Chapter 332

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:06:38
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Fionn Cruise was a master of no small amount of money, and directly mentioned the commission to two hundred thousand dollars.

However, this money was not that good, not only did he have to find out the person who wrote the threatening letter, he also had to ensure the safety of the engagement ceremony, and at the same time, he also had to find out what happened to Chanel Carr.

It can be simply understood that the $50,000 is for labor, and for each mission completed, you can get $50,000 dollars.

Luke completes three tasks in order to get a commission of $200,000, of which the Pinkerton Detective Agency takes a thirty percent cut, and Luke gets the remaining seventy percent, or $140,000 dollars. (before taxes)

This commission was already far more than the reserve that Luke had obtained from the draw system.

However, it was the first time Luke accepted a commission as a detective, and there was more or less some pressure in his heart.

He was not investigating a case as a police officer now, and this commission was not a criminal case, and the way of investigation had changed.

First of all, it was impossible for him to give a direct statement to the relevant person to the police as he did, and he needed to have a new identity to communicate with the other party in a reasonable means.

After some consideration, Luke decided to live in the manor as a security consultant before the engagement ceremony began, and it would be easier to use this identity to communicate with other people and investigate covertly.

Cruise Manor Villa, inside the guest room on the first floor.

Luke pushed open the window on the south side and smiled at Orty, who was sitting on the sofa, “This is a nice room, are you sure you don’t want to stay together?”

Olti said, “It’s too eye-catching for a beautiful woman like me to suddenly appear in the manor, it’s better if you stayed by yourself.

It’s also more convenient for me to be out here, I can help you with some errands, like checking up on Chanel Carr.”

“That’s fine.” Luke, who was here to make money and picking up girls was just incidental, asked, “When are you going to leave?”

“After I get you settled, I’m leaving.”

“I’ll drive you.”

Luke left the room and dropped Orty off in the parking lot.

Orty jiggled the keys to the Mercedes, “So, your big baby, I’ll drive away.”

“Don’t forget to pick me up.”

Orty got in the driver’s side, left hand on the window, curious, “If I race in it will a cop stop me?”

“You can try.

But I better not get wind of it, or I don’t promise not to spank you.”

Orty bristled, “I’m not giving you a chance pervert.”

Luke patted the Mercedes, “Then you treat it right.”

“I’m going to carry it back to LA, what do you think?”

“Maybe it prefers to be carried.”

“Thanks for the reminder.” Orty kicked the gas and the car started slowly.

“You’re welcome.” Luke waved at the car, ready to slip around the farm and think about the commissioned mission.

The threatening letter, the security of the engagement ceremony, and the suspicion of Chanel Carr.

There had to be some connection between the three, and all Luke had to do now was find a breakthrough.

“Ta-da ……” a hoofbeat sounded.

Luke twisted his head to look, and Cowboy Tom rushed over on his horse: “Mr. Lee, I heard Mr. Cruise say that you want to learn to ride a horse?”

Just now during dinner, Luke did mention horseback riding to Vernon Cruise, but it was just a casual remark, but since there was this opportunity, why not give it a try?

It would also be a considerable expense to go to a specialized stable, and Luke didn’t always have the time.

Led by Tom Luke came to the side of the stable, the east side of the stable was a stable, it was cleaned up very well, there were quite a few separate single rooms, outside the stable there was a field enclosed by a wooden fence, there were a few horses walking leisurely in the stable.

Tom pointed to the south side of the stable yard, “What do you think of that horse, Mr. Lee?”

Luke looked in the direction he knew and saw a tall black horse with a smooth coat and strong limbs that looked like a black brocade in the sunlight.

“I like it very much. What’s its name?”


Luke pointed to the sturdy black horse, “He’s a mare?”

Tom smiled, “Mr. Lee, you’re leaning over a bit.” Tom pointed to a short brown horse next to him, “I’m talking about it.”

“Oh …… that black guy totally covered it up.” Luke laughed a little awkwardly.

“I understand what you mean, but it’s your first time riding a horse, Grace is more suitable for you.”

“OK, let’s go with it then.”

Tom flipped and climbed and jumped into the stable, saddled the brown dwarf horse and led it from the stable, stroking its mane, “Come on up, Grace is tame and good for beginners.”

“Anything to watch out for?” Luke was riding a horse for the first time and didn’t want to hurt himself.

“Step in the stirrups, grab the reins, tug on the inside rein when you turn, and don’t sit on your butt too firmly.”

“That doesn’t sound too hard.” Luke took a deep breath, grabbed the saddle, stepped in the stirrups, and rolled onto his back.

“I’ll tug on the reins and lead you along for a while, it’ll feel a little bumpy at first, straighten your back and rise and fall with the horse’s rhythm.” Tom instructed Luke as he led the reins along.

