Chapter 549

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:16:27
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Fred Kramer shook his head and sighed softly, “No.”

Luke pressed, “Do you think Roher Horn’s death had anything to do with the arson?”

Fred Kramer spread his hands, “I don’t know, I’m not even sure if Roher Horn was a drug tester for our company.

I think the case is more appropriately investigated by the police.”

Luke was not satisfied with his attitude, “Then make sure that Roher Horn is not your company’s drug trialist.”

R&D data was dead, people were alive, even if the relevant data was destroyed, Roher Horn would definitely leave traces as long as he came to Kalman Pharmaceuticals.

Fred Kramer nodded, “I’ll contact the relevant person in charge.”

Fred Kramer walked to the side, took out his cell phone to make a call, and after a while, walked over again and said, “Just a moment, I called the supervisor in charge of drug testing, you guys can ask him.

By the way, why do you guys think Roher Horn is our company’s drug tester?”

Luke took out Roher Horn’s test report and handed it to the other party.

Fred Kramer cursed after reading the test report, “FUCK, not only did this asshole get himself killed, he’s also causing trouble for our company.”

“Can you be sure?” Luke asked rhetorically.

Fred Kramer looked a little embarrassed, “The ingredients of the drug on the test report are similar to the ingredients of the antihypertensive drug we are developing ……

He shouldn’t have been drinking, much less taking drugs.

This asshole deserves absolutely no sympathy.”

Luke asked back, “Are you sure it’s not your company’s drug that’s the problem?”

“No. There was more than one test subject for this new antihypertensive drug, and this is the only one that went wrong.

Moreover, this antihypertensive drug is very effective, it is possible to completely cure high blood pressure, but it is also forbidden to drink a lot of alcohol, let alone take drugs, while taking the drug.

The repeated reminders and warnings we are given before trying the drug are simply unconscionable.” Fred Kramer became angrier and angrier as he spoke, holding his hand to his forehead.

“Our original intention of developing the new antihypertensive drug was to benefit mankind, but one trouble after another is really mind-numbing ……

very speechless.”

“Professor Kramer.”

Not far away came a white man in his thirties, with long hair, tall and somewhat slim, holding a document in his hand.

Fred Cramer beckoned, signaling the other party to come over, “Captain Lee, let me introduce to you, this is Kem Smith, the work of testing the drug is in charge of him.”

Fred Kramer added to Kem Smith, “This is Captain Lee of the Robbery and Murder Division, he would like to ask some questions about the drug testers.”

“No questions.”

Lou sized up the other man and said, “I heard that the information on the drug testers was also destroyed in last night’s fire?”

“Yes, it’s really unfortunate that all the data and information about the new drug was kept together.”

Luke asked, “I heard that your company is developing a new antihypertensive drug?”


Luke took out Roher Horn’s data, “Is he the trialist for this new drug?”

Cam Smith took the information and looked at it, “Yes, Roher Horn, I remember him.

Although the information related to his drug trial was destroyed, I still have his basic information and contact information there.”

“When was the last time you met?”

“I think it was three days ago, what happened to him?”

“He died.”

“Jesus, another piece of bad news, how did he die?”

Luke pairs the test report of Roher Horn to Kem Smith.

The other man’s face paled as he read it, “Jesus Christ, why was he drinking and using drugs!

I’ve warned him more than once before against drinking to excess and taking drugs.

He also assured me.

This was suicide on his part, definitely not a drug problem.”

Luke heard something vaguely, “You were talking about not drinking to excess, which means that it’s okay to drink even while on this new drug.”

Cam Smith thought for a moment and said, “A small amount of alcohol won’t cause much of an adverse reaction to the body.

I will personally meet each of the drug testers and instruct them on how to administer the drug, and have told them to try not to drink alcohol.

But some people still ask if they can drink small amounts of alcohol.

I have clearly told them that beer should not exceed five hundred milliliters.

No more than 100 milliliters of liquor above thirty degrees.

As long as one does not drink excessively, it is completely within the safe range.

But if you look at his test report, the alcohol content in his body is too much over the limit, and he’s also on drugs, which is completely suicidal.”

Luke asked, “Was there anything unusual about him the last time you saw him?”

“I’m sorry, I saw more than one drug tester that day and it’s impossible to memorize the expressions on each of their faces.

All I can say is that there must be nothing wrong with his health, because he has to do a thorough checkup every time he comes in.

If it was found that there was something wrong with his health, we would have definitely told him to stop taking the new antihypertensive medication.”

“You think he committed suicide?”

Kem Smith replied, “I don’t know, but from the test report, it seems that he was completely trashing his body, and even if he didn’t take the new type of antihypertensive drugs, he could still die from a drug overdose.

I dislike people or behaviors that trash their bodies like that, they don’t understand the value of health at all.”

“Do you think there’s a connection between Roher Horn’s death and last night’s arson?”

“I don’t see the connection.”

Fred Kramer patted Kem Smith’s shoulder and encouraged, “Kem Smith is a hero of our company, he was the first to arrive at the scene to put out the fire.”

Kem Smith shrugged, “I think in that situation at that time, no matter who would have done that.”

Hearing this, Luke became interested.

