Chapter 535

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:15:54
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The Sowet neighborhood.

It was a typical black neighborhood with dirty highways, dilapidated houses, and unkept lawns with trash piled up in the yards.

The only place with a nice environment and greenery was the park on the east side of the community.

In the evening, the community park was blaring with dynamic music, and a party was going on on the lawn, with a row of tables with food, fruit, and liquor set up in the southeast corner, and a large number of black people gathered around.

They were gathered in groups to talk, drink, and twist their bodies to the music, and everyone looked like they were enjoying themselves.

A black man with dirty braids jumped onto a stool and slapped his hands, “Hey ladies and gentlemen, stop for a moment and listen to what I have to say.”

A portion of the crowd looked over at the dirty braided man, while others either chatted or immersed themselves in the music, twisting and turning rhythmically, the black man’s sense of music comes with its own flair.

Not satisfied with this, the dirty braided man turned off the stereo and the entire party immediately quieted down as he shouted again, “Guys, before the party officially starts, I’d like to say a few words, it won’t take long.”

A disgruntled man wearing sunglasses said, “Come on, Tommy, you asshole is trying to make a scene again.”

The dirty braided man wiggled the fingers of his right hand, “No No No, I’m not the one who should be in the limelight today.

Ladies and gentlemen, I just want to ask a few questions, you just have to answer me.

Did you guys have a good time today?”

“Yes.” A sparse response rang out from the party.

The dirty braided man put the palm of his right hand to his ear, “I can’t hear you guys, so you need to speak louder.

Who invited you guys to the party today?”

The crowd shouted, “Shelda.”

“Who threw the party?”


“Who provided the food and drinks?”


“So, who do you have to thank most for tonight?”


The dirty braided man pointed aside to the black man with the gold chain, “Who is he?”


“That’s right, he’s the host of the party, how about we let him say a few words?”


“Fine by me.”

“Oooooh, Kjeldahl ……”

The dirty braided man waved at Shelda, “Come on, man, don’t be shy. This is your home turf today.”

Shelda smiles and nods to the crowd, “Hey guys, glad you could make it to my party.

There’s plenty of food and booze to go around tonight and I hope you all have a fun night.” Serdar taps his chest and points to the crowd around him, “I like you guys.”

The dirty braided man waved, “Let me get a chant going, Shelda!”


The black man’s name echoed through the park.

Not far away, in a black SUV car.

David cursed, “FUCK! Are they a bunch of idiots? Just having a crap party and making it look like they’ve taken over the White House.

It feels like my IQ has been brought down.”

Luke laughed, “If these guys were in their right mind, they wouldn’t be able to do what they did by robbing and killing a prison guard.”

David laughed, “Sounds like a good point.

Do I need to chant your name?”

Luke gave a middle finger, “Get to work.”

“Guys, get to work.” Luke spoke into the intercom, then opened the door and stepped out of the car.

One by one, the officers got out of the car and entered the community park from all directions.

At first, Luke was worried that Shelda would be alerted and run away, but to his surprise, he had walked over to the party scene, where Shelda was still serving beer and teasing a couple of black women.

“Hey you white boys, this is no place for you, leave now.” The dirty braided man saw Luke and the others and came over with a wobbly hand, pointing his finger at Luke and the others, and

“Don’t make me say it a second time, or else, you’ll all end up miserable.”

David rubbed his nose and mocked, “Jesus Christ, I’m going to piss myself.”

“Haha ……,” several of the officers laughed along with him.

“FUCK! How dare you assholes mock me, I’ll make you pay!” The dirty braided man seemed to feel insulted and flashed the gun pinned in his waist, “Apologize to me immediately or else ……”

“With a wow …… sound, the surrounding police officers pulled out their pistols in unison and pointed them at the dirty braided man.


“Hands on your head, don’t move!”

“Be honest or I’ll shoot!”

The dirty braided man looked at the several pistols pointed at him and was immediately stunned, his legs kept shaking.

The blacks at the party also ducked aside in fear, and a few of the female blacks let out shrieks of terror.

For his part, Serdar looked at the several gun-toting officers with a horrified expression, took a few steps back, turned around and ran.

However, before he could run a few steps, he was blocked by Blacky and Jackson: “LAPD!

