Chapter 515

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:15:03
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“Zip ……”

Luke’s walkie-talkie went off, “A1 to C1.”

“C1, copy.”

“Are there any casualties? Is support needed?”

“No casualties, five Dreadnoughts have been killed, no need for backup for now, Over.”

“Stay safe OVER.”

Luke and Armand Haynes finished searching the apartment rooms on the first floor and found no more recalcitrant Dreadpoints.

Both sides met at the stairway and prepared to go up to the second floor of the apartment to search.

The FBI agent who had guarded the stairway earlier, walked to the corner of the first and second floors and pointed to the ground.

Ten centimeters from the ground was a white silk thread, attached to the stair railing at one end and to a discarded object in the corner at the other.

Armand Haynes pointed to one member of the team and signaled him to stay and try to defuse the bomb, while the others stepped over the silk thread and continued up to the second floor.

The group went up to the second floor corridor and saw no figures walking around.

Then, leaving another FBI agent to guard the stairs, Luke and Armand Haynes led a split search of the apartment rooms on either side of the stairs.

This time, a Mexican agent volunteered to take over the lead from Luke, who had just demonstrated his ability to win their trust.

“Bang!” The door slammed open.


The agents rushed into the room one after another, this room had a lot of clutter and furniture piled up inside, and there was no suspected Fear of Dividing personnel found.

And then, Luke led the men out of the room.

The black agent took the door breaker and slammed the door to the second apartment.


This room was occupied, but there was still no one in sight.

“Ta-da ……”

Suddenly, there was a gunshot from outside the room.

Luke rushed out of the room and went to the hallway to check on the agent who was guarding the stairway and was shot and fell to the ground.

Luke walked towards the stairway with his gun in both hands.

On the other side of the stairs, Armand Haynes rushed out of the room with his gun as well, seeing Luke on the opposite side of the room before depressing it.

“Bang bang ……”

Just then, Luke fired in the direction he was in.

Armand Haynes was startled and broke out in a cold sweat.

He instinctively wanted to shoot, but saw it was Luke and once again suppressed the desire to shoot.

Relieved that there was no pain in his body, he craned his head to look behind him to find a man of Middle Eastern descent slowly collapsing at the top of the apartment hallway.

Armand Haynes gave a thumbs up, “Nice shot.”

Luke walked over to the wounded agent to examine him, he had been shot in the head and was no longer breathing or having a pulse.

Luke shook his head at Armand Haynes, who sighed softly.

“Ta-da-da-da ……”

At that moment another shot rang out from the third floor.

Luke switched to a new magazine and said, “I’ll take the men up to the third floor to support the task force, and you take the men to continue searching the second floor.”

“Okay, be careful.”

Luke left one agent to guard the stairs and took the other two agents up to the third floor.

To prevent any missteps, Luke called out, “FBI.”

Luke was the first to go up to the third floor to observe the hallway.

The second room on the left revealed a head, wearing a bulletproof helmet, a member of the Secret Service, shouting, “Be careful, the room on the right should still have Dreadpoint.”

Luke asked, “Any sign of the target?”

“Yes, we have him under control.”

Just then, the door to the third room on the right suddenly opened, and a Middle Eastern man carrying a rocket revealed his head.

“Bang Bang Bang Bang ……”

Luke fired several shots in a row, and the Middle Eastern man’s body fell back, the rocket went askew and shot directly into the roof of the room.

“Rumble ……”

The roof of the room was blown through a big hole, and stones fell down on the corridor.

The three Luke’s then met up with the two task force members and searched the remaining third floor apartment room, killing another Dread Score hiding in the room.

Three of the task force members were killed, four were injured, and one was responsible for guarding the terrorist sub, Hald Abbas.

Luke checked the identity of Hald Abbas, who had received a gunshot wound to the shoulder but was not in danger of his life, with his hands bound and his mouth gagged, while Luke then assisted the wounded task force member down the stairs.

Armand Haynes also finished his search and found two more Dreadpoints in the second floor apartment.

One of them, an FBI agent, was injured.

The crowd then assisted the injured team member and escorted Hald Abbas down the apartment building.

Lynn Bulova rushed to meet him and inquired about the casualties.

She was saddened and relieved to learn that one of the supporting FBI agents had been killed or injured.

