Chapter 201

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:00:37
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The blonde girl walked near a black SUV.

A burly, bearded man got out of the car, “Joanna, what happened?”

“Did you see that Mercedes G500 earlier?”

“Sure. There must be a rich asshole in the car and a good customer.”

“He’s a cop.”

“Seriously? Are all cop’s so rich nowadays?” The bearded man was also a little nervous, “You didn’t show, did you.”

“No, he was fooled by me.” Joanna first laughed a little smugly, then her smile froze, “Why is it that this kind of idiot can afford a luxury car, but I ……”

“It means the other party has a good father.” The bearded man bristled and seemed to remember something: “What are the police doing here?”

“He said there was a robbery and murder here last night and he came here to investigate.”

The bearded man waved his hand, “Then let’s change places and stay away from these plagues. That trick of yours can’t work every time.”

Joanna threw her cigarette to the ground and stomped it out, “I’m actually not a bad actor, that COP was just fooled into thinking I was a fishing policewoman.

No chance I should try Hollywood, you can continue to be my agent then.”

The bearded man shook his head and lost his smile, “Come on, Hollywood isn’t as easy as you think.”

Joanna was a bit unconvinced, “You’re still questioning my acting skills? What about that cop that was just there?”

Not far away, a voice replied, “What do you want me to say?”

Startled, Joanna followed the voice and realized that a dark-haired young man, the driver of the Mercedes G500, had stepped out of the woods.

“What are you doing here?”


Joanna, you’re the stupid one.” The bearded man cursed, threw up his hands, turned and ran.

“Freeze!” Luke chortled, handcuffing Joanna first.

A black Ford Explorer drove by, and Luke, relieved, hurried after the bearded man.

Luke was agile and the bearded man was stout, and in terms of speed, Luke was more dominant.

However, it was difficult to catch up with each other for a while.

For one thing, the two men pulled away for a distance.

Moreover, the bearded man drilled into the woods.

Have ten percent of the strength, make ten percent of the strength, run out not much far, the body has a few scratches.

Luke had ten points of strength and only used eight, catching someone was good, but getting himself hurt wasn’t worth it.

Now the competition was endurance.

As Luke chased after him, he shouted, “It’s too dark for me to see your hands, put your hands up, if I perceive danger, I’ll shoot.”

Some people might think, are you stupid, people are running away, what’s the point of saying that?

It really does help.

The bearded man once again put his hands up and could only continue to run in this position.

He was trying to run, but more than that, he wanted to save his life.

He knew that Luke was not bluffing him, but really might shoot.

Luke didn’t shoot because he didn’t make any threatening moves.

If his hand was accidentally placed in the position of his coat pocket while running away, once Luke misunderstood, the other party would probably shoot.

To put it bluntly, he couldn’t give Luke a reason to shoot.

He believed that as long as he did not pose a threat to the police when he escaped, the other party would not shoot easily.

Simply put, a police officer’s gun hitting a suspect’s chest and hitting a suspect in the back were two completely different concepts.

Soon, Luke chased closer and closer, taking advantage of the other party’s opportunity to turn, Luke gave a hard push to the bearded man’s shoulder.

The bearded man was already running forward with a forward momentum, and with Luke’s push, his body lost balance and fell.

The bearded man rolled on the ground, stood up, and saw a bowl-sized fist coming at him.

The bearded man instinctively raised his hand to block, blocking Luke’s fist with his small arm.

The bearded man knew very well that he couldn’t run away from his opponent, so he could only fight hard, lifting his foot and kicking Luke in the abdomen.

Luke dodged sideways, narrowly avoiding it.

A left hook connects to his opponent’s cheek.

And the bearded man was not to be outdone, smashing a right hook into Luke’s stomach.

“Bang!” Luke’s fist was faster and hit his opponent’s face first.

The bearded man was dazed by the punch, and his right hand punch weakened a few points and hit Luke’s stomach a little lighter.

Even so, Luke also ate some pain, and with a dark heart, he watched the bearded man not fall down, and punched another straight punch to the opponent’s solar plexus.


This punch was so powerful and fast that the bearded man couldn’t avoid it at all, and was directly knocked out.

Luke, in order to avoid his opponent’s counterattack, pressed on him and threw another combination punch.

“Bang ……”

The bearded man was beaten black and blue, completely losing his resistance.

Luke turned the bearded man’s back and read the Miranda warning in handcuffs.