Serdar, you’re under arrest.”

Under the blackened muzzles, Serdar had no choice but to raise his hands, “How did you find me?”

Blackie walked over to him, handcuffed him, and laughed, “Could hear those idiots yelling your name from miles away.

By the way, your name sucks.

It smells like shit.”

Serdar “……”

Not far away, the dirty braided man was also being escorted to the car, he struggled and shouted, “Why are you arresting me?”

David pushed him into the car, “Because you’re resisting arrest with a gun.”

“I didn’t know you guys were cops.”

David just slammed the car door, he didn’t care, he was here anyway, if he could arrest one more, it wouldn’t be wrong to arrest all the guys from this party back.

Robbery and Murder Division, interrogation room.

After returning to the police station, Luke directly arraigned Serdar Carr.

Serdar Carr glared at Luke and the others and said in dissatisfaction, “You guys messed up my party.”

Luke laughed, “You’re right, I’m thinking about bringing in everyone from the park so you guys can keep partying in jail.”

“You can’t do that to me!”

“What to do to you then, chant your name like those idiots.”

“Haha ……,” said an amused Black.

Serdar Kal showed an angry look, “Why are you arresting me? Better give me a reasonable explanation, otherwise, my lawyer will definitely sue you guys.”

“Do you know Latifa Gallo?”

Serdar Carr bristled, “I do know someone named Latifa Gallo, but I’m not sure if we’re talking about the same person.”

Luke pulled out a picture of Latifah Gallo, “Recognize her?”

“Yes, I used to serve time in prison and she was a prison guard.”

“It looks like something bad happened between the two of you in prison and that’s why you took revenge on her.”

“No, we had a good relationship and I didn’t retaliate against her.”

“Have you met recently?”



“The afternoon before last.”

“Where did you meet?”

“That’s my private business, why should I tell you. Just because Latifah Gallo and I are friends?”

Luke pulled out a screenshot of the video, “Is this black Chevy sedan yours?”


“This car went to Latifah Gallo’s house the afternoon before last.”

Serdar Carr shrugged, “So what? I was just visiting her at her house.”

“Are you guys that close?”

“She’s a very hospitable person, if you don’t believe me, you can ask her.”

“You killed Latifa Gallo, and now that you’re dead, you can naturally say whatever you want.”

“WHAT? Latifa Gallo is dead!”

Luke said, “Don’t act all innocent, I know you did it.”

“No, I didn’t kill her.

You guys are scamming me ……

She’s not even dead, is she?”

Luke pulled out the picture of Latifah Gallo in the morgue and put it in front of Serdar Carr, “Let me help you remember.”

Serdar Carr’s mouth dropped open, “Jesus Christ, she’s actually dead!”

“You’re a good actor, but that doesn’t prove? your innocence.

Why did you kill her?”

“I didn’t kill her!”

“Then what were you doing at her house?”

“I …… I’m a little short of money lately, and I want to find her to borrow some money.”

Xiao Hei bristled, “A prisoner borrowing money from a prison guard, this is the best joke I’ve heard this year.”

“I admit I made mistakes in the past, but I’ve corrected them now, and Latifa Gallo and I are now very close friends.

I’m in some trouble right now and she’s offered to help me out of it.”

Black asked, “How much did she lend you?”

“Twenty thousand dollars.”

“Wow. That’s not a small amount of money.”

“I know, that’s why I’m grateful to her too.”

Black taunted, “Grateful enough to invite your foxy friends to a party and have them chant your name.”

“Hey, I’m not who you guys think I am.

Why do you have to picture me as a bad guy, if you guys have already decided that I’m a bad guy, then there’s no point in me saying anything.”

Luke stared at the other man’s cheek, “When did you offer to borrow money from Latifa Gallo?”

“It was the afternoon before last.”

“Did you get her permission before you went to her house.”

“Of course; I don’t venture to break into people’s houses.”

“How did you get permission? Or rather, by what means did you contact her?”

“Cell phone.”

“What’s your cell phone number?”

“310 376 2523.”

“When did you contact each other and who initiated the call? How many times were you contacted?”

Hearing Luke’s cross-examination, Shelda Carr’s forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat and she said somewhat nervously, “I can’t remember.”

