Chapter 202

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:00:40
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The white Volvo was registered in the name of Juvenal Yalter.

Juven Yalter originally had a great potential motive.

Before, there was no evidence that he had anything to do with the case, but now the photographs provided by Mrs. Smith were enough to prove that he had been involved.

The police also had reason to investigate him.

176 Portal neighborhood.

Yalter’s house.

It was Sunday, and the family of Eowyn Yalter was at home resting.

The three members of the family are usually busy with their own lives, and only on Sundays can they get together.

All three are used to sleeping in on Sunday mornings.

Breakfast didn’t start until after nine in the morning.

Exactly should say brunch, the three people eat while chatting, after eating it is estimated to be ten o’clock.

I’ll skip lunch today and have a barbecue party with a neighbor in the afternoon.

Juvenile Yalter’s son is called Terry, he is in the 9th grade this year, his height is almost 175cm, a little taller than Shirley.

Terry looked at his mother and asked, “What did the police want with you yesterday?”

Shirley took a bite of her waffle and put it back on her plate, “Adults’ business, kids stay out of it.”

Terry put down his glass of milk, “I’m part of this family too.

And I’m in high school, have a sound mind, can tell the difference between good and bad things, and am no longer the little kid you talk about.”

“Really? Then have you finished your homework? If you haven’t finished it, hurry up and do it after dinner, otherwise, you’re not going anywhere today.”

Terry spread his hands and looked over at his father, “Dad, don’t you want to say something?”

“Honey, Terry has a point, we’re family and we’re upset to see you taken away by the police.

We care about you.” Eowyn Yalter’s tone held a hint of complaint and concern.

Shirley sighed, “I signed a non-disclosure agreement and the police won’t let me tell anyone else.”

Juven Yalter asked rhetorically, “Are Terry and I other people to you?”

Hearing her husband and son’s words, Shirley was a little heartbroken, “No, you are my family, the closest thing I have.

Uh, actually, I wasn’t trying to hide it, I just wanted to find the right opportunity to talk about it.

The night before last, I was showing a home to a client and there just happened to be a homicide in that neighborhood.

The police were called just yesterday morning, and they weren’t able to catch the killer, and they’ve been looking for witnesses.

Since I’ve driven through that neighborhood and am not a resident of that neighborhood, …… I became the subject of the investigation.

And yes, I know I was unlucky, but it just happened.”

Eowyn Yalter was concerned, “Are they treating you as an eyewitness, or a suspect?”

Shirley frowned slightly and said helplessly, “I think it should be both, they asked me a lot of questions, such as where I was the night before last? Whether or not I knew the deceased, etc.

I was also asked to describe what I saw and heard, and then I was let go.”

Terry showed a relaxed look, “So that’s how it is, then I’m relieved.”

Juvenile Yalter said, “Wife, in the future, try to show your clients houses during the daytime, although the security in Los Angeles is not bad these days, it is always risky to go out at night.”

Shirley sighed, “I’d like to make appointments with my clients to see the houses during the day, but some of them have to work during the day, and the only time that’s more convenient is at night.

That’s the service industry, sometimes there’s just no choice.”

Yesterday, after Shirley came home from the police station, her husband and son had been asking questions about the situation, only at that time, she was still in a state of panic did not think of how to explain.

After a night’s sleep, and calming down, she had figured out what to say.

Eowyn Yalter grabbed his wife’s hand, “Don’t work yourself too hard, dear, I earn enough to cover the family’s expenses.”

“It’s true that it’s enough, but there’s not much savings to be saved.

Terry will be going to college in two years, and I want him to go to a better college.

Things are different in the United States and China.

In China, the better the college, the lower the cost.

The opposite is true in the U.S. The better the college, the more expensive it is.

Terry rolled his eyes, “Mom, don’t put all the blame on me, I can apply for a loan for college.”

