Chapter 467

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:12:52
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Marcus’ house.

At eight o’clock in the morning, Blackie was sitting at the dining room table eating breakfast when his mother came out of the kitchen with a dinner plate and asked, “How did Julian sleep last night?”

Blacky munched on his breakfast and slurred, “Pretty good, I guess.”

“It was you who slept pretty well, I heard you snoring from down the hall. If I were Julian I would have kicked you out of bed.”

“Mom, don’t be so mean, I contribute to the family. You also know that I’m a detective now, in addition to investigating cases, but also to bring in new people, the workload and responsibility is much heavier than before ……”

Old Mother Marcus interrupted him and pressed her hands on the table, looking down, “Julianne has almost reached her due date and may go into labor at any time, during the day I have me to watch over her.

But at night, you are closest to her and you will do your duty as a husband and father.”

“I will.”

Mother Marcus said, “If you’re tired from working during the day, take some time off and wait for Julian to go into labor.”

“Our team just got a tough case, they may not be able to solve the case without my involvement in the investigation, they need me.

But …… you’re right, Julian and the baby are more important compared to the case, I’ll talk to the captain.”

“Well done, I’m proud of you son.” Marcus’ mother smiled, and it was obvious that she meant the words.

“Shall I go get Julian for dinner?”

“No No No, more sleep is good for a pregnant woman, I’ll heat up her meal in a few minutes. You eat and hurry to work.”

“OK, I’ll try to come back earlier in the evening.” Blackie looked a little distracted as she lowered her head to eat her breakfast, as if she was considering whether or not to ask Luke for time off.

“Uh-oh ……” came a shout from upstairs.

Black froze, dropped his knife and fork, and darted upstairs three steps at a time, “Julian, what’s wrong with you?”

Julian stood in the doorway of the bedroom on the second floor, holding the door frame, “I feel a little bad, my stomach hurts, it seems like …… the amniotic fluid has broken.”

“What! Tummy pain! Do you want me to help you sit down?” Blacky walked over to Julianne and held her up, a bit overwhelmed.

Blackie’s mother came up the stairs, concerned, “Julianne, your water broke?”

“Yes.” Julianne was also a little nervous, but patted Blackie’s hand reassuringly, “Honey, I’m fine.”

Blackie’s mother asked, “Can you walk now?”

Julian nodded his head fixedly, “I should be able to.”

“Good.” Marcus’s mother said very calmly, “Marcus, you take Julianne downstairs and I’ll go pack up and take her to the maternity hospital.”

“Hey baby, I’ll hold you up.” Black took a deep breath and helped Julianne carefully downstairs.

Marcus’ mother had been waiting for this day for a long time and had already packed her bags ahead of time, carrying two large bags down the stairs, and Marcus helped Julian into the car.

Marcus kicked the gas and the car sped away.

Marcus’ mother said, “Don’t be anxious, it’s normal for your water to break, it means you’re going to be a father soon.”

“OK, I’m not nervous.” Blackie took a deep breath and glanced at Julian in the rearview mirror, seeing that the other party’s face was not abnormal, before he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Half an hour later, the car drove to Mensato Maternity Hospital, Blackie parked the car and helped Julian down from the car, “Hey baby, don’t be nervous, we’re here.”

When they arrived at the hospital, Julianne calmed down as well and said, “I’ll just have mom go in with me, you go to work.”

“No, I’m not going anywhere today, I’m staying with you, to hell with the case and the suspects, no one is going to take me away from you.” Black helped Julian up the stairs and wiped his sweat silently, he couldn’t go wrong with this kind of delivery question.

If he was wrong, the woman might remember it for the rest of her life.

‘I can’t believe you were investigating a case when I was giving birth, why don’t you just spend the rest of your life with a suspect.’

”Baby, you know what? When you were born your father went to investigate a case, I gave birth to you with tears in my eyes.”

Xiao Hei shook his head, thinking about it made him feel horrible, he wouldn’t leave a step until the child was born.

Robbery and Murder Division conference room.

Luke stepped out of his office and slapped his hands, “Guys, let’s have a morning meeting about the progress of your investigation.”

