Chapter 514

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:15:00
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Near the city center, the Soames neighborhood.

A black business car was parked near a triplex apartment.

Luke looked through the car window at the triplex apartment not far away.

Lynn Blois and Armand Haynes, who were sitting next to him, also looked out the window.

Armand Haynes said, “This is the address on that note.

The current owner of this apartment is named Lapidoth Abbas, and he owns all the title to this building.

I’ve just seen it, and it’s full of men of Middle Eastern descent coming in and out of here.

It’s probably one of the terrorist strongholds.”

Lynne Bulova asked, “Can it be determined that Hald Abbas is in this apartment?”

“No, but I don’t think Hassan Hussein would dare deceive the FBI.”

Lynne Brower, who wouldn’t exactly trust a Middle Easterner, asked, “About how many people live in this apartment?”

Armand Haynes replied, “The apartment has three floors with eight rooms on each floor, I had someone check the utilities and roughly 15 rooms are occupied, and roughly deduced that the number of people is between 15 and 20 based on the water usage.”

Lynn Blois said, “There’s more to confirm.

Otherwise it’s likely to be a massive clash once the operation starts, and if Hald Abbas isn’t hiding in the apartment, it’s going to be very difficult to end.”

Luke suggested, “When I was passing by just now, I saw a convenience store 200 meters away from here and the closest convenience store to the apartment.

There is a high probability that the people living in this apartment will go to that convenience store to buy things, and the owner of the convenience store most likely knows Hald Abbas, in addition, the convenience store may also capture Hald Abbas if it has surveillance.”

Lynn Blois pursued, “Counselor Lee, do you have any course of action?”

Luke pondered for a moment and said, “This convenience store is somewhat close to the apartment, and I’m worried that it’s likely to have some connection with the people in the apartment, and will help cover for them, or even notify the people in the apartment.

If that’s the case, the people in the convenience store should be controlled as soon as possible to prevent leakage of information.

If the people in the convenience store have nothing to do with the people in the apartment, it’s natural to ask for the other party’s assistance with kind words.”

Lynn Blois looked aside at Arman Haynes, “What do you think?”

“Leave it to me! Armand Haynes opened the door straightaway and got out of the car.”

Luke looked aside to Lynn Blois, “Any progress on the bioweapons investigation?”

“I’ve communicated with the head of the CDC, it’s not easy to create this kind of biochemical weapon, and this modified virus isn’t only transmitted through breathing.

It can also be infected through the eyes and skin.

The prerequisite for this super-infectious ability is to lower the body’s immunity.

The CDC found the radioactive substance hydrazinium in the bodies of the victims of the terrorist attack.

This radioactive substance lowers the body’s immunity, causing the victims to become infected and sickened by the virus in a very short period of time.

There are very few sources that can get this radioactive substance, and we found one of the sellers and found him drowned in his own toilet.

The body had stank.

The trail was broken, too.”

Luke asked, “No leads on the killer?”

“Not yet.” Lynn Brower pointed to the apartment next door.

“I’m guessing the killer might be in here.

That means we’re up against an enemy that’s not just Hald Abbas, but the entire apartment.

They’re very united as a community, and whether they’re connected to the terrorist attack or not, it’s not going to be easy to take Hald Abbas from the apartment, and as long as they’ve taken up arms, then they’re terrorists.” Lynn Brower gave Luke a look.

“Don’t worry, I’ve mobilized the Secret Service and they will assist us in apprehending Hald Abbas.”


The door of the commercial car opened from the outside, Armand Haynes sat in the car and said, “Asked it out, Hald Abbas does live in this apartment, and Hald Abbas is not alone, he has quite a few accomplices here, they often travel in pairs, and most of them are armed.”

Luke asked, “Do we know Hald Abbas’ exact room number?”


Lynn Blois confirmed, “Credible?”

Armand Haynes nodded, “The other party should not be lying.”

Lynn Blois was silent for a moment and took out her walkie-talkie, “This is A1, calling A2.”

“A2, copy.”

“In five minutes, follow program number one and execute the operation.”

“Copy that.”

Lynn Blois turned off the walkie-talkie: “The task force is responsible for entering the apartment to capture Hald Abbas, we will set up controls around the apartment to prevent Hald Abbas from taking advantage of the chaos to escape.”

