.

If Luke hadn’t been more observant and responsible, I’m afraid an ordinary cop would have arrested Bart long ago.

Of course, it could have also been taken out by an infuriated Bart.

“Bart, I believe you, but other people don’t necessarily believe you, you’ve seen the photos, what do you think is going on?”

Bart showed an angry look, “Some asshole must be getting back at me and deliberately set up my license plate.”

“Do you have a suspect?”

Bart thought for a moment and shook his head.

Luke asked back, “Not a single one?”

Bart sighed, “It’s so many, I don’t know which one to say.”

Luke “……”

Black smiled, “And you know you’re not inviting.”

Luke stood up and paced, “Of the ones you know do any of them drive the same car?”

“Yes, but different colors.”

Luke instructed, “Name all the people you suspect, Marcus, take notes.”

Blackie snickered, “Should I get a large notebook.”

Bart said, “You really should get one, and put your own name on the first one.”

Blacky “……”

“Don’t make me put too much thought into you guys, just do what I say, OK?” said Luke as he walked over to the window and peered out.

With his speculation, since the suspect would choose a car of the same style and color to set the license plate, it means that the other party has probably seen Bart’s car, or even knows Bart himself.

There could be three purposes.

The first one, to escape the police’s tracking.

The second, he and Bart have a grudge, incidental revenge to frame Bart.

The third is to alert the police.

Once Bart was arrested because of the pickup truck, the other party will know that the police are investigating themselves and can destroy the evidence or escape in advance.

If it is the third case, it means that the other party is likely to have been in the periphery to pay attention to Bart, most likely his friends or neighbors.

Luke observes the surrounding neighbors, some are standing in their yards, some are passing by, Luke watches their looks and mannerisms from his window.

Suddenly, Luke felt a jolt to his eyes.

The reflection came from the third neighbor across the street to the east, with a black Mustang sitting in front of the door.

Sniper rifle?


Luke left the window, thinking it would be the second possibility.

Someone with binoculars sneaking a peek at Bart’s house?

If there was no problem ghosts would believe it.

Luke asked, “Do you know the neighbor to the east who keeps the Mustang?”

“Recognize, Dempsey, we used to be on good terms, got together for a drink once in a while, and then gradually came to see less of each other.”

“Had a conflict?”

Bart glanced at Black, “Not really, just don’t play well together anymore. What’s wrong with him?”

“He’s spying on you through the binoculars.”

“Is he the one screwing me?”

“You think?”

Bart gritted his teeth, “If it is, I’ll blow his head off.”

Ten minutes later.

Ramon and Jenny also arrived in the neighborhood for support.

Bart was escorted to a car and taken away.

The pickup truck was also driven away by Blackie.

“Boom boom ……”

Blacky blasted the gas pedal so hard that he seemed to hate that the entire community could hear it.

Shortly after the three cars left, the door of the house with the Mustang in front of it opened.

A white man in his thirties with a cross on his chest stepped out and drove the Mustang out of the neighborhood.

After driving for about ten minutes or so, the Mustang pulled up in front of a warehouse.

The white man wearing the cross opened the door to the warehouse and walked inside, where a black pickup truck sat, identical to Bart’s car, with the same license plate number.

The man used a tool to remove the license plate while he prepared to leave the warehouse.

However, as soon as he opened the warehouse door, his entire body was confused.

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