With three dead and four injured even from a well-equipped and well-trained task force, the apartment was as menacing as could be imagined.

Lynn Blois patted each agent on the shoulder and encouraged, “Good job.”

The black agent revealed a look of fear, “Thanks to Counselor Lee, he kicked away a grenade that was about to explode in time, otherwise the consequences would have been unimaginable.”

The other Mexican agent was also grateful, “That’s right, if it wasn’t for Counselor Li, I probably wouldn’t have been able to stand and talk.”

Luke patted the two on the shoulders, “Guys, don’t be a Little Girl, buy me a drink sometime!”

“With pleasure.”

“Woohoo ……”

An ambulance rushed to the scene and carried the injured man to his car.

The TV station’s car also arrived nearby and snapped a shot of the scene.

Lynne Bulova was on the scene to keep order.

Luke and Armand Haynes escorted Hald Abbas away from the scene.

The car made its way, making sure no one was following it, and drove into the Roget’s Slaughterhouse.

The FBI agents inspected the slaughterhouse, then took Hald Abbas out of the car and escorted him inside the slaughterhouse plant, where he was handcuffed to a chair.

Armand Haynes walked over to Hald Abbas, and directly removed his jaw, removed the cloth from his mouth, examined his mouth, his teeth, and after confirming that there was no hidden drugs, he released his jaw.

Armand Haynes looked at Luke who was at the side: “Counselor Lee, are you asking, or am I inquiring?”

“You do it.”

With the number of FBI dead and wounded in this operation, Hald Abbas had been brought to this remote place, and the means of treating him was obviously not going to be gentle.

Armand Haynes lifted Hald Abbas’s chin and made him look up at him, “Who instructed you to go to Sturgeon Community College to create a terrorist attack?”

Hald Abbas glared at him and spat on the floor.

Armand Haynes put the chair straight down and a bald FBI agent approached with a bucket and a towel.

Armand Haynes skillfully put the towel over Hald Abbas’s face, the bald FBI agent held Hald Abbas down, Armand Haynes picked up the bucket of water and poured it over Hald Abbas’s face, the water didn’t flow fast enough, just enough to cover Hald Abbas’s mouth and nose.

“Oooo……” Hald Abbas let out an agonizing moan, his body struggled desperately, but was held down dead by the bald FBI agent.

Hald Abbas’s body convulsed and gradually lost his sense of resistance before Arman Haynes stopped pouring water and lifted the towel off Hald Abbas’s head.

“Ooooh ……”

A large amount of water spurted out of Hald Abbas’s mouth and nose, gasping for air, his face contorted in shape.

Armand Haynes didn’t open his mouth to ask questions, he just watched Hald Abbas quietly as the bald agent got another bucket of water and came back, waiting a moment for Hald Abbas to breathe steadily and once again be held down by the bald agent.

The towel was placed over his face and water was poured.

Hald Abbas struggled again, moaning in pain, his body showing irregular twitching, although he could not see Hald Abbas’s expression, but he could also realize the kind of pain and helplessness.

Hald Abbas resisted with less and less strength, the water in the bucket was finished pouring, only then did Armand Haynes lift the towel from his face.

I don’t know whether it was because he had been suffocated so hard or there was too much water in his mouth and nose, but Hald Abbas could no longer breathe on his own.

Armand Haynes let the chair tipped sideways and kicked him hard in the back, a large amount of water flowed out of Hald Abbas’s mouth and nose, and only then did he gradually breathe, vomiting hard and wailing loudly as if he wanted to vomit out his heart and liver.

Amand Haynes still didn’t ask any questions, still repeating the same actions as before, and the bald agent once again brought a bucket of water, this time waiting a little longer until Hald Abbas was breathing steadily, and only then did Amand Haynes pick up the towel.

“No No No! Not again, I’ll die, please.” Hald Abbas hissed loudly, snot and tears coming out of his nose, his cheeks red with congestion and suffocation.

This Middle Eastern tough guy finally couldn’t carry on.

Amand Haynes remained in the same tone as before, “Who instructed you to create a terrorist attack?”

“Severo Yuli.”

“Where is he?”

“I don’t know, he’s very secretive, I only saw him once at my apartment half a month ago.

After that, he never came back.”

“How did you get in touch?”

“He gave me a prepaid cell phone with one number on it, and yesterday he called and asked me to go to Steven’s Community College to place a bioweapon.”

