Chapter 517

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:15:09
A+ A- Turn Off Light

It was just after two in the morning.

“Ringing ……” Luke was woken up by a cell phone ringing.

He yawned and grabbed the cell phone from the bed with his right hand, “Hello, this is Luke.”

Armand Haynes’ voice came from the phone, “Counselor Lee, a biochemical terrorist attack just occurred in a bar in Los Angeles, I sent you the address.”

“I know.”

After Armand Haynes finished speaking, he hurriedly hung up his cell phone.

Luke laid in bed for another two minutes before getting up and washing up, rushing to the location where the terror attack had occurred.

Molt’s Bar.

It was a vampire-themed bar, the bar was located on the second floor of the basement and was decorated in a style similar to an old European castle.

There was also a statue of a vampire at the entrance, draped in a scarlet cloak.

Unlike the lively atmosphere in the past, the bar seemed extraordinarily cold, with a cordon drawn at the entrance.

By the time Luke arrived at the bar, the FBI, ambulance, and CDC were already on the scene.

Luke found Lynn Blois in the crowd and asked, “What’s the situation?”

Lynn Blois sighed, “This bar is located on the second floor of the basement, there is only one exit, the Dread Score blocked the door, and the people inside had no time to run, they all suffered a bioweapon attack, contracted the Yagola disease, and suffocated to death in a very short period of time.”

Luke asked, “Did you get any footage of the Dread Points?”

“There was no surveillance installed at the bar.”

“It looks like the Dread Fraction put some effort into finding a place to attack this time.”

Lynn Brower said, “The fact that Dread Branch didn’t release any more threatening videos before the operation this time suggests that the other side has either lost patience or is understaffed.”

The CDC people confirmed that it was safe before Luke entered the interior of the bar to check out the scene.

The interior of the bar was a mess, and there were some people in strange costumes lying around, including vampires, werewolves, and half-orcs, which appeared to be very bizarre.

But these people have some obvious characteristics, foaming at the mouth, red skin, blue veins, obvious characteristics of Yagora disease.

Luke roughly counted the number of deaths at the scene up to more than forty people, already exceeding the number of people killed in the last terror attack.

Luke gazed at the body of a white girl, she was wearing a tight black dress, silver hair, red eyes, and long fangs in her mouth, a proper vampire look.

The girl didn’t look very old, most likely underage, and was holding an Apple cell phone in her hand, which was on the video recording function.

Luke picked up the phone and checked it, the battery was at the bottom, “Give me a rechargeable battery.”

Soon, an FBI agent hands over a rechargeable battery.

Luke charges his phone while checking the video footage.

The screen began, a group of young people in strange clothes were twisting on the dance floor, powerful music, colorful and dazzling lights, the atmosphere in the bar was very hippie.

A stream of red smoke rises from the edge of the dance floor, and the smoke quickly spreads around.

The young people on the dance floor were the first to be enveloped by the red smoke.

I don’t know whether it was under the anesthesia of alcohol, not only were they not afraid, but they seemed more excited, and the people around the dance floor even took the initiative to crowd in the direction of the red smoke.

Most of the people who came to this kind of heavy bar were here to find excitement, and many of them took this red mist as a new type of special effect of the bar.

The red mist spread very quickly, quickly enveloping the entire bar.

By the time the people inside the bar realized the problem, it was already too late to escape.

The bar was in chaos, and there were some guests who tried to escape, but in the end, one by one, they fell down with painful faces, and their cell phones fell to the ground, and the picture was fixed.

Luke watched the video in the phone carefully and didn’t find the fear score of dropping the bioweapon.

Lynn Blois waved her hand in greeting, “Counselor Lee, come over here.”

Luke walked over and handed his cell phone to Lynn Blois, “There is a video in here that captured the terrorist attack.”

Lynn Blois followed up, “Any clues to the terror points?”

Luke shook his head, “He would have been gone by then.”

Lynn Blois said, “The CDC people have found the case that released the biochemical virus, and they also found a small flash drive in the case.”

With that said, Lynn Blois plugged the flash drive into her computer and opened it, inside was a video with a somewhat dim background, still of the man in the black cloak, hood, and white mask over his face.

