Chapter 253

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:03:00
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Orty looked at the man in front of him, a little confused as to what the other man was up to.

If this was all arranged by Luke, then arresting the thief he sent to jail was playing too big a game.

Although the bitter trick was good, it was easy to implicate the accuser, unless Luke’s network of connections had penetrated all departments of the police system.

Orty didn’t quite believe that Luke had that much energy, and it was different from what she had learned.

Besides, using that much energy against himself was a bit of a trivialization, and not cost-effective in any way.

To say that everything was a coincidence, Luke didn’t know about it, and Orty didn’t quite believe it either.

The fact that she had carefully set up her own operation and was instead overwhelmed by someone who had done nothing added to her frustration.

Either way, once that call was made, she was on the receiving end.

As a detective, it wasn’t sensible to get tough with the police.

When you lost, you had to be prepared to take a beating and stand upright.

Orty took out a business card and handed it to Luke, “To reintroduce myself, Orty Dean, I’m a detective.”

“Pinkerton Detective Agency.” Luke looked surprised as if he knew for the first time, “Someone asked you to investigate me? Who is the employer?”

“There is no employer.”

“You expect me to believe that?”

“There really is no employer.” Orty leaned forward, her ample upper body swaying with her.

“Then why did you approach me? A mere crush on me?”

Orty laughed, “If I said yes, would you leave me alone?”

“What do you think?”

Orty shrugged and could only continue, “Have you heard of our detective agency?”

“Of course, big name.”

“In addition to recruiting full-fledged detectives, our detective agency also hires some capable or experienced criminal investigators as consultants, such as police force executives or FBI agents, a tradition that has been around for almost a hundred years.

Of course, before hiring these people, we will also examine them accordingly.”

“You’re scouting me?”

“Yes, our firm would like to hire you as a consultant.”

This was something that Luke hadn’t really thought of beforehand, “I don’t seem to be considered high up in the police force, do I?”

“We’ve done some research on you, you are capable and highly regarded by the leadership, you will definitely become a senior member of the police force in time, what we are looking at is your future.

It’s the same as buying stocks, the earlier you hold them, the higher the returns.”

Luke smiled, it sounded a bit snobbish, but he liked the straightforward way of communication.

“What’s in it for me?”

“There are many benefits.

The simplest point is that as long as you are willing to be a consultant and put your name on our detective agency, even if you don’t do anything, you will get two hundred thousand dollars a year as a consultant.”

Luke didn’t believe in getting paid for nothing, “What’s the point of me being a titular consultant?”

“Different clientele, different cases, different types of detectives needed.” Orty changed his sitting position, crossed his two long legs, and gave an example, saying.

“It’s like a suit, they’re all equally used to keep out the cold and cover up, the cheap ones only cost a few hundred dollars, the expensive ones cost tens of thousands of dollars, and the really rich people like to order bespoke suits.

They are all suits, but the value attached to them is different, and some people like the expensive and different ones.

Although you are not in a very high position, you have solved several major cases in a row, the murder of a congressman, school shootings, vampire killings, the Las Vegas shooting, and this George incident.

You’ve already made a name for yourself.

Our detective agency has a lot of high-end clients who don’t like a couple hundred dollar suit, they like bespoke models, they value their time and want to leave things in the hands of the most capable detectives.

Money is just a string of numbers to them.”

Luke thought for a moment, “I’m a police officer in my line of work, I don’t have a lot of energy for a side job.”

“Like I said, you are different from ordinary detectives, you are a consultant hired by our detective agency.

If there is a high-end client who wants to hire a consultant of your level, we will recommend him to you, as to whether or not to accept this commission, it is still based on your opinion.

Our detective agency and you belong to the cooperative relationship, borrow your fame.

You do not accept the commission, can only say that the customer bid is not high enough, we will assign him other detectives.

Taking a step back, if the client can offer millions of dollars in employment, I believe you won’t refuse, this is a win-win situation.”

“What if I take the consultancy fee but never accept the commission?

Wouldn’t you guys lose money.” The words were not clear, hot money Luke did not dare to take.

Olty smiled and said, “The standard for a high-end suit store is to have a professional costume designer.

When a customer wants to order a suit, the store must have a similar service.

If they don’t, customers will feel that the store is not upscale enough and will lose some of their high-end customers.

