Chapter 197

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:00:20
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Early morning.

Sunlight poured into the bedroom of Daisy’s house.

Luke vaguely heard some movement and slowly opened his eyes and touched his left side, but it was empty.

He picked up his cell phone and glanced at it, it was almost eight in the morning.

Luke exited the bedroom to see Daisy busy in the kitchen.

“Good morning, breakfast will be ready soon.”

“OK, I’m looking forward to it.” Luke made a flying kiss and went ahead and washed up.

In all the time the two had been together, Daisy hadn’t made breakfast very often.

It wasn’t that Daisy was lazy, it was just that after the two met, they would do exercise at night and it was hard to get up on time in the morning to make breakfast.

After washing up, Daisy already had breakfast ready.

Milk and sandwiches.

The combination was quite healthy, and the taste was average.

After eating, the two went to work individually, neither of them mentioning yesterday’s incident again.

How else?

Chasing people to go further with themselves.

Come on, this is Los Angeles.

When you can’t be a girlfriend, be a fuck buddy.

Dash a little.

That asshole Blackie doesn’t know how much he envies himself.

“Buzz ……”

Luke’s cell phone rang, and while he waited for a stoplight, he took a look at the screen.

Susan had sent a message and a location in the First Squadron chat group.

‘Got a new case, meet at the crime scene.’

“Roger that.” The crowd responded one after another.

Immediately after that, Xiao Hei also sent a locator, “Which boss is stopping by to bring my little brother.”

Luke glanced at Xiao Hei’s location, it wasn’t far from his current location, it was still on the way: ”I’ll pick you up.”

Not long after, Luke drove to the location and picked up Xiao Hei.

Xiao Hei sat on the co-pilot and smiled hehehe, “Wow wow, it’s true that it’s still Lieutenant Luke who treats me the best.”

“Where’s your car?”

“Uh …… this situation is a little complicated to say the least.”

Luke asked rhetorically, “More complicated than investigating a case?”

“Laura and Jayden found a drop-in center, it’s pretty tough, not a bad environment, but …… it’s a little far from Jayden’s school, and there’s no school bus over here.

So I lent Laura my car to drive Jayden to school for a while.”

Luke was a little incredulous, “You slept with Laura?”

“No, Jayden is my little brother and Laura is my little brother’s mother, how could I possibly do such a thing.

Laura and I are innocent, nothing happened.

Nor will it ever happen again.”

“I really don’t know what to say about you.” Luke didn’t want Black to get in deeper and deeper.

“I’m just trying to help the mother and son, they need that car more than I do, and I’m getting ready to buy a new car, remember what I told you?

Cadillac, my favorite.”

“Suit yourself, figure it out tomorrow and don’t even think about asking me to pick you up again.”

With a curt look on his face, Black asked, “Can I drive the Harley?”


“WHY? and you don’t drive it?”

“Don’t even think about driving my car when you lend it to someone else.”

“Laura mother and child are so difficult, you should have more sympathy, it’s really not easy for a single parent child.”

“That doesn’t work on me, you’re the one trying to be nice, not me.

Besides, a big part of the responsibility for Laura getting to where she is now lies with herself, if she doesn’t change herself, it’s futile for others to help.

Instead of subsidizing her yourself, why don’t you let her make a few trips to all the police stations and recover the money she was cheated of, it’s better than nothing.”

Black nodded, “You have a point.”

“Unlike some people, I never talk crap.”

Xiao Hei “……”

The car drove all the way north and drove to a place halfway up a mountain, the surroundings were beautiful, with lush vegetation, birds and flowers, and fresh air.

A rest area not far away was cordoned off, and several police cars were parked around it.

Luke also parked his car aside and got out of the car with Blackie one after the other.

Susan and the others also arrived at the scene.

Luke asked, “Ramon, what happened?”

Ramon was his usual shy self, “I just got here too, the dead man is in the car.”

Blackie bristled, “Would it kill you to say a few more words?”

Luke walked over to the car to check it out, it was a black Mercedes, a man was sitting upright in the back of the car with two bloody holes in his chest and only a pair of socks on his body.

The rest of his clothes were on the passenger seat.

Blackie muttered, “A naked man dead in a car, this is a smelly case.”

Luke took a closer look and realized that there were also red marks on the dead man’s face that didn’t look like blood, but more like lipstick marks.

And judging by the blood in the car, this would be the first crime scene.

Two words came to Luke’s mind, car sex.

You need at least two people for something like this, so where did the other one go?

Was it the murderer?

Or was it another victim?

The coroner arrived at the scene and began taking pictures of the body.

Luke began to look at the clues around the car and noticed two handprints on the front face of the car, analyzing the angle of the handprints it would have been someone bent over the front of the car, a position he was not unfamiliar with.

“Jenny, get the fingerprint collector.”

Jenny took out the fingerprint collector from the trunk of the car, “What did you find?”

“Compare the fingerprints on the car and identify the owner as soon as possible.”