“What was the cell phone number?”

“909 584 2534.”

Armand Haynes wrote down the number, “Where did the bioweapon come from?”

“A few days ago, a man named Tapani Reagan sent it to me, he told me it was dangerous and to try not to use it if I could.”

“Why would you listen to Severo Yuri?”

“He has ties to the Middle East, and I wasn’t listening to him, but someone over there asked me to assist him in his mission.”

“What mission?”

“To rescue L338, who is being held in a prison in Tanamo, and to do whatever it takes for that purpose.”

“Can you contact Severo Yuri?”

“No, he’s the one who contacts me.”

“Other than Severo Ulli and Tapani Reagan, who else is connected to this terrorist attack?”

“Everyone involved was killed by you guys in the apartment, that’s all I know, I’m just a little guy who was only in charge of completing the terror attack and had no access to the top levels of the Terrorist Branch.

It could be abandoned at any time.”

Armand Haynes said to Luke, who was on the sidelines, “Counselor Lee, I’m going to check on Severo Yuri and that cell phone number.”

Luke walked over and asked, “Why did you do what he told you to do if you knew you were just an outcast?”

Hald Abbas sighed and said helplessly, “My family is still in the Middle East.”

“Half a month ago, you met Severo Yuli?”


“Name the exact time?”

“March 15th, around eleven o’clock at night.”

“Did he come alone?”


“How did it come about?”

“I don’t know.”

“Describe what he looked like?”

“He was wearing a long black robe wrapped in a turban, he was a white man, very tall and spoke a Middle Eastern language.”

“Describe his looks?”

“Hawkish nose, somewhat thin cheeks, somewhat reddish complexion, and his voice was low and convincing.”

“His skin was somewhat reddened, you say?”


“And his veins?”

Hald Abbas recalled for a moment, “I felt that the color of the veins on his hands was a bit heavier and more pronounced.”

Luke took out his cell phone and clicked on a photo of a dead man with Agora disease, “Does his skin color and veins, look like the corpse in the photo?”

“A bit like it, but not as severe.”

Luke had a thoughtful look on his face, a question he had wondered about earlier, there were many ways of terrorist attacks.

Bomb attacks were the most common and the least technical, and the effect wasn’t bad.

This terrorist attack, however, used a biochemical weapon, which was difficult to manufacture and also prone to problems, and the raw materials were not easy to get, so it was not the best choice in any way.

Then why did the mastermind behind the terrorist attack use this method?

If, for example, this Severo Yuri was really the mastermind behind the terrorist attack, and was also a patient with the Yagola disease, then it would make sense.

This disease is extremely rare and there is no effective cure for it; according to the head of the CDC, some people are immune to it, and if they can obtain a blood sample and bone marrow from that person, it would be possible to develop an antidote for the disease.

This might be the root cause of his use of the biochemical attack.

Thinking about this, Luke had a creepy feeling that some people would sacrifice thousands of people in order to stay alive themselves to find an immune body that might exist.

From a certain point of view, such people were scarier than terrorists.

Just then, Armand Haynes’ voice rang out, “Counselor Lee, I’ve found out some clues.”

Luke walked over and asked, “Did you find out the whereabouts of Severo Yuli?”

Armand Haynes shook his head, “No. That cell phone number can’t be located because it’s a prepaid cell phone, and there’s no way to check the owner’s identity.

However, I was able to track down the identity of Severo Ulli.”

Armand Haynes tapped a detail on his tablet, “He’s a bioweapons expert who was secretly dispatched to the Middle East in 2018 and returned to the U.S. in 2020, and it wasn’t long before he resigned.

Tapani Reagan was also serving in the Middle East when Severo Yuri was secretly dispatched there, they likely met at that time.”

“Can we find out where he is?”

Armand Haynes shook his head, “Hardly.

He resigned two years ago and then disappeared as if he had disappeared, and no more official records can be traced.”

“Ringing ……”

Just then, Luke’s cell phone rang, and he took it out to see that Reed’s number was displayed on the screen.

He stepped aside and pressed the answer button, “Chief, what can I do for you?”

Reed said, “I’d like you to come down to the Detective Bureau.”

“What’s going on?”

“Come and find out.”

Luke glanced at his watch, “Okay, I’ll be there in half an hour.”

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