Chapter 539

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:16:04
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Golden Capital Restaurant.

Not far from the restaurant, there was a 24-hour automatic parking lot.

A Mercedes Benz drove into the parking lot, and the direction of the front end of the car happened to be facing the Golden Capital Restaurant.

Zhang Jianmin sat in the driver’s side, looking towards the Golden Capital Restaurant from time to time, “Brother, it should be this restaurant, right?”

Zhang Jianguo swept his cell phone, “It’s here, the address and restaurant name are correct.”

Zhang Jianmin frowned, “Why find such a remote restaurant, can this business be good?”

Zhang Jianguo gazed out the window, “We’re here to talk about business, not to eat, what do we care about business?”

Zhang Jianmin lowered his voice and said worriedly, “I’m not worried that this is a black store.”

Zhang Jianguo took a deep breath, as if cheering himself up, “Whether it’s a black store or not, we’re not afraid of them this time.”

Zhang Jianmin took a look at his watch, “It’s almost time, how come Mr. Li and the others are still not here, should we rush them again?”

Zhang thought for a moment, “I just contacted Mr. Li, he told me to rest assured that there will be no delay in the negotiations.”

After another moment, Zhang Jianmin glanced down at his watch, “Brother, the agreed time is up, should I contact Mr. Li again?”

Zhang picked up his phone, hesitated for a while, and eventually put it down, “Mr. Li is not the kind of person who does things unreliably, he should have something in mind, let’s go in first.”

“Just the two of us going in, there won’t be any danger, right?” Zhang Jianmin was a bit put off.

“Then I’ll go alone, you wait for them here.” Zhang Jianguo opened the car door and directly got out of the car.

Seeing his brother go alone, Zhang Jianmin slammed his right fist on the steering wheel, got out of the car, and chased after him.

The brothers entered the restaurant, it was only after ten in the morning, there were no customers to be seen in the restaurant, there was an Asian woman sitting behind the counter, and said in a perfunctory tone, “The back kitchen hasn’t been cleaned up yet, you can’t order until eleven o’clock.”

“Is Mr. Zhao from Jin Lang Building Material Company here? He’s the one who asked us to come here.”

The Asian woman stood up and pointed to the back, “Mr. Zhao is in the private room on the second floor, just go up the stairs.”

“Thanks.” Zhang Jianguo politely said, and went up the stairs with his brother one after the other.

After turning the corner of the stairs, a flower-armed youth stopped the two, “Are you guests of Mr. Zhao?”

“Yes, you smoke.” Zhang took out a box of Huazi and handed it to the other party.

The flower-armed youth took the cigarette and signaled the two to lie on the wall, “I want to search you.”

Zhang Jianmin was dissatisfied, “Why do you need a body search?”

“You spicy next door, where are so many why? Tell you to get down and get down, don’t refuse to eat the penalty wine.”

Zhang Jianguo gave his brother a wink, two people honestly as ordered to lie down on the wall, flower-armed man searched before letting them go upstairs: “208 rooms, do not go wrong.”

Zhang Jianmin wiped a handful of sweat on his forehead, and had a feeling that he had entered a den of thieves.

Zhang walked to the door of the 208 private room and knocked on the door, “Knock knock.”

“Come in.”

Zhang Jianguo took a deep breath and pushed the door into the private room.

The private room was very spacious, with curtains drawn and lights on, there was a large round table with a seating capacity of ten, beside the round table stood a small young man in his early twenties, wearing a white tight undershirt, wearing earrings, with a flowing look, most likely a small gangster.

Next to the round table sat two men in their thirties, one of them was Mr. Zhao, the person in charge of Jin Lang Building Material Company, with a small mustache, looking exceptionally shrewd.

Next to him sat a big man with a very strong body, a cigarette in his mouth, his head lowered, and a pile of parts sitting on the table in front of him.

Zhang didn’t care too much about it at first, but when he took a closer look, it was actually a pistol’s parts.

Only to see that the man with a cigarette in his mouth was assembling the pistol unhurriedly, the ‘clicking ……’ sound of assembling made Zhang Jianguo sit on pins and needles, he looked at the man with a moustache, “Mr. Zhao, it’s been a long time. ”

The man known as General Manager Zhao said in a conspiratorial manner, “Yo, General Manager Zhang, it’s rare that you still recognize me, I thought you you had forgotten me.”

“How could I.” Zhang revealed a pleasing look and looked at the man assembling the pistol, “What is this boss’s name?”

Mr. Zhao slapped his head and laughed, “Look at my memory, I forgot to introduce you guys.

This is Master Liu, the big brother of the ‘Asian Boys’ gang, a big name in the Los Angeles gangs, and the major shareholder behind our Golden Lang Building Materials Company.

