Chapter 305

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:05:22
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Sebring neighborhood, the house of Odevar Wills.

It was a two-story villa with a gray tile and red brick spire, with a large yard, planted with green lawn, and two herringbone-shaped paths merging into the entrance of the villa.

Two cars, a Mercedes and a pickup truck, were parked in front of the garage on the east side.

A white man with a big beard stood beside the Mercedes on the phone, his right foot stepping on the tire out of habit.

“FUCK, are you an idiot?

That’s my money ……

I don’t want to hear the reasons, I only look at the results, what you do with it is your problem ……”

“Cackle ……”

The door to the villa opened and a teenage girl and a girl of eight or nine ran out of the house, followed by a tall, stylishly dressed white woman with a round tray in her hand.

“Afternoon tea is ready, dear.” As the woman spoke, she placed fruit, dessert and black tea on the table.

“Coming right up.” The white man answered and whispered into his cell phone, “Hey, don’t let me down or you know the consequences.”

After saying that, the white man hung up his cell phone and replaced it with a smile, “Hey, it’s time for my favorite afternoon tea again, three beautiful ladies, may I join you?”

The young girl picked up her cup of tea, took a sip, and said in a serious voice, “No, my future boyfriend will be jealous.”

“Wowwww, that’s horrible, will he beat me up?”


I might consider not telling him if I’m sent an Apple 14.”

The white woman shook her head, “Nuria, don’t even think about it. The teacher made it clear that no cell phones are allowed to be brought to school.”

“I can play at home.”

“You have an Apple 13.”

“I want Apple 14.”

The white woman takes an apple from the fruit tray and puts it in front of her daughter, “Congratulations, it’s Apple 14 now.”

“Haha ……”

The eight or nine year old girl laughed and followed suit, picking up an apple and putting it in front of her sister, “Now it’s apple 15.”

“Haha ……” The white man also let out a cheerful laugh.

The young girl grimaced and clasped her hands to her chest, “That’s enough of you guys, it’s unbelievable.

I’m going to school, right now right now.”

The white man raised his hands in a surrendering gesture, “Baby, don’t be mad.

I’ll buy it for you as long as you get 3 A’s on the next test.”

The young girl showed a delighted look, “Really?”


The eight or nine year old girl shouted, “Dad, I want one too.”

“No problem, if you can get an A, I’ll buy it for you too.” The white man stroked the girl’s head with a doting look.

“Yay, dad, you’re too nice.”

The white woman shook her head slightly, “Honey, they’re all going to be spoiled by you.”

“Oooh ……”

Just then, a black SUV pulls up to the curb and a dark-haired young man comes down from the passenger side, walks up to the front of the compound and rings the doorbell.

“Jingle bell ……”

A family of four heard the doorbell.

The white man craned his head, his eyes sharpened in the direction of the courtyard door, glanced at the black SUV, and his gaze fell on Luke, “Guests.”

“What can I do for you, dear?”

“No, probably asking for directions, I’ll go over there.” The white man finished, getting up and walking to the entrance of the courtyard, “What can I do for you?”

The dark-haired young man sized up the other man, “Oddvar Veles?”

The white man gave a wary look, “Who are you?”

“Captain of Squadron One, Robbery Murder Division, Luke Lee.”

“Heist and Murder Division? What do you want with me?”

“We’re investigating a bank robbery and would like your assistance in the investigation.”

“Are you kidding me, I just went to make a deposit today, it has nothing to do with a robbery.”

“That money you deposited is the stolen money from the bank robbery, I’m already giving you face by not arresting you directly.”

“FUCK! This asshole ……”

O’Dwyer Wills rubbed his chin, looking a bit annoyed, “I’m not talking about you.

This matter has nothing to do with me, there’s no way I’m going to rob a bank.”

“Then come with me to the police station and clear things up, in addition, your residence will be searched.”