Sherry looked at her son and shook her head, “I don’t want to stress you out, college is the best time, it should be relaxing and enjoyable, not spending all day thinking about where you’re going to work part time jobs.”

Eowyn Yalte smiled and looked at her son, “I envy you for having such a good old mom.

My mom didn’t have this kind of realization back then.

I worked at McDonald’s for a year and swiped dishes at a restaurant for a year in order to pay off my student loans early.”

The atmosphere of the family of three’s conversation is relaxed and happy, and it definitely looks like a warm and friendly family to outsiders.

“Dingdong ……” the doorbell rang.

All three people froze.

Yesterday’s memories resurfaced in their minds.

Shirley stood up and pretended to be relaxed, “Gentlemen, I’ll leave the task of cleaning up the dishes to you.

I’ll get the door.”

Juvenile Yalt was a bit worried, “Honey, do you want me to go with you?”

“No, it’s probably the neighbors inviting us to a party, relax.”

“You’re right, it’s over. There are homicides almost every day in L.A., nothing to worry about.”

Sherry walked to the door and checked the videophone to see two familiar figures standing outside the door, the same two police officers who had taken her yesterday.


What she had feared had happened.

She had mixed feelings inside, anger, helplessness, and fear that her newly restored peace of mind was likely to be shattered by the police’s re-arrival.

But facing the police at the door, she had no escape but to open the door of her room stiffly.

Dragging it out for a long time would instead arouse the suspicion of her husband and son, and the best thing to do was to ask the police about the purpose of their visit as soon as possible and send them away.

“Cluck ……” Shirley opened the door and said, “Lieutenant Luke, why are you guys here again? Didn’t I make it all clear yesterday?”

Shirley lowered her voice, “And I did my physical, which proved that I wasn’t lying.”

Luke said, “We’re here just to ask a few questions.”

“Then ask them as soon as possible.”

“Have you ever been to Barron Smith’s house?”


“Ever show up near Barron Smith’s house in a white Volvo sedan?”

“No, why would I do something like that, Barron Smith and I were only seeing each other privately and had no intention of disturbing each other’s families.

What happened the other night was just a mistake, other than that we didn’t cross paths any more.”

“Can I take you at your word?”

“Of course, I don’t have to lie to you, is there anything else you want to ask?”

Luke said, “Nothing more to ask you for now.”

“OK, then please leave as soon as you can and leave me alone.” Sherry said and was about to close the door to her room.

“Bang!” Luke blocked the door with his hand.

Shirley asked in a slightly disgruntled tone, “I’ve made myself clear, what more do you want?”

“You did make it clear, so it’s not you we’re looking for now.”

Sherry frowned tightly with a hint of a tremolo, “What do you mean?”

Luke pulled out a photo, “A week ago, someone in a Volvo sedan showed up near the deceased’s house.

According to the deceased’s family this car was acting suspiciously.”

Shirley glanced at the photo and a panicked look appeared on her face, “Even if I buy a car, how could it be my family’s car ……”

“That’s what we came for, why is your family’s car in front of Barron Smith’s house?”

Shirley shook her head, “I don’t know.”

“OK, then let’s find someone who knows and ask them, the car is registered to your husband I believe.

Is he home?”

Shirley said with a trill, “You want to talk to my husband?”

“Is there a problem?”

“You guys promised me that you wouldn’t tell my husband or my son about this, you promised.”

“The premise of our promise was that it would not affect the investigation of the case, but now that your husband is involved in this case, it is impossible for us to turn a blind eye.

What would you do if it were you?”

Shirley sounded certain, “You must be mistaken, my husband doesn’t know about this.”

“Have you told him about your relationship with Barron Smith?”

“No, how could I have told him.”

“That’s right, then; if you can conceal it, he is just as likely to do so.

Perhaps neither of you know each other as well as you think you do.

Get Eowyn out here, we need to get a statement from him.”

“Hey, did you guys just talk about me? What the hell is going on? Why are you guys here again?” Eowyn came out of the house when he heard the commotion.