“No problem.” Jenny activated the instrument and began to collect fingerprint information.

This kind of fingerprint collection instrument belonged to the simplified version, after networking, the fingerprint information entered could be compared with the system database, and the identity of the suspect could be determined at the first time, which was very convenient.

“Hey guys, I found something interesting here.” Rookie Jackson Beech said.

Luke and Blackie walked over.

Blacky asked, “What did you find out, rookie?”

Jackson shrugged, “I thought only internships were considered rookies.”

Blacky snickered, “Looks like you must have some kind of misunderstanding of the term, go home and look in the mirror for a better understanding.”

Jackson grinned back, “Thanks, but your experience, isn’t necessarily for me.”

“What a tough-talking kid.” Black was about to say something else when he was interrupted by Luke, who asked, “Jackson, what did you find out?”

“Lieutenant Luke, I found a large Coke bottle with the bottom broken off.” Jackson handed Luke the bottle in his hand.

Luke took a good look at it and picked up the pieces of plastic on the ground and looked at them, “Used to lower the sound of gunfire.”

Jackson was curious, “An improvised silencer? Does it really work?”

“Rifles are basically useless, pistols are still somewhat useful, better than nothing.” Luke smiled, a small prop often used in movies and television for artistic effect.

He held the coke bottle and carefully photographed it, no obvious fingerprints were found.

Susan’s voice rang out, “Luke, the informant is here, you’re in charge of taking his statement.”

“Okay.” Luke responded.

Jackson said, “Lieutenant Luke, can I take a statement with you?”

“Sure, go get the informant.”


Jackson left in a trot, and Blackie said, “What an arrogant brat, not a bit of rookie awareness, and not knowing how to respect his seniors.”

Luke reminded again, “Ignore him if you don’t like it, ignore him, but don’t mess with him.”

“WHY? What’s so great about this kid.”

Luke asked rhetorically, “A rookie just past his internship into the Robbery and Murder Division, what do you think?”

Blackie didn’t like to use his brain, but it didn’t mean he was stupid, Luke had reminded him so much.

It didn’t take long for Jackson to walk over with a young man in his mid-twenties, the man was wearing, a tank top, shorts, and sneakers all in athletic attire.

The man asked, “Who’s in charge here you guys?”

Luke said, “I’m Lieutenant Luke of the Robbery Murder Division, what’s your name?”

“Alger Rio, are you in charge here?”

“You can talk to me about anything.”

“I’ve been here for three hours now, and I have business to take care of in a few minutes, and I don’t want to delay any longer.

I’d like to ask when I can leave.

I want an exact time.”

“Mr. Leo, you’ll be able to leave as soon as I’ve given you a statement.”

“Sure? I’ve just given my statement.”

“Don’t worry, I can do this.”

“OK, let’s hurry then, I don’t want to wait any longer.”

“No problem.” Luke nodded and began to make a statement, “You’re the reporting party?”

“That’s right, and while I know it might be a bit of a hassle to report it, there’s no way I’m going to stand by and do nothing when I see something like that.”

“When did you find the car and the body?”

“At six-thirty, I came out for my morning walk.”

“Do you do a lot of morning walks?”

“Almost every day.”

“Did you move the contents of the car or the body?”

Alger Rio waved his hand, “No, I don’t want to get myself in trouble.”

“Did you see any suspicious persons at the time?”

Alger Rio thought for a moment, “I seemed to be the only one around at the time.”

“How did you notice the car’s abnormality?”

“At the time, the door facing the highway was closed, but the glass was open, and when I saw the car parked on the side of the road, I looked over as a matter of habit, and noticed that there was something wrong with the man.

I wanted to go over and ask him if he needed help, but it turned out ……

I then rushed to call the police.”

Luke pursued, “You often come over here to exercise, you should be more familiar with the situation here, do you know the victim?”

“No, I don’t know them, but there are some strange people who often come here.”

“What do you mean by strange people?”

Alger Rio pointed around, “This neighborhood is all mountains, few people, good environment, won’t be disturbed, so many people like to come over here to enjoy the scenery and do sports.

Of course it’s different from the kind of exercise I do, it’s exercise done by two people in a car.

Almost every night, there weren’t many robberies here in the past.”

Black was curious, “What kind of robberies?”

Alger Rio said helplessly, “There’s a group of people who specialize in robbing people in car sex, the police should have caught them a long time ago, it’s not likely that they’re the ones who did it.”

“Do you have any leads on this gang?”

“No, I’ve only heard about it, I only come to exercise in the morning, I don’t cross paths with them. Besides, I don’t have a girlfriend ……,” Alger Rio gave a you-know-what look.

Luke handed Alger Rio a business card, “Call me if you remember any clues.”

“Can I go now?”


For something like robbing a car crash, Luke was not surprised to the point that he didn’t think it was a surprise, a car crash would definitely choose a place with fewer people, isolated, and no cameras.

What a good place to commit a crime.

Not only did the carjackers like it, but the suspects liked it too.

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