Luke felt pretty good in the saddle, with a better view, looking out over the green pastures, rather like a royal horse trekking.

Tom walked faster and faster, and finally began to trot all the way, Luke rode on the horse is also more and more upside down, buttocks are upside down some pain.

It would be nice to have a horseback riding type of learning card now.

Tom led the horse in a circle and asked, “Mr. Lee, would you like to try it yourself?”

Luke asked, “Will it suddenly gallop?”

“As long as it doesn’t get spooked, it usually doesn’t.”

Luke was a little hesitant, although riding a horse is quite enjoyable, it’s also a skillful job that can’t be learned in a day or two, this one called Tom might be a good horse rider but might not be able to teach people to ride.

In case this horse spooks and he falls off the horse, the loss of face is a small matter, but the injury will be more than worth it.

Luke just wanted to try riding, but he didn’t have that much energy and heart to use on riding a horse.

Although he hadn’t learned any skills, he was now a person who had ridden a horse, and had surpassed ninety-five percent of the people in the world.

Luke looked in the direction of the stable and noticed two more people there, a white man with a girl entering the stable.

“Who are they?”

“Mr. Cruise’s son, Hill Cruise, and granddaughter.”

Several thoughts suddenly flashed through Luke’s mind.

Why did he come to ride and they came too?

Had they come to initiate themselves?

Or did Mr. Crews know that his son would be coming to ride, so he asked Tom to bring himself as well, to create an opportunity for the two to talk.

Or maybe it was Tom’s own idea?

“Does Mr. Hill Crews enjoy horseback riding?”

Tom replied, “The Hill family lives in Los Angeles and occasionally comes back to the estate for a short stay, presumably this afternoon.

In recent times, he’s been teaching his daughter to ride and often comes over to the stable side.”

“Tom, hard work.

I’m probably not a horse-riding learner’s material, can you introduce me to Mr. Hill-Cruise?”

Tom was like a blessing, “Sure, I’m actually not good at teaching people to ride.”

Tom pulled the reins towards the stable and called out to the man who was helping his daughter onto the horse, “Hill, Miss Erin, good afternoon.”

The man sized up Luke, “Tom, who is this gentleman? Seems like the first time I’ve seen him.”

“This is Mr. Lee, the security consultant Mr. Cruise just hired.”

Luke rolled over and dismounted, “Hello Mr. Hill-Cruise, I’m Luke Lee.”


The two men shook hands.

Luke sized up the other man, the man looked to be in his early fifties, a little chubby, a slight resemblance to Vernon Cruise, both with long blonde hair.

“Mr. Hill-Cruise, may I have a moment alone?”

Hill-Cruise looked over at his daughter, “Honey, can you give me a minute?”

“No need, I’ve learned to ride a horse, feel free to talk to this gentleman.” After the little girl finished speaking, she swung the reins and rode off.

Hill-Cruise smiled helplessly, “Mr. Lee, I’ve made you laugh.”

“No, she rides better than me. How long have you been practicing?”

“Less than two months, probably practicing once a week.”

Luke probably had it in his mind that it wasn’t realistic for him to try to learn how to ride a horse in a short period of time, and began to talk about the main topic, “Mr. Cruise, can I ask you a few questions?”

“You want to talk about the threatening letters?”

“That’s right.”

“You suspect I wrote that threatening letter?”

“I suspect everyone, including your father.”

Hill-Cruise laughed, “That’s an interesting thought you have, if the old man really wrote it.”

“Did you read the threatening letter?”


“Do you have a suspect?”

“Perhaps, but I won’t tell you.”

“You didn’t write that letter, did you?”

“No,” Hill-Cruise shook his head, “I like direct people, but sometimes being too direct can be annoying.”

Luke smiled, “I’m sorry, but as the estate’s security advisor, I need to be responsible for the safety of everyone on the estate.”

Hill-Cruise sized up Luke, “Who are you?”

“I’m a police officer by trade.”

“No wonder it looks a little familiar, I think I’ve seen you on the news …… You’re a recipient of the Public Safety Officer’s Medal. Looks like the old man put his money where his mouth is this time and invited you all the way here.”

Luke laughed, “Mr. Vernon Cruise is very generous indeed.”

Hill-Cruise said, “Did you just say you want to make sure everyone in the estate is safe?”


“I also received a threatening letter, so why don’t you investigate that as well. There’s no chance it might be from the same person.”

“When did you receive it?”

“Early yesterday morning.”

“Where was it found?”

“At my villa in downtown L.A. Someone threw the envelope on the lawn.”

“May I see it?”

“I don’t have the original with me, just the photo.” Hill-Cruise pulled her cell phone out of her pocket and tapped on a photo.