Oddvar Veles hesitated, somewhat resistant, “I can come with you, but don’t affect my wife and daughter.”

Luke smiled, “You know what? You’re now suspected of a bank robbery, and you’re off the hook when you produce the stolen money.

I had a number of ways to arrest you, the most direct being to escort you from your home in full armor ……

I didn’t choose to do that …… You should thank your family.

But my patience is limited, understand?”

After determining the whereabouts of Oddvar Veles, Luke did think of many ways to capture him, and the reason why he chose this way was after a comprehensive consideration of many aspects, this way was the safest and most secure.

Luke is not a soft-hearted person, will not give up the direct arrest because the other party’s family members are present, he is worried that it will irritate the suspect and cause some unpredictable trouble.

Bombs, for example, men would do anything when their wives and daughters were threatened.

Conversely, as long as the police stayed their hand, the suspect would be restrained in front of his wife and daughter.

The bottom line was that Luke surmised that it was unlikely that Odevall Viles was a robber, and if he was a robber there was no way he would be idiotic enough to deposit money in a bank right after a robbery.

Different situations suited different arrest scenarios.

Odevall Viles looked at his wife and daughter, “I swear I didn’t rob the bank, that money was given to me by someone else.”

“Who gave it to you?”

“If I tell you, can I not search my home?”

“No, whoever had access to that money will be thoroughly investigated, and if you don’t want to be investigated by the police, then I’ll have the FBI search it.

You’ll see how cute the LAPD is then.”

Odevall Viles seemed to know that he couldn’t hide, and helplessly said, “Give me some time, let my wife and daughter go out first, and then you can search afterward.”

“You have five minutes, you are not to get out of my sight, they are not to take anything with them except their personal clothing, and their backpacks are to be routinely searched.”

“Jesus Christ, what do you want me to tell the kids?”

Luke glanced at his watch, “That’s up to you.

In five minutes, the place will be filled with police cars.”

“Can my wife drive?”

“The cars will be searched just the same. Of course, if they don’t mind, I can send a police car for them.”

“You’re such a ……,” Odvar Wills grimaced.

“You’re welcome.”

Luke shook his watch, “Four minutes and thirty seconds to go.”

Odevall Veers hurried over to his family and whispered a few orders, his two daughters looked puzzled and seemed to be inquiring about something.

However, Odevall Veers’ wife’s face changed drastically and rushed out of the courtyard with her two daughters.

Luke stared at this woman, feeling that there was something abnormal about her behavior.

If it was a normal woman who couldn’t leave easily, she would ask at least three questions, why did she leave? Who was that man? Why can’t we drive?

But this woman didn’t ask anything and directly left with her child, which showed that she had already prepared her heart.

Odevall Wills wouldn’t be very clean, even if he wasn’t a murderer.

Several of the police cars drove into the Sebring community, Odevall Viles’ face changed slightly, and only then did he completely believe Luke’s words, “Captain Li, thank you for letting me keep my face in front of my family.

I owe you a favor.”

Luke smiled, not really caring, “Can we sit down and talk?”


Luke and Odevar Viles sat in the courtyard talking as the other officers made preparations to enter the room and search it.

Luke got right to the point, “Is there anyone else in your house?”


“Do you have any bombs in your room, garage or car?”

Oddvar Viles visibly froze, “No.”

“Your wife and daughter are still under police surveillance, and it would be wise not to lie about that or the problem will be so serious that if an explosion occurs during the search, your family will be classified as terrorists.

You should know what that means.”

“I swear there are no bombs anywhere in this compound, I’m a businessman, not an outlaw, I wouldn’t do such a stupid thing.”

“Ramon, start the search.”

“YES, Sir.”

With Ramon leading the way, the police began to search the home of Odevall Viles.

Oddvar Veles pinched his forehead with his hand, “Oh God, why am I involved in this shit?”

“That should be a question for yourself, where did that money come from?”

“I …… wanted a get out of jail free deal.”

