Chapter 435

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:11:19
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The following morning.

After saying goodbye to his father, Luke brought his luggage and took the airport bus to New York International Airport.

After picking up his ticket, checking his suitcase, security check, and waiting for the plane, it was a toss and turn until eleven o’clock in the morning before Luke boarded the plane.

This time Luke’s seat was in the window seat, next to him sat a blonde, freckled, plump white girl who didn’t look very old, with a pair of big eyes that were very soulful, like a lively and cheerful nature.

Luke was pleased with the configuration of the trip.

The window seat can look at the scenery, and next to the young girl sitting next to her, not necessarily to do something, just to a pleasant mood.

Luke looked at the white girl sitting next to him, “Are you going to LA too?”

The white girl smiled and joked, “No, I was just about to talk to the flight attendant to see if I could get off the plane in the middle of the flight?”

Luke laughed too, “I mean, is your destination LA? Or do you reverse the plane halfway through LA to go somewhere else?”

“I’m just going to L.A. My name is Sally, a New York girl who’s been longing for L.A. since she was ten years old.”

“I’m Luke, I also grew up in New York and am now settled in LA.”

“You moved to LA because you liked it too?”

“Exactly because my mom liked it and we moved to LA?”

“Haha ……” Sally, the white girl, laughed, “Then you should know about LA, right?”

“Not too bad, what are you planning on doing in LA?”

“I just graduated from college, and I’ve always longed for the city of Los Angeles, so I’m planning to come over here and take my chances.”

“You’re alone?”

“Aren’t single women welcome in LA?”

“That’s not what I meant, it’s not an easy thing to go to another city alone, admire your courage.”

“I actually hesitated for a long time, and I do have some concerns, but I want to make a go of it while I’m young, if I don’t do it now, should I wait until I’m old?”

“You’re right, I wish you to realize your dream soon.”

“Thanks, can you give me some information about LA? Like finding a job and renting an apartment kind of thing.”

Luke had rented before and knew a bit about that, telling Sally about the rent in a couple of areas he knew about.

“Ringing ……” As they chatted, Luke’s cell phone rang.

The number displayed on the screen was that of Annelec Lauer, who was the first informant Luke had developed, helped Luke deal with a few things, and was one of the three informants Luke trusted more.

Luke frowned slightly, it was usually him who took the initiative to call Anlek for something, the other party rarely took the initiative to contact him.

Luke pressed the answer button, his voice low, “This is Luke.”

“Boss, this is Anlek, I’m in a bit of trouble and would like to ask for your help.”

“What kind of trouble?”

“I’ve been arrested by the …… LAPD and need some bail money.”

“How much do you need?”

“Three thousand dollars.”

The money was not much, but Luke was more curious about what this guy was arrested by the police for, “What happened?”

“I …… needed money and went to zero dollar shopping to make ends meet, but I got screwed …… I took more than $950 in items.

All in all pretty unlucky, but it wasn’t a big deal, I’m now under arrest by the police for theft and would like to ask you to bail me out.”

Luke rubbed his nose and was a little speechless, what the fuck kind of people are these.

But on second thought he was relieved, if Anne-Luc Laure had mixed well, he wouldn’t have gone and stolen his own vinyl records in the first place, let alone been caught and forced to become his own informant.

Let’s just say it was the nature of the world that changed.

Luke confirmed, “Is that really all there is, nothing else?”

“Yes, only this matter.”

“If you dare to lie to me, you know the consequences.”

“I absolutely will not.”

“I’ll have someone go and bail you out. Be careful and stay out of trouble.”

“Okay, Boss,” Annelec Lauer’s voice was much lighter, “I was arrested by a patrolman from the Southern Division.”


Luke hung up his cell phone and glanced at the white girl next to him, seeing that the other girl had her head cocked to the side and seemed to be avoiding his gaze.

Luke didn’t care and dialed his uncle Val’s cell phone number, “Hi uncle, it’s me.”

After a while, there was a response on the other end of the cell phone, “I know, I’ll pick you up.”

Listening to the voice, it seemed like he hadn’t woken up yet.

“Uncle, I have one more thing to ask for your help.”

“What is it?”

