Chapter 166

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:58:47
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Susan didn’t answer right away and pointed to the data on the projector, “Suspect Darcy purchased 10 liters of plasma in January, and the number of purchases gradually increased in February, March, and April, so why did the share of purchases drop back to 10 liters of plasma in May?”

Luke said, “That’s something I have my doubts about, and the head of the blood station isn’t quite sure.

My personal guess is that either there is a new source of plasma purchases or a new competitor has emerged.”

The lieutenant asked, “If Darci had something to do with the death of the diva Angela, what was his motive?”

Luke said, “Angela was the most famous vampire singer with a large number of crazy vampire fans, is it possible that Darci wanted to use Angela for publicity to expand his plasma sales territory.

In this regard, Angela is definitely the best spokesperson.

And from the existing situation, Angela has already loathed vampires and is not thinking of composing vampire-themed songs, which is tantamount to wanting to draw a line with Darci, who was infuriated and killed Angela.”

The lieutenant thought for a moment, “Can there be that much profit in selling plasma? Not to mention that even if Angela didn’t cooperate, there was no need to kill anyone.”

Luke speculated, “If Angela had been shot, I might not have suspected Darcy.

But Angela’s death was too bizarre, a vampire-themed singer was killed by a vampire, and this incident will definitely make news, and may even trigger a wave of vampire craze.

If the case can’t be solved it will become the talk of the town after dinner.

As long as the vampire fan base increased, the more people would buy plasma.

And the size of the profit chain has to vary from person to person, it’s definitely a profitable industry for the bottom feeders.” Speaking of which, Luke offered, in passing.

“Captain, I’d like to arraign August, the suspect in the Dracula’s Bar homicide, to see if he knew Darci.”

The lieutenant shook his head, “It won’t work, August is hell bent on getting a psychiatric evaluation and wants to escape the law on the grounds of mental problems.”

Luke insisted, “I want to try.”

The lieutenant countered, “You kid is doubting my interrogation skills?”

“OK, I’ll set up the mission.”

Susan interrupted the conversation between the two, “From what we see now, Darci does have some suspicion and probably had direct contact with the deceased Angela.

Ramon and Jenny, investigate Darci’s alibi.

Lieutenant, David, continue to follow the trail of the blood pattern.

Luke, Marcus, take charge of interrogating August.”

“Yes, captain.”

The following morning.

Robbery and Murder Division, Interrogation Room 1.

Augus, the suspect of the Dracula’s Bar murder case, was handcuffed to the interrogation chair, accompanied by his attorney, Porter, and the two exchanged low voices.

“Creak ……”

A door slammed and Luke and Blackie walked into the office.

Blacky took the initiative to greet them, “Hey August, how’s it going in the new castle?”

Attorney Potter warned, “Detective Marcus, please do not provoke my client. As much as I like you, I’m still going to prosecute you.”

Black rolled his eyes, “Lawyer Porter, I like you too, and if I met you on the street, I’d beat you up.”

“OK, you guys have a very cordial way of saying hello, let’s start the formal interrogation.” Luke sat down behind the interrogation table and sized up August.

“SORRY, we’ve been busy with another case for the past two days and almost forgot about you.”

August revealed a look of delight, “I heard from Counselor Potter that there was a new vampire murder case, and the one who was killed was also a famous singer.

I was already arrested at that time, is it possible to prove that I didn’t kill anyone and the real murderer is someone else.

The Dracula’s Bar case was probably done by him too.”

Luke said, “I’m here today to prove that, if you think you’re innocent, then cooperate with me in the investigation, don’t hope for a so-called psychiatric evaluation to escape the law.”

Attorney Porter retorted, “Inspector Luke, my client does have mental problems, not to escape the law as you claim.”

“Come on, Counselor Porter, we know very well whether or not August has a mental problem, and the police will not consider giving him a plea deal if he tries to fake it in that regard.

And once it is determined that he has no mental problems.

But attempts to evade the law with mental problems will also be used against him in court.

You should know very well that judges and juries hate deception.

