Chapter 478

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:13:21
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Hilton Hotel Restaurant.

It was a little after six in the evening, and Luke’s family was preparing for dinner.

Although the room burglary was a bit depressing, dinner still had to be good.

Little Fatty looked at Orty, who was sitting across from him, and curiously said, “Are you the legendary female detective?”

“I am a female detective, but not a legend.”

“You’re very pretty, especially your eyes, they’re like blue jewels.”

Orty smiled, “And you’re just as cute as Luke said you were.”

“Is your normal job as exciting as it is in the movies?”

“My job is on the clerical side, I have more contact with my clients, and truth be told …… it’s pretty boring most of the time.”

“Are you traveling to Hawaii as well?”

“I wish I was.” Orty shrugged, “I accepted the commissioned mission and am here to ask your brother to come back to LA to work.”

The little fat man frowned, “What kind of job? It sounds a bit roundabout to me ……”

“It’s really quite complicated here, so you should stop asking and have a good dinner.” Luke interrupted the little fat man, there are some interests involved here, it’s not good to let too many people know.

Val skimmed his mouth, he does not think there is any complexity, such a big beauty actively looking for the door ……

He sneaked a glance at Orty again, always felt like he had seen this beauty.

Oh yes, the time to Washington.

That night, she went to the bar to see Luke ……

When did cops become so popular, or should he switch careers himself?

Ortie is very good at communicating with people, telling some anecdotes about the detective industry, and soon mingled with Luke’s family.

“Ringing ……”

Luke’s cell phone rang.

He pulled out his phone and saw that it was Martin George’s number.

“Hello, this is Luke Lee.”

“Captain Lee, I found the thief according to the suspect’s characteristics you gave me.

You’re amazing!” Martin George’s tone had more than a little admiration in it.

“Did you find the documents?”

“Yes, because the arrest was made in time, not only were the documents found, but your missing cash was also recovered.”

“Thank you, Officer George.

Why did she burglarize our room?”

“She said she was stealing money to subsidize her family.”

“And why did she steal our papers?”

“I asked that too, and she said she just took it in passing and didn’t think much of it at the time.”

Luke said, “Officer George, were you able to catch her so quickly because she was a habitual thief?”


Luke shrugged, “An experienced habitual thief should have a clear target, I don’t think her reasoning holds water.”

Martin George nodded, “Maybe, but she won’t admit it.”

Luke was silent for a moment, “Officer George, can I talk to her?”

Martin George pursed his lips, “Not as a rule.”

Luke said, “This afternoon, I just received a call from Boss asking me to participate in the investigation of a major criminal case, and I had planned to book a flight to leave.

And at this time my documents happened to be stolen, and I don’t think it should be a coincidence.

I suspected that the thief was suspected of being involved in that major criminal case, and the purpose of stealing the ID might be to hinder the investigation of the case.

I request that she be arraigned as an FBI criminal investigation consultant.”

“OK, I’ll apply to my superiors.”


After ten minutes or so, Martin George called again, “Sir, are you FBI or LAPD?”

Luke smiled, “FBI, do you need to apply for procedures related to arraignment?”

“No, you come to the police station, no one will suspect your identity.”

Luke then drove to the Hawaii Police Department.

Martin George greeted Luke downstairs at the police station, “Sir, I’ve seen your news, no wonder I always thought you looked a bit familiar. It’s just that you were too young to recognize.”

“I hope you saw positive news about me.”

“Of course.”

After the two exchanged pleasantries, Martin George brought Luke to an office, “Sir, because of the special circumstances, I think this is a more suitable place to talk than the interrogation room.”

Luke nodded, “I have no problem with that.”

Soon, a young girl was brought into the office, this girl belonged to wheat skin color, her appearance was a bit like Asian-European mixture, Luke guessed that the other party might be a Native Hawaiian.

The native girl glanced at Luke and quickly lowered her head.

Luke laughed, “Do I look better in person than in my ID photo?”

The native girl whispered, “SORRY, Sir, I …… shouldn’t steal from you, I know it’s wrong.”

“Why did you steal the money?”

“I needed the money.”

“Lift your head and look at me. Why did you steal the papers?”

The indigenous girl slowly raised her head, “I …… didn’t think too much about it at the time and took it with me.”

“Did someone instruct you to steal my papers?”

“No.” The indigenous girl shook her head, and her young and tender face showed some alienation.

Luke said, “You may be good at stealing, but you’re not good at lying.