The name of bespoke suits can attract a large number of potential customers.

Similarly, the price of a bespoke suit is much higher than a regular suit.

The fact that the customer can’t afford it only means that it exceeds his consumption ability, and it can’t say that our store is not high-class enough.

We will introduce him to suits that match his spending power.

We then use the money from selling suits to hire a designer, who just sits in the store, even if he doesn’t make a single suit, he creates value for the store just the same.

Everyone falls into the win-win category.”

Luke heard and understood that the other party valued his own collateral value, such as fame, seniority and influence ……

Whether it was worth it or not was a matter of opinion.

The fact that Pinkerton Detective Agency was willing to pay this consulting fee meant that they felt Luke was worth it.

Luke also felt that this detective agency had a vision, he was a hangman, although his status is not high now, but he will have a large space for development in the future, and when he wants to flatter himself again, it will not be two hundred thousand dollars that can be solved.

Luke confirmed, “Are there any other incidental terms?”

“If you receive a case commission, the detective agency will charge a thirty percent service fee.”

If that was all, Luke felt that he was not at a disadvantage, however, he did not immediately agree, “I’ll think about it.”

“You wait a moment.” Orty got up and left, although she was wearing a loose nightgown, her exquisite curves were hidden.

When she came back again, Orty held a document in her hand, “This is the consultant contract for the Pinkerton Detective Agency, you should read it first, if there are no problems, next time we can sign directly.”

“I’ll read it carefully, good night.” Luke got up to leave.

Orty walked Luke to the door and waved, “Bye.”

Luke drove off.

The way the Pinkerton Detective Agency approached him with a hint of inspection made Luke a little unhappy, but he didn’t have to take things too far when people were here to deliver money.

Having John and Aphra stop and search was also considered knocking the other party out.

Furthermore, if the other party could pull himself in, he could similarly pull in the other top brass of the police force and the top brass of the FBI.

These ‘seniors’ had already grown up and had higher positions than themselves.

Combining them would be beneficial to both.

As for whether or not to work as a consultant at the Pinkerton Detective Agency, Luke hadn’t thought about it yet and was prepared to show this contract to Daisy tomorrow, but where contracts were concerned, it was always right to be careful.

The Big Dinky Bone Steakhouse.

At ten o’clock in the morning, Julian left his car in the parking lot and walked to the restaurant.

There were five people in the restaurant, two cooks, two waiters, and the owner’s wife who was the cashier and also moonlighted as a waitress when she was busy.

The owner’s wife was an older white woman in her forties with a chubby body, and shouted in her characteristic loud voice, “Everyone sit over here, I’m going to have a meeting.”

The white chef laughed, “We’re a restaurant, not a town hall, do we need to have meetings every day?”

The owner’s wife said, “You’re right, I’m going to run for mayor of Los Angeles next year, will you vote for me?”

“No, I’m not going to vote for you, then I’ll be out of a job.”

“Haha ……,” the crowd laughed.

“You idiot.” The boss’s wife rolled her eyes and knocked on the table, “I’ll say one thing, a guest has chartered the restaurant for lunch today. He’s going to propose to his girlfriend here, and we need to set up in advance.”

A white waitress asked, “Proposing in a steakhouse, is he serious?”

“Of course, he and his girlfriend first met at our restaurant, and he thinks it’s very meaningful that he wants to propose here.

The proposal is at 12:30 p.m. We need to set up ahead of time.”

Julian asked, “How do we set it up? Do the guests have any requests?”

“Decorate the scene with flowers and balloons, as cozy as possible.” As the owner’s wife finished speaking, a van pulled up to the door, and a loader and unloader stepped down and

“Your flowers have arrived.”

“OK,” the boss’s wife stood up, “Have a busy day, today’s proposal is very important, so don’t mess it up, everyone.”

The crowd then began to set up for the proposal.

Julian, along with the crowd, carried the flowers to the restaurant, mostly red roses, with some pink flowers that were beautiful.

Smelling the flowers, Julian had a mesmerized look on his face.

Most women loved flowers, and Julianne was no exception.

Once upon a time, she had fantasized about being romantically proposed to.

But fantasies were fantasies after all, and Julianne had no hope for that anymore.

