Chapter 337

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:06:51
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The following morning.

Luke returned to work at the bureau after taking a few days off.

The first squadron did not take over any new cases in these few days, and was still dealing with the closure procedures of the previous cases, and the experienced vice squadron was more than capable of handling these trivial matters.

After Luke talked with the vice team, he held a morning meeting and briefly arranged today’s work.

Luke himself went back to his office to play with his cell phone, usually touching fish as long as there were no cases to investigate.

After ten in the morning, Luke’s cell phone rang, “Director.”

“The person you want has arrived, come to my office to collect him.”

“Be right there.” Luke hung up his cell phone and went out of the office.

Ever since Susan left, the 1st Squadron was a bit understaffed, Luke asked the Bureau for additional manpower, and Reed sent Luke a few candidate profiles to pick from.

“Guys, the Bureau has given us new team members, so pay attention and make a good impression on the newcomers.”

Blackie asked, “Is it a man or a woman?”

Luke said, “Female.”

Blacky followed up, “Good looking?”

“Sure.” Luke said.

Blacky straightened his collar, “Ooooh, we do have to clean up then, gotta impress the pretty girl.”

The lieutenant bristled, “Marcus, you’re married, not a chance.”

Luke pointed to the spot next to Blackie, “Tidy up that work station, let the new team sit there later.”

“OK, I’ll clean it up, hands up.” Blacky volunteered.

“Very well.” Luke dropped his words and left the office.

Luke walked outside Reed’s office and knocked on the door, “Knock knock.”

“Come in.”

When Luke entered, Reed was sitting on the couch talking to a white man in his thirties.

Reed stood up, “Let me introduce you to Luke Lee, Captain of 1st Squadron, your immediate superior.” Reed turned to Luke again, “This is your new team member, Porter Haffield.”

The white man stood up, “Captain Lee, nice to meet you.”

Luke shook the other man’s hand, “Just call me Luke, may I call you Porter?”

“Of course.”

“Chief, do you have any other orders?”


“I’ll take the men away then.”

“Porter is a good man, don’t complain about being understaffed this time.”

“I can’t promise that.” Luke wouldn’t mind having more men under him.

The more manpower, the more chances to feel the fish, as for the funding issue, that was something that only needed to be considered at Reed’s level.

After leaving the chief’s office, Luke asked, “Porter, you used to work as a night detective in the southern division?”

“Yes, Captain.”

“You made it to the detective position at that time?”


I was injured in an operation and was transferred to the civilian sector for almost a year afterward.

But I still liked being a detective, so I took the detective test again.

I originally thought I’d be a detective in the Southern Division, but I didn’t expect to come to the Robbery and Murder Division.

I was thrilled to receive the notification, it was an opportunity I had only dreamed of.

Thank you, Captain.

Thank you for giving me this opportunity.”

“Porter, I think highly of you and chose you from a number of candidates.

However, the Robbery and Murder Division has a high demand for officers, and the only way you can really fit in is to start as a detective.”

“I know, I’m mentally prepared for that.”

“I hope you’ll adapt to your new position soon.”

“I will.”

“Good.” In the middle of the conversation, the two arrived outside the First Squadron, and Luke patted him on the shoulder, “Come on in, I’ll introduce my colleagues to you.”

As soon as the two entered the office, all eyes looked over.

The others were fine, but Blackie clearly had a very disappointed look on his face and muttered something under his breath.

Jenny was a little surprised and whispered to Jackson, who was off to the side, “Wow. He looks very stylish.”

Jackson squeezed his eyes, “Very handsome indeed.”

It could be said that a few people were happy and a few people were sad.

Luke ignored the small minds of the crowd and introduced, “Guys, welcome our new coworkers.”

Luke led the applause, “Potter, introduce yourself.”

“YES, Sir.”

