Chapter 171

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:59:02
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Noli Plaza.

Today, a memorial service for Angela was to be held here.

This memorial service was organized by Angela’s manager Kimm.

Kim arrived at around seven in the morning to set up the scene, with photos, flowers, banners, album posters, etc., and Angela’s latest album music was playing in the plaza.

Whatever Kimm’s reason for organizing this memorial service, it was indeed heartfelt.

Early in the morning, many of Angela’s fans came, some helping to set up the scene, some offering flowers, others wearing vampire costumes, each mourning Angela in their own way.

In a Ford Explorer on the east side of the plaza, Blackie and Luke sat in the car, observing the fans who had come to pay their respects.

In fact, the tribute was driven by the police behind the scenes to catch Angela’s killer.

Earlier, Luke and Blackie went to the black clinic to investigate and found the surveillance video of the suspect, and also got the DNA sample of the suspect, which was identified to match the DNA sample of the blood found outside the farm.

It was certain that the man who was treated for a gunshot wound at the clinic was the person Luke and the others were looking for.

It’s just a pity that the suspect was alert and didn’t leave his identity information, and although the police got his surveillance photos and DNA, they still couldn’t identify him for a short period of time.

Of course, if a wanted notice is issued, with photos and DNA, the possibility of catching that man is extremely high.

But the key is that the time can not be determined, the police can not wait forever, there are tens of millions of people in Los Angeles, to find a person from the tens of millions of people is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Therefore, the police must take the initiative and let the suspect run out on his own.

This memorial service is the big net crafted for the suspect.

Xiao Hei sat in the driver’s seat and looked out the window with some boredom, “Do you think the suspect will really come?”

“The possibility is high.”

Xiao Hei thought about it, “If it were me, I definitely wouldn’t come, it’s too dangerous.”

Luke said, “That’s why you didn’t kill or bite your idol.”

If everyone in this world was sensible and did the logical thing, there wouldn’t be so many criminals in prison.

There was always someone special.

Luke had profiled the suspect, and from all the evidence available, the suspect was probably a diehard Angela fan who had killed Angela for some specific reason, but that didn’t mean he didn’t like Angela.

From the fact that he was still holding the silver pendant in his hand when he had the operation, we can see that he still has a deep attachment to Angela.

He didn’t realize that the police had tracked him down, much less that they had gotten their hands on his surveillance images, which was an advantage for the police.

Luke guessed that once he knew that Angela was holding a memorial service here, he would surely come to attend and give Angela one last ride.

Time passed, and the two waited from morning until noon, and then from noon until evening.

Lunch and dinner were settled in the car.

In the beginning, there were quite a few police officers around the plaza, but since they hadn’t been able to wait for the suspect to show up, the patrolmen had all withdrawn one after another.

By eight o’clock in the evening, only the members of the Robbery and Murder Division were left.

Blackie had always been more trusting of Luke, and the two were usually partnered with Luke as the main focus.

But today had been a continuous wait of over ten hours.

Marcus couldn’t help but be a little shaken, had Luke guessed wrong this time?

Blacky yawned, “Luke, how much longer do we have to wait?”

Luke moved his butt, “The more this time, the more we can’t be in a hurry, the more we walk a hundred miles, now is the time to compare endurance with the suspect, this time it is more important to be calm.”

Xiao Hei said, “You know what? I’ve been sitting in the car all day, my butt hurts.”

“Then go out for a spin and buy me a cup of coffee, no sugar, while you’re at it.”

Blackie “……”

Just then a man appeared in the square, looking around and acting suspiciously.

Although it was already dark, the square was still brightly lit.

It could be clearly seen that it was a white man wearing a black cloak on the outside.

If he had appeared in other places, the man’s clothing would have appeared quite different, but appearing at Angela’s memorial service was not surprising.

Luke swept his eyes over the man and felt that the man looked very much like the suspect they were trying to apprehend.

But because of the angle of observation and distance Luke couldn’t quite confirm it.

Luke opened the car door and got out of the car.

Blackie also followed after him, “Where are you going?”

Luke raised his chin.

Blackie looked in the direction Luke pointed.

He also spotted the white man in a black cloak.

The white man in the black cloak walked over to the photo of the mourning Angela.

The man stood silently in front of the photo, his eyes red and sad.

The man stretches out his right hand as if he wants to touch Angela’s picture, but his hand is halfway out and then shrinks back, as if he is afraid of something.