“Uh.” After a while, the bearded man regained consciousness, “You bastard cop, you hit so hard!”

“You attacked the police so decisively, I thought you were a tough guy, but I didn’t realize you were a softie.”

The bearded man shook his head, “I’m not a soft egg, I was just sneak attacked by you.

If I wasn’t worried about you shooting, I wouldn’t have tied my hands, and the one who was knocked down would have been you.”

“In this life, you won’t get that chance.” Luke yanked him up off the ground and headed in the direction of the highway.

Luke had just escorted the bearded man to the highway when the black Ford Explorer pulled up and Blackie got out, “Luke, are you okay.”

“I’m fine, where’s the woman?”

“Already got her, in the car.”


The nearby patrolmen then rushed over for support and escorted the bearded man to the police car.

Afterwards, Luke said to Xiao Hei, “Take this bearded man back for a proper interrogation, this bastard dared to attack the police with his hands, he definitely has a record on him.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t be brain-dead turning a misdemeanor into a felony.”

“I know.” Xiao Hei nodded and asked rhetorically, “Where are you going?”

“Home to bed.”

Blacky “……”

Is that good?

In fact, Luke wasn’t very interested in their bank-selling behavior, and might not even arrest someone if he saw them on the side of the road.

The point was that these two were playing smart and posing as police officers, which made Luke a bit uneasy and disgusted.

Compared to selling silver, this was the big problem.

On the contrary, there were a lot of people who liked to be smart.

Early the next morning.

Luke arrived at the detective station in high spirits.

Blackie was sitting at a table yawning with a coffee cup in his right hand.

Jackson was wiping his desk with a rag.

Luke took out a box of Tieguanyin: “Guys, I took a box of Chinese tea, it also has a refreshing effect, you can try it.”

Blackie showed a curious look, “Chinese tea? Is it good?”

Luke asked back, “Is black coffee good?”

“Give me a cup to try.” Xiao Hei was still more courageous to try it, anyway, it was Luke’s and he didn’t have to spend any money himself.

Luke also did not favor one over the other, took a large teapot, brewed a pot of Iron Goddess of Mercy, poured a cup for everyone, and let Xiao Hei help share it.

The lieutenant raised an eyebrow after drinking it, “It’s the flavor I remember.”

Jackson nodded, “It tastes pretty good, very refreshing.”

Blackie skimmed his big mouth, “Why do you have the illusion of drinking grass?”

“That means it’s not for you.” Luke smiled, it was fine if he didn’t like it, it just so happened that no one would take it from him.

Always drinking coffee, Luke was a little tired of it, bring some tea to the police station, when not busy make a cup of tea, also quite beautiful.

As for the two kinds of refreshing drinks to distinguish between high and low, it is not necessary, each has its own good, change the drink.

Luke asked, “What happened to the two people who were questioned last night?”

“We interrogated them overnight.

The two of them are silver sellers, and that woman, Joanna, even disguised herself as a police officer in an attempt to fool you and escape capture by this means.

In addition, according to Joanna, when she picks up clients, she occasionally encounters some perverts or those who are unwilling to pay, and at this time, she needs someone to ensure her safety.

Namely, the bearded guy you caught.

You guessed right, he does have a record.” Saying that it wasn’t good, Xiao Hei ran over and poured another cup of tea, and continued to say that

“He had organized silver sales many times, and is still on bail, this time he committed several crimes, not only is his bail gone, but he will also have to sit in jail.”

“Guilty as charged.” Luke thought about last night’s capture, if he hadn’t taken his boxing skills a step further, it wouldn’t have been easy to subdue the other man.

“Knock knock.” The office door slammed.

Jenny led a woman into the office.

The woman’s eyes were red, as if she had been crying.

Although Luke had never seen this woman, he had read her profile and was the wife of the deceased.

Luke turned to Jenny and asked, “Identified the body?”


“Have you made a statement yet?”

“Not yet.”

“Take her into the break room and you take a statement with her.”


Jenny then took the deceased Barron Smith’s wife into the lounge.

Luke and Blackie walked in as well and Blackie handed the other woman a cup of tea, “Ma’am, this is Chinese tea, I hope it makes you feel better.”

Mrs. Smith choked, “Thank you.”

Luke got right to the point, “Mrs. Smith, if it’s convenient, I’d like to give you a statement.”

“All I want to know right now is who killed my husband?”

