Chapter 508

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:14:40
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Los Angeles City Hall conference room.

A brown oval desk with a length of nearly ten meters was placed in the middle of the conference room.

A man wearing a blue maintenance suit was kneeling under the oval desk, a black toolbox was placed beside him, and from time to time, he took out something from the toolbox, as if he was installing something.

“Creak ……” a door slammed.

The door of the conference room opened from outside.

A white middle-aged woman wearing a black professional skirt suit walked into the conference room, she wore black-rimmed glasses and held a document in her hand, she was a bit surprised when she saw the maintenance worker and asked, “Who are you? Why are you in the conference room?”

The maintenance worker peeked his head out from under the table and asked rhetorically, “Ma’am, what do you think I’m doing?

Let’s talk about what’s going on later, I’m busy right now.”

The white woman frowned slightly and brainstormed, “The conference table is broken?” She glanced down at her watch, “Ten minutes to go, there’s a very important town hall meeting here, the mayor and council members will be here, can you fix it?”

The maintenance worker glanced at her, “If no one bothers, I think it should be fine.”

The white woman bristled, “It was nice talking to you.”

“With a thud, she closed the door to the conference room.

The maintenance foreman breathed a sigh of relief, and the work in his hands sped up a few more minutes.

When he was done, he tapped the table and said with a smile, “I hope you enjoyed today’s little surprise, gentlemen.”

Afterward, he walked out of the conference room carrying his toolbox.

He didn’t leave in a hurry, but, instead, waited outside the conference room for a while.

Only after seeing a group of people in suits enter the conference room did he turn around and leave.

He saw the white woman holding the documents again and flirted, “Do you have time in the evening? Buy you a drink.”

“Thanks, I just quit drinking yesterday.” The white woman laughed, turned around and rolled her eyes as she walked quickly into the conference room.

“Sorry,” the maintenance worker sighed softly and turned away.

There was an empty hallway ahead, and as two patrolmen turned into it, the maintenance worker’s gaze narrowed slightly and he lowered his head, turning directly into the passageway on the right.

A black patrolman also noticed him, but because the other man wore a hat and lowered his head, he didn’t get a good look at his face, “Hey, sir, wait a minute.”

Instead of stopping, the maintenance man quickened his pace.

By the time the two patrolmen turned right into the passage, the maintenance worker was gone.

At the end of the passage was a staircase, and the black patrolman said to his partner, “This guy’s a little suspicious, you go down the stairs and I’ll check up there, be safe.”

“Man, you too.”

The two split up, the black patrolman climbed the stairs while taking out his walkie-talkie and said, a suspicious white man has been spotted on the third floor of the city hall, he’s wearing a blue maintenance worker’s outfit and carrying a black case in his hand.

The black patrolman finished his report and walked to the fourth floor of the city hall, where he prepared to search the fourth floor with his gun in both hands.

Suddenly, a figure suddenly flashed around the corner, a stick directly on the black patrolman’s wrist: “bang” sound, the pistol fell.

Not waiting for the pistol to fall to the ground, the silhouette of another shot, the stick swept to the black patrolman’s head: “bang” sound, directly knocked him out.

The black patrolman’s body leaned back, collapsed on the ground, vaguely heard a man’s voice: “too slow, too weak to resist blows.”

When he woke up, he was held to the head by an all-too-familiar pistol, and the man with the gun was the maintenance man.

“Don’t resist, don’t yell, as long as you do what I tell you, you’ll live, nod your head if you understand.”

The black patrolman nodded hurriedly.

“Very well, tell your coworkers on the intercom that you found me, that everything is fine, and that I’m just a perfectly ordinary maintenance worker.

If your story doesn’t satisfy me, you know the consequences, the maintenance worker poked the black patrolman in the head with his pistol.”

The black patrolman was doubly humiliated, his eyes glared fiercely at the maintenance worker, but he was powerless to resist because his hands were also handcuffed and he didn’t even have a chance to put up a fight.

The maintenance worker opened the police walkie-talkie and put it in front of the black patrolman.

The black patrolman hesitated for a moment, and when he saw the maintenance worker put his finger on the trigger of his pistol, he said somewhat helplessly, “This is A37, I found the maintenance worker, everything is fine, he is not carrying dangerous items, and he is not the person we are looking for, Over.”