The lieutenant said, “I took someone to check the road surveillance near the scene of Harry Sabo’s murder, and found Harry Sabo’s pickup truck on the road surveillance, and a black Buick drove by right behind it, and I checked the license plate of that black Buick, and it’s a set car.

I suspected that this vehicle was most likely the vehicle driven by the suspect.

I’ve been tracking the car, but I haven’t been able to locate the car yet.”

“Black Buick.” Luke repeated that the gunman who attacked William Moses Jr. was driving a white Honda, which reinforced Luke’s suspicion that the one who killed Harry Saber and the one who shot William Moses Jr. were not supposed to be the same group.

One used a set car and the other deliberately obscured the number plate, the former’s approach was obviously a bit more clever.

A car with a set of license plates, without checking it, does not know that it is fake, but covering up the number plate anyone knows that there is something wrong with it.

Luke turned to Jackson and asked, “Any leads on the Honda that attacked William Moses Jr. yet?”

Jackson twirled his pen in his right hand, “We’re in the process of tracking it and I’m sure we’ll have a lead soon.”

The lieutenant said, “Kid, I’ve heard that kind of talk too often, you’re going to have to show some real results.” The lieutenant swept his eyes around, “Where’s Marcus? I said why is the house so quiet, where has this guy been?”

Luke said, “I just got a call, Marcus’ wife is in labor and he went to the hospital to be with her.”

The lieutenant was a little emotional, “Wow wow, this guy is going to have a baby, hopefully he’ll be a competent father.”

Luke sounded certain, “He will be.”

The lieutenant asked, “Do you guys think he’ll have a son, or a daughter?”

Jackson said, “A son.”

Jenny said, “Daughter.”

The lieutenant smiled, “Why don’t we come and bet on it, I’ll be the banker.

What do you think, Captain?”

Luke shrugged, “Why not? I’ll bet a hundred dollars, girl.”

Jackson said, “I don’t have that kind of pocket money, I’ll bet fifty dollars, boy.”

The lieutenant greeted the others, “Guys, what are you waiting for? Hurry up and bet ……”

Two o’clock in the afternoon.

Luke was on his lunch break in the captain’s office when the office door suddenly slammed.

Luke slowly raised his head and rubbed his face with his hands, “Come in.”

“Cluck ……” Jackson pushed open the door and walked into the office, “Captain, I got a lead on that car.”

“Found out where that car is?”

“No, but I got the license plate number of the car.”

Luke stood up and followed Jackson out of the office.

Jackson pointed to the computer and said, “At first, I was tracking it forward in time, but the car drove into an unmonitored alley and was lost after that.

After that, I tracked it in reverse and found a picture of a white Honda.

The car was three blocks from the bar at that point and hadn’t attacked William Moses Jr. yet, so the license plate was not obscured.

I partially enlarged the screenshot to see the exact license plate number, 2lcx335.”

“Nice work.” Luke praised.

Soon, the car owner’s information was pulled up.

Owner, Pansy Winter.

License plate number, 2lcx335

Gender, female

Height, 169cm

Weight, 130 pounds

Eye color, blue.

Hair color, blonde

Date of birth, March 2, 1979

Cell phone number, 626 976 2453

Address, 205 Leavitt Community.

Luke wrote down the address and said, “Guys, meet in the parking lot in five minutes.”

“YES, Sir.”

The lieutenant asked back, “Am I going too?”

“No, you continue to investigate the suspect vehicle in the shooting of Harry Saber.”

The lieutenant spread his hands, “I knew it.”

205 Leavitt Community.

Luke led the way to the suspect vehicle owner’s house, he arranged for his officers to set up a perimeter and led Jackson to the door of the house.

“Knock, knock ……” Jackson knocked on the door.

The door to the room opened, and in the doorway stood a white man in his forties, wearing a white leisure suit, spraying perfume on his body, looking a little handsome.

Jackson asked, “Is this Pansy Winter’s house?”

“What do you want with her?”

Jackson flashed his badge, “LAPD, we’re investigating a case and would like to get some information from her.

What’s your relationship to her?”

“She’s my girlfriend.”

“What’s your name?”

“Sheri Isla.”

Jackson looked toward the house, “Is Pansy Winter home?”

“Yes.” Sheri Isla turned her head toward the house and called out, “Honey, there’s a police officer at the door for you.”