Just then, the white man seemed to hear a commotion and turned his head to look behind him to see a young black-haired man and a black man approaching him.

He was about to leave when the black-haired youth stopped him, “Man can I borrow a lighter?”

The white man said lightly, “SORRY, I don’t smoke.”

While talking, Luke and Xiao Hei had already confirmed the identity of the white man, it was the injured man they saw in the black clinic.

Blacky made an immediate decision and pulled out his pistol and shouted at the white man, “LAPD, don’t move, you’re under arrest.”

The white man wasn’t too surprised and said in a cold voice, “You guys are using my feelings for Angela to arrest me. It’s really shameless.”

Xiao Hei was a bit dissatisfied, “What do you mean by that? How can you say it as if we are the bad guys, who killed Angela? You tell me?”

The corners of the white man’s mouth twitched and he just stared angrily at Blacky and Luke, but couldn’t answer.

Luke took out his handcuffs, “Since you don’t want to talk here, we’ll talk somewhere else.”

After sunbathing and eating the wind in this square for a day, he had long wanted to leave.

Learning that Luke and Blackie had captured the suspect, David, Ramon, and Jenny all gathered over.

Together, they escorted the suspect back to the detective bureau.

After returning to the Detective Bureau, Jenny and Ramon took the suspect through the custody process.

A DNA sample and teeth marks were also taken from the suspect.

Luke and Blackie ate burgers and took a short break to prepare for the suspect’s arraignment.

An hour later the Detective Bureau interrogation room.

The suspect was handcuffed to the interrogation chair, his eyes scanning the area.

Unlike the other suspects who were nervous and panicked when they came to the interrogation, he had a light look on his face, as if he didn’t really care about everything around him.

“Cluck ……”

The door to the interrogation room opened and Blackie and Luke walked into the interrogation room.

Luke sat behind the interrogation table and opened the door, “What’s your name?”

“Kavro Terry.” The white man responded and asked rhetorically, “How did you catch me?”

Luke said perfunctorily, “The police were well aware of what you did and how you did it, and catching you was just a matter of course.”

Cavro glared at Luke, “Why did you arrest me?”

“We suspect that you are suspected of being involved in the murder.”

“What evidence do you have?”

“The police have already collected your teeth marks and DNA, as long as we wait for the identification results, we can naturally convict you.

If you plead guilty early now, you can still secure a favorable plea deal.

Believe me, it’s better for you to speak up now voluntarily.”

“I don’t know what to say.”

Luke asked, “Did you kill Angela.”

Cavro closed his eyes and was silent.

Blackie said, “Hey kid, don’t think you can escape the law by not talking, we’ve got enough evidence to convict you in court just the same even if you don’t talk.”

“You guys really want to hear me talk.”

“Of course.”

“Then let me tell you a story.”

Luke made a gesture of listening; the biggest fear of an interrogation was that the suspect wouldn’t talk, wouldn’t respond.

As long as he was willing to talk, he could always link it to the case, telling the truth would be useful to the police, telling lies would be just as problematic for the police.

Cavro then fell into reminiscence.

[A few years ago.

Vampire Castle, a suburb of Los Angeles.

It was a vampire-themed house of horrors, located on the south side of the entire amusement park, backed by a cliff, not seeing sunlight all year round.

A teenager followed his parents to the amusement park and looked at the castle with a look of surprise: “Mom, I want to go play in the castle.”

To enter the vampire castle to play is required to buy another ticket.

The teenager wanted to go in and play, but the price of the tickets was not cheap, and three tickets were beyond his parents’ mental budget.

The teenager’s mother was worried that her son would be scared if he went in alone and couldn’t afford to buy too many tickets, so she tried to take her son away. But the teenager was relentless, just wanting to enter the vampire castle.

In the end, the teenager’s parents compromised.

Bought a ticket for the teenager himself, and the teenager took the ticket and walked towards the vampire castle happily.

With a hiccup, the courtyard door of the castle opened.

There was a gust of cloudy wind coming from the castle, and a sound, if any, rang in his ears. At first glance, it sounded like someone was laughing, but when listening carefully, it sounded like someone was crying, which was eerie.

This, on the contrary, aroused the teenager’s curiosity, and the teenager boldly walked into the castle.

With a ‘bam’ sound, the two large wooden doors closed.

At this moment the teenager seemed a little scared.