“Bang.” As the words fell, the black patrolman received a hard butt of a gun on his head.

This time, he completely fainted.

In front of the city hall.

Luke and Jackson walked into the lobby of City Hall one after the other.

Los Angeles’ city hall was a little different from what Luke thought; there were no police, no security guards, and you didn’t even have to register.

There were a few tents pitched on the lawn outside of City Hall, already occupied by homeless people.

There were also a few tourists in the lobby on the first floor who were taking pictures.

Luke was somewhat doubting his previous judgment, this place was not challenging at all, could Fear Points look at it?

It was a good thing that the police didn’t place their entire force here.

Because there were quite a few other buildings around the city hall, prisons, federal buildings, courthouses, considering that the terror points might attack these places as well, the police and the FBI also sent reinforcements.

In groups of two, they implemented a tight deployment around the area.

Luke swept his gaze across the lobby of the first floor, where a patrolman was questioning a tourist, and after a few words, the patrolman let the tourist leave, and the patrolman turned into the side exit of the city hall.

Both the tourist and the patrolman had their backs to Luke and it was difficult to see their faces, however, the patrolman’s shoes caught Luke’s eye.

A pair of brown, thick-soled leather shoes identical to those of the suspect, Tapani Reagan.

“Jackson, I may have found Tapani Reagan, he should have planted a bomb at city hall, you take care of evacuating the crowd, I’ll go get him.”

“Captain, do you want me to go with you?”

“Do as I say, also, you report to the main office that the suspect, Tapani Reagan, is most likely wearing a police uniform.” The police’s goal was not just to catch Tapani Reagan, but ideally to stop the bomb from going off.

But judging from the current situation, it would not be easy to catch Tapani Reagan and find out the whereabouts of the bomb from him, the safest way would be to evacuate the crowd first to minimize the casualties.

Luke drew his pistol and turned into the side entrance to City Hall as well, the patrolman was moving so fast that Luke only saw one of his backs before he turned into the right-hand passage.

Luke felt even more that something was wrong with him and quickly chased after him, however, he had just run into the passageway.

“Ta ……” he felt something land at his feet.

Looking down it was a grenade.

Luke couldn’t think too long and instinctively flung himself to the ground.

“Boom” sound.

The grenade exploded directly.

Luke’s ears buzzed.

A voice rang in his head.

[Bullet Dodge Card activation has been used.

Worthy of being a retired soldier, this bastard was more alert than Luke thought.

The bullet avoidance card had a three-minute statute of limitations, and Luke wouldn’t suffer much damage during that time.

Luke stood up and chased after it once again.

Through the smoke, Luke saw, once again, the constable in the thick-soled brown leather shoes.


“Bang bang ……”

Almost at the same time, shots were fired from both sides.

Luke felt a bullet streak down his cheek.

Both sides exchanged head-on fire, and Luke finally got a good look at his opponent’s face, which was none other than Tapani Reagan.

Tapani Reagan was shot in the shoulder, he didn’t seem to think that Luke would be so fierce, he didn’t dare to engage in a head-on firefight anymore, and while shooting, he fled.

He hid behind a tent on the lawn.

There was also a homeless man hiding next to the tent, looking at Tapani Ree somewhat nervously and asking, “Why did that man across the street attack you?”

Tapani Reagan froze for a moment, looked down at his police uniform, and said, “He’s a wanted terrorist sub.”

The homeless man took a deep breath, “Do you need help?”

Tapani Reagan could sense that Luke was approaching this way, and he was now injured and might not be a match for Luke, not to mention that there would soon be a large number of police officers coming to back him up.

Tapani Reagan handed a spare gun to the hobo, “If he comes over, we both die, and you will be silenced, I will count to three, and we both shoot him at the same time.

If I die, you run.”

“I …… am not a coward.” The vagabond took a deep breath, it’s been a long time since he’s been cared for, some inexplicable touched, gripping the gun in his hand hard.

“Three, two, one, shoot!”

The tramp stood up as promised and fired at Luke.

“Bang bang ……”

Luke was also a bit confused at the sight, and fired three shots at the homeless man’s wrist with the addition of the Accuracy Card.

One bullet fell short and the other two hit the hobo’s arm.

With an “ah”, the gun fell out of the hobo’s hand and he wailed in pain.