Didn’t you want to talk to someone who can make a deal?

I purposely invited him here today, so if you have any ideas or requests, just talk to him.

However, let me remind you brothers first, Master Liu’s temper isn’t very good, if you make him unhappy, no one will be happy.”

Zhang Jianguo said cautiously, “Master Liu, Mr. Zhao, you two know very well that the market conditions are not very good lately, and the company’s efficiency is not high, and our company is also a bit unable to make ends meet.

In order to alleviate the company’s financial pressure, we also pulled an investment, increased the two company shareholders.

This company is now also not our brothers say, but also have to listen to the views of the two shareholders.”

Mr. Zhao pulled up his tone, “So, it’s your company’s new shareholders who have a view on our Jin Lang Building Material Company and don’t want to cooperate?”

“No, no, there is no opinion, I just think that the price of building materials is on the high side, and the quality of building materials will be checked again.”

Mr. Zhao laughed coldly, “Old Zhang, we’ve been working together for three years, why didn’t you guys say that the price was high and the quality was problematic before?

Now that your company has developed, you’re playing tricks with me and want to kick our Jinlang company out.

That’s not how things work.”

Zhang Jianguo said, “Mr. Zhao, we signed a three-year contract and we have fulfilled it.

There is no such thing as who kicked who away ……”

“Click ……”

The sound of a bullet being loaded interrupted Zhang Jianguo’s words.

The person known as Master Liu had already assembled the pistol and raised it to aim at Zhang Jianguo and then at Zhang Jianmin, causing the two brothers to cower, not daring to breathe.

Zhang Jianguo forced out a smile, “Master Liu, let’s talk things over, don’t go off.”

Master Liu played with the gun in his hand, “I don’t know how to do business, but I know one thing.

If you want to get involved, you have to be righteous.

You help me, I help you, so that we can grow bigger and stronger.

The company just made a little money, just for some petty profits to engage in infighting, backstabbing, this kind of person’s fate is usually not too good, what do you say?”

Looking at the gun in Master Liu’s hand, the Zhang brothers were sweating coldly, this kind of naked threat made both brothers a bit intimidated, chills running down their spines.

They couldn’t afford to mess with Master Liu, much less the gang behind him.

Mr. Zhao laughed, “Mr. Zhang, Master Liu is asking you?”

Zhang smiled and said, “We’ll go back and discuss this with the other two shareholders.”

Seeing that both brothers were intimidated, Mr. Zhao was ready to strike while the iron was hot: “Why go back, why don’t you just call them in and talk to them face to face, and if you have any opinions, you can also mention them.”

Just at this moment, a sound came faintly from outside the private room.

A white bald burly man quickly walked into the Golden Capital Restaurant, muttering, “Damn, is this the Asian kid’s new den? It’s actually so hard to find.”

The Asian woman sitting at the front desk, “Sir, we’re not officially open yet.”

“I’m from Zhang’s Construction Company.”

“They’re in the private room on the second floor.”

“Thanks.” The white man was none other than David, who had come to the negotiations.

He was a little annoyed because he had spent some time looking for the restaurant.

David went up the stairs and was stopped by the man with the flowery arms, condescendingly saying, “Who are you?”

David looked at him, “And who are you? Why are you in my way?”

The flower-armed man raised his right arm, displaying the tattoo on his right arm.

David raised an eyebrow, “Asian boy, looks like I’ve come to the right place, I’m a shareholder of Zhang’s construction company and I’m here for a business meeting.”

The flower-armed man pointed at the wall, “Down there?”

David shrugged, “Why?”

“Because I’m going to frisk you, white boy.”

David laughed, “You’re going to frisk me?”

“What’s the problem?”

“I don’t think you’re qualified.” David’s words fell and he continued up the stairs.

“FUCK! Can’t you understand human language?” The flower-armed man reached out with his left hand and pushed it into David’s chest.

David’s right hand grabbed his opponent’s left finger and broke it with force: “Ah ……” The flower-armed man screamed miserably, his body twisting with the direction of David’s breaking and tearing finger.

David’s left hand clenched his fist and punched his opponent’s stomach, the flower-armed man curled up in pain.

“Ah …… you asshole white man, how dare you sneak up on me.” The flower-armed man grimaced in pain, just about to get up and retaliate, he felt a coldness in his head, and looked up to see a black pistol pressed against his head.

David brought his badge to his chest with his left hand nonchalantly, “You asshole want to assault a police officer? I wouldn’t mind putting a hole in your head.”

“SORRY, Sir, I didn’t know you were a police officer and didn’t mean to offend you.” The flower-armed man immediately wimped out and swallowed his expletives.

