Chapter 428

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:11:01
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Negan rubbed his chin, “Who interrogated Mo Shaoxiong?”

“It was me.”

Negan looked to Michael Jett, “Are you sure about his confession?”

“I don’t think it’s very likely that he lied.”

Negan nodded, he was experienced and could tell a lot from Michael Jett’s tone and attitude.

“What about the assassin who attacked the owner’s wife of the GDL restaurant?”

“It’s out of danger, I sent someone to give him a statement.” Michael Jett replied.

Negan pondered for a moment, “The person who hired the assassin is most likely the same person who killed Zhou Tiancheng.

Michael, you should take it seriously.”

Michael Jett heard dissatisfaction in Negan’s tone and hurriedly said, “I understand, I’ll go to the hospital now to personally interrogate him.”

“Very well.” Negan patted him on the shoulder and looked at Luke, who was on the side, “You go to the hospital as well and give Mo Shaoxiong another statement.”

“OK,” Luke nodded.

“Very well.

I’ll wait for your good news.

Guys, be smart and move.”

Negan hadn’t made his displeasure with Michael Jeter explicitly clear, but the fact that it was so arranged already told a lot.

Inside a Chevy SUV.

Luke was sitting in the passenger compartment and Lois was driving.

“Did you just see Michael’s face? It’s like he just got back from a trip to Africa.” Lois laughed.

“You don’t like him being the leader of the group?”

“No, I just thought it was funny.”

“Huh.” Luke smiled, the woman’s mouth.

Lois glanced at Luke, “I think Negan thinks more highly of you than him.”

Luke raised an eyebrow, “Is that what you think too?”

Lois shrugged, “It doesn’t matter what I think, it’s not like I get to decide this.”

Luke smiled and didn’t say anything.

There were some positions that weren’t necessarily secure just because the leader had placed them.

If the agents of the Criminal Investigation Department all recognized Michael as the acting team leader, Luke might not be able to gain their trust even if he was parachuted in as the team leader, and this position would not be a good one to sit in.

On the contrary, if the agents did not recognize Michael Jeter, then Luke’s parachuting would be much easier.

Of course, Luke currently had no intention of being parachuted in as the team leader of the Criminal Investigation Department, being a criminal investigation consultant would be quite good, clean, and occasionally raking in extra money.

Even if he returned to Los Angeles, he could continue to utilize this identity.

Soon, two Fobler’s cars drove into the hospital.

Luke got out of the car and saw Michael Jett waiting in front, and the two of them chatted for a few moments in the courtyard.

Michael Jett’s attitude towards Luke didn’t change, I guess he also knew in his heart that whether he could remove the word agent or not still depended on his own ability.

If he wasn’t capable enough, even without Luke, Negan would find someone to replace him.

Moreover, from the contact with each other, he could also sense that Luke had no thoughts of competing with him for the seat.

After separating from Michael Jett, Luke took Lois to Mo Shaoxiong’s hospital room.

“Knock knock.”

Lois knocked symbolically on the door, pushed it open and walked in.

Mo Shaoxiong, still cuffed to his limbs, looked up slightly, his face expressionless as he looked at Luke and Lois.

Luke smiled and greeted, “Man, how’s the recovery going? Dare to fight me again.”

Mo Shaoxiong bristled, “I practiced killing techniques, I don’t know that trick of the ring.”

Luke reminded, “I’m a person with a small heart, you’d better be careful with your words.”

“Just say what you guys have to say and don’t disturb my rest.”

Luke smiled, “The purpose of my visit today is simple, I want to ask you if you want to see your wife and daughter one last time.”

Mo Shaoxiong frowned, “You want to kill me?”

“No, your wife and daughter are going to be deported back to Thailand.”

“FUCK! That Michael guy promised that he would help my wife and daughter with their identity and wouldn’t let them be deported back to their country.

Why doesn’t he keep his word, is this your style in Fobol?”

“Hey, don’t be evil, you’re the one who didn’t keep his word.

You lied and screwed Agent Michael over.

He’d hate to feed you to the fish in the Atlantic right now.

With that attitude, I don’t think you want to see your wife and daughter.

They’ll be boarding a plane back to Thailand first thing tomorrow morning.” Luke got up and made a gesture to leave.

Mo Shaoxiong’s face changed dramatically and he hurriedly shouted, “Hey, don’t go.

What the hell happened?”

Luke tried, “Zheng Lagong is an informant for the NYPD, he didn’t even ask you to kill Ma Jiansheng.

You lied about it.

There’s going to be a price to pay for that.”

