Chapter 536

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:15:56
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Luke kept his eyes on Serdar Carr, seeing no obvious signs of lying, and if what he said was true, then Latifah Gallo would have been killed after he left.

This did match the confession of Latifah Gallo’s daughter, Theresa Louise.

Luke focused his inquiry on the time, “What time did you arrive at Latifah Gallo’s house?”

Serdar Carr thought for a moment, “Maybe 3:40 to 3:50, I can’t remember.”

“What time did you leave?”

“Ten minutes past four.”

“Was there anyone else in Latifa Gallo’s house during this time?”


“Did anyone contact Latifa Gallo?”


“Think about it, we need you to give us a lead on Latifa Gallo’s killer.”

“I really don’t know, it was my first time robbing a prison guard’s house too, I was particularly nervous and felt stupid in the head.”

“Did you take the surveillance from Latifa Gallo’s house?”

“What surveillance? Did she have surveillance at her house? I don’t know.”

“Have you seen the golf clubs in Latifa Gallo’s house?”

“No, I’m not interested in that stuff, old men play that kind of stuff, I prefer something confrontational, like basketball.

I was pretty good at basketball, almost made varsity in high school.”

Not interested in his high school stuff, Luke continued, “Are you sure you left Latifah Gallo’s house by ten minutes past four?”


“And after you got out of Latifah Gallo’s house?”

“I just drove off.”

Luke didn’t like this guy, but his words still had some credibility, and before that, Luke had checked the Latifa Gallo’s home community surveillance, but it didn’t trace Shelda Carr’s car.

The reason was simple: the time when Shelda Carr left was not within the time of the crime.

Police speculated that Latifa Gallo’s time of death was between 4:30 and 6:00 pm.

Of course, the time of death does not equal the time of the crime, the time of the crime has to be pushed back, and as a general rule, 4:10 would also be in the police lineup.

However, one of the clues led the police to determine the time of the crime after 4:40 pm.

This clue comes from Latifa Gallo’s daughter Theresa Louise, according to Theresa Louise’s statement, she took the school bus home at 4:20, when everything was normal at home, and Latifa Gallo did not suffer an attack, after that, she quarreled with Latifa Gallo because of some trivial matters, and left the house at about 4:40.

According to Theresa Louise’s statement, Latifa Gallo had not yet suffered an attack at 4:40, and the robbers would not have left, which misled the police in their judgment of the time of the crime, and also led to problems with the suspect vehicle.

Matthew also checked the surveillance of Latifa Gallo’s house, and the Chevrolet sedan driven by Shelda Carr did enter the victim’s neighborhood at three forty-six and left the neighborhood at four twelve, which matched his statement, which meant that Latifa Gallo had already suffered an attack at that time.

Theresa Lewis lied.

In fact, Theresa Louise had a time of commission, it was only because she was Latifa Gallo’s daughter and was still young that the police did not make her a suspect.

Now, she lied.

Neither age nor mother-daughter relationship could serve as her talisman.

Luke then arranges tasks to have Theresa Louise brought under control, while on the other hand, he searches for more evidence to either rule out Theresa Louise’s suspicion of committing the crime, or to convict her.

Luke rehashed the crime, assuming that Theresa Louise was the murderer, she should have seen a bound Latifah Gallo when she returned home.

She had a conflict with Latifah Gallo, killed Latifah Gallo, and took the evidence of the murder and the pinhole camera with her.

Her next movements are significant, supposedly to hide the evidence of the crime, before returning home at six o’clock to report the crime.

Luke focused his next line of investigation on Theresa Louise’s whereabouts from four forty to six o’clock, figuring out her whereabouts during this time might lead to some key evidence.

The suspect may lie to the police if he wants to cover up the evidence, but the suspect’s words usually have a mixture of truth and falsehood so that he can fool the police.

If the suspect was making things up without any basis, the police would be able to recognize it at a glance.

Luke revisited Theresa Louise’s statement, according to which she had left her home at 4:40 and she had asked a classmate to go to a nearby community park.

Theresa Louise’s classmate and the community park likewise became the focus of the police lineup.

The following day.

Robbery-Murder Division, Lounge.

Alec Wyatt looked at the familiar lounge and looked a little uneasy, standing up and walking around.

In the morning, he received a call from the police that there was a new development in his wife’s case and asked him to bring his stepdaughter, Theresa Louise, to the police station.

He didn’t know what the police were up to this time, but he always had the feeling that there was something wrong with the way they were looking at him.

“Hey, DAD, can you stop walking around? My head is spinning from you.”

“Okay, baby.” Alec Wyatt answered and was about to say something when the door to the lounge was pushed open.

