Chapter 516

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:15:06
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The Los Angeles Police Detective Bureau.

Luke arrived at the Detective Bureau and there was already a crowd of reporters outside.

Half of them also saw a familiar figure, Inoue Naomi.

A police officer came out to maintain order, and Luke’s car was able to drive into the detective station without any problems.

Luke parked his car and saw Reed also leading people down from the Detective Bureau building.

“Chief, is this a press conference?”

“Yes, why don’t you come along.”

Luke walked over and asked, “Is something wrong?”

“Some of the families of the victims at Stevern Community College are accusing the LAPD of inaction that indirectly led to this terrorist attack.”

Luke was a little confused, “The LAPD stopped being in charge of investigating the terrorist attack yesterday, the community college was only terrorized this morning, what does this have to do with our LAPD?”

“Do you know Melche Morano?”

“Yes, her boyfriend was a victim of a biochemical terrorist attack, Yordan Reddy.”

Speaking of Yordan Reddy, another terrorist, Tapani Reagan, had to be mentioned.

Tapani Reagan was a veteran who served in the Middle East, and during his service he entrusted his best friend, Yordan Reddy, to take care of his wife and children.

Upon returning to the United States after his discharge, it is discovered that Yordan Reddy and his wife are having an inappropriate relationship, leading to the separation of Tapani Reagan’s wife and his own imprisonment to serve his sentence.

Luke found out that Tapani Reagan was suspected of being a fearful splitter and guessed that he would probably get back at Jordán Reddy.

So he took people to Jordyn Reddy’s house to implement protection, and also set up control at Vinster Community College in advance.

It was also at that time that he met Melche Morano at Yordan Reddy’s home.

Reid said, “Melche Morano claimed that the police had already found out that the terror points might attack the Steven’s Community College but did not pay enough attention to it, which led to this terrorist attack case, if the police could take responsibility, the students and teachers of the Steven’s Community College would not have died.”

Luke frowned, “This is to throw dirt on us.”

Reed sighed, “This pot of dirty water should never be picked up, or if we are accused, our detective bureau will even lose our pants.”

“You’re right, it’s indeed necessary to make this matter clear, otherwise those unscrupulous media will inevitably grab hold of it and hype it up.”

Reed said, “I’ll take the lead in this battle of public opinion, and you’ll be in charge of the assists.”

“No problem.” After reaching a certain position, dealing with the media also became one of the tasks of the job, and Luke had already had some mental preparation.

Under the arrangement of the police, the reporters entered the Detective Bureau compound in an orderly manner.

Although Reed didn’t think that the LAPD had been negligent in the terrorist attack case, the police did carry out a deployment at the Steven’s Community College, which was known to many people in charge of the school, and Melche Morano, the girlfriend of the victim of the terrorist attack, Jordyn Reddy, was also a person in the know.

Since there was no way to hide it, it was best to take the initiative to make things clear before public opinion widened, and it would be difficult for the police to turn the tables if they really wanted to occupy the high ground of public opinion by those who had the intention to do so.

“Fellow journalists, I’m Deputy Chief of Detective Bureau Reed, I invited you all here today because I heard some bad remarks, I feel the need to make things clear, and you can ask the police any questions you have, instead of going on to report some twisted news without any evidence.”

Reed made a gesture of invitation, “Let’s begin!”

A female reporter asked, “Chief Reed, I heard a news that the police are said to have known in advance of a possible terrorist attack at the Wenster Community College, may I ask if this news is true?”

Reed explained, “The police do not have the ability to foresee in advance, and the terror points will even less actively tell the police the location of the attack, the police are only summarizing some of the clues that they have found out, and analyzing and speculating.

And since yesterday, the police are no longer responsible for investigating terrorist attack cases, we have already transferred all the relevant case files to the Department of Homeland Security.”

The female reporter pursued, “That is to say, it was actually the Department of Homeland Security that did not pay attention to your analysis and speculations.”

Reed shrugged, “That’s something you’ll have to ask them, I can’t answer that question.”

A tear-stained, gaunt-faced woman pushed her way to the front and said in a questioning tone, “Director Reed, my name is Melche Morano, my boyfriend is a teacher at Steven’s Community College and a victim of this terrorist attack, and there’s a question I’d like you to answer positively.”

“Go ahead.”

Melche Morano held up a picture of her boyfriend, her voice choked, “On the day of December 28th, the police came to my home and said that there was a terrorist point of view that might retaliate against my boyfriend, and the police also staked out Steven’s University.