There is no need for me to say what the consequences will be.” Luke said this and once again looked at August, “My suggestion, if you think you are innocent, assist the police investigation and describe the crime carefully.

When we catch the murderer, we will naturally be able to prove your innocence.”

August looked over to Potter on the side, an expectant look on his face.

Luke continued, “Taking a step back, even if I can’t prove your innocence, it doesn’t affect your psychiatric evaluation.

Think about it, it won’t cost you anything.”

August and Porter exchanged a few whispered words.

Attorney Porter then said, “My client is more than willing to assist the police in their investigation, but I would like to start by explaining the circumstances of the other homicide, and perhaps my client can provide some clues.

Of course, if you make unreasonable demands, I will stop them in time.”

As for Potter’s thoughts, Luke was able to guess some of them, the other case was definitely unrelated to August, and had no direct impact on August, even if the impact was good.

Luke opened the door and said, “Do you know Angela Char?”

August replied, “Yes, the vampire queen, I love her songs, she’s very talented and her descriptions and knowledge of vampires are far beyond the ordinary.

Dracula’s Bar plays her songs all the time too.”

“You’re a fan of Angela’s?”

“Sort of.”

“Do you know Kim Kadara?”

“I don’t remember the name too well.”

Luke pulled out a picture of Kim Kadala and showed it to him.

August shook his head, “Still doesn’t ring a bell, is he connected to another vampire killing?”

Luke said, “He was the agent of the deceased Angela.”

“You suspect that Angela was killed by her agent?”

Luke didn’t answer positively and took out another photo of the blood pattern on Angela’s arm, “Do you recognize the pattern on the photo?”

August looked at it, “Wow Wow …… very special pattern, look a little weird …… I still saw it for the first time.

Is it related to Angela’s death?”

“This is what the murderer drew on Angela’s body.” Luke finished and pulled out another picture of Darcy Ross, “Do you recognize him?”

August picked up the photo and looked at it, instead of answering, he looked aside at Attorney Porter.

Porter took one look at the photo and volunteered, “The man in the photo has something to do with Angela’s murder?”

“Yes. He most likely had contact with Angela prior to the murder and is highly suspected of committing the crime.”

Porter nodded slightly.

August said, “I’ve seen him before, at Dracula’s Bar. If he killed Angela, then the real culprit in the Dracula’s Bar case is probably him as well.”

Luke pressed, “Do you know his name?”


“Have you had any direct contact?”


“Describe your contact.”

Augustus was a little hesitant.

Luke advised, “If you want to prove that he’s the one suspected in the murder outside Dracula’s Bar, then prove that he had something to do with that case, or no one will help you.”

August thought for a moment and said, “As you know, vampires are a mysterious and powerful creature, and the biggest characteristic of this creature is that it sucks human blood.

Some places related to vampires will have people selling items similar to blood plasma, most of which are fake, either red drinks or red wine.

Of course, there are also people selling real blood privately.

Some crazy vampire fans would want to try it, thinking that it would bring them closer to the vampires, and some even hope to gain some magical powers by using it in this way, and although drinking blood sounds a bit crazy, it does exist.”

August mused for a moment and continued, “That day, I was at Dracula’s Bar, I had a lot to drink, my head was spinning, and the music, the environment, the atmosphere around me made me feel like a vampire as well.

I was on the dance floor with a group of vampires wearing a black cape and fangs.

This man then came up to me and asked me if I wanted to experience what it was like to be a real vampire.

I told him that I already was.

He took out a small packet of plasma and said that only a vampire who has sucked human blood is a real vampire, otherwise the dresser is just a self-deceiving fake.

I was moved.

I haven’t drank human blood yet, and like he said, deep down in my heart I want to experience it, and I agree with what he just said, only a vampire who has sucked human blood can be a real vampire.

I inquired about the price.

He told me 100 dollars a pack.

Too expensive, I’m not an idiot.

He told me that it was holy blood, there was a drop of real vampire blood in addition to human blood, and if I sucked the holy blood, I would have the power of a vampire.

I was a bit tempted and worried that he was a fraud.