Luke pointed to the police badge on his chest, “Asshole, look carefully, I’m the cop.”

Luke wasn’t sure if the other party was a real tramp or an accomplice of Tapani Reagan, so he didn’t directly lay his hands on him.

The hobo then reacted and turned his head to look for the man in the patrolman’s uniform, and found that the other party did not shoot when he counted to one, but turned around and ran away, this asshole actually used himself as a gun and fooled himself.

“FUCK, I @#$%……”

Tapani Reagan ran already a little far away, it’s hard to hit each other at this distance, this is also the reason why Tapani Reagan dared to expose his back to Luke, he bet Luke couldn’t shoot him.

At this time, the other patrolmen also heard the sound and rushed over, subduing the homeless man.

Luke did not chase, but directly raised his gun to shoot, this distance is indeed a bit far, the accuracy of the shot is not high, but with the precision card added, there is still a chance of hitting.

“Bang Bang ……” Luke continuously fired his gun.

Straight away, he emptied a barrage of bullets.

A bullet hit Tapani Reagan’s calf, and the opponent directly fell to the ground.

However, Tapani Reagan was more tenacious than expected as he stood up and limped forward while enduring the pain.

It was impossible for him to run too far in this situation, holding hostage a female Asian tourist who was hiding in the corner.

Asian female tourists have never seen this kind of scene, has long been scared silly, mouth kept muttering, “yah sell dumb, yah sell dumb ……”

Tapani Reagan, who was a bit distracted by the chanting, chided, “Shut up or I’ll shoot.”

Luke came after him as well, “Tapani Reagan, you can’t get away, surrender!”

Tapani Reagan held the Asian female tourist hostage, put a gun to her head, and said to Luke, “Man, you’re a good shot, it’s a pity that we met a little late, otherwise I would have had a good match with you.”

Luke said, “Didn’t we just have a match?”

“No, I specialize in rifles, and it’s your home turf, it’s not fair.”

“When is there fairness on the battlefield? You’ve been a soldier for so many years and you still don’t understand that.”

Tapani Reagan revealed a miserable smile, “You’re right, I’m the one who lost, this is the real battlefield, one can never pick the environment or the opponent.”

Luke said, “Let her go, you can’t run.”

“I didn’t want to run, I just didn’t want to end up like this, I spent the best part of my life fighting for my country, but what did I get? Injuries, betrayal from my wife, indifference from the government, I have nothing now.”

“I can turn you into a tainted witness if you cooperate with the police and give up the accomplices behind it.”

“I don’t need that, I don’t want to be interrogated like a criminal, and no one can judge me.”

At that moment, more police officers gathered around, having been briefed in advance by Jackson that the suspect might be impersonating a police officer.

Tapani Reagan’s eyes scanned the many officers, “You know what? You guys shouldn’t have arrested me, without me that guy would have gotten out of hand and you would have unleashed a real demon.”

Luke asked, “What do you mean by that?”

Tapani Reagan didn’t answer as the gun fell out of his hand and he collapsed helplessly to the ground.

The female tourist looked away, frightened, and rushed away.

Several patrolmen ran over to him and kicked the gun out of his hand.

One of the black officers knelt down to check his nostrils, “Sir, he’s dead.”

Luke also came over, although he had hit Tapani Reagan, but both gunshot wounds were not fatal, then Tapani Reagan had probably taken poison and died.

At this moment, Tapani Reagan’s body also changed, foaming from his mouth, the veins on his neck rippled, and his skin reddened: “Everyone back off immediately, Luke feels that there is something wrong with Tapani Reagan’s physical condition.”


There was an explosion on the fourth floor of City Hall, smoke and debris flew in all directions.

Luke pulled out his walkie-talkie and said, “Jackson, have arrangements been made to evacuate?”

“Yes, the alarm has just been pressed and most of the personnel have been evacuated.”

Luke breathed a sigh of relief, since the evacuation had already been arranged, the police’s mission was accomplished, if there were a few headstrong people who refused to leave, being injured by the bombing was none of the police’s business.

“Whoops ……”

The sound of gunshots and explosions at the city hall attracted the attention of all parties, police cars, ambulances, and news vans, all rushed to the city hall one after another.

Today, Los Angeles was destined to grab the headlines on every major news website in the world.

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