“God.” Mo Shaoxiong showed a chagrined look, “I’m sorry, please give me another chance.”

“Give you what chance, the chance to lie to us one more time?”

“No, I will never lie again, I swear.

As long as you can give my wife and daughter status and let them stay in New York, I promise I won’t lie again.”

“Look at me.” Luke pointed his finger at his eyes and asked word for word, “Who told you to kill Ma Jiansheng?

You only have this one chance, don’t lie again.”

“Zhou Tiancheng.”

“When did he give the order?”

“January 22nd.”

“Have you seen him?”


“When was the last time you saw Zhou Tiancheng?”

“After killing Ma Jiansheng in the early hours of January 24th, he handed over the remaining hire money to me.”

“After that, did he contact you again?”


If you don’t believe me, you can ask Zhou Tiancheng.” Mo Shaoxiong shook his head.

Luke stared at the other party and saw no signs of lying.

“Zhou Tiancheng is dead.”


“The night of January 24th, do you know who killed him?”

On the night of January 24th, Zhou Tiancheng went to Yue Lai Yue Good Restaurant to pack his meal, and according to the coroner’s speculation, the time of his death was most likely between ten o’clock in the evening of January 24th and six o’clock in the morning of the 25th.

It was difficult to be more precise because the body was so decomposed.

“I don’t know.

I swear I had no contact with him after the early hours of January 24th.

I had nothing to do with his death.”

After making a note in his book, Luke continued, “Why did he kill Ma Jiansheng?”

“To silence him, Ma Jiansheng was his accountant, clear about his financial and asset status, he was worried that Ma would betray him.

Even if Ma Jiansheng doesn’t betray him, he will be targeted by other forces.

That’s why he had to take out Ma Jiansheng.”

“How do you know Zhou Tiancheng?”

“We knew each other a long time ago, and we even fought together when we were in Southeast Asia, only later he went to Malaysia and I came to New York.

He became a famous gambling king, while I was just an assassin who couldn’t see the light of day.

We reconnected and he knew what I was capable of and wanted to hire me for a job.

I was going to say no, but he came up with a lot of money.

And it was just what I needed.

I agreed.”

“How did he give you the money?”

“Cash, half a million dollars the first time we met.

In a suitcase, saying it was a meet-and-greet gift for me.

It’s not often I admire a man, but at that moment I was truly overwhelmed by him.

Nobody doesn’t like a boss like that.”

“How much did he give you after that, and how was it paid for?”

“A million dollars.

In the early hours of January 24th, in an alley in Chinatown, he handed me the final payment.

We were two clear.”

“Where did you hide the one and a half million dollars of stolen money from Zhou Tiancheng?”

Mo Shaoxiong let out a long sigh, “Henry Bank in Chinatown, private safe.”

Luke wrote down the address and switched to the next question, “Do you know Zhou Tiancheng’s wife?”

“I met her many years ago in Southeast Asia.”

“Seen her recently?”


Luke took out the photo of the gunman who attacked the boss’s wife, “Do you recognize him?”

Mo Shaoxiong shook his head, “No.”

Luke scratched on his notebook again and asked one last question, “Where is Zheng Lagong?”

“I don’t know.”

“Don’t lie, you must know.

Last time, Fobler Agent Michael Jett gave you a statement, you said that Jung Lakong sent you to kill accountant Ma Jiansheng.

If you didn’t know that something happened to Zheng Lagong, it’s impossible to falsely accuse Zheng Lagong of being the mastermind behind the crime, otherwise, once he was caught by Fobol, and your confessions don’t match up, you’ll know that you lied.”

Mo Shaoxiong’s face was grave, and after a moment he said, “He died.”

“How did he die.”

“I don’t know, it was Zhou Tiancheng who said it.

He said that Zheng Lagong was an undercover agent and betrayed his whereabouts, so he killed Zheng Lagong.”

“Did Zhou Tiancheng do it himself?”

“I don’t know, or it could have been that little brother named Song, who Zhou Tiancheng trusted enough to let him help with the New York business.

Anyway, it has nothing to do with me.

Zheng Lagong was my boss, I couldn’t do anything to kill him.”

“Where is Zheng Lagong’s body?”

“I don’t know.”

Luke frowned slightly and marked his book, feeling that Mo Shaoxiong might have lied about this.

“Anything else to say?”


“OK, tomorrow morning your wife and daughter will be boarding a plane back to Thailand, and Fobol will give them a ride on your behalf.”

Mo Shaoxiong’s eyes widened as he stared at Luke dead in the face, “You despicable this liar.

You promised to let them stay in New York.”

Luke’s tone was serious: “You also promised not to lie.