Luke pointed to the white Volvo next to the garage, “Mr. Eowyn Yalter, is that your car?”

“Yes, it’s my car, why?”

“I’d like to ask you a few questions if it’s convenient.”

“Why do you want to ask me? What’s wrong with my car?”

“I’d like to talk to you privately.”

“Another confidentiality agreement?” Eowyn Yalter spread her hands and turned to Shirley, who was off to the side, and asked, “Honey, what’s going on? Why does that case have anything to do with me?”

Shirley, her forehead covered in fine beads of sweat, was silent because she didn’t know how to answer.

Luke flashed a search warrant, “Mr. Yalter, we’re going to search this car, so please hand over the car keys.”

Eowyn Yalter was a little disgruntled, “Can someone tell me what the hell is going on?”

Luke reached out, “Give me the car keys first, and afterward we’ll talk and you’ll naturally be able to find out what’s going on.”

Juvenal Yalter looked at his wife, the other man still didn’t answer, he could only return to the house, take out his car keys and hand them to Luke.

“Be careful, don’t mess up my car.”

“We’ll take care of it.” Luke handed the keys to Matthew and Jackson and put the two in charge of searching the Volvo sedan.

Luke turned around, “Mr. Yalter, let’s talk alone.”

Watching the two men enter his sedan, Juvenile Yalter was a bit depressed, “Just in time, I’d like to talk to you alone as well. Let’s see which law I’ve broken, and I actually even took out a search warrant.

You guys are really good.”

Juvenile Yalter turned his head to Shirley, “Honey, you go ahead and take the kids upstairs.”

Shirley opened her mouth to say but didn’t know what to say and turned into the house, “Terry, go upstairs.”

“No, I’m part of this family, and I want to know what’s going on?”

“The police don’t give a shit about that, come with me.” Shirley took her son upstairs without a word, she didn’t want him to hear what was coming next.

Never wanted to.

Eowyn called Luke and the others into the living room, “OK, there’s no one else here to talk to.

What the hell is going on that you guys come to my house again and again?

First you found my wife, now you’re looking for me, what the hell are you guys looking for?”

Luke took out the photo of the dead man, “Do you recognize him?”

Ju Wen took the photo and scrutinized it, “Never seen him before, is he the one who was killed?”

“That’s right, the night before last, this man was shot and killed in his own car, and that’s the case we’re investigating now.”

“And what does that have to do with me, I don’t even know him. And why search my car? He couldn’t have died in my car, could he?”

“No, he died in his Mercedes, however, Shirley was there when he died.”

“So, you guys suspect that my wife is the murderer?” Eowyn snorted, “That’s ridiculous.

She didn’t even have a gun, or even know where the safety was, so how could she have killed anyone.”

“Sherry was in that car when the victim died, and she’s also the only witness the police have found so far. Plus, we’re not treating her as a suspect because she was one of the victims.”

“Wait, you’re saying my wife was also a victim?” Eowyn gave a concerned look.

“That’s not what she said, she said she was just going to that neighborhood to bring her clients, could it be that the person who was murdered was one of his clients?”

“From what the police know so far, the deceased was not a client of Shirley’s.

The deceased was also a real estate agent, and the two may have had some dealings at work and were considered friends who knew each other.”

“Then why did my wife lie? Why hide the meeting with him?”

Luke said, “That’s what we need to investigate.”

As if he had thought of something, Juvenile Yalter scratched his hair hard, “Even buy the Karma, do you guys suspect that Shirley and that guy ……

So, you guys came to me today, suspecting that I killed that guy?

You guys are baseless, I didn’t even know that they were going to meet the night before last.

There’s no way Shirley would do anything to wrong me either.

Absolutely not.”

Luke pulled out a picture of a white Volvo, “This picture was taken near the victim’s house, you say that?”