“What crime did you commit?”

“You promised?”

“No, there is no exoneration agreement.”

“That’s not fair.”

“It’s fair, you got the stolen money and if you can’t tell us where it came from, we’ll investigate you as a robber.

Also just to remind you, the robbers killed an FBI agent with a bomb and several others were injured.

If you won’t cooperate with the police, they’ll have a reason to intervene in the investigation.”

“Don’t turn me over to the FBI, I really have nothing to do with this case. Someone owes me money, and that money is what he’s paying back.”

“How much did he owe you? How much did he pay you back?”

“He borrowed me eighty thousand dollars and paid me back one hundred thousand dollars.”

“When did you borrow it?”

“For two months.”

“That’s a high interest rate you’re paying; in another six months the interest will exceed the principal.”

“We agreed on all this beforehand, it’s fair.”

“So you’re a loan shark?”

“No, I’m just doing a favor for a friend.”

Luke didn’t believe his bullshit, if he was really a friend, he couldn’t possibly charge such a high interest rate, and if he wasn’t a friend, why would he lend money?

To know that the robber dared to rob the bank, proving that the robber was not a good person to be messed with, if Odevall Wills didn’t have a deep background, the robber couldn’t be desperate to rob the bank in order to pay back the money.

However, whether or not Odevall Wills was a loan shark had little to do with Luke, he was now more interested in knowing the whereabouts of the robber.

“State the name of the friend who paid back the money.”

“Andres Downs.”

“The fact that you dared to lend him the money means that you know him well enough, and I want all the information I can get on him.”

The police completed their search at the home of Odevall Wills and found no other clues in connection with the bank robbery.

Luke turned Odevall-Viles over to the Economic Crimes Division for investigation.

At the last yacht party, Luke had a good chat with Harvey Simmons, the captain of Squadron 1 of the Economic Crimes Division, and now there was a ready suspect, so it was a good time to sell the other side a favor.

After Luke called Harvey Simmons, he quickly brought someone to pick up O’Dwyer Wills.

Luke, for his part, focused his investigation on capturing the robber, Andres Downs.

After his first two less than successful captures, Luke had to be well prepared this time.

Soon, the police confirmed the address of Andres Downs’ home, a blue-tipped bungalow in a house about the same size as the one Luke had rented, only with a smaller yard and a slightly worse neighborhood.

In the evening, in a black SUV, Luke looked up at the blue-tipped house with his looking glass.

Jackson, who was beside him, asked, “Captain, it’s going to be dark soon, when are we going to arrest the suspect?”

This was a question Luke had also been reconsidering, “Not yet.”

“Captain, what time are you going to wait for?”

Without answering, Luke pointed his right hand in the direction of the suspect’s house.

All that could be seen was a blue sedan pulling up next to the blue steeple house and a Mexican man getting out of the car and walking to the trunk to remove a bag.

The Mexican man carried the bag to the door and knocked.

A few moments later the door opened and a white man showed his head and took the bag, handing the man two dollars.

The Mexican man turned away and drove off.

Luke kept his binoculars close and pulled out his walkie-talkie, “Marcus, when you get out of the neighborhood, have the patrolman stop that car, I want to question it.”

“Captain, is it possible that the driver of that car is an accomplice to the robbers?”

“Don’t rule it out, but I think it’s more likely that the other guy is a deliveryman.”

“Copy that.”

Luke continued to give the assignment, “Ramon, Jenny, you guys continue to keep watch here.”

“YES, Sir.”

Jackson then drove out of the neighborhood and gave chase in the direction of the blue sedan.

By the time Luke chased him out of the neighborhood, the blue sedan had been stopped by the police and pulled over.

The patrolman told the Mexican man to get out of the car while he was searched.

“Sir, I’m not breaking any laws or speeding, why did you stop my car?”

The patrolman didn’t answer, and after searching him said to Luke who stepped aside, “Sir, he doesn’t have a weapon on him.”

