Chapter 236

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:02:16
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The final price of the bidding was 650,000 dollars.

There’s money, there’s money.

The auction house was efficient.

The money was transferred to Luke the next afternoon.

After deducting the commission, it was nearly 450,000 dollars after taxes.

Luke’s total assets were now up to $1.28 million, including over $30,000 in stock.

The Sleuth system had been liquidated and was in excess.

Luke felt that this should have something to do with his own abilities.

With his understanding of the Sleuth System, the value of the out-of-print vinyl record he had accidentally gotten would not exceed the system reserve, it would only be less, not more.

But why would it sell for a high price of six hundred and fifty thousand dollars.

Luke felt that the part that exceeded the value of the record should belong to the premium of his own ability.

The buyer was Jim, the owner of ‘Strange House Antiques’, and the other party bought the record at a high price not only because he liked the record, but also because he wanted to curry favor with Luke.

To put it bluntly, it was deterred by Luke’s ‘silver power’.

Of course, since the transaction was through a third-party auction house, as long as taxes were paid, it was reasonable and legal.

America was different from China.

There are some things here that are not a matter as long as they are reasonable and legal.

For example, you want to get in bed with a politician.

What do you do?

Invite him to your company, make a speech, hundreds of thousands, millions of speaking fees, you can give, remember to pay taxes.

Another example is that the politician sets up a personal charity fund, and the ‘good-hearted’ rich people can just give money to the charity fund, reasonably and legally.

Isn’t that why Clinton and Okunghai are so rich?

How to spend this more than one million dollars?

It is also considered a happy worry.

Luke did not think of a good investment project for the time being, and buying a house is a more secure method.

His bones are still influenced by traditional thinking, rich people do not buy houses, always feel shortcomings.

Only with a house can he have a home, and he is completely rooted in Los Angeles.

Moreover, he always had a dream of living in a villa when he was a child.

A small two-story detached building, surrounded by a large yard, planted some flowers and plants, and a swimming pool in the backyard, where you can take a bath and swim in your spare time.

When he was a child, he always felt that this dream was not far away, and he always thought that he would be able to live this kind of life when he grew up through hard work.

As an adult, he realized how far away this dream was.

As he grew older, he had forgotten about this dream, and when he occasionally thought about it, he just smiled.

After being reborn in Los Angeles, Luke drove all the way to the top, and now he had a little money to try to realize the dream he had back then.

Luke listed his requirements for buying a house.

The first point, no loans.

Although the U.S. mortgage interest rate is not too high, but he still does not intend to take out a loan, how much ability, how much money to buy a house.

Live a little easier.

The second point, high-grade neighborhoods.

The supporting facilities of the upscale community are more complete, and the security, greening, and environment are also guaranteed.

Luke began to search online, good house is really a lot, also really beautiful.

But the price is also really high.

A million dollars or so could only buy a house in a middle-class neighborhood, which was not bad, but didn’t have that particular urge to buy it.

It was about the same as the one he was renting now, and in that case, just keep renting it, why bother buying a similar one.

A real mansion would cost at least four or five million dollars.

Luke’s 1.28 million dollars was genuinely not enough, and he didn’t want to carry a multi-million dollar loan, so he could only give up helplessly and continue to make money.

But the money has been put in the bank, and makes him feel like a fool.

Luke thought twice and decided to put most of his money into the stock market.

Luke bought $35,000 in stocks some time ago, which are now worth $36,000. Although he didn’t make much, it was much better than keeping it in the bank, and he was quite content.

Subsequently, he was left with $ 30,000 pocket money, will be $ 1.25 million into the stock market, bought twenty more optimistic stocks, he does not expect these stocks to make a lot of money, there are a few thousand dollars per month of profit will be enough to cover his expenses.

From a certain point of view, it is also the most basic wealth freedom.

Soon, time entered August.

There were no cases these days, and Luke had a rare moment of leisure.

He hadn’t studied boxing for a while, and had two boxing cards ready to go to the Pomos Boxing Gym to practice.

Considering the preciousness of the boxing cards, Luke directly booked one-on-one personal training with Coach Hall.

It was still $100/hour.

Seeing Hall again, he was much more enthusiastic than last time.

In the last school shooting incident, Luke not only saved a student but also caught the murderer, and Hall’s son was a student of that high school.

As a result, Luke had earned Hall’s respect as well.

After the two exchanged pleasantries, they began their official sparring session, and Luke used a boxing card.

With the aid of the boxing card, Luke’s boxing skills improved quickly, but there was still a big difference between him and a former top player like Hall, and with Hall’s height of nearly 190cm and a body a lap thicker than Luke’s, it was hard to injure him.

However, one advantage of fighting him was that Luke could let go of the fight.

At twelve noon, both sides stopped practicing.