Luke, Jackson, and Black walked into the lounge.

Alec Wyatt stood up once again, “Captain Lee, how is the case investigation going?”

“Not bad, we have found your wife’s killer.”

“Thank you, thank you so much.” Alec Wyatt’s complexion was a bit complicated as he pursued, “Why did that person kill my wife?”

“Why don’t you ask her yourself? Maybe you already know.”

Alec Wyatt spread his hands, “What do you mean? You guys don’t still suspect I had something to do with my wife’s death!”

Luke stared at Alec Wyatt, “You really don’t know who the killer is?”

“I swear, I really don’t know. Who the hell killed my wife?”

Luke points to Theresa Lewis, “It was her.”

Alec Wyatt followed Luke’s finger and was surprised, “Come on, you’re not kidding.”

“Why don’t you ask her yourself?”

Alec Wyatt stared at his stepdaughter, “Theresa, what the hell is going on?”

Theresa Lewis shrugged her shoulders, “It’s simple, they couldn’t catch Mom’s killer, so they tried to pin it on me.”

Alec Wyatt breathed a sigh of relief and said to Luke, “Captain Lee, I respect you.

But please take back what you just said, that kind of accusation is too heavy for a child.

The one who died was her mother, how could she be the murderer.”

Luke said, “According to our investigation, she was the only person who had been in the house during the time period of the murder.”

Alec Wyatt argued, “I went to the house too and it was clearly the scene of a robbery.

Theresa went home and went to the park with her classmates, that would have been the time someone went in to rob the house.”

“No, according to our investigation, the robbery took place before Theresa came home, when Latifa Gallo was tied up by the robbers.

Theresa killed Latifa Gallo before she went out to play.”

Theresa Louise’s eyes were red with sobs, “How could you do this to me, it was my mother who died, and you are calling me a murderer, how could I have killed my own mother.

You guys are just crazy.”

Alec Wyatt also revealed an angry look, “Captain Li, please retract the accusation you just made, otherwise, I can only call my lawyer.”

“Shut up, you just need to stay honestly on the sidelines.” Luke chortled and looked across the room at Theresa Louise, “We found your classmate, and he admitted to hanging out with you on the day of the murder.

According to him, you met at five o’clock and separated at five-fifty.

If, however, you left the house at 4:40, you had only 20 minutes to hide the evidence of the murder.

So I guessed that the place where you hid the evidence couldn’t be too far away, probably in the neighborhood park.

I had someone with a police dog go to the park to investigate, and I did find some items, would you like to see them?”

Theresa Louise’s face was a ghastly white and her lips trembled badly.

Alec Wyatt looked at his stepdaughter, “Theresa, what is he talking about? Tell me you had nothing to do with your mother’s death.”

“I gave you a chance.”

Luke waited a moment and pulled a clear bag from the bag beside him containing a bloody dress, “Does this dress look familiar?”

Theresa Lewis just looked at it and averted her eyes as if she had seen something horrible.

Alec Wyatt, on the other hand, picked up the bag to check it out, “This is ……,” he looked at Theresa Louise again, “Theresa, this is your dress, and this has blood on it.”

“We’ve done the identification, it’s your wife’s blood on it.”

Alec Wyatt’s eyes widened and he was silent for a moment, “Could it be that Theresa got blood on it when she went to hold my wife after she was injured.”

Luke shook his head, “Not in the first place, if it was what you say it was, she would have had no chance to hide the bloody clothes, and, there was no need to hide them in the park.

More importantly, the blood on it wasn’t stained, it was spattered when the victim was struck.

This means that she was at the scene when your wife was killed, and was wearing this very dress.”

Alec Wyatt sat down a little weakly in his chair and grasped his stepdaughter’s shoulders, “Theresa, tell me that’s not true.”

Theresa Louise glanced at Alec Wyatt and then glared hard at Luke.

Luke wasn’t going to spoil her and continued, “We also found some other items in the park, such as a pinhole camera and a flash drive, would you guys like to take a look?”

“No, I don’t want to!” Theresa Lewis exclaimed.

“It’s not up to you.” Luke waved his hand.

Black opened a tablet and tapped on the playback software.

Theresa Lewis waved her hand, “Don’t play it, I admit it, I killed her!”

Alec Wyatt also looked shocked and took two steps back, “Theresa, how could you?”

“She made me do it.”

Theresa Louise showed a crazed look, tears sliding down her cheeks, “That pervert installed cameras in our home, monitoring our every move, she treats us like prisoners and wants to imprison us for the rest of our lives.

Only by killing her can we gain true freedom.”

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