Porter Hafid watched the office and a few of the team members and cleared his throat, “My name is Porter Hafid, I’m pleased to meet you all here, I was previously with the Southern Division and I’m honored to be transferred here to work with you all ……”

After Porter Haffield introduced himself, Luke introduced him to the rest of the team, “This cool old man is our esteemed Lieutenant Vince, and Commissioner Reed’s old partner from before, if there’s anything you don’t understand, you can ask him.”

Lieutenant Vince was still looking tetchy, “To be exact, Reed and I hung out for a while, I was already a detective when he first came to the detective bureau.”

Luke didn’t give him much of a chance to show off as he continued to introduce the others, “Detective Raymond, Detective Marcus, Detective Jenny, Detective Jackson, Detective Matthew.”

Luke finished his introductions and then instructed, “Jenny, take Potter and familiarize him.”

“Captain, leave it to me.”

“Very well.

Porter, my office is inside, if you need anything, you can go to me.”

“YES, Sir.”

Having an extra person on the team made it easier for Luke to feel the fish.

After work, Luke went to the Vaughn Jiu-Jitsu Club to train.

Luke’s appointment was from six to nine in the evening, and he left work twenty minutes early in order to make it on time.

Natasha Vaughn was a standard womanizer, with arms that almost caught up to Luke in dimension, and was stouter than the average man.

While practicing jiu-jitsu, Luke had stopped thinking of her as a woman, and there were no shortage of times Luke had been subdued by her during confrontation training.

Of course, with every practice, every time he was dropped, Luke improved.

After meeting Natasha, Luke used his third jiu-jitsu card, and his last.

However, it was not a big problem, the Divine Detective System was upgraded to an exchange system, which allowed him to exchange points for the cards he needed, and he could continue to exchange his points for jiu-jitsu whenever he wanted to practice it.

With the Jiu-Jitsu card, Luke was learning fast, yesterday he had already mastered the theory and basic movements of Jiu-Jitsu, today was mainly confrontation training and some holding, locking and power techniques.

Each confrontation training in about twenty minutes, 20 minutes confrontation end, Natasha will spend five to ten minutes to explain the essentials of the movement and Luke’s mistakes, after that rest ten minutes to train again.

Every time he trained against each other, Luke would have obvious improvement, which made Natasha also a little surprised at his talent.

To know, Luke was just a Jiu-Jitsu newcomer yesterday, today he had already mastered a lot of Jiu-Jitsu techniques, although it was not quite skillful and there were quite a few loopholes, but it was no longer possible to easily subdue Luke.

“Jingle Bell ……”

Around 8:40 PM, Luke’s cell phone rang.

Natasha let go of Luke’s collar, “Take a break.”

It wasn’t easy for Natasha against Luke, who had a clear physical advantage over her by a full level.

Luke wiped the sweat from his forehead with a dry towel and picked up his cell phone, the screen showed Daisy’s number, “Hello.”

“Laurence Miller is blocking my yard. Do you have time to come over now?”

“Are you in danger now?”

“I’m still in the car, I haven’t gotten out.”

“I’ll come over right now.

You protect yourself, and if you’re in danger, drive away first.”

“Okay.” Luke hung up his cell phone, “Coach, I’ve got some impromptu things to do, so I’m going to go ahead.”

“Will you come back tomorrow?” Natasha asked.

“I might not have time tomorrow.”

“Your Jiu-Jitsu talent is very good, as long as you keep training for a while, you will make obvious progress, and even have the potential to become a black belt.”

“I know, I’ll practice privately when I have time.” Luke was worried about exactly this point, because of the Jiu-Jitsu cards, Luke’s learning ability was very strong, it might only take a few Jiu-Jitsu cards and a few times of training to reach the results of other people who had practiced hard for years.

This was a good thing, but not too ostentatious.

Luke decided to come back to practice after a while, and even if the progress was noticeable, there would be a certain buffer period to make Natasha think that Luke was practicing in private and wanted to secretly amaze everyone.

Even if it was hidden, the talent Luke was showing was already amazing.

After leaving the jiu-jitsu club, Luke drove to Daisy’s house.