Luke sighed, “The case is still under investigation, we don’t know for the time being, the first thing we ask you to do is to confirm the identity of the deceased.

Another is to ask some questions about Mr. Smith’s life, which will help the police to solve the case.”

“When did my husband die?”

“The night before last.”

“Where was he killed? How did he die?”

“In the car? Shot.”

“Why on earth would this happen? It’s horrible!

Who killed him? It’s so cruel.

I can’t take it!” Mrs. Smith whimpered and sobbed.

Luke handed the other party a tissue, “Mrs. Smith, your husband was killed the night before last, we informed you yesterday, why did you only come to identify the body today?”

“I’m a doctor, and there was a patient over at the Long Beach branch who needed surgery.

I went there the day before yesterday and gave the patient a thorough body checkup, and yesterday morning I was doing the surgery, and when I was done, I realized the missed call on my cell phone.

I still remember …… when he sent me off at that time, I didn’t think it would become goodbye forever ……

God, why did you do this to me, why?” Mrs. Smith gave a look of regret that

“If I hadn’t gone to Long Beach City the day before yesterday, if I had been home, wouldn’t my husband have died?”

Blackie bristled and said, “If you hadn’t traveled, he wouldn’t have had a chance to snog anyone.

Luke asked, “Where were you between nine and twelve the night before last?”

“I was resting at the Long Milan Hotel in Long Beach for a surgery the next morning.”

“When was the last time you contacted Mr. Smith?”

“We spoke on the phone once after 8:00 p.m. and talked for a few minutes, then I got ready to wash up and rest.”

“Did he say at that time that he was going somewhere in the evening?”

“No, he said he was going to watch a movie and then he went to bed.” Mrs. Smith asked rhetorically, “And I don’t know why he drove out, is there something he’s not telling me?”

Without answering, Luke continued to inquire, “Did your husband have any valuables in his Mercedes?”

Mrs. Smith thought about it and shook her head, “I don’t know. I’m usually busy with my work, and I rarely ask about things at home, and he’s the one who worries about things at home.

Now he ……”

Mrs. Smith seemed to remember how good her husband was and once again couldn’t hold back her tears.

Jenny handed the other party tissues and whispered a few words of comfort.

Waiting for Mrs. Smith to calm down, Luke continued to ask, “What kind of work does your husband do?”

“He’s a real estate agent, we first met when he helped me look for a house, and we’ve been through a lot, from strangers in the beginning, to familiar clients, friends, and lovers.

I always thought I could live with him like this for the rest of my life ……”

“Did Mr. Smith have any difficulties or competitors at work?”

“He didn’t like to talk about work at home, not only about his own work, but he wouldn’t let me talk about the hospital.

I’m not really sure.”

“Has he been anything unusual lately?”

“No, he’s always been a very upbeat person.”

Luke pulled out a picture of Shirley Yalter, “Do you recognize her?”

Mrs. Smith took a look, “No, don’t know her, did she have anything to do with my husband’s death?”

“She and your husband had some dealings at work.”

Luke pulled out another picture of Shirley Yalter’s husband, “Do you recognize him?”

Mrs. Smith picked up the picture, “Never seen him.”

“And have you noticed anyone or anything suspicious in recent times?”

Mrs. Smith froze for a moment, “Some time ago, I saw a car parked near my house, and at first I didn’t pay much attention to it.

But the next day I saw the car again, and it felt like someone in the car was staring at my house.

So I told my husband.

My husband was about to walk over and ask about it when the car drove off.

I haven’t seen it since, so I didn’t take it too seriously.”

“What was the exact time?”

“About a week now.”

Luke jotted down in his notebook, “Get a good look at the driver?”

“No, the other guy hadn’t been driving with the glass open and couldn’t get a good look at all.”

“What kind of car?”

“A white Volvo sedan.”

“Remember the license plate number?” Luke raised both eyebrows slightly, he remembered that the Yalts had a white Volvo.

“Let’s see.” Mrs. Smith thought for a moment and took out her phone and flipped through it to find a picture, “I was taking a picture of this car.”

Luke took the phone, zoomed in on the screen and saw the car’s license plate number, 3reb326.

Soon, Luke looked up the license plate number on the police system.

Owner of the car, Juvenal Yalter

Gender, male

Date of birth, July 4, 1983

Cell phone number, 626 875 458*.

Address, 176 Portal neighborhood.

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