Chapter 241

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:02:29
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A few hours ago.

In a patrol police car, there was a black female police officer sitting in the driver’s side, and a middle-aged white police officer sitting in the passenger’s side, it was the old rookie John and his partner, Officer Aphra.

John was sitting in the passenger compartment looking wooden, like he was in a daze.

Aphra looked at him, “John.”

No response.

The corners of Aphra’s mouth dropped, “Rookie.”

“I’m here, instructor.” John came back to his senses and looked at Aphra, “Didn’t you promise not to call me rookie?”

“You also said you wouldn’t make any more cheap mistakes.

Dazing off while on a mission, only a rookie would make such a cheap mistake.”

“SORRY, I’ve encountered something at home …… that distracted me.”

“What is it? Tell me, maybe I can help you.”

John shook his head and lost his smile, “NoNoNo, you can’t help me.”

“What’s that look on your face, don’t forget I’m your instructor, tell me, maybe I can give you some advice.”

“OK,” John nodded, “My son is getting married.”

“What did you say?” Aphra thought she was going to mishear.

“That’s right, my son is getting married.”

“Uh …… how old are you anyway? Your son is actually getting married.”

“I’m only 41 years old.

When I was in college, my first love got pregnant unexpectedly and I decided to take on the responsibility of fatherhood and dropped out of college to start working as a builder.

Last year, my son also went to college, and he met a girl, and they came to visit me in Los Angeles this summer and then told me that they decided to get married.

Yes, early marriage is a tradition in our family.” John laughed to himself.

“Your son’s girlfriend is pregnant too?”

“NoNoNo, she’s not ……,” John said mid-sentence, his eyes widening as if he had made a connection, “I don’t think so, they didn’t tell me.”

Aphra asked rhetorically, “Did your ex-wife tell your dad about her pregnancy in the first place?”


This can’t be done, absolutely not, no one knows better than me how difficult it is to drop out of school and raise a child, this should never happen ……” John leaned back in his seat, a worried look on his face.

Just then, the intercom went off, “7A15, Sarto’s Supermarket alarm for counterfeit money received, address 2756 Villa Street.”

“Copy that.”

Aphra responded and said to John, who was on the sidelines, “Rookie, buck up.”

The car drove quickly, crossed a street and stopped in front of a supermarket, John and Aphra stepped out of the police car, just as the two entered the supermarket they saw a white clerk walk out with a twenty dollar bill.

John asked, “Are you the ones who called the police?”

The white clerk held up the bill in his hand, “I just received a counterfeit twenty dollar bill.”

John took the twenty dollars and looked at it, “Are you sure it’s fake?”

The white clerk tore a corner of the dollar and the inside of the paper was white.

Aphra opened the door, “Describe the suspect’s appearance.”

The white clerk led the two men to the front of the store and pointed across the street to a black Ford sedan, “That’s the black driver in that car.”

“Are you sure?”

“I have surveillance.” The white clerk took out his cell phone and played a video of the black man checking out.

The black man, who was tall and wore a gold necklace, was carrying a bag of items and paid twenty dollars.

John and Aphra then walked across the street one after the other.

John pressed his right hand on his gun and knocked on the car glass with his left hand, “Knock knock, sir, open the door and put your hands on the steering wheel.”

The black man in the car didn’t do as he was told, and was a little unstable, waving his hands around wildly as if he was saying something very busy, but couldn’t be heard through the car glass.

As soon as John yanked open the door, he pulled out a pistol in his right hand and pointed it at the black man, “I told you, let me see your hands!”

The black man held up his hands, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, please don’t shoot!”

“I told you, put your hands on the wheel.”

“Why are you doing this, I’m a good person.”

“Did you use counterfeit money?”

“I didn’t use it, you guys must be mistaken.” The black man waved his hand, a little agitated.

“Put your hands on your head and ease out of the car, we’re going to do a routine check on you.”

“You guys can’t do this, I’m a good person, oooh ……” the black man suddenly cried.

John felt the other man’s abnormal emotion, “Are you high?”

“No, I never do drugs, you guys can’t frame me.”

“Put your hands on your head and step out of the car.”

“Do you have a warrant? What gives you the right to arrest me?”

“No one is arresting you, it’s just a routine search, please cooperate and don’t make it difficult for us.”

“Please don’t shoot me, please.”

“I’m not going to shoot you, you come out now.”

“Please, don’t shoot, I just want to find my mom ……” the black man with a crying voice.

“Cut the crap and come out right now.”

“Are you going to shoot?”