He was getting a little impatient with Rollins Miller and was ready to settle this trouble once and for all.

Daisy’s house.

Laurence Miller stood in the yard with his arms thrust out, his face still visibly bruised, and shouted at a white sedan, “Hey, why don’t you get out of the car? Don’t want to see your own father that bad?”

Daisy said through the car glass, “You’ve been drinking and I don’t want to talk to you today.”

“That’s right, I’ve been drinking.

Why don’t you ask me why I’ve been drinking?” Laurence Miller loudly questioned, “Not only does my lawyer daughter despise me, she’s joining with outsiders against me.

That boyfriend of yours is an asshole, he actually let his own men beat me up.

Look at my face, it was swollen by his men.

I drink because I’m sad and I can’t figure out why God would do this to me.”

Daisy asked, “You said Luke had his men beat you up?”

“Yes. Is he afraid to admit it?”

“I heard him say it. He didn’t want it to happen either, much less that he ordered it.

What did you do? Why did that man beat you up?”

“There’s no bullshit why, the fact is I got my ass kicked.

And he was in cahoots with the guy.

Your father got his ass kicked and you sat in the car doing nothing, is that what a daughter is supposed to do?” Laurence Miller banged hard on the roof of the car.

“You’re drunk, there’s nothing to talk about, get out of my house.”

“What a cold-blooded bastard.

I know you despise me and want me to fuck off.

Hello go suck up to that rich stepfather, am I right Daisy Crews?”

Daisy glared angrily at the other man, “If you don’t leave, I’m calling the police.”

Laurence Miller stuck out his thumbs, “Wow wow, what a marvelous daughter, in order to appease the Cruise family, she watched her own brother go to jail, and now she’s going to personally send her own father to jail, haha.”

Daisy’s face became more and more ugly, her eyes red, but there was nothing she could do to him again.

“Oooh ……”

A black Mercedes Benz G500 drove up and parked in front of the courtyard, the driver’s door opened and Luke stepped out of the car with a bottle of whiskey, “Hey, Lorenzo Miller, what are you doing here?”

“I’m here to see my daughter, any questions?”

Luke shook the whiskey in his hand, “You’re interrupting our duo, and I was going to have a nice drink.”

“So what, you want to beat me up again, here, in front of my daughter?”

“Ooooh, looks like there must be some kind of misunderstanding between us.” Luke scowled at Lorenzo Miller, “I heard you got your ass kicked, but I don’t sympathize with you.

I immediately went to stop you halfway after I learned that you were going to Cruise Manor, and I made it very clear at the time that I wasn’t trying to hurt you, I was trying to help you.

I gave you money to leave.

But you violated our agreement and took a detour to Cruise Manor from another direction.

You’ve been spotted by the other security guys, and they won’t be as polite as I am.

You’re sure to get your ass kicked.

That’s why I intercepted you.

I was protecting you, but you failed me.

You owe me an apology.”

“I …… Even so, they have no right to beat me up.”

“That’s a grudge between you guys, it has nothing to do with me. You can find him to take revenge.”

“That bastard didn’t just beat me up, he also robbed the five hundred dollars you gave him.”

Luke showed a surprised look, “He robbed you of five hundred dollars?”

“You guys didn’t know?”

“I’m not familiar with him, that’s the money I gave you, who is he to snatch it?” A look of displeasure crossed Luke’s face.

Laurence Miller added, “He even called you a fool, said you weren’t giving me money, but giving it to him for nothing.

And threatened me not to tell you about it.”

Luke grunted, “This asshole dared to take my money, so it’s about me.”

Laurence Miller said helplessly, “I just got beat up by him to keep the money you gave me.”

“SORRY, I didn’t know about that at all.

I still have some cash here ……,” Luke, a little guilty, took out his wallet and rummaged through it, “I just went to buy a drink, and I spent all my money, I only have forty dollars left.”

Seeing Luke take his wallet, Laurence Miller was kinda happy, but when he saw the wallet was empty, his face drooped again, “What kind of bullshit liquor is so expensive?”