“A friend of mine has committed a crime and has been arrested by a patrolman from the southern precinct and needs someone to post bail.

I’ll transfer you three thousand dollars and you bail him out.”

Val yawned, “What did you say? I didn’t hear you.”

“The bail needs to be three thousand dollars, I’ll transfer you three thousand one hundred dollars and the rest is your hard earned money.”

Val said, “I have business this morning ……”

Luke opened the bidding again, “Three thousand two hundred dollars.”

“Okay, who made you my nephew, if I don’t help you who will. I’ll put off anything else.”

Luke didn’t bother to say anything more, “Bring him to me after you bail him out.”

“Okay boss, don’t forget to transfer the money.”

“Two annoying guys.” Luke hung up his cell phone and transferred three thousand two hundred dollars to his uncle, his original good mood ruined.

Luke put away his cell phone, the white girl next to him had put on her headphones to listen to music, a look of a stranger.

Luke laughed, this girl is quite vigilant, looks and body is also good, but there is a temperament and looks better Daisy in front, Luke does not have much heart, lazy to explain.

He looked at the scenery outside the window for a while, and also began to close his eyes.

At the same time, also began to consider the problem of informants, this is a double-edged sword, informants can help Luke deal with some inconvenient things, but these informants themselves have all sorts of problems, they are just going out to mix, it is inevitable that they will attract some trouble.

It wasn’t very realistic to make the informants change their ways, and if they could, they wouldn’t be informants.

Furthermore, some informants need to go to the black market to spy on news, if they do not go out to mix, how to spy on news?

Did Luke still expect a nine-to-five office worker to spy the information he wanted? It’s not realistic.

Luke now has three informants, two informants in Los Angeles, one informant in New York, or relatively easy to manage, in the future his informants will become more and more, but also need a more perfect management means.

The flight was smooth, except for some bumps during takeoff and landing, the journey was smooth.

The white girl sitting next door basically did not talk to Luke again, lowered her head on the way out, took her own luggage and got off the car, as if she was afraid that Luke would ask for her contact information.

I guess she thought she was the bad guy.

The bad guy on the bad guy it, that is, on the airplane casually chat a few words, the sea is vast, may not be able to see each other again.

It takes a total of six hours to fly from New York to Los Angeles, but there’s a three-hour time difference, so only three hours have passed, and it’s now more than two o’clock in the afternoon, and Luke rides the airport bus back to the city, and gets off near the Eno neighborhood.

“Dropping ……” a car horn sounded next to him.

Luke craned his head to see a black Volvo sedan parked on the side of the road, the same used car he and his uncle had financed together.

The driver’s door opened and Val stepped out of the car, “Hi my dear nephew, it’s been a long time.”

“Uncle, help me open the trunk of the car.”

“Why did you bring so much luggage, is it a gift for us?” Val helped carry a suitcase.

Luke “……”

Why does that sound so familiar?

Luke opened the car door and looked in the back, “Where’s Annelec Lauer, didn’t I tell you to bring him? Didn’t make bail?”

Val got into the car and put the handbrake down, “Bail was made. But I dropped him off halfway across the country.”

Luke closes the passenger door, “You had a conflict?”

Val asked rhetorically, “Do you know why that asshole was arrested?”

Luke twitched his nose, “I think it said theft, I was on the plane and there were too many people next to me to ask closely.”

Val was a little angry, “The asshole was going to the supermarket to buy zero dollars and people called the police to arrest him for taking more than nine hundred and fifty dollars worth of merchandise.

What’s even more breathless is that he talks about it with a resigned face, as if he’s the victim.

You know, I hate people like that.”

Val, still somewhat unimpressed, grunted, “I even regretted bailing him out, people like him should stay in jail.

Why do you have a friend like that? He used to be a cop too?”

“No, he was my informant.”

Val bristled, “Couldn’t you have gotten a better informant?”

Luke asked rhetorically, “A better person would be an informant?”

“I don’t like this guy anyway.” Val started the car and drove to the Inyo neighborhood.

As a pick-me-up for Luke, Linda invited everyone to a potluck dinner.