Luke walked over to the Mexican man, “Man, I’m sorry to stop your car, we’re investigating a criminal case and would like to ask for your assistance in the investigation.”

“What criminal case? Does it have anything to do with me?”

Luke asked instead of answering, “What do you do?”

“I’m a deliveryman, what’s the problem?”

“You just delivered to a customer in this neighborhood?”


“Do you know that customer?”

“Uh …… can’t say I know him, I’ve delivered his meals a couple of times, he’s not very talkative and tips two dollars each time.”

“What kind of meal did he order?”

“Pizza for two with an apple pie and a fried chicken.”

“When was the last time you delivered his meal?”

“I can’t remember, but it must have been a week ago.”

“What did he order then?”

“I think it was a pizza single …… I can’t remember exactly.”

“Did you see anyone else in the house besides him?”


“I’d like you to keep the conversation you just had confidential, don’t tell anyone, and don’t contact the client you just had again.”

“YES, Sir.”

“Very well, good luck with your work.” Luke patted him on the shoulder, signaling that he was free to go.

Jackson came over and reminded, “Captain, we were told earlier that Andres Downs lives alone. Why would he order two meals?”

“That means we have a surprise for tonight.”

“So what do we do now?”

“Keep waiting.” Luke still decided to play it safe.

The last time Anthony led a team to search the robber’s house, he encountered a bomb trap set by the robber beforehand, forcing the two suspects to be apprehended in this situation would be very dangerous and bring a lot of uncertainties.

Luke still decided to wait a little longer, even if he had to force an arrest, he would wait until the latter part of the night after the suspects went to sleep.

Stalking and patience are the necessary conditions to be a police officer.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Just after eight o’clock in the evening, the door of the blue steeple house opened and a man stepped out of the house and drove a pickup truck out the door.

Marcus’ voice came over the intercom, “Captain, should we pull the robbers’ car over?”

“Don’t do anything rash yet, follow them and arrest them when you find the right opportunity.” Luke had been observing with binoculars, only one robber had gotten into the car, the other robber could still be in the house, and if something went wrong during the interception, the other robber would be alerted.

Assuming, hypothetically, that the robber in the house had a bomb, the capture would pose an unpredictable danger.

Levins Bar.

The pickup truck driven by the robber is parked near the bar.

A man wearing a baseball cap and a tattoo on his neck steps out of the vehicle and walks straight to the door of the bar.

After entering the bar, he began to twist his body to the bar’s music, looking at the crowd twisting on the dance floor with a smirk on his face.

The man in the baseball cap walked over to the bar, placed a ten-dollar bill, and shouted, “Have a whiskey.”

The bartender poured a glass of whiskey and put it in front of him, and the man picked up the glass and drank it down.


The man in the baseball cap looked even more excited, twisting his body into the dance floor, shaking and swaying and wiggling his ass, the whole person got high.

Suddenly, the man in the baseball cap felt someone leaning towards him on both sides, and before he could react, his arms were firmly clamped.

Then he felt a cold back, a burst of electric current from the back, the whole person began to tremble, numbness of the limbs, hands and feet weak, his mouth issued a “uh uh” sound.

The man in the baseball cap was conscious but unable to resist, and was taken out of the bar by the two men on his left and right, and planted in a Ford Transit.

It was a commercial vehicle that was large and spacious, ideal for temporary interrogation of suspects.

The baseball cap man slowly regained consciousness, “Who are you people? Why are you arresting me?”

“Click,” Marcus handcuffed him directly, no answer needed.

Luke confirmed, “What’s your name?”

The man’s eyes were a little flustered and he seemed afraid to meet Luke’s gaze, “Andres Downs.”

“Where were you on October 5th between nine and twelve in the morning?”

“I …… I …… you …… guys ……,” Andres Downs’ body was still trembling, and he stammered unable to speak.