On a piece of white paper with a few lines of red writing, ‘Cruise family asshole, you are a thief and a robber.

People like you usually die a horrible death.

I heard your dad got you a new mom, ready to change your tune? Haha ……

We’ll meet soon …… Prepare to be punished by God.”

Hill Cruise put away his cell phone, “Officer Lee, what do you think of this threatening letter?”

Luke said, “This letter is handwritten, and the other threatening letter is printed, in addition, the tone and content of the two threatening letters are different, and the places where the threatening letters were dropped are also different.

From what’s available, it shouldn’t be from one person.”

“But listening to his tone, he also knows about the engagement ceremony, so there’s no chance that he’ll come here to cause trouble as well… Aren’t you in charge of the security of the engagement ceremony? You can check it out in the meantime.”

Luke laughed, “Is that to get me to investigate this threatening letter for you for free?”

Hill-Cruise spread his hands, “I’m just giving you some leads.”

“You must be a successful businessman.”

“Haha …… Thank you for the compliment.

Be sure to tell my father that.

Hard work.” Hill-Cruise patted Luke’s shoulder and turned to leave, “See you at dinner.”

Luke had just talked to him and saw no signs of lying, and the probability was that the threatening letter written to Fionn Cruise had nothing to do with him.

However, what made Luke a little depressed was that the first threatening letter had not yet been investigated, and there was a new threatening letter.

And the probability was that it was not from one person.

It seems that this commission is not as simple as imagined.

Thinking about it, if it was simple the other party wouldn’t have offered a commission of two hundred thousand dollars.

Seven o’clock in the evening.

Cruise Farm was on time for dinner.

Compared to noon, the evening was a lot more lively, besides Luke and Fionn Cruise, there was the Hill Cruise family.

The table was set with sumptuous dishes, and the Cruise family was sitting around, just one more Luke.

After a pre-dinner prayer was said, the crowd began to eat.

Vernon Cruise said to his son, “Hill, this is the security consultant I just hired, Mr. Luke Lee.”

“Mr. Lee and I have met this afternoon and he complimented me on being a successful businessman.” After Hill-Cruise finished speaking, he picked up his glass of red wine and gestured at Luke.

Luke also picked up his glass and took a sip.

He had met Hill-Cruise and his daughter Erin, and it was the first time he had met his wife.

Luke sized up the other party, looking about fifty years old, graceful, very elegant and temperamental, and presumably a great beauty in her youth.

Luke looked at the other party and felt that the other party looked somewhat familiar, “Ma’am, have we met before?”

The woman smiled and said, “I don’t think so, if I’ve seen a spiritually handsome young man like you, I would definitely remember.”

Luke laughed, “As soon as I saw you, I also felt very kind. What’s your name?”


“Ma’am, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

After the meal, Luke went back to the bedroom.

Started to analyze the day.

Meeting the three members of the Hill-Cruise family, not only did Luke not find out the clues of the first threatening letter, he had more doubts.

The big family was really a mess.

“Ringing ……” Luke’s cell phone rang, he took out his cell phone and looked at it, the screen showed Orty’s number.

Luke pressed the answer button, “How’s my car?”

Olty froze for a moment and snickered, “Wow…… looks like I’m no better than a car in your heart?”

Luke laughed, “I was wondering how many tickets were on the car?”

“I’m afraid I’m going to have to disappoint you, your car is fine and I washed it this afternoon.”


Orty turned the tables and got down to business, “I found out about Chanel Carr.

She was an actress before, and had made a few TV series, and was considered a minor celebrity.

Later, after she married a rich businessman, she quit the entertainment industry and followed her husband to move to New York to live.

Ten years ago, her rich businessman husband went bankrupt and the two divorced.

It was only three years ago that she returned to Los Angeles.”

“Is there any more detailed information?”

“Time is a bit short, that’s all I’ve got for now, I’ll keep looking into her if you need it.”

Luke thought for a moment, “I heard from Fionn Cruise at dinner today that Chanel Carr might be coming to the estate tomorrow, I’ll meet with her then and try to find out what she’s up to.”

Orty asked, “Did you find anything at the manor today?”

“I met with the family of Hill-Cruise, son of Vernon Cruise.

Yesterday, Hill-Cruise also received a threatening letter, but it was dropped in a different location and handwriting, and the tone of the threat was different.

It is likely to have come from a different person.”

“This commission is more troublesome than expected, is there anything else I can do?”

Luke thought of the woman he’d seen at dinner, “Check out Hill Crews’ wife, Isabeau Crews, for me.”

“You suspect she had something to do with the threatening letters?”

“It’s hard to say for now, you investigate first and send me her information when you find out.”

“OK, be safe.”

“Good night.”

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