The car had just pulled into the Eno neighborhood when Val saw a chubby, familiar figure ahead of him; he pulled over and rolled down the window, “Hey kid, come on up.”

The chubby little man took a look and said in surprise, “Older brother, you’re finally back, I thought you were going to stay in New York for Christmas.”

Luke shook his head and laughed bitterly, “Could you be any more exaggerated? I stayed over there to take care of things, not for fun.”

Little Fatty sat in the back row, threw his book bag aside and looked left and right, “Older brother, what present did you bring me back?”

Luke was a bit helpless, are they all so direct?

No need for pleasantries?

He waved his fist, “Brought two sandbag-sized fists, which one do you choose?”

The little fat man skimmed his mouth and muttered in a small voice.

The car quickly drove to the door of Linda’s house.

Little Fatty stepped out of the car and shouted, “Mom, your dear oldest son is back.”

Linda heard the commotion and walked out of the house, with an apron still tied around her waist, and smiled, “Luke, welcome home.

You’ve been gone longer than you thought this time.”

“It’s good to see you, dear old mom, and I’ve brought you a present this time I’m back.” Luke opened the trunk of the car and brought out a large suitcase from it.

Little Fatty also came over, “Older brother, don’t tell me that you only bought gifts for mom alone. You promised me before.”

Luke handed him the suitcase, “Take it in first.”

The little fat man, hearing that there was something in it, butted in and dragged the suitcase into the house.

Before Luke went to New York, he put the Mercedes at Linda’s house, and after dinner in a while, he could just drive home.

When he got to the house, Luke opened the box and divided the gifts for the crowd.

Gifts for many people, this sentence is very practical, never mind how close the relationship is, the feeling of bringing gifts and not bringing gifts is different, who doesn’t like some small surprises?

Before Luke came back from New York, he specially picked out a few small gifts, Luke’s grandfather Robert also has, and will give them to him when he comes in a while.

Little Fatty’s gift was a new Nintendo game console, which Luke and his father had financed together.

When Little Fatty saw the game console, his chubby face piled up and his eyes narrowed into slits, and he picked up the console and began to study it.

Linda received a gift of a box of bird’s nest, she visibly froze for a moment, it was something she had seen before, she just hadn’t eaten it in a long time.

Uncle’s gift was two bottles of whisky, good packaging, vintage and brand.

At five o’clock in the afternoon, Robert also arrived, Luke gave him a box of cigars, it was very suitable for an old smoker like him who had the leisure to smoke a cigar for an hour, Luke didn’t have that kind of leisure time.

Everyone received a gift, and the house was filled with merriment.

At six o’clock in the evening the family finished their prayers hand in hand and began dinner.

Luke had been eating Chinese food for a while in New York, and then looking at a table full of western food, he was a bit uncomfortable in turn.

To be honest, don’t look at Linda cooking every day, but the cooking skills are really average, not to mention compared to uncle Li Zhaonian, a professional chef, even compared to his father is also a little worse, of course, does not exclude the reason that Luke prefers to eat Chinese food.

At the dinner table, Robert asked about this trip to New York: “Luke, why did you stay in New York for so long this time? Is there anything on your father’s side?”

All present were close relatives, Luke did not hide it, “Indeed, I encountered some trouble.

My uncle opened a Chinese restaurant in New York’s Chinatown, and the local gangs often went there to eat overbearing meals, my cousin was young and impetuous and clashed with that gang.

Those gangsters smashed the restaurant and threatened the safety of my uncle’s family, so I stayed over there for a while to sort things out.”

Robert listened attentively and put down his knife and fork and asked, “How was it resolved?The LAPD’s hand can’t reach that far.”

“I have some connections in Fobol, and asked a friend to help me get an identity as a consultant in Fobol’s New York office, and used Fobol’s identity to get the gang’s matter resolved.

But help is mutual, Fobol New York office also encountered a tricky case, a gambling king wanted by the governments of Southeast Asia escaped to New York, he has committed many murders in his hands, Fobol wants me to help solve the case and capture the Southeast Asian gambling king as soon as possible.

So there was some delay.”

Val said, “Southeast Asian gambling king? Sounds bluffing, is he very powerful?”