Luke held down his head and looked at the tattoo on his rear end, “This tattoo of yours was captured clearly on the bank’s surveillance.

I’ll ask again, were you at the North Hollywood Bank between nine and twelve in the morning on October 5th?”

Andres Downs took a deep breath, “I don’t know what you’re talking about?”

“We caught Franco Murphy at a motel and he confessed to robbing the bank and gave up several of you.

The police didn’t just target you alone in this deployment and arrest; it’s not unlikely that your other accomplices fell in line as well.

Even if you don’t say anything, they will still confess.

I advise you to be smart, don’t be the unlucky one to be identified.

Those accomplices of yours surely wouldn’t mind stepping over your corpse to get a favorable plea deal as long as they have the chance.”

“Can I get a favorable plea deal if I confess now?”

“Of course, I will offer you a favorable plea deal if you are willing to assist the police in their investigation.”

Andres Downs took a deep breath, “I admit …… that I did participate in the North Hollywood robbery on October 5.”

“Who were your accomplices?”

“Franco Murphy, Jerron Gaddafi, Mabry, and Souster.”

“Introduce them and see?”

“Franco Murphy, he’s in charge of getting transportation, driving, and by his own account used to drive a race car.

Geron Gaddafi, he’s an expert locksmith, responsible for opening bank safes.

Mabry, this guy is dangerous and likes to drum up bombs.

Soest, he was the mastermind of the robbery, and he got the floor plan of the bank.”

“Who was the mastermind of the case?”


“What’s his full name?”

“I don’t know.”

“What about you?”

“I’m just a poor guy who got into debt and had to rob to pay it off, and I’m just looking out.

I really don’t want to do this kind of thing ……

But I can’t help it, those guys won’t leave me alone if I don’t pay what I owe in time.”

“Oddvar Wills?”

“Yes, he is the head of an underground money bank with a gang organization behind him, if I don’t pay the money back, they will definitely not let me go.”

“Who else is in your family?”

“Jerome Gaddafi.”

“Why is he staying at your house?”

“Earlier, he had taken out a locker business at the bank in order to step in, and he was worried that the police would track him down, so he first borrowed my house.”

The situation described by Andres Downs is largely consistent with the police investigation.

Previously, Anthony was in charge of investigating the bank locker leads and also found out that Jeron Gaddafi was suspicious, he took his team to Jeron Gaddafi’s home to search, and as a result, a bomb was planted in Jeron Gaddafi’s home, which resulted in the death of and injuries to the FBI laced.

“Who planted the bomb in Jerron Gaddafi’s house?”

“What bomb?” Andres Downs gave a puzzled look.

Luke said, “The FBI was attacked by a bomb while investigating Geraint Gaddafi’s house, and a number of agents were injured and even killed.”

Andres Downs realized the seriousness of the problem and hurriedly explained, “I didn’t know about this, I was only involved in the bank robbery, I never killed anyone, let alone knew anything about a bomb.

I swear, I was just trying to get a fortune to pay off the loan sharks, I’m not violent and I don’t like killing people.”

“Wasn’t Jerome Gaddafi at your house? He didn’t mention it?”


“Do you have a bomb in your house?”

“No. I would never allow that sort of thing in my house.”

“Where are the other two hijackers besides Geraint Gaddafi?”

“I don’t know.”

“You don’t know, or you don’t want to say?”

“I don’t know them very well, and I only know Geraint Gaddafi out of this gang, and it was Geraint Gaddafi who dragged me into the gang.”

“Geraint Gaddafi is your handler?”

“Sort of.”

“Do you know Geraint Gaddafi well?”

“We met in prison.

After we got out, we ran into each other in a bar once and got back in touch, we talked more and were good friends.

They happened to be short of men, and knowing I was short of money, they let me join in.”

“How long did you guys plan the bank robbery?”

“I was the last one to join, around October 2nd, as for how long they had been planning before that, I’m not sure.”