But now that he was making a scene and wanted to go out, he was afraid of being laughed at, so he could only walk forward.

This was a somewhat decrepit little courtyard, the outer walls of the castle were all built up with stones, very much like the medieval style.

The courtyard was overgrown with weeds, and there were some small raised mounds scattered sporadically.

The teenager walked around the mounds and boldly moved forward, wanting to get through and out of the castle as quickly as possible.

The teenager walked through the small courtyard to the door to the castle’s interior.

He boldly pushed open the door to the castle.

The doors were heavy and it took a lot of effort to push the doors both open.

The light inside the castle is a little dim, some humidity can also be to a can smell a moldy smell.

In the hall there is a coffin.

The teenager’s face showed a look of awe, but want to enter the castle, from the back of the castle out, you have to walk past the coffin.

The teenager took a deep breath and stepped boldly into the castle hall.

The coffin didn’t seem to move, and the teenager didn’t dare to go and look around again. He always felt like something was staring at him and took big steps trying to get through the place as quickly as possible.

The teenager tried to get as far away from the coffin as possible and walked against the wall, walking to the end of the hall another door, the teenager pushed hard against the door, but this time the door didn’t move.

Just then the teen heard a loud noise.

The sound came from behind, it sounded like a scuffling sound, the teenager turned around and saw that the coffin he had just walked past was moving.

To be exact, the coffin boards were slowly opening.

The atmosphere was tense to the extreme at this moment.

A hand stretched out from the coffin, a pale hand with long fingernails that looked like they were blood red.

The teenager leaned against the door and slapped it hard, while his eyes stared nervously at the coffin.

Only to see a man slowly sit up in the coffin, his face pale, without a trace of blood or human emotion.

He slowly opened his mouth, revealing two sharp fangs.

“Ah!” The teenager was shocked and completely collapsed.

“Cackle ……”

At this time, the door in front of him opened, and the teenager rolled and ran inside.

It was considered to have broken through the barrier.

A few moments later.

A rattle came from the coffin.

The person sitting in the coffin yawned, “Boring.”

Looking closely at him, he wasn’t too old.

Other than the fangs in his mouth and the white powder on his face, it was an ordinary white teenager.

“Click ……”

The teenager took out a walkie-talkie from the coffin.

A man’s voice came from the walkie-talkie, “Kavro, this should be the last guest of the day, pack up and go home early. Don’t forget to do your homework.”

The teenager faintly responded, “Got it, dad.”

Kavro turned off the walkie-talkie and threw it into the coffin, resting his chin, vampires need homework too?”]

Hearing this Black said with a start, “OH, MY GOD, I thought the teenager who entered the castle alone was you, I didn’t realize you were a vampire.”

“That’s right.

For as long as I can remember, most of my time has been spent in the bloodsucking castle. From playing vampire boy to vampire teenager and now vampire youth.”

Kuro said, “Wow wow, this should belong to a family business, I envy people with family businesses the most, your family must be very rich.”

Kavro laughed, “Man, you’re a good conversationalist, do you like vampires too?”

Blacky chimed in, “Of course, but I prefer female vampires.”

Kavro said with a serious look on his face, “Then I recommend you to watch Angela’s music video, she is definitely the best female vampire in the world.”

Black asked, “How did you and Angela meet?”

“Our family’s vampire castle is still famous in Los Angeles. The 1st time Angela shot a vampire-themed music video, it was set in our house.

I also played a vampire in her music video. Exactly the vampire who got her neck bitten and sucked blood. I’ve loved Angela’s music ever since.

I feel like I’ve found a soulmate, a resonance in her music, and she’s my vampire queen.”

Black marveled again, “Wow, that sounds like an amazing bond.”

Kavro said, “Even though I know you’re trying to set me up, I’d love to connect with you. You have a quality about you that makes it easy to relax.”

“Thank you for the praise, I didn’t know I was this good.”

Seeing that Blackie was interrogating well, Luke didn’t interrupt, only occasionally writing a few words in his notebook as a reminder to Blackie.

Blacky scanned the notebook next to him, “Did you attend Angela’s new album launch?”

Kavro said, “How could I not go, even if a meteorite would hit the earth tomorrow, I would go all the same.”

“Did you and Angela have any close communication that day?”

Kavro shook his head, “I don’t want to talk about that anymore.”

Blackie said, “Dude don’t be so nervous, it’s just a conversation.”