Nevertheless, Julianne arranged the flowers with great care, putting one flower into a large heart-shaped pattern.

Two chefs were in charge of ballooning, and the balloons, most of which were pink dressed up the restaurant in a cozy way, and put up a love shape.

It was close to noon and the restaurant was set up.

The two chefs were rushed to the back to prepare a romantic meal for two.

Julian and another waiter cleaned up the trash.

At twelve twenty, the restaurant was already set up, flowers and balloons everywhere, very cozy and romantic.

After a while, a black Mercedes drove outside the restaurant.

The boss’s wife instructed, “Julian, it should be the guest who proposed arriving, help bring over the things in the trunk.”

“Okay.” Julian answered and walked towards the back of the Mercedes.

The trunk door opened automatically and Julian walked over to see a large bouquet of bright red roses.

Julian froze for a moment, not seeing any other items.

“Julian, what are you waiting for? Bring the stuff in.” The owner’s wife beckoned.

“Okay.” Julian didn’t think much of it and picked up the bouquet and walked toward the restaurant.

After walking not far, a familiar voice sounded behind him, “Hi, Julian.”

Julian turned around with a surprised look, “Marcus, why are you here again?”

“I have something to tell you.”

“Not now, I’m busy. Something to talk about when I get off work.” Julian dropped the sentence and went into the restaurant.

Turning to the owner’s wife, Julian asked, “Kelly, where do I put this bouquet of flowers?”

“Ask the gentleman behind you.”

Julian turned his head and saw Black standing behind him waving as if he understood, “Marcus, you’re the one who bagged the restaurant?”

“Yes Julian, I’ve been thinking for a long time that I’m going to marry you.”

Julian’s mouth dropped open, still in disbelief, “Are you shitting me?”

Blackie got down on one knee, pulled the ring gift box out of his pocket and slowly opened it, “Julian, I’m serious, marry me.”

“Even buy Karma’s!”

At this moment, apart from the boss’s wife, the rest of the people in the restaurant also looked dumbfounded, they didn’t know beforehand.

Julian had a complicated look on his face, not expecting this proposal to be for himself in any case.

The owner’s wife said, “OK, everyone who is not involved leave the restaurant, Detective Marcus, if you need to order, feel free to say hello.”

“Thanks Kelly, you’re a good man.” Marcus said gratefully.

The crowd left the restaurant, leaving Black and Julian alone.

Blacky took out his diamond ring, “Julian, marry me.”

Julian fanned himself with his hand, “Marcus, stand up, I’m a little messed up in the head, let’s talk first.”

“Okay.” Black said, very gentlemanly, pulling out his chair and letting Julian sit down.

Julian put the bouquet of roses on the table and looked across at Blacky, “Why are you …… like this?”

“Because I like you, I’ve dated a lot of girlfriends and you’re the best.”

“I know you like me, that doesn’t mean you want to marry me, I understand you, you have a certain degree of fear of marriage.

It was really wrong of me to force you to get married before.

You have the freedom of choice, no need to make things difficult for yourself.”

“Uh ……” Black pursed his lips, “I’m the father of a child, I have to be responsible for him.”

Julian corrected, “It’s her.”

“Do you know if it’s a boy or a girl?”

“I don’t know, but I hope she’s a girl.”

“OK, whether it’s a she or a he, I’m the father and I’m going to take responsibility as a father.”

“Marcus, you don’t have to.

Having a baby was my own idea, you don’t need to embarrass yourself.”

Black grabbed Julian’s hand, “Julian, it’s happened, the baby’s been left behind, it doesn’t matter whose decision it was anymore.

The fact of the matter now is that I’m the child’s father, and I’m going to take on the responsibilities of a father.”

Julian revealed a worried look, “Marcus, you may not have thought it through, raising a child is not a spur of the moment thing, you may regret it ……

I don’t want people to get upset over this, and I won’t ask you for alimony.

I believe I’m capable of raising a child on my own, and that’s why I decided to have it.”

Black sighed softly, “Julian, I grew up in a single parent home and I know the pain of not having a father.

A big part of the reason why I was afraid of getting married was because I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to be a competent father and that my child would not fare well.

Now that I have a child, there’s no way I’m going to turn my back on it, and I’m going to try to be a competent father.

I swear.”