“Where was the stronghold of the five of you?” In cases of multiple robberies like this one, there would have been a lot of planning and discussion beforehand, and there would have been at least one place to meet up.

“Jelan Gaddafi’s house.”

“When do you usually get together to discuss cases?”

“Always in the evening.”

“How many times in total?”

“I only attended twice.”

“After attending twice you decided to rob?”

“My day was a mess and I needed the money …… I was desperate.”

“Then I’ll help show you the way.” Luke squared his shoulders.

“Andres, want to get a favorable plea deal?”


“Then help us capture Jerome Gaddafi.” Luke identified his next target for capture, Jerron Gaddafi was key, the explosion had happened at his house, he must know more.

A pickup truck pulled up next to a pointy house.

Andres Downs stepped out of the vehicle and walked to the door with a wobble, “Knock knock ……”

There was no movement in the house.

Andres Downs shouted with a few drunken moments, “Jerome, damn it, hurry up and open the door for me.”

At this time, a voice came out from the house, “FUCK, you don’t have a key?”

“I don’t know, I think I brought them, but I can’t find them.

Come on, open the door, I brought you a drink too.”

“Cluck ……” a man carefully opened the door and wrinkled his nose, “How much have you had to drink?”

“You know what? I met a girl at the bar, super charged ……” Andres Downs said, gesturing with his hands as his body staggered backward.

“You fucking drunk.” Jeron Gaddafi rushed out of the house to help him with his hands.


Just the moment Jerron Gaddafi stepped out of the house, a sound rang out from both sides of the door of the room.

Jerron Gaddafi shivered in fear and turned his head to the right, where several heavily armed police officers were pointing their guns at him.

He looked again at Andres Downs, where there was no sign of drunkenness.

“You fucking asshole sold me out!

I’m @#$%……” Jeron Gaddafi cursed at Andres Downs.

Andres Downs looked embarrassed and looked down, not daring to look at him.

The police rushed straight over to hold Jerron Gaddafi down, handcuffing and frisking him, a live set.

Luke walked over and sized up the other party, “Are you Jerron Gaddafi?”

“Didn’t that traitor already tell you that? Uh huh?”

“Jelan Gaddafi, the first thing the police found out about you was that your stomping around the bank wasn’t very clever, and Andres Downs was right to choose to cooperate with the police.

We will also give you a favorable plea deal as long as you assist the police in their investigation.”

“To put it bluntly, I’m being asked to betray my accomplices?”

“At least you have an accomplice to betray, the next one may not be as lucky as you.”

“Then I should thank you.”

“Then there better be some sincerity, or I’ll have to hand you over to the FBI.”

Jaron Gaddafi said in disbelief, “That doesn’t seem to make any difference to me.”

“Let me remind you that the FBI was attacked by a bombing while investigating at your home, one agent was killed instantly and several are still in the hospital ……

Sorry, I was wrong, there are already ones out of the hospital with injuries.

He can’t wait to get his hands on you.”

“What bomb attack, I didn’t even plant a bomb in my house.”

Luke kept his eyes on the other man’s expression, looking like he wasn’t lying, and continued, “That would be a question for your accomplice?”

Jelan Gaddafi’s face became more and more ugly and cold sweat broke out, “Don’t hand me over to the FBI.

I’d rather die than fall into their hands.”

“You won’t die, we will protect you well.

You only have two ways, either cooperate with the police or cooperate with the FBI.”

“I choose to work with the police.”

“Very wise decision.”

“Look, I really don’t know anything about the explosion, and I had nothing to do with it.”

“It was your home.”

“I don’t even know how to make or use bombs, I’m a thief, that’s all.”

“And who do you think planted the bomb?”


He’s a master at playing with bombs, he’s the only one of us who can use them.”

“Where is he?”

“I don’t know, I’m not familiar with him.

I know Thorst, he was brought in by Thorst.”

