Chapter 546

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:16:21
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“Oooh ……”

A cry came from the office of the First Squadron of the Robbery and Murder Division, the wife of the deceased came to the police station early in the morning to inquire about the case.

When she learned that her husband had lost his job half a year ago, she was first a little incredulous, and then burst into tears.

After a while, the other party’s crying gradually stopped, Luke asked, “About your husband’s resignation, you did not notice it before?”

“No, he never said anything about leaving his job.”

“Sometimes it’s hard for a man to say something directly when he’s in a difficult situation, and there will be some tentative words.

For example, I’ve been working a lot lately and I’m not happy doing it.

I’d like to change jobs, what do you think?” Luke added, “Your husband left his job six months ago, and these words may have been said recently or a few months ago, so think carefully.”

“My mind is a mess right now and I can’t remember.” Christian Horn pressed his forehead and choked, “We’re a couple, we should face whatever it is together.

For something as big as quitting his job, he should have discussed it with me beforehand, instead of lying to me all the time and pretending that he was still working at the travel agency.

For six whole months, I had no idea.

It was wrong of him to do that, and I feel like a fool, a complete fool.”

The lieutenant frowned and spread his hands, “Ma’am, this is not the time to point fingers at your husband, your husband is dead.

And, he should have been under a great deal of stress before he died.

A middle-aged man who has lost his job is like having his spine broken, and I’m sure that all that was on his mind at the last moment was this family, all you and the children.

If he was beside God and heard you say this …… it would break his heart.”

Christian Horn questioned aloud, “What about me? Am I not sad now?

I don’t even know why he died until now? Don’t even know if he killed himself, or if he was killed? Can you guys tell me?”

The lieutenant showed no weakness, “We just took over your husband’s case yesterday, we don’t know his character, we don’t know his past, and we are trying to investigate.

And you were his wife, you saw him every day, lived in the same room with him, you should know him best.

Whether he committed suicide, or murder, you should be the one who knows best.”

Christian Horn wiped a handful of tears from her eyes and looked at the white-haired and neutral old man and said feebly, “I didn’t come here to argue with you.

You’re right, I know my husband ……

No, I don t know if I really know him now.

If …… he is still the same person I know, he will never kill himself.

He would have been killed.”

Luke interjected, “Ma’am, I can understand how you feel, I have a few more questions for you.”

Christian Horn glared at the lieutenant and said, “Ask away, I’d rather talk to you too.”

“You never realized that your husband resigned from the travel agency?”


“And how did you keep up with the family expenses? Or did your husband have an income during this time?”

“He did say that the travel agency was not doing well and his income was a bit lower than before, but the difference wasn’t very big, about 80 or 90% of his previous income.

I thought it was just temporary, who knew that he had left his job.

I now also want to know where he got that money from.”

Luke pressed, “Is it possible that your husband has found a new job in the meantime?”

“I don’t know, he didn’t even tell me about his resignation, so how could he have told me that.”

“I’m not referring to him telling you, but asking you to recall if certain behaviors or items of his revealed something similar.

For example, business cards, documents or phone calls from other companies.”

“No, I have no recollection of that.”

“OK,” Luke thought for a moment, “What is your family’s financial situation?”

Christian Horn rubbed her cheeks with her hands and said helplessly, “My husband’s salary isn’t very high, and after deducting the mortgage and the family’s basic expenses, there’s no money left over, and he occasionally swipes his credit card.

That’s why I was surprised when I heard that my husband quit his job.

We don’t have any savings at all, and without that salary, we won’t be able to pay our living expenses and mortgage, and we’ll be able to live in the future ……

I really don’t dare to think about it.

That’s why I was accusing him earlier, it’s not that I don’t care about him, but this job means a lot to our family.”

Luke asked, “How many credit cards do you have in your husband’s name?”


“Do you know the status of his card usage?”

“No, I don’t.

However, neither of those cards has a high enough limit to cover our living expenses for six months.”

Luke said, “To find out the cause of your husband’s death, we first need to know what he did during this period of time, and he might have left some traces in his life even if he didn’t talk about it.

For example, friends and family around him, it’s possible that your husband confided in them or asked for help.”

Christian Horn’s eyes reddened, “I see, I’ll ask around.”

Luke said, “Contact me as soon as you have any new leads ……”

“Knock knock ……”

Just then, there was a knock on the door from outside.

Then, the medical examiner Sheila pushed the door into the office with a document in her hand, she opened her mouth as if she wanted to speak, but stopped when she saw Christian Horn.