“He has set up online betting around Southeast Asia and has made over a billion dollars in illegal proceeds. It’s said that there are also a lot of Americans betting through the internet, and the reach is huge.”

“Wow wow, over a billion dollars, that’s indeed impressive.” Val revealed an envious look and pursued, “How is he doing now?”

“Pretty good, living in a house provided by the government for free, with no worries about food or clothing, and with Agent Fobler as his bodyguard.”

Val rolled her eyes, “You’ve gotten humorous.”

Luke laughed and turned the tables, “In a couple days, my dad might be coming to LA.”

Linda froze for a moment and took a sip of red wine from her glass, “What’s he doing in LA?”

“I’m going to buy a house in Los Angeles, and there are some tax issues that I need his help with.”

Robert also revealed a curious look, “If you’re buying a house, this is a big deal, which neighborhood are you going to buy in?”

“The Palisades neighborhood.”

“Are you sure?

That’s a famous high-end villa area, the surrounding environment is great, the facilities are complete, the average price of the property is more than tens of millions of dollars, it’s not something that ordinary people can afford.”

“I do have that idea, but I can’t be sure right now.” Luke had only read about the villa in the information, and hadn’t visited it on the ground, there was no need to explain too much now.

Robert said solemnly, “Luke, you are still young, I am also renting a house at your age, don’t put too much pressure on yourself.”

“I know.”

“Your father is a steady man, ask him for more advice.”

“I will.”

“But it’s courageous of you to have this kind of idea at your age.

Let’s drink to your courage.”

By the time dinner was over, it was after seven o’clock and Luke was ready to go home.

Linda helped her son carry his luggage to the car and stood next to him with her arms folded over her chest.

Luke glanced at Linda, “What’s up, Mom?”

Linda looked back and waved her hand, “No, nothing?”

“Mom, don’t lie to a cop.

Ever since I said Dad was coming to L.A., you’ve seemed a little distracted.”

“Nothing really, it’s just been too long. It feels a little strange to have to meet up all of a sudden.” Linda was a little emotional, “How is he now? Getting along okay?”

“Not too bad, got a new house.”

“Does he have a girlfriend?”

“No, I don’t think so.”

“Wasn’t, or didn’t tell you.”

Luke laughed, “It’s not like there aren’t people in the world who can fool me, but that definitely doesn’t include you or my dad.”

Linda smiled back and closed the car door, “You’ve been drinking, drive slow on the road.”

Luke nodded and looked over at Linda, “Mom, I love you and I’ll support you in whatever decision you make.”

“Me too. You’re my pride and joy, my son.”

Luke said goodbye to his mother and left the Inyo neighborhood in his Mercedes.

Instead of driving home, Luke went to Daisy’s house.

It was the last stop of the night.

His main purpose of coming to Daisy was still to discuss with her about buying a house, and the reason why he told the other party was not because of the relationship between the two of them, but Luke needed a lawyer.

A lawyer he could trust.

Americans from birth to death, as long as it is a major decision can not be separated from the participation of lawyers, buy a house is the same.

When Luke arrived at Daisy’s house, Daisy also happened to be off work, she wore a black professional dress, red small high heels, beautiful, mature, competent, so that Luke temporarily forgot the purpose of his visit.

A small farewell, the two people deep communication for more than two hours, Luke’s body’s hormones to return to normal values.

Luke lay on the bed looking at the lazy beauty beside him, said, “Daisy, I am going to buy a house in Los Angeles, and I want to ask you to be my lawyer.”

Daisy was a little surprised, not expecting Luke to buy a house so soon, “What happened? Why do you need to buy a house just after coming back from New York?”

Since he was his own lawyer, it was impossible to hide the source of that house from her, and briefly talked about Zhou Tiancheng.

Daisy was a little envious: “I’ve heard of that neighborhood, one of my clients lives there, and the environment is said to be very good.

Captain Luke, you’ve developed.”

Luke wrapped his arms around Daisy’s smooth and thin waist, “When the house is repaired, I’ll invite you to enjoy the moon in your bedroom on the first night of your stay.”

Daisy laughed, “It’s better to wait until you buy it first before inviting.”

“Let’s assume you agree.”

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