“No, I won’t shoot, you come out.” John grabbed his arm and yanked him outside.

Aphra, meanwhile, was holding a gun and keeping a lookout.

John had a standoff with the black man for most of the day before he yanked him out of the car and handcuffed him, “Sit down with your back against the wall, facing me.”

“Why are you guys arresting me? You’ve got the wrong guy, I’m a good person.”

“Have you ever been to this supermarket to buy something?”

“I haven’t.”

“The supermarket has surveillance, you’re lying.”

“I’m not lying, it’s the supermarket people who are lying.”

“We’ve seen the surveillance video, you’ve been to this store.”

“Or maybe I’ve been there before, doesn’t mean it’s today.”

“The date of the video is today.”

“SORRY, I can’t remember.”

“Where’s your ID?”

“At home.”

“What’s your name?”

“I can’t remember.”

John was a little disconcerted, “Are you shitting me?”


“OK, George, I’m going to arrest you.”

“Officer, I didn’t do anything.”

“I’ve just made it very clear that someone called the police to report you for using counterfeit money.

Stand up.”


“Get in the police car and we’ll take you back to the station.”

“No, I don’t know anything.”

“Stand up.” John yanked him hard and the two began a tug of war.

Then Aphra joined in.

Together, the two officers pushed him toward the car.

George, who was tall and strong, resisted, shouting, “I can’t get in a police car, I’m claustrophobic, I’ll die.”

A tug-of-war ensued between the three men.

The trio twisted and pushed and shoved attracting many onlookers, like a farce.

George, the black man, just wouldn’t get into the police car, and John began to verbally persuade him.

However, in the end, it is not effective, the three men once again pushed and shoved.

George, relying on his physical fitness, used his body against the door of the car, John could not push him at all.

The two sides have been deadlocked for about ten minutes, there are a lot of people around the onlookers.

Just then, a police car arrived to provide support.

Two police officers came down from the car a white man and an Asian policewoman.

The white man frowned and shouted, ”Aphra, John, what are you two guys doing? After tossing and turning for so long, you still haven’t caught this guy?”

John rubbed a handful of sweat from his head, “William, this guy is as strong as a bull, really tough to deal with.”

“Rookie, that only means you’re too weak.

Let me teach you one last lesson.” William finished and joined the fray.

The four officers began to shove George in an attempt to push him into the car.

George struggled more and more as well, his shoulders kept twisting, his legs kicked hard, and what was even more annoying was that his mouth never stopped, “You guys let go of me, I can’t get into the police car, I’m claustrophobic, I’ll die ……”

After a few more minutes of tossing and turning, the patience of the four officers wore thin.

“FUCK!” said William, completely enraged, and since George wouldn’t get in the car, he dragged him outside and held him down.

George was still not honest and continued to resist.

William pressed his knees into his back and neck, which subdued George.

The other officers breathed a sigh of relief as John held the car with his right hand, feeling like he was going to weaken, his old back was worn out.

“You guys let go of me, mom ……

I want my mommy ……

I can’t breathe!” George called out as he lay on the ground.

The crowd of onlookers grew, and seeing George’s predicament, some began to stop the police.

“Hey, you can’t enforce the law violently, it’s not right.”

“Let go of this poor man …… he’s screaming for his mom ……”

“He says he can’t breathe, you guys are going to kill him.”

William’s patience had worn thin and was unmoved.

John came over, looked at George, who was getting quieter, and advised, “William, it’s almost time, escort him into the police car.”

“Rookie, now is not the time to be a rotten bastard.”

“I see something wrong with his face.”

Aphra came over and felt George’s pulse, “William, let go of him, something’s not right with him.”

Only after hearing Aphra’s words did William’s knees move away from George.

By now, George was out of breath and out of breath.

“Shit!” William also realized the severity of the problem.

“John, get him into a comfortable position.” Avra finished and rushed to contact the ambulance.

More and more people gathered around, and many people filmed the law enforcement process and posted it online, while others sold it to TV stations.

Soon, the news of LAPD’s violent law enforcement was broadcasted on TV stations, causing a sensation in a certain area.

The issue about LAPD’s violent law enforcement is not a day or two old.

Many citizens were quite vocal about it, especially after seeing William pressing George with his knees, where George kept praying ……

The final ending, George was carried to the ambulance, many people were moved with compassion.

Soon several LAPD TV stations retweeted the news and the attention became wider and wider.

Many citizens wanted to know how George was doing, was he safe?

Was he alive?

This also included people like Luke from the Robbery and Murder Division.