Juvenile Yalter zoomed in on the picture, “This license plate number …… is my car.”

“That’s right, and that’s why we’re looking for you.”

Eowyn Yalter looked incredulous, “But I didn’t drive there.”

Luke asked back, “Then who do you think it could be?”

Eowyn Yalter froze, “Could Shirley really be related to that guy?”

Blackie looked a little confused, “Man, isn’t it obvious? How much more blunt do we need to be.

According to Shirley’s description.

The two of them were dating when the victim was killed.

And your car appeared from the vicinity of the deceased’s house a week ago, and there was a motive for the crime.

If you were the police, would you doubt yourself?”

Luke didn’t interrupt Black this time, normally the police wouldn’t reveal the privacy of the people involved in a case, but this time things were different again.

As the case was further investigated, it had involved Juvenile Yalter.

The premise of protecting the privacy of the people involved in the case was not to affect the investigation of the case.

Juvenile Yalte shook his head, “I don’t believe it, you guys must be mistaken. It can’t be.”

Seeing Shirley and his son on the second floor, he wimped out again.

“Shirley, come down here, I want to talk.”

Terry asked, “Dad, what’s going on?”

Eowyn Yalter barked, “None of your business, you stay in the second floor study and no eavesdropping.”

Eowyn then led his wife downstairs and inquired in a low voice, “The group of police officers just said that you weren’t showing the house to a client last night, but that you were on a date with the man who was killed.

Is that true?” Eowyn Yalter’s voice was hoarse with red eyes, “I want to hear it from you.

If they’re lying, don’t they dare frame you.

Even if they were cops, I’d beat them up.”

Shirley lowered her head, not daring to look at her husband.

“Why don’t you say something? Tell me it’s not true!”

With a sobbing voice, Shirley choked out, “SORRY, husband, I did wrong.”


They’re telling the truth, why did you do it?

Why did you do this to me?”

“I did wrong, I’ll explain to you, please give me some time.”


I trusted you so much and you did this behind my back and asked me to forgive you.

Do you think I’m an idiot?”

“No, I’m just ……” Yukari tried to defend herself but didn’t know how to answer.

Kuro said, “Eowyn Yalte, please calm down, anger won’t solve the problem now.”

Eowyn Yalte questioned, “You told me to calm down!

Have you ever been married? Did your wife cheat on you behind your back?

If not, then you have no right to talk about me.”

Blackie “……”

Okay, you win, I really don’t have the qualification.

Luke also opened his mouth to advise, “Juwen, this is between adults and a private matter between you and your couple.

If you yell and scream here, not only will we hear it, but also your son.

It might even draw the neighbors over, is that what you want?”

Juvenile Yalter gritted his teeth and showed an angry look, seemingly suffocating to the extreme.

But Luke’s words were still heard in his heart, “You guys got the wrong guy, I didn’t kill that bastard.

However, when you guys catch the murderer, thank him for me.

That bastard deserved it!”

Juvenile Yalter finally conceded and didn’t explode.

Perhaps this was the helplessness of adults with too many scruples.

Luke said, “We’d like to believe you too, but we’re still going to give you a statement.

It’s just a routine inquiry that will prove your innocence.”

Juvenile asked rhetorically, “After the statement, will you not come back?”


“Okay, then ask, quickly.”

“Where were you between nine and twelve o’clock the night before last?”

“I was in Bonners City on business, resting at the Hilton.”

“What is your line of work and why were you traveling?”

“I’m an actor and am filming a TV series that needs to be set in Bonas City.”

Blackie asked, “You’re an actor? I don’t seem to remember much? What kind of dramas have you filmed?”

“I’m not a star, just a small actor who’s done some supporting roles, I’ve guest starred in a lot of TV shows, the earliest of which were the CSI series, Modern Family, The Walking Dead, Know Your Bones, and this time I’m filming the second season of La Brea, which is a great sci-fi movie.