Kavro remained silent.

Luke wasn’t in a hurry either, he had seen a lot of felons who would have all sorts of ways to respond negatively to interrogation in order to avoid or delay the law.

Blackie tried a few more times and Cavro remained silent.

Just then the door to the conference room opened.

Jenny walked in and handed Luke a file, then whispered a few words in his ear.

After Jenny left Luke tapped the information on the table, “Cavro, your teeth marks have been identified as an exact match to the teeth marks on Angela’s neck.

It was you who bit Angela to death and drew her blood.

You just mouthed off about liking Angela and calling her a vampire queen, but that’s all you are in my opinion.

It’s all a lie.”

Kavro retorted, “You don’t know anything.”

Luke said, “OK, then you tell me.”

“You want to come and take my word for it too.”

Luke picked up the identification of the teeth marks and walked over to Cavro, “With this information, it’s enough to convict you, there’s no point in trying to put words in your mouth.

The fact that you don’t dare to admit that you killed Angela only proves that you have a guilty conscience in your heart.”

Cavro still didn’t answer.

Luke changed his question, “Do you believe in vampires?”

Kavro laughed, “I asked my dad the same thing when I was five.”

Luke “……”

Kavro continued, “I remember it so well now, my dad answered in an affirmative tone then.

Yes son, I believe that there are vampires in this world, and so must you.”

Luke turned the tables, “Angela doesn’t believe in vampires in this world, she even hates them.

So when you found out her true colors.

You were so enraged that you bit her to death.”

Cavro defended, “I didn’t intend to kill him, much less bite him. Rather, I wanted to grant her power and give her her first embrace.”

Kavro pulled the silver pendant out of his shirt, “The design on this silver pendant is the ritual for bestowing the First Embrace.

As soon as I take Angela’s blood, and then let her take mine, she will become my First Embrace, have a portion of my power, and be granted immortality.”

Luke asked rhetorically, “You think you’re a vampire.”

“That’s a complicated question, and the one thing I can give you in the affirmative is that I want to be a vampire.

Want to be a real vampire.”

“If you weren’t sure you were a vampire, why did you give Angela her first embrace and why did you choose that night? Don’t you think that time, that place, that circumstance was too hasty”

“Because that night I thought I had real vampire power to become a real vampire and was qualified to give Angela her first embrace.”

“Why did you think that?”

“Because I drank the holy blood and I could feel my body filled with power, a power that I had never felt before, and it felt like I was a real vampire. That feeling was really marvelous.

The first thing I wanted to do when I got that power was to share it with Angela.

Angela was backstage at the time, and I mustered up the courage to go backstage to her and heard her arguing with her manager.

Like you just said, Angela doesn’t believe in vampires.

She was sick of continuing to play fake vampires, and even wanted to give up her music career because of it, and never put out another vampire-themed album again.

This comment from Angela hit me hard. I had always thought of her as my soulmate. Always thought of her as the vampire queen.

All that goodness was ruined in that moment.

I didn’t want to give up, I wanted to change Angela’s mind.

Tell her that there are vampires in this world. I’ve gained the power of a vampire.

I can grant her the First Embrace.

Make her a true vampire too.

So when her agent, Kim, left, I entered the dressing room.”

Speaking of this, Kavro revealed a look of remembrance and said with deep emotion that

“She knew me.

It made me a little excited, a little relieved, but more sad. I told her to hold on to her dreams and to believe that there are vampires in this world.

She wasn’t impressed and told me those were fake and that she didn’t want to lie to her fans in the future.

I told Angela that I had obtained holy blood, a blood that contains real vampires, and that I got vampire power from it.

I am willing to share that power with her so that she can become a true vampire as well.”

As he said this, Kavro showed a pained look, “Angela laughed.

At first I thought it was pleasure, then I realized it was a mocking smile.

I asked her why she was smiling and Angela told me that it wasn’t even holy blood, it was drugs.

I couldn’t agree and started arguing loudly with Angela.

Angela was also drunk at the time and was very emotional, saying a lot of bad things about vampires, demeaning herself, vampires, and her music.

She didn’t accuse me directly, but by belittling all of that, she was dismissing me wholeheartedly.”

Kavro clenched his fists and looked a little agitated, “I was furious, this was not the Angela I knew, not the real Vampire Queen.

The vampire queen of my heart is dead.