You are the one who violated the agreement between us.”

Mo Shaoxiong shook his head, “I didn’t lie, what I said was true, it was Zhou Tiancheng who told me to kill the accountant.”

“That’s not what I’m asking.

Who killed Zheng Lagong?” Luke got up and made a move to leave.

Mo Shaoxiong’s tone was firm and swallowed, “I don’t know!”

Luke waited a moment, and he still hadn’t changed his tune, so he could only leave the ward with Lois.

“Are you sure he lied?”


“Why didn’t I see it?”

Luke pointed to the ID hanging from his chest, “That’s why I get to be a counselor and you don’t.”

“Have you always been this confident?” Lois shrugged.

“You see it differently?”

Lois looked at the ward, “I don’t have much contact with Mo Shaoxiong, but I can sense that he loves his wife and daughter.

Why would he lie when you’ve put it this far?”

“I didn’t say he doesn’t love his wife and daughter.

But he probably loves himself more.”

Lois clasped her hands to her chest, “So what are you going to do now?”

“In my experience, regarding the accountant’s death, Mo Shaoxiong didn’t lie, it should be Zhou Tiancheng who instructed him to kill.

But he lied about Zheng Lagong.

Go and meet with Michael first, see if there’s any progress in the interrogation on his side.

Comparing the statements of the two suspects might lead to new discoveries.”

Luke analyzed and judged through micro-expressions that Mo Shaoxiong’s testimony was both true and false, which was a trick that many prisoners were used to, avoiding the important and avoiding the important.

How much evidence the law enforcement agencies had, how many charges he admitted to.

It is simply unrealistic to expect him to be genuinely remorseful and to tell a brainwave of the crimes he has committed.

Law enforcement agencies need to find tangible evidence before they can determine what is true and what is a lie.

Evidence was king.

The two of them walked to the door of the killer’s hospital room, and Michael Jet also happened to come out from the hospital room, and asked Luke, “How’s the interrogation going?”

Luke scanned around, “Let’s talk somewhere else.”

Lois suggested, “Let’s go harass Amir and we can borrow his hospital room.”

Michael Jett laughed, “Good idea, he’s in a single room.

But we’re not harassing, we’re visiting.”

The group arrived outside Amir’s room door, “Knock knock.”

“Come in.”

Amir was peeling an orange and eating it, “Hi, you’re all here.”

“Yes, we came to see how you’re recovering.” Michael Jett sat down next to the hospital bed and took an orange off his plate.

“You’re living it up in style.”

“I’d rather not, I’m bored out of my mind here.

Hey, did you guys get any results from the interrogation?” Amir looked at the crowd curiously.

“Tell me, my brain is getting rusty.”

Luke recounted Mo Shaoxiong’s statement and said, “Although he changed his story, in my experience, he still hasn’t given a full account.”

Louise guessed, “Could it be that Mo Shaoxiong killed Zheng Lagong? That’s why he lied about it.”

“There’s no way to know for sure right now, and who would take the initiative to take the blame on themselves.

It’s up to us to investigate.”

Amir Khan asked, “Then why don’t we continue the interrogation?”

“Mo Shaoxiong is considered a professional killer, and originally didn’t leave much evidence behind, so we have too little leverage in our hands.

Until we get new evidence, further interrogation won’t help.

We first need to prove that he lied.”

Luke finished and then looked over at Michael Jett, who was eating an orange, “Did the killer give an account?”

“Yes. His name is Batson, Thai-American, and he was the assassin that Sung Kim Bao found with a deposit of two hundred thousand dollars and three hundred thousand dollars after he got the job done.

Song Jinbao gave him a prepaid cell phone specifically for contact.

On January 27th, Song Jinbao called him to kill Chen Yue and sent him Chen Yue’s address and photo.

Originally, there was another accomplice who was responsible for driving to meet him, but this unlucky person was shot and wounded by you, so he didn’t even have a chance to run.”

Louise hugged her chest with her left hand and supported her chin with her right hand and said, “It’s Song Jinbao again, it seems that this guy played a very important role in the case.”

Luke said, “Mo Shaoxiong said that he met Zhou Tiancheng in the early morning of January 24th, and Zhou Tiancheng was killed on the night of January 24th.

Song Jinbao hired someone else to kill Chen Yue.

Now it seems that only Song Jinbao is still unharmed in this case.”

Michael Jett guessed, “Song Jinbao is Zhou Tiancheng’s beloved one left in New York, he should know what industries Zhou Tiancheng has in New York.

Will he take out Zhou Tiancheng and keep those properties for himself.”