You’ve got concrete actions in place, and if you had stuck to your guns, the bioterrorist attack this morning wouldn’t have happened, and my boyfriend and his students wouldn’t be dead.”

Reed said, “Actually, I’ve already answered that question, so since you asked in good faith, I’ll say it again.

The situation you mentioned existed, and the police did make the relevant deployment on December 28th.

However, on December 29th, the Terrorist Branch was the one who carried out the terror attack at the city hall.

The police officers led by Captain Lee of the Robbery and Murder Division (LAPD) also succeeded in stopping the terrorist attack.

But this did not bring much honor to the LAPD, and no one cared about the officers’ dedication and danger in it.

Instead, a small group of media outlets with ulterior motives, in order to increase news ratings, claimed that the LAPD shouldn’t be meddling in cases of terrorist attacks.

Feeling that we have too much power, they even accused us of abusing our authority.

Under this kind of public pressure, the LAPD had to withdraw from the investigation of the terrorist attack case, we were not irresponsible, but we could no longer continue the investigation because we had too much ‘power’!

This made our police officers aggrieved and confused.

Some police officers asked me, “Secretary, have we done wrong?

Shouldn’t we be arresting terrorists?

Shouldn’t we be protecting the city?”

Reed let out a long sigh and spread his hands, “It’s hard for me to hear those words, I don’t know how to answer!

Our police officers are risking so much to catch terrorists, only to be told by the unscrupulous media that they have too much power.

But no one cares about the personal safety of the officers or the feelings of their families.”

Reed looked grave and his voice was infectious as he looked at Melche Morano on the stage, “Ma’am, I don’t know if you are satisfied with this answer?

But we at the LAPD have really tried our best.”

Melche Morano looked dumbfounded for a moment, slowly turned around, looked at the numerous reporters, and cried out with a sobbing voice, “It’s all of you that got my boyfriend killed, and I’ve seen all those news stories blaming the LAPD.

If you guys hadn’t accused the LAPD of having too much power, and they would still be involved in the investigation of the terrorist attack case, my boyfriend wouldn’t be dead, and those students wouldn’t be dead, you guys are the ones who killed them.”

There was a moment of silence around the room.

Then, some of the families of the victims came forward and began to accuse the news media with ulterior motives.

Even the journalists did not dare to directly face the anger of the families of the victims of the terrorist attack cases.

Luckily, there were police officers to keep order.

A white male reporter stepped forward and asked loudly, “This afternoon, there was an explosion and a fierce gun battle in an apartment building in downtown Los Angeles.

It was said that the FBI was arresting the terror points, and I found the robbery and murder division Captain Lee figure at the scene.

Why would he be at the scene since the police LAPD has withdrawn from the investigation of the terrorist attack?”

Reed and Luke looked at each other, “Captain Lee was at the scene, let him explain himself.”

Luke walked onto the stage: “Yesterday, I received a notice from the police department’s senior management, because of the pressure of public opinion the LAPD decided to withdraw from the investigation of the terror attack case, to be honest, when we first received this order, the officers under me and I were a bit uncomfortable.

But we obeyed the order and turned the case file over to the Department of Homeland Security.

This morning, there was a terrorist attack at Steven’s Community College.

I was approached by the head of counterterrorism at the FBI to assist her with the terror attack case.

I’m not only a LAPD, I’m also an FBI criminal investigation consultant.

So I am now investigating the terror attack case as an FBI criminal investigation consultant.”

Reed continued, “Captain Lee loves this city deeply.

He is also doing his best to protect this city.

That’s what a lot of us police officers think, we love this city deeply.”

“Clap ……”

A round of applause went up around the room.

This press conference didn’t last long.

But it was very effective, and turned the public opinion against the LAPD in time.

Nowadays, online media is very developed, not only reporters can voice out, but all kinds of self-media can also release news and videos.

There have even been calls for the LAPD to re-engage in the investigation of the terror attack case.

But such proposals are obviously out of order.

But at least the pressure on the LAPD was greatly reduced, and the public’s goodwill towards the LAPD increased a lot.

Luke’s continued investigation of the terror attack case in the capacity of an FBI criminal investigation consultant was also seen as a sign of deep love for the city, and it was a great way to brush up on his goodwill.

Luke’s popularity as a famous Los Angeles detective has also increased.

After this incident, Luke realized one more thing.

There are times when not the more you do, the more you will reap, public opinion plays a big role.

Reed was a person who was very good at utilizing public opinion, seeing the seed of public opinion online was not right, he immediately held a press conference and promptly reversed the reputation of the LAPD.