Who instructed you to steal my papers?”

“Sir, it really wasn’t, you’re mistaken.”

Luke flashed his FBI credentials, “I had just been tasked to participate in the investigation of a major criminal case, and then my credentials were stolen.

If I can’t make it to the city of the perpetrator, it may affect the investigation of the case.

Therefore, I have good reason to suspect that you are also involved in that major criminal case.

Once your suspicion is solidified, you are facing a possible ten years, or even life imprisonment.

This isn’t your petty crime of street theft, think before you answer me.”

The indigenous girl bit the nails of her right hand with a torn look on her face, “I …… I’m not involved in any major criminal case, I really just want to get some money to spend.”

Luke’s tone was stern, “Then why did you steal my documents? Give me a good reason. Don’t lie to me again, this is your last chance.”

The Native girl’s eyes were red, “This morning, a white man found me …… and gave me two thousand dollars in cash to go to your room and steal my papers, and told me to fake it to look like a normal theft.”

“Why did the white man do that?”

“I don’t know.”

“How did you get my room number?”

“The man gave it to me and showed me your picture.”

“Do you know the white man?”

“No. I met him for the first time today.”

“What did he want my ID for?”

“I don’t know, he just said it was okay for me to steal it, throw it away, didn’t say what he was going to do with it.”

“How many times have you seen him?”

“Only that one time.”

“Where’s the two thousand dollars he gave you?”

The native girl looked aside at Martin George.

Martin George said, “Taken into temporary custody as stolen goods, all in old twenty dollar bills, hard to trace.”

Luke nodded, “What was the white man’s name?”

The Native girl shook her head, “I don’t know, my contact with him was brief, he left after the deal was struck.”

“Where did you meet?”

“In an alley behind Chinatown, he saw me and came straight over.”

“Was there surveillance in that neighborhood?”


“What were you doing at the time?”

“I …… was preparing for a burglary.”

“That means he saw you stealing and hired you to burglarize my room.”


“Can you help us find the white man?”

“No, but I should be able to recognize him when I see him.”

“You describe his appearance.”

“He was wearing a short gray shirt, jeans, and a gray baseball cap, something like that.”

Luke asked, “Did you get a good look at him?”


Luke looked aside to Martin George, “Officer George, can you get me some tools for criminal sketching? Like pencils, an easel, and white paper.”

Martin George nodded, “OK, I’ll go look for them.”

Soon, Martin George found what Luke needed.

Luke asked about the white man’s physical features while sketching the sketch.

Luke’s forensic sketching skills became more and more skillful, and in just a few strokes, he sketched out the outline of a white man with a baseball cap.

In less than an hour’s time, Luke completed the criminal investigation sketch portrait, and after adjusting some details of the portrait, Luke turned the easel towards the indigenous girl, “How do you feel? Any more adjustments needed?”

Native girl stared at the photo and shook her head, “No need to adjust, the sketch is very similar to the white man I remembered.Are all FBI this good?”

“It’s not the FBI that’s good, it’s me.” Luke asked Martin George, pointing to the portrait, “Have you seen this man?”

“No,” Martin George shook his head.

Luke looked at the native girl again and asked, “Do you think he’s a native?”

“I don’t think so, his skin is lighter, not like a native’s complexion.” The native girl showed a pleading look, “Sir, I really know I’m wrong.

I swear, I’m just a thief. It has absolutely nothing to do with that major criminal case you mentioned.”

Luke did not say anything and turned around to leave.

This native girl looked pitiful now, but only now, if she was released, it might not be the same again.

Besides, she did steal and was responsible for her actions.

As for the major criminal case that Luke was referring to, which was the Los Angeles kidnapping case, analyzing the existing situation, this girl was just being used, and it was hard to get any more valuable information out of him.

Luke talked to Martin George and asked him to help investigate the white man in the sketch, who was probably related to the Los Angeles kidnapping case.

If he can find him, it will go a long way in solving the case.

Luke then leaves the police station with the stolen papers and cash.

Returning to the hotel, Luke gathered his family together and returned the documents to them and gave the cash to his grandfather.

Robert was a little surprised, “It’s quite a surprise to get it back so quickly!”

Linda patted her son’s shoulder with a proud look on her face, “With Luke around, I’m not surprised at all.”

Luke laughed, “By the way, I have an announcement to make.

I’ve booked a flight for early tomorrow morning, and I’m going to go back to Los Angeles first.”