The reason for this was simple; Luke’s sketch depicting one of the suspects bore a strong resemblance to George, and both wore gold chains and both drove a black Ford sedan.

This George, in all likelihood, was one of the two suspects they were looking for to impersonate the LAPD.

Blackie watched the full video on the news and shook his head, “Is this guy really a suspect for impersonating the LAPD? It’s also too wimpy.

Could we have gotten it wrong.”

The vice squad bristled and said disdainfully, “I’ve seen this kind of person a lot, bullying the soft and fearing the hard.

They are like hyenas, when they see a gazelle, they will ferociously pounce on it and tear it apart, with a look of invincibility.

But when they see a lion, they can only wag their tails and beg for mercy.”

Luke also watched the video on the news carefully and guessed, “Looking at his state he should be high on drugs.”

Susan confirmed, “Luke, you really didn’t draw your forensic sketch portrait in his likeness?”

“It’s the first time I’ve seen this story, if you’re concerned about accuracy, you can ask Mr. Brown to help with the identification.”

“OK, you contact Mr. Brown immediately and ask for his assistance in identifying the suspect.

Jenny, you find out what you can about the arrested suspect, George …… No, I’ll go myself.” Susan took a few steps outside and turned back, “Luke, let me know as soon as you confirm.”

“Yes, captain.”

Half an hour later.

Detective Bureau, Deputy Director’s office.

Reed called Susan and Luke into his office.

Reed sat at his desk and folded his hands with a grave expression, “Describe in detail the progress of the investigation of the case.”

Susan signaled, “Luke, you tell it.”

Luke organized his thoughts, “We are investigating the case of the body dumped under the sea, the deceased Quinnel was a foster child.

He was withdrawn, didn’t get along well with his guardians, and didn’t actually live in the foster home anymore.

The foster family’s guardian also had little knowledge of his recent condition.

Based on our investigation, we found that he had two recent close contacts.

One is his biological mother, Naci Bolt.

She is an addict with a long history of drug abuse and abandoned the deceased when he was very young.

During his lifetime, the deceased was in a state of chronic financial constraints, but the period before his death was relatively luxurious, which I suspected might be related to his biological mother, Nasi.

Considering that Nasi had a history of drug abuse and was probably in contact with drugs and drug dealers, we suspect that the windfall obtained by the deceased may have been drug related.

The murder of the deceased may have been a reprisal by drug dealers.

In addition, the decedent had recently come into contact with a man named Derek, also a 14-year-old teenager, and the two had met at a foster care center and had similar life experiences, and had always been close.

We speculated that Derek likely knew about the deceased and went to Derek’s foster home to investigate.”

Luke paused and continued.

“When we arrived, we learned that Derek’s guardian had just called the police, claiming that two men who identified themselves as LAPD had come to Derek’s door.

Derek did not submit to questioning and simply jumped out the window and fled, and the two men calling themselves LAPD opened fire.

According to our investigation, the two LAPD men were most likely fakes.

Because we couldn’t find the photos of the two suspects who impersonated LAPD, we couldn’t identify them.

I had taught myself some criminal sketching, so in order to be able to find clues to the two men as soon as possible, I made criminal sketches of the two suspects through eyewitness descriptions.

One of the suspects looked extremely similar to George, the resisting suspect shown on the news.

Both men also wore gold chains and drove black Ford sedans.

We hypothesized that George was probably one of the suspects impersonating the LAPD.

It might even be the murderer of Quinnel!”

Reed frowned tightly, “I went to find out what happened to George, the resisting arrest suspect.

He has already been admitted to the hospital for treatment, and his body was identified by blood sampling as containing a large amount of alcohol and drug content.

At the same time because the neck was compressed resulting in breathing difficulties.

After the hospital resuscitation, his life is temporarily out of danger, but he is still under observation.”

Luke suggested, “Chief, can we get a statement from him?”

“You guys should have seen the news, this matter has been hyped up, causing George’s identity to be more sensitive now.

Luckily, he was resuscitated; if he hadn’t been, it would have probably been a Z-game incident.

I can try to get you guys a visitation, but make sure not to irritate him during the questioning.”

“Don’t worry, I’ve watched the news and know that a number of people are questioning the LAPD’s violent enforcement. I’ll keep an eye on it.”

Reed shook his head, “NoNoNo, what you’ve seen is just the surface, there’s a huge push behind this matter.

If George really dies, our entire LAPD will have to take the blame for this and will become a tool for some people or some organizations to use.

Things are far more complicated than you think.”

Luke assured, “I know, I’ll be careful.”

“Very well, I’ll get back in touch with the patrol and get a visitation as soon as possible.”