He gave a discounted price, saying I could get 50% off the first time, and I paid fifty dollars for the ‘holy blood’.

Experienced what it was like to be a real vampire for once.

Wow…… was amazing.”

Luke frowned slightly, “Describe how you felt after drinking the holy blood?”

August recalled, “It was amazing, it felt as if I had become a real vampire with magical powers, I was excited and felt pretty good.”

Luke pressed, “Did you do drugs?”

August shook his head, “No, I just like vampires, don’t picture me as a rotten person, I haven’t touched the solo stuff.”

Luke thought for a moment, “August, why did you run to the back door of the bar to pounce on and tear into the victim?”

Attorney Porter reminded, “You can leave that question unanswered.”

Luke said, “August, there’s video evidence of this, you can’t deny it, I just want to know how you feel.”

“Uh …… I was drinking holy blood and wine and I was feeling hyper, like I was a real vampire.

Wanting …… to suck blood.

I thought I might have been affected by the atmosphere of the bar, so I wanted to go there first and go outside to get some air.

But I opened the back door of the bar just in time to see the woman, and then …… I lost control.

That wasn’t my intention, I really had a mental problem.

I’m not lying, and I’m not trying to escape the law with mental problems.

If I was intentionally killing someone, I would take responsibility.

But I wasn’t.

I don’t know what was wrong with me at that time.

It wasn’t like a normal me.”

Luke mused for a moment, “August, I’d like to give you a one-person test.”

“No need, I really never touch that stuff.”

“Trust me, it won’t do you any harm.” Luke dropped the sentence and exited the interrogation room.

Counselor Porter came out after him and asked, “Inspector Luke, you suspect that the holy blood has been spiked with a solo product?”

“That won’t be known until it’s tested.”

“OK, I’ll convince August to cooperate with the testing.” As a lawyer, he was well aware of the huge difference in sentencing between active and passive solo absorption.

In the afternoon, two o’clock.

Mary came to the Robbery and Murder Division’s Squadron 1, holding a piece of information in her hand, “Guys, your expedited testing report is out.”

Blackie couldn’t wait to ask, “Did August suck solo?”

“Yes, the sole ingredient was found in August’s body, exactly the same as the sole ingredient in the deceased Angela’s body, and both of them took a drug that can trigger hallucinations.

I hope this identification helps you, I’m going to have lunch.”

“Mary, thanks for the hard work, you’ve been a big help.” Luke expressed his gratitude.

This identification result matched Luke’s speculation.

Darci was selling not just plasma, but a niche new type of drug that used plasma as a carrier.

This kind of solo product might not be very attractive to ordinary people, but it was ‘holy blood’ to vampire fans.

It is easy to experience the sensation of drinking blood and getting the flutter of sucking a solo, plus the vampire costume and music, which can easily make people feel like they are a vampire.

It is also in this situation that August does the act of biting and sucking blood.

He was not mentally ill, but he was hallucinating under the stimulation of the solo product, thinking that he had really turned into a vampire who sucked human blood.

The reason Luke thought that the holy blood was a solo product was not only because of August’s description, but it had something to do with Angela as well.

Daisy said that Angela didn’t like vampires, and Kim said that Angela rarely drank blood, so why was there a large amount of blood found in Angela’s body.

The reason was simple, Angela was under a lot of stress from imitating vampires so often that she even developed a mental depression and her solo addiction relapsed.

But Kim watched her closely and wouldn’t let her smoke solo.

She could only think of other ways, maybe a chance to drink the holy blood and know that it contains uniques.

She used to suck doppelganger and knew exactly what it felt like to suck doppelganger.

Therefore, what she drank was not the blood, but the uniques contained in the blood.

That’s why another vampire murder occurred shortly after the police were in the process of arresting August.

Holy blood was very seductive to vampire fans, and within a specific atmosphere it was easy for vampire fans to become very hyper and hallucinate, turning into real ‘vampires’!

As long as the ‘holy blood’ existed, there was a possibility of more vampire killings.

Darcy’s level of danger is still above that of the murderer.

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