Little Fatty was a bit reluctant and disgruntled, “Older brother, are you still leaving us behind? That’s not what we said before.”

Luke added, “As a token of apology, I’ll cover the airfare and accommodation for your return to Los Angeles.” Luke pointed to the chubby little man again, “I’ll leave you five hundred dollars in cash, have fun, sweet little old man.”

“Older brother, I love you, I really can’t let you go.” The little fat man wrapped his arms around Luke’s arm and rubbed his fat face against his shoulder in a very meaty way.

“Why don’t you come back to LA with me?”

“No No No! I’m not going to.” The chubby boy immediately dodged aside and drew a line in the sand.

Luke said goodbye to his family and was called aside by Linda, “You’re leaving with Orty?”


Linda laughed, “She’s got a good personality and she’s pretty ……”

“Mom, we’re just coworkers, she came to see me on official business.”

“You can’t fool me, Reed called you and you refused, he’s your top man. If you didn’t like Orty, why would you go with her?”

Luke lowered his voice, “Mom, I’m a public and private person, I don’t let personal relationships affect my work.

Besides, Orty was on a mission from the client to ask me to return to Los Angeles.

The client paid a million dollars for it, and most of that money, when turned around, will end up in my pocket.”

Linda, being the accountant’s ex-wife, quickly understood what Luke meant: “You get half a million dollars?”

“Eight hundred thousand dollars.”

“Jesus! Eight hundred thousand …… dollars,” Linda covered her mouth, revealing a surprised look, “Then why did you wait until tomorrow? Directly buy a ticket for tonight, go go go!”

Luke “……”

The following morning, after six o’clock in the morning.

Luke and Orty arrived at the Honolulu International Airport.

At this time, there were not many people in the waiting hall, and the two sat down to chat.

Olti yawned and looked out the window at the ocean view, a fond look on her pretty face, “Can you participate in the investigation of the case when you return to Los Angeles?”

“Yes.” Luke nodded, last night he contacted Reed and agreed to return to the police department to investigate the kidnapping case.

Orty asked softly, “What do you think about the white man in the sketch?”

In Luke’s opinion, the probability was that the man in the hat was coming for him, and the purpose should be to prevent him from returning to Los Angeles early, and it was likely to have some connection with the kidnapping case.

“When you get back to Los Angeles, ask your client who all knows about the kidnapping he wants me to investigate?”

“Got it.”

Olty nodded and took a sip from the coffee cup in his hand, his gaze falling on an Asian woman, “Do you recognize the beautiful Asian woman diagonally across the street?”

Luke followed Orty’s gaze, the Asian woman had a delicate face and fair skin, wearing a khaki short shirt and a blue wrap-around skirt, her curves were exquisite and her body was well-proportioned.

“Don’t recognize it.”

“Feels like she’s been watching us.”

Luke laughed, “Should be looking at me to be exact.”

“So confident?”

Luke raised one eyebrow, “Am I not good looking?”

“Not bad.” Orty gave a perfunctory, playful comment, “If a pretty girl is paying attention to you, why don’t you ask her for a phone number.”

Luke looked over at the Asian beauty again, she was indeed pretty and had a nice body, if Orty wasn’t around, there was a real possibility that he might talk to the other woman.

The woman seemed to notice it as well, and looked up just in time to meet Luke’s gaze, politely nodding with a smile.

Orty also saw this scene and bumped Luke with his shoulder, ”Your guess is good oh, she is indeed interested in you. You’re both of Chinese descent, so there’s no chance you’ll get on well.”

Luke shook his head, “I don’t think she’s of Chinese descent.”

Orty guessed, “Korean?”

Luke shook his head, “Shouldn’t be either.”

Los Angeles had a good number of both Korean and Chinese, and Orty thought both they looked alike, “OK, then I don’t know.”

Luke guessed that the other party was most likely an island girl based on the girl’s looks and temperament, and the way she was dressed.

“Dingdong ……”

The airport radio blared, “Attention passengers traveling to Los Angeles International Airport, your flight DL368 on American Airlines is now boarding ……”

Luke and Orty grabbed their bags and started lining up to board.

And the beautiful Asian woman tugged on her suitcase and boarded the same plane as the two.

After the Asian woman boarded and found her seat, the man next to her offered to help put the suitcase on the luggage rack.

“Thank you.”

The Asian woman nodded and smiled her thanks, sat in the window seat and took out her cell phone and searched for news on the Los Angeles kidnapping case ……

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