You guys can ask the crew if you don’t believe me, but please don’t negatively influence me, it wasn’t easy for me to get a role.

I have already lost ……

Don’t want to lose my job again.”

Luke stared at his expression and asked again, “Do you recognize the dead man?”

“I told you, I don’t recognize it.”

Not seeing anything unusual, Luke continued to inquire, “Do you have a pistol?”

“I have only a shotgun.”

“Did you drive a white Volvo around the vicinity of the deceased’s house a week ago?”


“Has this white Volvo ever been stolen?”


“Was the automobile ever loaned out?”


Luke cast another questioning look at Shirley.

Sherry shook her head silently as well.

“That’s interesting, then, that the car hasn’t been stolen, and your couple doesn’t admit to driving the car to the deceased’s house.” Luke looked at Eowyn and then at Sherry, it was obvious now, the biggest possibility was that one of the couple was lying.

Of course, there was another possibility, that a third person had secretly driven the white Volvo to the deceased’s house.

Luke had some guesses about the identity of this third person, but the identity of the other person was rather special, and Luke wanted to confirm it again.

Luke turned to Sherry and asked, “When was the last time you drove this car?”

“I rarely drive this car, not in the last while.”

Luke looked at Eowyn again, “When was the last time you drove this car?”

“Four days ago.

I went on a business trip in the crew car and I haven’t moved the car since I got back.”

“Which means the last person to drive it would have been you.” Luke finished, exited the house and walked over to the side of the garage.

At that moment, Jackson and Matthew were drumming on the car recorder.

Luke walked next to the driver’s side and observed for a while, while sitting in the driver’s side, he felt that the space was a bit small, and his head touched the roof of the car.

Luke was 185cm tall, if he was going to drive this car, he would definitely move his seat back.

Luke looked at Juvenile, “What’s your height?”

“Around 185cm.”

The two of them were about the same height, if Juvenile was going to drive this car he should have adjusted the position as well, in other words, someone should have moved this car during the time Juvenile was gone.

Luke instructed Xiao Hei at the side, “Test the fingerprints on the steering wheel to see who else has moved this car besides the couple.”

“Roger that.”

Just at this moment, Matthew on the side greeted, “Lieutenant Luke, we’ve found out something on our side.”

“What’s going on?”

Matthew said, “We checked the car recorder from the night before last and found that someone drove this car from here during the time period of the crime, and then drove all the way to Mount Carbon.

The person who drove this car most likely visited the crime scene.”

It was now clear that neither of the husband and wife were home the night before and neither had driven the car, so there was only one person left who was qualified to drive the car.

Their son Terry.

Luke squared his shoulders, “Gentlemen, I’d like to talk to your son.”

Eowyn was anxious, “This has nothing to do with my son, he’s just a minor student and doesn’t have a driver’s license.”

Shirley also rushed to say, “This matter has nothing to do with Terry, the murderer not only killed Barron, but also infested me.”

Juvenile revealed a surprised look, “You were rice invaded by the murderer?”

Shirley showed a humiliated look, “Yes.”

Ju Wen showed a disgusted look, “Even Karma, your life is really messed up.”

Shirley froze, not as concerned as she thought she would be, but hurt by her husband’s tone.

Luke said, “You guys are right, I don’t believe this has anything to do with him either.

But the clues all point to him.

Bringing him out and giving a statement will prove his innocence.”

Eowyn shook her head, “No, I disagree.”

Sherry chimed in, “You guys must be mistaken.”

At that moment the door opened and Terry stood in the doorway, “What do you want to say to me? Go ahead.”

Eowyn sighed softly, showing a complicated look.

Sherry lowered her head, not daring to look her son in the eye.

At Luke’s suggestion, the group returned to the living room again.

Ironically, the tableware on the dining room table hadn’t been put away yet, and the scene of a family of three sitting at the table to eat breakfast was fresh in their minds.

A seemingly cozy and loving family, broken in a single night.

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