Luke pointed to the door, “Jenny, you take Mrs. Horn to the common room.”

Jenny understood and stood up, “Ma’am, follow me.”

Christian Horn, not recognizing Sheila, followed Jenny out of the office.

Luke closed the office door and asked, “What are the results of the autopsy?”

Sheila said, “We tested the body thoroughly and the deceased died of heart failure triggered by a drug.”

“Was it poison?”

“We did not detect a lethal toxin in the deceased’s system.

I know that sounds a bit contradictory.” Sheila organized her words and explained, “Some chemicals suspected to be drugs were found in the deceased’s body, chemicals that have some effect on the body but are not lethal.

However, the deceased had also taken large amounts of alcohol and drugs during his lifetime.

These three together produced some chemical reactions that caused the deceased’s heart to fail and die.”

The lieutenant spread his hands, “That’s why many medical orders will state that no alcohol should be consumed while taking this drug.”

Sheila replied, “You’re right.”

Luke asked, “Can you surmise what the drug was based on its chemical composition?”

“The deceased took the drug yesterday, and the components of the drug have already broken down in the body, making detection difficult.

Moreover, the chemical composition of the drug is complex, I have detected five uncommon chemical components so far, and after comparison, a drug called Nebivolol antihypertensive drug contains similar four chemical components.”

The lieutenant raised one eyebrow with a backward look, “So the victim died from excessive alcohol and drug use after taking the antihypertensive?”

Sheila shrugged, “The human body is very complex, and different people taking the same medication will react differently.

Moreover, the proportions of different chemical compositions affect the body differently, and it is not yet possible to determine that what the deceased took was definitely Nebivolol antihypertensive drug.

I can only give objective data, and I’ll leave the rest to you to find out.”

Blackie thought for a moment and said, “If the deceased had high blood pressure and happened to be taking blood pressure-lowering medication, then the deceased was probably not killed.”

Jackson questioned, “But the deceased’s wife didn’t say anything about a history of drug use.”

The lieutenant bristled, “No one would want to bring the ugly side to light voluntarily.”

Black said smoothly, “If the deceased had high blood pressure and a history of drug use, it means that he probably died accidentally, so can’t we close the case.”

“We found bottles of alcohol at the scene, but no drugs. It’s unlikely that the deceased took drugs and ate the outer packaging as well, but the tech team didn’t find the outer packaging of the drugs at the scene, which means it was probably taken away.

So there could have been a second person at the scene.” Luke said this and turned to Potter, who was on the sidelines.

“You go to the common room and bring Christian Horn back, she should be aware of her husband’s health.”

“Yes, Captain.”

Porter got up and left the office.

Matthew came over, “Guys, I don’t want to interrupt your discussion of the case, but I’ve discovered a new situation that’s rather urgent.”

The lieutenant said, “So what are you waiting for.”

“I found out that Roher Horn’s Wells Fargo credit card had a charge on it ten minutes ago.”

“Ten minutes ago?”


Luke instructed, “Go find out the exact address of the purchase.”

“Okay, Captain.”

Blackie’s eyes widened, “Did he come back from the dead.”

Sheila shook her head, “No, ten minutes ago, he was lying in the morgue, not going anywhere.”

Jackson speculated, “Could it be that the person who took the drug package took Roher Horn’s credit card?

Finding this person who used the credit card might shed some light on the truth of Roher Horn’s death.”

“Bang!” Christian Horn pushed the door in with an anxious look on his face, “Have you found out who killed my husband?”

“Not yet.” Luke said in a calm tone, “However, we did just get some clues related to your husband and would like to ask you for confirmation.”

“Go ahead and ask.”

“Did your husband use drugs?”

“No, he never touched that kind of stuff, and besides, he didn’t have any money to buy drugs.”

“Does he have high blood pressure? Or, ever take similar drugs.”

“No, he was in good health.”

“Where is your husband’s Wells Fargo credit card?”

“I don’t know, the card was always used by my husband himself, it should be on him.”

The lieutenant said, “A person who doesn’t do drugs, suddenly does.

A person who doesn’t have high blood pressure, suddenly takes antihypertensive pills, and also dies because of the ingredients of these two drugs.

It’s obvious that someone was trying to fake the death as a suicide or accidental death.”

Christian Horn’s body went limp and she slumped in her chair, “Jesus Christ, who had every intention of killing my husband and why would he do it?”

The lieutenant replied, “I don’t know.

However, the man who used your husband’s credit card might know.”

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