[Hi, hello again.

I don’t think I need to introduce myself this time, right?

I’m angry, very, very angry.

Instead of releasing L338, who is being held in the Tanamo Prison, you have once again massacred my partner, and I have lost my patience with you.

This will be the last time I post a video for you guys.

I will not reach out to you after this, I will create a terrorist attack every day, and I will work my way to peace.

Until you guys release L338.


Arman Haynes watched it and said, “The video felt a little short and perfunctory this time, which means he’s a little panicked.”

Luke said, “It could also be that he doesn’t need to cover up anymore and has enough of an excuse to continue the terror attacks.”

Lynn Brower guessed, “You think this terrorist sub created the terror attack not to save the leader of the terror sub, L338, but for some other purpose.”

Luke said, “Although there is no definite evidence yet, I do have some speculations.

Since March 28th, there have been four consecutive cases of terror attacks, which are the news TV station bombing, the city hall bombing, the Sturgeon Community Student Biochemical Virus attack, and today’s bar biochemical virus attack.

The four cases of terror attacks mainly involved three people.

The first, retired veteran Tapani Reagan.

The second, Hald Abbas, a man of Middle Eastern descent.

The third, biochemist Severo Yuri.

I’ve carefully reviewed the information on these three men, and although these three men have teamed up to create the terrorist attack, they may not be of one mind.

First of all, Hald Abbas, a man of Middle Eastern descent, is backed by Middle Eastern forces, and those people in the apartment are also his accomplices, and his real purpose is probably to rescue L338, the leader of the terrorists’ division.

But retired veteran Tapani Reagan and biochemistry expert Severo Yuli are both Americans, these two and the Middle Easterners shouldn’t be on the same page, and they likely have other purposes.

From my understanding of retired veteran Tapani Reagan, he was betrayed by his wife during his military service, and after returning to his country, he did not get the respect he deserved, and he has a certain tendency to take revenge on society, which may be the purpose of his participation in the terrorist attack.

As for the biochemistry expert, Severo Yuli, I think it’s more like he’s using Tapani Reagan and Hald Abbas to cover up the real purpose of his terror attacks, to find people who are immune to the Yagora virus.”

Armand Haynes wondered, “Why would he do that?”

Luke recalled, “That day during the interrogation of Hald Abbas, I asked him about the physical characteristics of Severo Yuri, and according to him, Severo Yuri’s skin was a little red and his veins were heavily colored, very similar to someone who suffers from the Yagola disease.

My guess is that he could have this disease, but because there is no specific medicine for treatment, he is taking this approach to seek a silver lining.

Either find the immune body and make his own potent drug, or push the U.S. government to do research on Agora’s disease.”

Armand Haynes spread his hands, “This speculation is crazy.

According to the head of the CDC, the probability of being immune to the Agora virus is one in a thousand, doesn’t that mean he would have to create dozens of more terrorist attacks and kill thousands of people before he could find an immune body.”

“No, that’s just the probability, with bad luck, there won’t be one in ten thousand people, with good luck, there could be a virus immune body in a hundred.” Luke turned the tables, “I think there could be with this terrorist attack today.”

Lynn Blois listened attentively, although what Luke said was only speculation, this possibility is very high, she analyzed, “From what we have contacted so far, Severo Yuli has not been revealing his hand, he should be a cautious person, even if we put out the word that there are survivors who are immune to the virus this time, he may not believe it.”

Luke said, “From Severo Yuli’s information, he resigned shortly after returning to the US in 2020 and then disappeared.

It means that he was already sick at that time.

This illness was only three or four years from the onset of the disease to death, leaving him little time left.

He had waited for so long and his patience was almost worn out, so he shouldn’t miss this opportunity.

If he misses this one, can he wait until next time?”

Lynn Blois folded her hands and pondered for a while before looking at Amang Haynes at the side: “Amang, you’ve worked hard these past few days.”

Arman Haynes was a bit confused and shrugged, “I’m okay.”

“I mean, you should take a break and rest.”