“Marcus, this is a very big decision, you shouldn’t make it in the heat of the moment, I think you should think about it again.”

“I’ve given it some serious thought.

Luke saw you and guessed that you might be pregnant.

I hesitated for a long time then, and after that, when I got up the courage to talk to you, I thought long and hard about it.

I’ve thought about it now, and I want to marry you.”

Julian’s voice choked and his eyes moistened, “God, this is so sudden, I’m going crazy.”

Black grabbed Julian’s hand and put a ring on it, “Then we’ll be crazy together.”


Rideau neighborhood, Luke’s house.

Luke had asked Daisy to come over for dinner.

Luke is cooking in the kitchen and Daisy is in the living room looking at the contract for the Pinkerton Detective Agency.

Taking advantage of the leisure of cooking, Luke looked at his cell phone for a while, and that shameless guy, Blackie, had already started to show his love.

Today at noon, Luke accompanied Blackie to the restaurant, originally thought that Julian would not easily agree, who had thought that the two just talked for half an hour, and already made up.

Although it can’t be said to be restored as before, but at least the two have begun to re-engage.

This was something Luke hadn’t expected.

According to the plot on the TV show, Blackie chasing after Julian backwards would have made at least two episodes worth of content.

Blacky was actually getting married!

Luke was incredulous.

This scumbag actually got married before himself, this was not scientific.

Just thinking about Xiao Hei’s life as a baby daddy after getting married, Luke felt it was too magical.

Under this complicated mood, Luke made dinner.

Beef stew with potatoes, pan-fried tuna, vegetable salad, steamed polenta, whole wheat bread, and red wine.

Luke was a foodie, and now that he had money, he naturally wouldn’t treat himself poorly in terms of his mouth.

“Daisy, it’s time to eat.”

“OK, coming.”

Daisy put down the contract, briefly washed up and walked into the dining room, “Thank you for dinner, it’s very sumptuous.”

Luke opened the red wine bottle and poured two glasses of red wine, “This is my new red wine, how does it taste?”

Daisy picked up the red wine bottle and looked at it, “This brand of red wine is good and not cheap.”

Luke picked up his wine glass and gestured, “It’s good that you like it.”

Daisy took a sip of the red wine and put down her glass, “I read that contract and drew out the treaty highlights with a red pen, overall there are no major problems.

The consultant fee is two hundred thousand dollars a year, and that income is fixed;

If you take on a case, the detective agency will charge a thirty percent commission, which is a reasonable fee in the industry.

Not a bad deal.” Daisy, being a lawyer and having dealt with detective agencies, was no stranger to the industry.

Luke offered Daisy half a Boiron on a clip, “Do you think I should sign?”

“Do you want to change careers?”

“No, just part time.”

“I thought you wanted to change careers, just the two hundred thousand dollars a year in consulting fees is more than your annual salary as a cop.

Aren’t you impressed?”

Luke laughed.

Both Okunghai and Clinton were now tycoons.

The reason why both of them were tycoons was because they had been presidents.

The salary of being a president was quite a lot, but it was a drop in the bucket for their current stature, and their main income came from other sources.

For example, books, speeches, consulting fees, running charitable foundations ……

Although these channels are more lucrative, no one voluntarily resigns from the presidency and moves ahead to become a writer or a speaker.


Because all of that income is incidental to being president, and if they resigned, that income wouldn’t be there.

Luke is in the same situation now, don’t look at the Pinkerton Detective Agency that pays a lot of money, but his roots are still in the LAPD.

If Luke resigned, it would be like cutting off his own roots, and the Pinkerton Detective Agency wouldn’t value him as much as they do now.

To put it bluntly, Pinkerton Detective Agency’s consultant fee is also Luke’s incidental value of being a police officer.

Which is primary and which is secondary, Luke distinguishes clearly.

After eating, the two men scrutinized the contract again.

The contract is given by the Pinkerton Detective Agency, does not mean that Luke Luke can not change, he can also put forward his own requirements, so that this contract is more favorable to himself.

Waiting to eat the contract thoroughly, Luke picked up Daisy and went to the bathroom, soaking a hot bath comfortably.

Just now Daisy put forth her effort, now it was Luke’s turn to put forth his effort, and the two of them stuck together and tossed around for more than an hour.

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