Luke agreed, “I also think there is this possibility.

It also matches with Mo Shaoxiong’s statement that Song Jinbao should have been by Zhou Tiancheng’s side all along.”

Michael Jett raised his right hand and high-fived Luke.

Lois smiled, “What’s this about you two? Sympathizing?”

“Hey guys, here’s another one.” Amir Khan was a little upset that he was being ignored, “You guys want a professional analysis?”

Michael Jeter snaps, “Is there anyone here called ‘professional’? Why don’t I know, hey ……”

Aamir Khan shrugs, “That’s not funny.

Does no one really care about my analysis?”

Michael Jeter laughed, “Dude, take it easy. You’re still the patient now.

Tell us about it, we’re all ears.”

Amir Khan cleared his throat, “First of all, Zhou Tiancheng is a gambling king, and anyone who can reach the pinnacle in a certain field has something to offer.

OK, let me get this straight, I don’t think he’ll be taken out by his own inner circle.

What I mean to say is that he either trusts this inner circle in particular, or he is guarded.”

Michael Jett said, “But Song Jinbao did hire someone to shoot Zhou Tiancheng’s ex-wife Chen Yue.”

“You also said it was the ex-wife.

Zhou Tiancheng and Chen Yue were already divorced and didn’t have a good relationship, they didn’t see each other for so many years.

Just because Song Jinbao hired someone to kill Chen Yue doesn’t mean he betrayed Zhou Tiancheng.” Amir Khan became more and more agitated as he spoke, gesturing.

“From the information available, Chen Yue has always harbored hatred for her ex-husband Zhou Tiancheng.

That’s why she left her husband, who was rich and powerful, and preferred to live a quiet life in seclusion in Chinatown.

She and her daughter were doing fine.

Suddenly, Chow Tin Shing intrudes into their lives again and destroys their peace of mind.

Is it possible for Chen Yue to use her new hatred and old hatred to her heart and directly take out Zhou Tiancheng.

And Song Jinbao hired to kill is avenging his boss!”

The more Amir Khan spoke, the more energized he became, concluding, “I think it’s entirely possible.

With my analysis of Chen Yue’s life experience, she’s not as innocent as she makes herself out to be.

It’s likely that she’s a very well-hidden black widow.”

Michael Jett slapped his palm, “Good analysis, just lack of evidence for the time being.”

Aamir Khan asked back, “And is there any evidence for your analysis?”

“Huh.” Michael Jett smiled and looked at Luke, “Counselor Lee, what do you think?”

Luke shook his head slightly and did not answer.

At the same time, his mind was thinking about Amir Khan’s speculation.

It was not impossible for Chen Yue to kill Zhou Tiancheng and Song Jinbao to hire an assassin to get rid of Chen Yue.

However, Luke felt that Amir Khan’s analysis of the motive was a bit insufficient.

Through his contact with Chen Yue, Luke felt that she was a mature woman who would not kill easily because of her past hatred, and she still had a daughter to raise!

If she really wanted to kill someone, it would definitely be for her own and her daughter’s safety and interests.

Zhou Tiancheng hid the property under other people’s names, would this other people also include Chen Yue and her daughter.

Now Zhou Tiancheng this big tree fell, it is likely to also involve Chen Yue and daughter Chen Ning.

Will Chen Yue kill Zhou Tiancheng first for the benefit of herself and her daughter, so that Zhou Tiancheng’s hidden property will completely belong to them.

Luke deliberated for a moment and felt that this possibility existed.

However, Zhou Tiansheng was not a stupid person, if he was so deeply entangled with his ex-wife, it was impossible for him not to be on the defensive.

According to Amir Khan’s speculation, Zhou Tiancheng was on the defensive against his rival Song Jinbao.

And how could he completely trust his ex-wife?

And with Chen Yue alone, it would be difficult to subdue, interrogate, and kill the opponent when Zhou Tiancheng is on the defensive.

She should have a helper.

And this helper is probably Song Jinbao.

Song Jinbao has been in the United States for a long time to help Zhou Tiancheng manage his assets, he has the opportunity to come into contact with Chen Yue, and it is unlikely that the two of them would have had a tacit understanding.

Even if Zhou Tiancheng is smart and careful, it’s hard for him not to die after being betrayed by his ex-wife and his men.

As for why Song Jinbao wanted to kill Chen Yue, it is likely that he wanted to monopolize the property or was worried about being confessed by Chen Yue.

In this case, all the clues point to Song Jinbao.

Perhaps if we find Song Jinbao, we will be able to find the huge amount of stolen money left behind by Zhou Tiancheng.

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