I’m going to change her, make her my first embrace.”

Kavro slowly opened his mouth, revealing two sharp fangs, and spoke in a sad tone, “So I bit her, sucked her blood, and drew the First Embrace ritual on her.

Just when I wanted her to drink my blood to complete the First Embrace Ceremony, I realized that she was no longer breathing.”

Black stepped forward and stared at Kavro’s mouth, “Your fang set wasn’t removed?”

As he spoke, Kuro used his hand to break Kavro’s fangs.

“Hey, what are you doing? You rude black balls. Those are my fangs.” Kafro twisted his head aside and spat in some disgust.

Black was surprised, “I can’t believe I can’t yank it off.”

“FUCK! That’s my tooth.” Kavro bared his mouth, revealing his sharp fangs once again.

“F*** you, f*** you, his fangs are actually real! Not braces!” Blackie was stunned.

“Earthen old man.” Kavro was a little disdainful.

Luke wasn’t too interested in that, it was nothing more than a denture.

Kavro’s earlier description of the case largely matched his speculation.

Luke signaled Xiao Hei to come back and shifted the topic to another suspicious point “Kavro, where did you get the holy blood?”

“It was sold to me by Darci.”

“After you realized you had been deceived, you found and killed Darci didn’t you?”

“I didn’t hurt Darci, I just wanted to find Darci and ask what the Holy Blood really is?

And how is it made?

Is it vampire blood or is it like Angela said, there is no vampire power in Holy Blood at all, but it is laced with drugs.

This is important to me, very important!”

Kavro took a deep breath, and his tone went all gruff, and

“I started looking for Darci, I need to get to the bottom of this or Angela’s death will mean nothing!

I wandered through several vampire fan hangouts in Los Angeles and finally found Darci.

I coerced him into telling the truth and got him to take me to the place where the holy blood was made.

Then Darci drove me to a farm.

Telling me that’s where the holy blood was made.

Soon after we entered the farm, we were spotted by the guards of the farm and the other man shot me, wounding me in the arm.

The pain of the gunshot wound made me instinctively want to run away.

After that, I sought out a black clinic to treat the gunshot wound.

That’s what happened.”

Luke pressed, “You didn’t kill Darcy?”


“Darci, why did he make Holy Blood at the farm?”

“He said the place was more isolated and less likely to be discovered by the police.”

“Did he say how the holy blood was made?”

“I asked and he said he wasn’t sure, that he was only responsible for selling the goods and that there were people on the farm who specialized in making holy blood.”

“Describe the physical characteristics of the farm guards.”

“It was a bit dark at the time, so I only know that it was a white man. By the sound of his voice he shouldn’t be too young. Seems to be wearing a cowboy hat.”

Through Cavro’s dictation, Luke’s mind gradually came up with the appearance of Jefferson, the rancher.

“Do you think he was Darcey’s accomplice, or did he think of you and Darcey as thieves?”

“It must have been Darcy’s accomplice, because he only shot at me alone, not at Darcy at all.”

Luke made a note in his book, “Have you ever been to a cliff near the farm?”

“No, I’m not familiar with that neighborhood at all, and I don’t know where any cliffs are.”

For this statement Luke believed a few points, that cliff was very remote, it was hard for outsiders to find it.

Even if they came across it once in a while, they would probably not be able to find the place if they went there a second time, so it was more likely that locals would commit the crime and dump the body.”

If Cavro was telling the truth, then the rest of the suspicions of the case were centered on the farm owner, Jefferson.

For the farm to be the place where the holy blood was made, Luke felt it was highly probable. Previously, he investigated Darcy’s record of purchasing blood plasma.

10 liters of plasma were purchased in January.

20 liters of plasma were purchased in February.

March purchased 25 liters of plasma.

In April, 30 liters of plasma were purchased.

10 liters of plasma were purchased in May.

The increase in the amount of plasma purchased from January to April indicates that Darcy’s business is getting better and more people are purchasing plasma.

The sudden decrease in the amount of plasma purchased in May either means that there is a new competitor and the market share has become smaller.

Either there is a new channel for plasma purchase.

Now it seems that it should be the latter, except for the ten liters of human blood, all the other holy blood is made from cow blood, which is cheaper and safer.

If replacing it with cow’s blood didn’t affect sales, it might all be replaced with cow’s blood in the future.

Unfortunately, without waiting for Darci to implement his plan, he was killed.

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