“Who was the mastermind of the robbery?”


“Where is he?”

“I don’t know.”

“Then how did you make contact?”

“We were in touch through an anonymous cell phone number, but now that his cell phone number is suspended, I can’t reach him.”

“That means you can’t provide valuable clues to the police, or maybe you don’t want to talk.”

“No, I’m willing to cooperate with the police, although I don’t know where they are, I know that they might still be planning a new operation.”

“What new operation?”

“New robberies.”

“You guys have robbed a lot of money, why are you planning a new robbery?”

“This robbery is different from what we expected before.

Previously, when planning this robbery, Soest guessed that there was at least eight to ten million dollars in cash inside the bank, and that everyone would get at least a million dollars.

When we opened the vault there was only five million dollars inside, and half of them were new bills with consecutive numbers, everyone got only about four hundred thousand dollars each, the harvest was much less than expected, and everyone became a wanted man, which made everyone’s mood a bit dissatisfied.

Franco Murphy even complained a bit about Soest, feeling snubbed by him.”

Marcus said, “Didn’t you guys rob a lot of bank lockers? The stuff in there should be worth a lot of money too, right?”

“That’s right, that does hold a lot of valuable stuff, but the problem is that it’s hard to get out of there in a short period of time, and Solstice warned us not to get out the loot in a short period of time, or else it’s likely to be tracked down by the police.

This is one of the reasons for our discontent, and although we have acquired a lot of property, we can only watch.”

“The new robbery is still planned by Soest?”


“What was the target?”

“I really don’t know, Soest just said to wait for news.”

“What’s Soest’s full name?”

“I don’t know, he’s very secretive, I’m not even sure if his name is real or not.”

“What about Mabry’s full name?”

“Mabry is the one he got, I don’t know even more.”

“Do you have a picture of them?”

“No. It’s taboo and I don’t want any trouble.”

Luke was silent for a moment, not knowing the full names, even the names could be fake, and without a picture, it was hard to determine the true identity of the other two robbers.

There were a total of five robbers in the bank robbery, and now one robber had been killed, two robbers had been apprehended, and there were still two robbers at large.

And these two robbers at large, one is the mastermind of the case, and the other used a bomb to kill the FBI agent.

If these two are not caught in time, there is a possibility that they will commit another crime ……

There are already three suspects caught, they have crossed each other before, Luke does not believe that he will not be able to find traces of the other two suspects, there must be details that have been missed or not been paid attention to.

“What kind of car were they driving?”

“A black Honda.”

“What’s the license plate number?”


Luke made a mental note of this important clue and continued, “How did you and Souster meet?”

“Uh …… it’s a long story, we’ve known each other for years.”

“And you’ve worked together before?”

“Sir, if you want to investigate bank robberies, I’ll have no reservations.

But I really can’t remember anything from before. We did know each other for a long time, and it’s been a while since we’ve been in touch.”

Even if the other party didn’t say anything, Luke knew that he definitely had a previous record, Jelan Gaddafi’s positioning was that of a locksmith expert, being able to quickly open a bank safe showed that he could afford the title of expert, and he must have opened a lot of locks in the past, or else he wouldn’t have been able to practice his skills.

Luke was not in a hurry to pursue his previous cases and asked, “Since you haven’t contacted each other for a long time, how did he find you?”

The anonymous cell phone number was only used during the crime, and could not be used as a tool for long-term contact.

“He sent me an e-mail.”

“Where do you usually check your e-mail?”

“Cell phone.”

“Captain, his cell phone is here.” Marcus took a clear bag and handed it to Luke.

“What’s the password?”


Luke opened his cell phone, found the email box and asked, “Is this the email?”

“Yes. He asked me to meet him at the bar.”

“That means the bar has surveillance?”

“Seems like there is.”

“Looks like we have a picture of the suspect.” Luke finished and handed his cell phone to the tech team, “Mary, check the address of this email, ASAP.”