“It’s this whiskey, I bought two bottles for over four hundred dollars, it’s the absolute best whiskey.”

Rollins Miller gulped, “Two hundred plus a bottle of whiskey?”

“Would you like to try some?”

“Why not?”

Luke pointed to the plastic round table in the yard, “Come on, it’s a nice moonlight day, we’ll have a drink in the yard.” Luke patted Daisy’s car, “Go get two glasses and a drink.”

Only then did Daisy get out of the car, exchanged a glance with Luke, and walked straight into the villa.

Whether convinced by Luke’s words or attracted by the whiskey, Laurence Miller eased up on Luke and grumbled, “See, she doesn’t give a damn about me as a father.”

Luke lowered his voice, “Get used to it, women are like that.”

Luke opened the whiskey and Daisy came over with two shot glasses and a bag of peanuts and put them on the table and turned to leave.

Luke poured two glasses of whiskey and handed one to Rollins Miller, “Cheers.”

Rollins Miller picked up the glass and sniffed it, and with a look of enjoyment on his face, he drank it down.

Luke took a sip and ate a peanut.

Luke brought him another glass of wine and snickered, “Apparently, this downer is for me alone.”

At that, Loren Miller grunted again and took a long sip from his glass.

The two men chatted as they drank.

Rollins Miller had already drank before he came to Daisy’s house, and his drunkenness was even more obvious at this time, “Luke, you’re a good man.

The five hundred dollars you gave me was important, but it was taken away by that asshole.

It’s hard on my heart.”

Luke advised, “Don’t take it too hard, it’s only five hundred dollars.”

“It may not mean much to you, but it means a lot to me, and I need that five hundred dollars, I really do.” Laurence Miller pursed his lips and looked at Luke.

“Can you lend me some more money?”

“I don’t have any cash right now, so wait for another time.”

“I’ll take that as a yes.”

Luke smiled without saying anything.

“I’ll make a toast.” Laurence Miller picked up his glass and took another sip of his drink with a little more alcohol.

In less than half an hour, the two men had finished a bottle of whiskey, and most of the liquor was drunk by Rollins Miller.

Luke got up and said, “The drinks are done and the party is over for the day, I’m going back to bed.”

“Gulp ……” Rollins Miller burped and slapped his forehead, “Good wine, haven’t had such a good wine in a long time, don’t you have another bottle? Hurry up and take it out.”

“Can’t drink any more, I have to work tomorrow.” Luke finished and walked straight to Daisy’s house.

Laurence Miller yawned, “I’m a little sleepy too, can I stay here?”

“No, we have other shows.” Luke hemmed and hawed and went into the house.


Good luck dying on a woman’s belly sooner or later.” Rollins Miller staggered into the car, started the black Honda, and drove off onto the neighborhood highway.

Luke stood by the window and watched.

Daisy came along and asked, “He’s gone.”

“Yes, he’s had quite a bit to drink and it’s unsafe to drive like that.”

“So you still poured alcohol on him on purpose?”

“Is it obvious?”

“It worked well though, at least it got him off.” Daisy finished, then frowned slightly, “What if he comes back tomorrow?”

“You’re worried about him coming back for more trouble, but you’re not worried about the danger of him driving drunk?” Luke asked rhetorically.

“I’m not worried at all.” Daisy looked at Luke, “Pretty cold-blooded?”

“Would you do that to me?”

Daisy laughed, “I can’t tell if one day you’re useless and Stone is even less up to it.”

“Then I’m relieved, because that day won’t come.” Luke pulled out a spare cell phone and dialed 911, “Hello, I need to call the police.”

The operator asked, “What’s going on, sir?”

“I saw a dangerously moving car near the Fly Bar that was walking completely snake-like and almost ran me over.

If you guys don’t stop him right away, you might have to drive into the sky.”

“Sir, did you see the license plate number?”


“Did you see the driver?”

“No, just a black Honda. ……”

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