Armand Haynes spreads his hands, “But the scene hasn’t been surveyed yet ……”

Lynn Blois waved her hand, “Lie down.”

“What?” Armand Haynes’ eyes widened and he pointed to the floor, “Make me lie down here?”

“That’s right, from now on, you’re the lucky immune body, and then you’ll be stretchered into an ambulance and taken to a hospital for ‘treatment’ or ‘recuperation’, just to give you a vacation.

You’re welcome.”

Armand Haynes “……”

I fucking thank you.

After leaving the bar, Luke dialed Nami Inoue’s cell phone, “Hey, beautiful, want to join us for breakfast?”

Two hours later.

Luke drove up to Nami Inoue’s house and flashed his headlights at the window.

A few minutes later.

The door to Naomi Inoue’s house opened and she stepped out wearing a long black dress and a khaki colored jacket, yawning, “L.A. at four in the morning is a real pain in the ass.”

She opened the car door and got in the passenger side, “Captain Lee, don’t you ever sleep at night?”

“Of course I sleep, but the fear of points not so much.”

Naomi Inoue was instantly energized, “Another terrorist attack?”

“Yes. Are you interested in the news?”

“Of course.” Nanami Inoue hurriedly took out her cell phone and flipped through it, “When did the terrorist attack happen? I haven’t gotten the news yet.”

“The exact time was a little after 1:00 a.m. The place that was attacked was a bar, and the FBI has blocked the news for now.

It’s possible that you’ll be the first reporter to report the news.”

Naomi Inoue was a little excited at first, then calmed down, “You came all the way over here just to tell me this news?”


Although Inoue Naomi was only a trainee reporter, she wasn’t stupid, “At this time, shouldn’t you be investigating a terror attack case?”

She didn’t think she was important enough to make Luke make a personal trip.

“I want you to report the news.”

“Why? What’s the request?”

Luke stared at the other woman, “Can I trust you?”

Naomi Inoue shrugged, “I thought, we had an understanding last night?”

“This is the first time we’ve worked together and it’s an attempt, I’ll spell out what I want.

If you agree, then we’ll work together, if you don’t think it’s a good fit, it’s not too late to back out.”

“Is there something wrong with the story itself?”

Luke waved a probe card over her, and finding no listening or surveillance electronics, continued, “There is truth in this story, and I expect you to report it as I say, whether it’s true or not.”


“All I can tell you is that it’s necessary for the case.”

“That is to say, my news report can help you solve the case to a certain extent.”

“You could say that.”

“This is our real mode of cooperation, you need me to report some news that is favorable to the investigation of the case, but this news is probably not true.”

“Yes. It’s not too late for you to back out.”

Nami Inoue didn’t hesitate for long, “No, I think it’s kinda exciting, and if my news report can assist in solving the case, that’s a good thing, so why not?”

Luke said solemnly, “Look, the way we work together is simple, I’ll tell you some news, and then I’ll have certain requirements for that news, if you can accept it, report it.

If you can’t accept it, you can reject it, but you absolutely can’t reveal our conversation to a third person, can you do that?”

In order to avoid causing unnecessary trouble in the future, there were some things that had to be said.

“No problem.” Hearing that Luke had laid down his cards, Inoue Naomi’s heart was instead solidified.

Last night, Luke said that he wanted to find her to cooperate with him, and although the two had reached a preliminary cooperation intention, she had no bottom in her heart, because the identities of the two sides were not equal, and she had always felt a bit unsettled.

It was not until this moment that she completely figured out Luke’s true purpose.

She knew that Luke was utilizing her, but this kind of utilization was within her acceptable range.

In the opinion of many people, journalists should stick to their hearts, report the facts, and track down the truth.

This was the pursuit and code of conduct of many famous journalists.

However, Inoue Naomi was only a trainee reporter, and her goal now was to gain a firm foothold in the journalism industry and have a certain level of popularity and influence.

Perhaps she would be like those famous journalists in the future, chasing the truth and reporting the facts, but …… not now ……

A hungry man has no business picking at his food.

Luke had been scrutinizing her.

She had a feeling that whenever she had a hint of hesitation, Luke might find someone to replace her.

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