“I’d like to as soon as possible too.” Mary pointed to the house, “But it has to be one piece at a time.”

Luke said, “The mail address takes precedence.”

“As you wish.”

The following morning.

Robbery and Murder Division office, 1st Squadron office.

Two suspects were apprehended last night, the scene investigation lasted until midnight, and most of the stolen goods had been recovered.

Early this morning, Luke was also praised by Reed to keep up the good work and catch the remaining two suspects at large soon.

Luke, however, knew it wouldn’t be easy.

After investigating, Soster was using a set of license plates, and there was no way to trace the identity.

The mail used a public network, which was of little value to trace.

The bar surveillance did capture Soest’s surveillance video, which has been sent to the technical department for face recognition and database comparison.

Time passed by one second ……

At 2:00 PM, after the face data comparison, the identity of one of the suspects was finally determined.

Name, Mabry Carr

Gender, male

Age, 36.

Residential address, 202 Vetri neighborhood.

Social Security number, 623-53-7342.

Prior convictions, robbery, possession of dangerous goods.

License plate number, 3leb329.

Seeing the other guy’s priors, Luke was basically certain that this was the bomb expert they were looking for, Mabry.

The suspect could commit another crime at any time, Luke didn’t wait, and directly led his men to his residential address.

Considering the suspect’s special status and the possibility of a bomb in his home, Luke made more thorough preparations this time.

First, he applied for police dog support, which could smell the explosives.

Secondly, Luke also borrowed a piece of high technology from the bomb disposal unit.

A remote-controlled car equipped with a camera, this car’s camera could be moved and could see almost every corner of the room, increasing the safety of the search.

Of course, there are drawbacks to this tool, such as not being able to view cabinets or go upstairs, but it’s still more practical as far as targeting the situation at hand.

Luke waited outside suspect Mabry Carr’s house for two hours and there had been no movement.

Considering that all departments were present and well-equipped, Luke wasn’t going to wait any longer.

First, the police opened the door to the house, put the camera-equipped remote-controlled car inside, and looked around the house and found no suspicious persons or bombs.

With the first layer of security in place, the police entered the room fully armed and searched it with a police dog.

“Woof woof ……”

Upon entering the bedroom, the police dog barked at the cupboard door.

No suspects were found, but there was likely a bomb.

With that, the officers exited the house and the bomb disposal team entered the bedroom ……

Ten minutes later, the bomb squad exited the house and the cabinet did contain explosives and some bomb making parts stored in the cabinet, but they were unassembled and not dangerous.

Come to think of it, who would plant a bomb in their house unless they were out of their mind.

With the danger out of the way, the police began to search the house further, and from the explosives and the photographs in the room, they were able to determine that this was indeed the home of the robber, Mabry Carr, but according to neighbors around the house, he had not been seen in the past two days.

The fact that the other party had not returned home meant that he might have other hiding places, or had already begun to prepare for a second robbery.

Luke’s sense of urgency grew.

Jackson called out from the garage door, “Captain, I’ve got something on my side.”

Luke walked over and saw a black Honda sitting in the garage that had been given a new license plate, but was supposed to be the same car the robbers had been driving before.

Jackson said, “Captain, I checked the car’s tachograph and found a clue in it.”

“What clue?”

“On the two days of September 30th and October 2nd, this car was continuously on the same road and followed the same person.” Jackson clicked on the video and played a clip.

The video showed a white woman riding a bicycle, and although it was a bit far apart, the video car kept tailing.

Marcus laughed, “Is the robber crushing on this woman?”

Luke guessed, “Or maybe the hijacker’s next target.”

Jackson a thumbs up, “Captain, we’re thinking of a piece.”

“She’s the new target?” Marcus questioned, “Could this woman be richer than the bank?”

Jackson laughed, “I’m not sure if she’s richer than the bank, but that bike of hers costs more than your Toyota.”

Blackie “……”

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