Luke felt that he should also learn from him, it is better to be able to do than to be able to say, and it is also time to have a window to speak out externally.

Naomi Inoue.

Luke saw Naomi Inoue in the crowd.

Her pretty figure was eye-catching in the crowd, but her status as a trainee reporter made it impossible for her to stand too far forward, and she still had a long way to go before she could become a famous reporter.

Of course, if there was an external boost for her to get as much quality news as possible, it wouldn’t be a shortcut, the key was to see if she could grasp it.

Luke made an appointment to meet with Nami Inoue, wanting to talk to her about cooperation, Luke was now considered to be accomplished, and even if he cooperated, it would be with him as the main focus.

He wanted to report some news in his favor through Nami Inoue’s status as a reporter.

As for why he chose Inoue Naomi, there were two main aspects.

The first aspect, Inoue Naomi was also implicated in the case of the terror attack, and the other party had notified him at the first time after learning about the threatening video related to him, so Luke also owed her a favor.

The second aspect was that Inoue Naomi was still a trainee reporter now, so it was relatively easier to control.

With Luke’s current status, there were many reporters who wanted to work with him, and it wasn’t difficult to find a famous reporter to work with, but famous reporters also had their own pride, their own persistence, their own tendencies.

It may not necessarily be the case that they will report on news events as Luke would like them to be reported.

For example, Parley Jones.

Parry Jones has always hoped to cooperate with Luke, from him here to get some valuable news, this woman in the news industry has a certain degree of influence, but also has the ability, but also has its own calculations, she and Luke is not a heart, at any time may be because of the interests of selling Luke.

Therefore, Luke and her belonged to the mutual use between Luke, Luke had also used her channels to report some news, of course, most of them are some false news, however, these false news are favorable to Luke, and even once became the key to Luke’s solving the case.

To put it bluntly, he was looking for an obedient reporter who would release news according to his requirements.

Even if that news has a personal slant.

Even if that news is not true.

Hanagi Tori Teppanyaki.

This Japanese restaurant was chosen by Naomi Inoue, and the two of them had an appointment in a private room on the second floor.

After Luke arrived at the private room, Inoue Nami hurriedly got up from the tatami mat, “Captain Lee, I’m honored and surprised to receive your invitation so soon.”

“I saw you at the Detective Bureau compound today, and it just so happened that I was craving Japanese food again, so I wanted you to show me some authentic Japanese food.”

Nami Inoue introduced, “This is an old restaurant that specializes in Japanese teppanyaki, and has been in business for over twenty years, which is older than I am.

The owners of the restaurant are a couple who are first generation Japanese immigrants, and it’s considered a more authentic teppanyaki.”

Naomi Inoue handed Luke the menu.

Luke flipped it open and looked at it, ordering wagyu beef, oysters, fatty sausage, chicken skewers, silver cod, scallops, foie gras ……

Nami Inoue also ordered some dishes and asked for a pot of sake.

After the waiter left, Nami Inoue poured Luke a cup of sake and said, “Captain Lee, what is it that you want to see me about today?”

She knew that Luke was now involved in the investigation of the case of the terrorist attack in his capacity as an FBI criminal investigation consultant, and most likely would not have the leisure to invite her to dinner.

Luke asked, “What do you think about today’s press conference?”

“Both you and Chief Reed made good points about the LAPD doing their best in the case of the terror attack, and I agree with you that the officers deserve to be recognized for their dedication.

Although I’m also a reporter, I don’t agree with those who deliberately twist news reports for the sake of eyeballs.” Naomi Inoue had a premonition of what was to come, and was vaguely agitated inwardly.

Luke continued, “If I provide some news and need you to report it according to my requirements, would you be willing to do so?”

“Is this part of our cooperation?”

“Of course.”

“Why me?”

“Why not you, or do you think you can’t handle it?”

“No, I have confidence in my abilities, but I’m still young and just a trainee reporter without much influence.

Captain Lee, with your current status and position, you can totally find a well-known reporter with more influence to work with.”

Luke was unimpressed, “I don’t need to rely on a reporter’s popularity to expand my news influence.

As long as it’s news from my are, even if it’s uploaded by a self-publisher, it will still attract enough attention.”

Inoue Naomi unloaded the doubts in her heart and hurriedly said, “I’m willing to cooperate with you.”

Luke laughed, “We can try working together a few times first, and if we can agree on each other’s way of doing things, then we will continue to work together.

If the ideas don’t match, then terminate the cooperation.”

“OK, I agree.”

Luke raised his glass, “I wish us a happy cooperation.”


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