“Get lost!”

The flower-armed man was as if he had been pardoned and was ready to run back to the booth to report the incident.

David yanked him by the collar and yanked back so hard that the flower-armed man rolled straight down the stairs and

“Kid, you are also too careless.”

“Bang bang ……”

Flower-armed man rolled down the stairs, grimacing in pain, looked upwards, saw the bald man with a gun on himself, and was so scared that he turned around and ran.

The flower arm man just ran outside the restaurant and shouted, “The police are coming, there are police!”

David ignored him, went straight up to the second floor, kicked open the door of the private room and


“FUCK! Which idiot found the restaurant, the room smells like shit.”

The few people in the private room all turned their heads to look at David.

Master Liu had already put his pistol away when he heard his little brother’s greeting, and looked at the police badge on David’s chest, his gaze narrowing slightly, “Sir, what’s the matter?”

David looked at Zhang: “Sorry for being late, this place is as hard to find as a rat’s nest.”

“Not late, not late, just right.” Zhang Jianguo hurriedly got up and walked over to David’s side and reminded him in a low voice, “Captain David, that burly man’s name is Liu, he’s from the Asian Boys gang, he has a gun!”

David directly raised his gun and pointed it at Master Liu: “Do you want to assault the police?”

Master Liu hurriedly raised his hands high, “No, Sir! I’m here to talk business.”

“Then why are you carrying a gun?”

“I …… am used to it.”

“So am I.” David put away his gun, pulled up a chair and sat down, raising his chin, “Let the irrelevant people out, let’s sit down and talk business.”

Master Liu made a color and a sidekick left the private room.

Mr. Zhao looked at David and then questioned Zhang Jianguo, “Mr. Zhang, we are here to talk business, what do you mean by calling the police?”

Zhang Jianguo laughed, “Mr. Zhao, you misunderstood, I didn’t call the police, this gentleman is one of the shareholders who invested in our company.

The cooperation with the company will also require his nod before it’s done.”

Mr. Zhao froze, seemingly not expecting Brother Zhang Jianguo to come up with this.

David pointed at the two people across from him, “Mr. Zhang, introduce me.”

“Okay.” Zhang Jianguo answered and pointed at the moustache, “This is Mr. Zhao from Golden Lang Building Material Company.

This is the big brother of the Asian Kid Gang and the major shareholder of the Golden Lang Building Materials Company.”

David looked at Master Liu: “How come I didn’t know that Asian Boy had another big brother?”

Master Liu smiled sarcastically, “It’s all nonsense from them, I’m just a mid-level of the gang.”

David looked at the other man, “You seem a bit familiar, have we met before?”

Master Liu looked at this white burly man, some bad memories surfaced in his mind, his forehead unknowingly broke out in cold sweat, “Yes, Captain David.

Some time ago, I was arrested once by the people from the Anti-Triad and Anti-Narcotics Division, and it was you who led the team.”

“This world this is magic, we’re actually sitting together today to talk business.” David smiled and spread his hands, “OK, keep talking, I want to hear it too.”

David’s appearance directly broke the situation just now, and the crowd was silent.

The Zhang brothers didn’t want to talk.

The other party did not dare to talk.

After a moment of stalemate, David glanced at his watch, “Gentlemen, let’s not waste any more time.

If you talk, hurry up and talk.

If you don’t talk, I’m leaving.”

Master Liu couldn’t wait for the other party to hurry up and leave, shaking his head, “I don’t know much about business either, Mr. Zhao, what do you think?”

The one surnamed Zhao saw that his backer had wimped out, what idea could he have, “Mr. Zhang, what do you think?”

Zhang did not respond.

David became more and more impatient, “Dilly-dallying, since you don’t want to talk about it, then don’t talk about it.

General Manager Zhang, let’s go.”

David stood up, walked over to Master Liu, and warned, “I’ve invested money in Zhang’s construction company, if you want to cooperate, I welcome it.

But if you send people to make trouble and find trouble again, affecting my ability to make money ……

you know the consequences.

Also, stay away from their brothers, if anything happens to their brothers or family members, I will count it on you.


Master Liu assured, “Yes.

I also don’t want to deal with the police, and since Zhang’s Construction Company has your shares, I won’t have any more dealings with this company.” He then looked at the moustache guy on the side, “Mr. Zhao, don’t contact Zhang’s Brothers Construction Company anymore in the future.”

Mr. Zhao looked nervous to, “Good, our contract has expired and will not be renewed.”

David pointed a finger at him, “Remember what you said.”

Master Liu wanted to say something, “Can I ask who the other shareholder of Zhang’s construction company is?”

“Huh.” David laughed and patted his cheek.

“Are you worthy?”

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