Luke’s progress was obvious, once again shocking Hall, “Luke, your technique is close to that of a professional boxer.

You’re really talented, if you’re willing to follow me and practice for a long time, you might really be able to enter a professional boxing match.”

Luke took off his gloves and didn’t answer, just smiled.

Hall didn’t seem to be about to give up and continued, “There’s a new restaurant nearby that tastes good, I’ll take you to try it.”


The two walked and chatted at the same time.

“Luke, I’m serious, you can consider it.”

Luke knew very well that he had progressed fast because of the Boxing Card’s assistance, but Luke wasn’t sure where his upper limit was right now.

If the boxing card could keep making Luke stronger, with the aid of the boxing card, he might be able to become a top professional boxer.

If that was the case, he wouldn’t mind raking in the gold.

“Coach Hall, if I were to fight now, what ranking do you think I could get?”

Hall shook his head, “Don’t think about getting a ranking in your first fight, but rather have a learning attitude, your current level might be able to fight with ordinary professional boxers, but there’s still a big gap between you and the top boxers.

You can’t even beat me, a retired old man, and you still want to get a ranking?”

Luke “……”

“I’m not knocking you for your lack of systematic training, it’s your potential I’m looking at.

If your learning potential stays this strong, I believe that with a year or two of serious training, you might be able to reach the level of top fighters, and by then, you’ll have a chance to compete for a roster spot, or even a gold belt.” Hall began to paint a big picture.

“I’ll think about it.” Luke responded, long term systematic training and progression, he’d have to have that many boxing cards to do that too yeah.

After about a few minutes of walking, the two entered a restaurant.

A black waitress came over and asked, “Coach Hall, what would you like to eat today?”

Luke glanced at the black waitress and was a little surprised that it was actually Blackie’s ex-girlfriend Julian.

Julian also seemed to recognize Luke and nodded slightly.

Luke gestured with a smile and didn’t say anything.

Coach Hall didn’t notice anything unusual and started ordering.

This was a restaurant that specialized in steaks with large portions.

He ordered a main assisted steak which was enough for two people.

There were also corn dogs, reindeer sausage, apple pie, and clam chowder.

Julian asked, “Anything else?”

“That’s all for now.”

“Okay, hold on.” Julian took the menu and left.

Luke looked at Julian’s back and always felt that the other party was a bit strange, as if he was intentionally avoiding his gaze.

However, with Hall here, Luke didn’t say much.

After finishing the meal, Julian did not come to settle the bill, but switched to another waiter to settle the bill.

Luke pushed his doubts to the back of his mind for the time being and followed Hall back to the boxing gym.

After resting for an hour, the two started training again.

Luke used the second boxing card.

Luke was fully focused and cherished the opportunity to spar with Hall.

He would take the initiative to ask about anything he didn’t understand, and Hall would correct some of his irregular movements.

Time flew by quickly, and three hours passed in a blink of an eye.

Hall saw Luke’s progress in his eyes, Luke’s ability to learn was very strong, almost like learning by example, he very much hoped that Luke could stay in the gym to see how much potential he really had.

Right after the time limit for the use of the second boxing card expired, a voice rang in Luke’s head, “Congratulations to the host, with the assistance of the boxing card, he has tapped into his full boxing talent and reached the level of an ordinary professional boxer.

Rewarded with ten draw opportunities.”

Luke realized that the boxing card option in the system had disappeared.

It indicated that the system might not have boxing cards in the future.

From the tone just now, it could be heard that Luke’s boxing potential had been fully tapped, in other words, the boxing card could only help him learn fast and tap his potential quickly, but there was an upper limit.

This upper limit was his own talent.

And once the limit of his own talent was reached, the effect of this kind of card would be ineffective.

In other words, the upper limit of his talent was that of an ordinary professional boxer, who could never reach Tyson’s level.

However, this was already enough for a police officer.

After getting the prompt from the system, Luke refused Coach Hall’s offer to let him stay in the boxing gym for a long period of time.

This was because Luke knew that his potential had already been tapped out, and it was useless to stay and study.

And he still couldn’t beat Hall, the retired boxing champion, to put it bluntly, Luke, even if he entered the professional boxing world, he would still lose more than he could win, and would only get beaten up.

It was better to be honest and work as a cop.

He felt that he was still more talented in this area.

After saying goodbye to Hall, Luke didn’t go straight home, but drove and parked next to the restaurant where he had lunch.

He always felt that Julian seemed to be hiding something.

At this point, it wasn’t quite time for dinner.

Julian and a waitress were chatting in the store.

At noon, Julian couldn’t see his figure with the restaurant apron on, but now in his normal clothes, he looked quite a bit rounder than before, holding himself up and knocking on his rear end.

Luke realized with a jolt that Julian’s belly was slightly bulging.

This …… didn t look like fat.

Could the little black ……

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