Amand Haynes took out a map of the apartment’s structure, “The apartment has two exits, front and back, and in front is the main entrance hall with only stairs and no elevator.

There is also an iron open staircase at the back of the apartment.”

Lynn Brower continued, “According to operation plan number one, the task force will go directly to the third floor through the staircase at the back of the apartment building, and then search from top to bottom, while we will be responsible for guarding the front and back exits.”

Armand Haynes said, “I’ll lead the men to guard the front door.”

Luke said, “I’ll take someone to guard the stairway at the back of the apartment.”

Five minutes later, a commercial vehicle and several black SUVs drove up near the apartment, and one by one, the Secret Service and FBI agents stepped out of the vehicles.

In order to avoid being detected by the terrorist points inside the apartment, the FBI had already made a search and arrest plan in advance.

After the FBI agents arrived at the scene, they could act immediately and make the arrest without the other party being alerted as much as possible.

After the head of the special task force and Lynn Bulova briefly communicated, the operation officially began.

There were ten people in total on the task force, and they climbed up the stairs outside the apartment to the third floor.

The battering ram smashed through the door of the room and rushed straight in, “FBI.”

Luke also pulled out his pistol and guarded the stairway with several FBI agents.

Lynn Blois also stood not far away, looking vigilantly at the third floor of the apartment.

Loud noises could be heard coming from the third floor of the apartment.

“FBI, don’t move.”

“Put your hands up.”

“Drop your weapons.”

“Bang bang ……”

A burst of gunfire rang out.

The FBI agents outside the apartment were also on alert.

“Boom ……”

An explosion rang out from the third floor of the apartment, smoke and dust rose in all directions, the door to the third floor was directly blown open, and the iron staircase was also broken, so you can imagine how powerful the explosion was.

“Fuck,” Luke cursed, sweating for his task force.

Lynn Blois also revealed an anxious look and took out her walkie-talkie, “This is A1, calling A2.”

“A2, do you copy? Please reply.”

“A2, please respond.”

“Fuck,” Lynn Blois couldn’t help but curse and scratched her hair hard, “These thugs, assholes, you’re dead.”

Luke walked over and asked, “What’s the alternate plan?”

Lynn Blois pulled out her pistol, “No response from the Secret Service, and judging by the power of the explosion their casualties probably won’t be small, I’m going to wait and take the men to attack through the front door, you take the men and hold the apartment building below.”

Luke said, “You take the men and hold here, I’ll enter the apartment and capture Hald Abbas.”

Luke still had three bulletproof cards in his hand, and he wasn’t worried about his safety.

Lynn Blois wore a solemn look, “The people in the building are probably all Dread Points, every one of them is an outlaw, and the level of danger is not comparable to that of an ordinary murderer.”

Luke said, “I am psychologically prepared, since I have become a part of the FBI, there are some things that I always have to face, and the salary of the FBI is not for nothing.

Although I can’t come to the FBI every day to clock in for work, as long as the FBI encounters difficulties, I, a counselor, naturally have no choice but to help.”

Luke’s previous status as a criminal investigation consultant was watered down, and the real salary consultant represented that he was officially a part of the FBI.

Not having to clock in to work every day and still receiving a salary equivalent to that of an assistant supervisor, he naturally had to show some skills.

What’s more, the prestige of a consultant who can only play lip service is completely different from a consultant who is first in line to participate in operations with agents.

It’s still time to show it.

Just like when Luke was still a detective at the detective bureau, he was also the first to lead the charge, and when he had enough prestige and status, he was rarely on the front line now.

Lynn Blois stared at Luke, “Put on your body armor and be careful.”

“No, I’m not used to wearing body armor.” Luke politely declined, this was not a pretense, but based on practical considerations.

Most of the Dread Points used AKs, ordinary bulletproof vests couldn’t protect against them at all, inserting steel plates could increase the protection, but it would likewise affect the flexibility of the body.

Luke has bulletproof card, defense is stronger than the bulletproof vest with steel plate inserted, he is more valued for flexibility.

Lynn Blois didn’t persuade him any further, Luke was able to achieve the position of Captain of the Robbery and Murder Division in the Detective Bureau, he himself was experienced in combat, since the other party said so, he must have a certain degree of certainty.