At nine o’clock in the evening, Luke received a notice from Reed that he could visit the arresting inmate George in the hospital.

Luke rushed to the hospital with Blackie at the first opportunity.

A large number of reporters were gathered outside the hospital.

These reporters were like sharks who smelled something fishy, if there were people who wanted George to die, it was probably them.

Once George was dead, this news story would get even bigger.

A black female reporter in the crowd gave Blackie a flying kiss.

Blacky gave a hefty giggle and followed Luke into the hospital.

The suspect, George, was placed on the seventh floor.

Luke and Blackie got off the elevator and saw several police officers sitting in the hallway.

Several police officers also looked at Luke and the two of them at the same time.

Blacky flashed his badge, “Guys, take it easy, one of our own.

I’m Detective Marcus from the Robbery Murder Division and this is Lieutenant Luke.”

John, the old rookie, stood up and walked down the hallway lobby, “Lieutenant Luke, what brings you guys here?”

“John, I saw you on the news, you did a great job.”


“Where’s the suspect, George? We need to talk to him.”

John pointed ahead to ward 714, “He’s in here.”

“Why are you guys giving him a statement?”

“You didn’t get the message from above?”

“Got it, I’m just a little confused.”

“This isn’t the time to chat, I’ll tell you another time.” Luke asked back, “Is there anyone else in there?”

“Yes, there’s a nurse changing his medication again.”

“How is George doing now?”

“Still a little weak, the guy’s body was hollowed out by drugs and alcohol, I didn’t realize he was on the outside ……

God forbid, thank God he’s okay.

Isn’t it funny that it’s actually the police who are wishing him alive at this moment.”

“Life is a travesty.” Luke put down a sentence and walked in the direction of the ward.

At the entrance of the ward, there were two other police officers staring.

Luke nodded his head and directly opened the door of the ward, which had a night light on, not too bright, but enough to see things clearly.

Next to the bed stood a black female nurse, was bending over to face the patient on the bed.

When he first entered, Luke thought the female nurse was taking care of the patient because his vision was blocked by the female nurse’s body, but upon closer inspection, the female nurse was holding a pillow in her hand and pressing it tightly against the male patient’s face.


LAPD, get off him!” Luke quickly pulled out his gun and aimed it at the female nurse from behind.

Blackie rushed in as well, shouting, “Hands on your head and get out of the way.”

The officers outside were also startled and rushed in with guns in their hands as well.

The female nurse was stunned, holding a pillow in her hand, standing there dumbfounded.

Xiao Hei stepped forward, snatched her pillow and pressed her against the wall, “Do you know what you’re doing? You are murdering a patient! I’m arresting you now.”

Luke walked over to the hospital bed and saw a black man, none other than George, lying on the bed.

At this point, both of his eyes were glazed over, and Luke felt his pulse and could vaguely feel a beat.

John froze in his tracks, “What just happened? That nursemaid was trying to hold George down with a pillow?”

Luke shouted, “Don’t freeze, call the EMT!

Remember! Not only do you have to be quick, but you also have to verify the identity, and don’t put any more messed up people in here.”

“I’m on it.” Old Rookie John scrambled out.

Blackie questioned the black female nurse, “Who are you? Why did you kill George?”

The female nurse was so scared that she trembled, “I didn’t want to kill him, I was changing his medicine ……”

“FUCK! Changing medicine with a pillow? You think I’m stupid?”

“His pillow is too high, I’m afraid that he can’t breathe well, change him to a lower one.”

“Bullshit, I saw it clearly, you held his face down with a pillow.

It’s clearly recorded on the law enforcement camera, it’s useless for you to argue.”

Luke waved his hand, “Rescuing George is important, escort that woman out first, we’ll interrogate her later.”

Just at this moment, several doctors and nurses hurriedly ran into the ward, a middle-aged female doctor quickly checked George’s condition and ordered, “Sir, please ask your police officers to go out first.”

Luke’s tone was firm, “No, we must stay here to prevent George from being assassinated again.”

The middle-aged female doctor’s tone rose, “You don’t trust us?”

“I just came in and saw a female nurse pressing a pillow over his head, and if I had come in a few seconds later, you would have seen a dead body.

So the understanding is mutual.”

A middle-aged male doctor unzipped George’s blouse and urged, “Laura stop arguing and save lives first.”

The story of George’s attack began to cascade down to the higher echelons of the police department.


Deputy Chief of Detectives Reed.

Superintendent Mercedes of the Western Division.

A few minutes later, LAPD Chief Frank also received the news.

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