“That’s okay, we can check the call logs.

If what you say is true, this will be evidence that you are friends.

If it’s false, it means you’re lying, you broke in illegally, tied up Latifa Gallo with a rope, brutally murdered her, and ransacked her house.”

“I did not, you are making false accusations.”

Luke pressed the communicator on the interrogation table and instructed, “Ramon, request a search warrant to go to Serdar Carr’s home to find evidence of his murder and robbery.”

“Yes, sir.”

Luke looked at Serdar Carr again, “As far as I can tell, not only was Latifah Gallo’s house robbed of twenty thousand dollars, but her jewelry as well.

It’s possible she could have borrowed the money, but she would never have given her jewelry away.

Have you seen any of that jewelry of hers?”

After a long time, Serdar Carr lowered her head and showed a remorseful look, “I …… didn’t kill her.”

Luke coldly said, “You just said a bunch of shit and kept lying, do you think I will believe you again?”

“I’m telling the truth, she was fine when I left, I swear to God.”

Luke stared at him and said with a straight face, “If you want to prove you didn’t kill anyone, tell me the whole story in detail.

Don’t lie, don’t challenge the police with your pathetic IQ.

All you have to do is tell one lie and all your confessions will be overturned.”

Serdar Carr tightened his thick lips, anger written all over his dark face.

Luke said, “My colleagues have already gone to search your home, and even if you don’t tell us, when we find the evidence, we can convict you just the same.”

Serdar Carr rubbed his cheeks with his hands, “I …… I’ve been short of money lately.

I’ve been out for a while, but …… so many things have changed.

I don’t seem to fit in with everything around me, there’s no one to bring me along for the ride to make money anymore, my former minions have followed someone else, and everyone avoids me as if I have a contagious disease.

I can’t even afford to pay this month’s rent, so I’m trying to make a fortune to show those who are waiting for a joke that I’m still the same person I used to be.

No, I’m fiercer than ever.”

Shelda Carr pinched her forehead and let out a long sigh, “The afternoon before last, I drove near a bank to get some extra money.

As a result, saw an unexpected person, Mbak Etta.

This white-skinned pig used to serve time in a prison with me, and we didn’t have many fights.” Shelda Karr pointed to her forehead.

“He’s the one who left this scar, and I hate the bastard. So I picked him as a target to get money and revenge.

I followed him in my car, never found the right opportunity to strike, and followed him to a motel.

That’s where I met another unexpected person, Latifah Gallo.

That’s right, I can’t forget this woman for the life of me, snarky, mean, stone-faced all the time, moving the rules as if she owned all of Los Angeles.

I was targeted by her a lot when I was in prison.” Serdar Carr showed a mocking look, “This world is amazing, why are the two of them together ……

I knew that there was something going on with these two assholes.

In associating with the past in prison, every time I clashed with Mbak Etta, Latifa Gallo would target me.

I understood, Latifa Garo and Mbak Etta were in cahoots, the pair of dogs had always been in collusion.

The money that Mbak Etta had withdrawn was supposedly for Latifa Gallo.

The more I think about it, the angrier I get, and I vow to teach them some lessons.” Shelda Carr clenched her fists, her eyes and nostrils widened, “About three o’clock, Latifa Gallo came out of the motel.

She had her hair down and I knew that the sons of bitches had definitely done it.

After that, I followed Latifa Gallo all the way back to her home, where I jumped in through the window and held her hostage with a pistol.

Then I tied her hands and robbed her family’s belongings, along with the twenty thousand dollars.

I warned her not to call the police or I would tell them about her dealings with Mbak Etta, at which point she would surely go to jail.

I know exactly how prison guards are treated when they go to jail, and she is dead.

So, I’m sure she won’t call the police.”

Luke didn’t know whether to call him bold or simple-minded when he heard this flawed modus operandi: “Even if Latifa Gallo doesn’t dare to call the police, aren’t you afraid that her family will?”

“I didn’t use handcuffs, I just tied her with a rope, she should have a way to get rid of the rope when I leave.” Serdar Carr rubbed his chin with his right hand, “Look, I did take twenty thousand dollars and some jewelry, but I didn’t kill her.”

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