After a moment, a white woman in her forties came out, dressed in a housecoat, she had probably just washed her hair and wrapped it in a towel, “The police are looking for me, are you sure?”

“Yes, they identified themselves as LAPD,” Sheri Isla pointed to both Luke and Jackson.

Jackson flashed his badge and said, “I’m Detective Jackson with the Robbery Murder Division and this is our Captain Lee.

We’re investigating a criminal case and would like to get some information from you.”

The white woman pointed to herself, “Looking for me? You guys aren’t mistaken.”

“Are you Pansy Winter?”


“Do you own a white Honda with license plate number 2lcx335?”


“Then that’s correct.”

Pansy Winter shrugged, “OK, so tell me, what do you want with me? I can’t imagine how I could be connected to a criminal case.”

Jackson asked rhetorically, “Ma’am, can you show us your white Honda?”

Pansy Winter hesitated, “That car is not here, it’s in the garage of another house.”

Jackson continued, “Did you drive this car on the night of March 1?”

“No. I was given a BMW by my boyfriend, Sheri Isla, for my birthday last year, which was parked in front of the garage, and I rarely drove the white Honda after that.” Said Pansy Winter, pointing in the direction of the garage.

In front of the garage, parked in front of the garage, was a red BMW that looked new, like it had just been purchased.

“Nice car.” Jackson complimented.

“Thank you, now can you tell me the reason for looking for me?”

“On the night of March 1st, there was a shooting outside of Winola’s Bar that injured a bar patron.

And the car driven by the shooter was a white Honda with license plate number 2lcx335.

And through the investigation, you are the owner of this car.”

Pansy Winter shook her head, “No No No, this matter has nothing to do with me, there must be some misunderstanding. I haven’t driven that car for a long time.”

Luke continued, “We also believe that this could be a misunderstanding, which is why we came to investigate, to get to the bottom of this so that you have no worries.

By the way, where were you between eleven and twelve o’clock on the night of March 1st?”

Pansy Winter frowned, disgruntled, “Are you guys suspecting me?”

“No, it’s not suspicion, it’s just a routine questioning, following police procedures.” Luke showed a you-know-what expression.

Pansy Winter sighed, “You guys must have the wrong person, this matter has nothing to do with me.” She thought for a moment and continued, “I was supposed to be with my boyfriend, Sheri Isla, that night.”

Jackson pressed, “What were you guys doing then?”

Pansy Winter raised one eyebrow and glared at him, “What do you think?”

Jackson ignored Pansy Winter and turned to Sheri Isla next to him, “Sir, were you with Ms. Pansy Winter between eleven and twelve o’clock on the night of March 1st?”

Sherry Isla nodded, “Yes, we are used to going to bed early and were rested by that time.”

Jackson pressed, “Did she ever leave in the middle of the night?”

“Not likely, I’m a light sleeper and I’m sure I’d be awake whenever she got up.

She couldn’t have been out of my sight for too long, I’m pretty glued to her.” Sherry Isla said, putting her arm around Pansy Winter’s shoulders and kissing her hair, as if to encourage her, and

“You guys must have checked wrong, Pansy doesn’t even own a pistol, she wouldn’t even dare to kill a fish, let alone a person.”

“I can see that you guys are very close.” Luke made a polite remark and turned his words around, “Ms. Pansy Winter, according to the rules, we have to check your white Honda.”

Pansy Winter was a bit helpless, “Give me a minute, I need to dry my hair.”

Ten minutes later, Pansy Winter blow-dried her hair, changed her clothes, and rushed to her other house with the police.

The two houses were not very far apart, separated by only five blocks.

Pansy Winter parked her red BMW in front of a white bungalow and she walked straight to the garage, “The car is inside.”

Said Pansy Winter, Pansy Winter squatted down and prepared to open the garage door lock, then, her figure froze: “The lock …… is broken.”

Pansy Winter directly pulled up the roll-up door, the garage was empty, and did not see the white Honda car.

Luke walked into the garage and spread his hands, “Ms. Pansy Winter, where is your white Honda?”

Pansy Winter opened her mouth wide and also showed a surprised look, stammered, “The lock on the garage door was broken …… car may have been stolen.

I’m calling the police!”

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