This time, Lynn Blois’s walkie-talkie rang, she hurriedly picked up the walkie-talkie and said, “This is A1.”

“This is Armand Haynes, I’m leading a stakeout outside the main entrance to the apartment lobby, I see figures moving around in the lobby, and sporadic gunshots are heard on the third floor of the apartment, please instruct.”

The sound of gunfire on the third floor of the apartment indicated that there were still survivors in the task force, Lynn Blois made an immediate decision, “Counselor Li is going to lead a team into the apartment to support the task force, you go in with him and pay attention to protecting his safety.”


The FBI formed a team of ten.

Before entering the apartment, all FBI agents checked their equipment, Luke was no exception, he brought two pistols, four spare magazines, and a dagger.

He did not use a rifle because of the narrower terrain of the apartment; it would be more convenient to use a handgun in a limited environment.

Once everything was ready, Luke and Armand Haynes led the FBI agents inside the apartment


Luke and Armand Haynes led four men each, one on the left and one on the right, covering each other.

“Bang bang ……”

Around the corner, a man in a bandana with an AK in his hand fired a burst of shots at Luke and the others.

“Bang bang ……”

Almost at the same time, Luke and Armand Haynes fired as well.

The agents behind them also split up to find cover.

Soon the man in the turban was knocked down, riddled with bullet holes and dead as a doornail.

Another man of Middle Eastern descent emerged from the foreground, flanking the FBI agent with an AK.

However, before he could fire, he was shot down by a trained FBI agent.

The crowd searched the first floor lobby to make sure there were no leaks.

Two FBI agents then guarded the stairway to prevent any terrorist points from sneaking down from the second floor.

Luke and Armand Haynes took three men each to search the rooms on either side of the first floor apartment.

Luke led the search of the apartment on the left hand side.

A burly black agent with a battering ram slammed right through the door.



Luke and two FBI agents rushed into the room.

The apartment was small, with only one bedroom, a toilet, and open kitchen.



“Bang bang ……” came a burst of gunfire from next door.

Luke finished searching the room and returned to the corridor, where Armand Haynes also emerged from next door and gave the OK sign.

Luke entered the second room on the left and searched it.


The room was empty, but the window was open.

Then a voice came from outside the apartment.

“FBI, don’t move.”

“Put your hands up.”

“Bang bang ……”

Luke didn’t jump out the window in pursuit; with Lynn Bulova outside with a guard, Dreadpoint shouldn’t be able to escape.

Luke walked out of the second room, suddenly, saw the door of the fifth room open, a thirteen or fourteen year old teenager of Middle Eastern descent walked out of the room, and the two sides looked at each other.

Luke raised his gun and said, “Don’t move, put your hands up.”

Armand Haynes also led the way out of the second room on the right.

Upon seeing the teenager, he didn’t hesitate to shoot.

“Bang Bang Bang ……”

The teenager’s face showed pain and fell directly into a pool of blood.

Luke frowned, glanced obliquely at Armand Haynes, and said, “He doesn’t have a weapon.”

Arman Haynes walked over to the teenager with his gun, lifted his robe, pointed to the explosives wrapped around his body, and said, “It may not be comfortable the first time, but women and children who are afraid of points are much more dangerous than grown men.

A normal teenager wouldn’t be in this apartment.”

Luke sighed, it was a moment of complete realization that there was no way that there would be any survivors left in this apartment other than Hald Abbas.

The apartment was full of crises, and a new terror point could appear at any time, Luke didn’t hesitate for too long and continued to search the next room.

“There was a bang.

The door was slammed open.

A man in a robe stood beside the bed, seemingly stunned, his hands tucked into the pockets of his robe.

After seeing his face, Luke shot him.

The robed man was shot in the forehead, his body fell backward, and an object fell out of his robe, which landed on the ground with a “da da da da” sound.


“Get down.”

Luke was agile, and while the grenade didn’t explode, a sideways shovel kick kicked the grenade directly into the toilet.

“Boom ……”

The grenade exploded just as soon as it entered the toilet, debris flying and smoke rising.

The good news was that there were no casualties.

The gazes of the agents looking at Luke also changed a bit.

It was no longer the same kind of respect and distance, but a little more trust, admiration and gratitude.

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