Roher Horn was the test person for the new antihypertensive drug, and was killed on the night of July 10th, and on the night of July 11th, the information on the new antihypertensive drug was burned.

The two cases were somehow connected, and the time of the murders was close together, so there was probably some correlation.

Even, Luke ventured to guess whether the person who set the fire and the person who killed Roher Horn were the same person.

Along this line of thought, finding the arsonist would also lead to the murderer of Rohrer Horn.

And Cam Smith, as the first person to put out the fire, his confession and description were still valuable.

Luke said, “After the police investigation, there were other people present when Roher Horn died, and he had no history of drug use, so it was probably not a suicide, it was a homicide.

I suspect that his death is related to last night’s arson.

Mr. Smith, I’d like to know something about last night’s fire.”

Cam Smith craned his head to look at Fred Kramer next to him.

Fred Kramer nodded slightly.

Cam Smith said, “Go ahead and ask.”

“What was the exact time of the fire last night?”

“It was about eleven o’clock at night.”

“Where did the fire start burning?”

“Sixth floor, lab 609, the same lab that developed the new antihypertensive drug.”

“Did you see anyone suspicious at the time?”

Cam Smith shook his head, “No.”

Luke stared at the other man’s expression and saw his eyes flickering, seeming to show signs of lying.

“Where were you when the fire started?”

“I was staying in the dorms last night, and I was in a bit of a bad mood, so I came downstairs to skate around for a bit, and then I saw a fire on the sixth floor.

I climbed upstairs to try to put out the fire ……

But the fire spread so quickly that there was nothing I could do, and besides, I could smell the accelerant.”

“Did you see the person who started the fire?”


“When did company security arrive?”

“Not long, maybe three or four minutes slower than I. They tried to put out the fire too, but it spread so fast we had to wait for the fire department.”

“Do you have any suspects as to who started the fire?”

Cam Smith thought for a moment and shook his head, “No.”

Luke saw the hesitation in his expression.

“What do you have to say about Roher Horn’s death?”

“No clue.”

“If Roher Horn was killed, do you have a suspect?”

“No, I can’t figure out who would want to kill him; he was just one of the drug testers, and even if he died, it wouldn’t affect the test drugs too much.

Of course, I’m still sorry about his death.” Cam Smith finished and frowned, “Wait, why do I feel like you’re interrogating me?”

Luke said, “Why do I get the feeling you’re deliberately hiding something?”

“I’m not, your feeling is wrong.” Cam Smith turned his head to look at Fred Kramer, “Professor Kramer, if there’s nothing else, I’ll go to work.”

“Go ahead.”

Cam Smith twisted his head and walked away, not even daring to look at Luke more than once.

Luke felt, more and more, that there was something wrong with him.

Earlier, Luke had asked if he had noticed anyone suspicious when the fire started, and his micro-expressions showed signs of lying.

Luke’s micro-expression analysis was still very practical.

Luke couldn’t possibly see through everyone lying.

But he felt that there was something wrong with a certain person, and there was a high probability that the other person was lying.

The reason is also very simple, some people are good at hiding and acting, some people have facial plastic surgery, and some people use stronger emotions to cover up the signs of lying.

Let’s say, for example, a person has been kidnapped or in a car accident, she herself is in extreme fear and panic, her emotions themselves are abnormal and extremely volatile, it is difficult to analyze whether there are signs of lying.

At this time, abnormal was normal, normal was instead abnormal.

Luke swept a glance at Fred Kramer, “You suspect him of being involved in the fire case?”

Fred Kramer froze for a moment, as if he didn’t expect Luke to inquire like this, “No, he’s a great employee and works very hard.

Captain Lee, what do you think of the arson case?”

Luke shrugged, “Similar cases should be handled by the local fire and police departments, it’s not in my jurisdiction.

Moreover, I know too little about the circumstances of the catching fire, it’s hard for me to make an accurate judgment.

My responsibility is to investigate the death of Roher Horn, and since it has now been found out that Roher Horn was working as a drug tester at the Kalman Company, and that his death is somehow related to the new antihypertensive drug.

I’d like the Kalman Company to provide relevant investigative information, such as surveillance, lists of fellow drug testers, and financial transactions.”

Fred Kramer sighed, “OK, I’ll have someone prepare it.”

After seeing Fred Kramer leave, Blackie asked, “Captain, do you think Roher Horn’s death is related to Kalman Pharmaceuticals?”

Luke thought for a moment, “Although the cause of Rohrer Horn’s death is not yet known, from the manner of his death and the case of the Kalman Corp. building catching fire, it is likely that there is some connection.”

Black speculates, “Do you think the person who killed Rohrer Horn could be the same person who set the Kalman office building on fire?”

Luke shrugged, “I can’t say for sure, maybe.”

Black suggested, “So should we take over the arson case and investigate it together?”

“Do you want to work late tonight?”

“No,” Black answered dryly.

“Then shut up.” Luke made a gagging gesture.

Although Luke had similar speculations, he wasn’t about to actively take the case on.

First of all, he suspected Cam Smith and could investigate him secretly.

Even if Roher Horn’s death was related to the arson case, Luke could work on the case jointly with the precinct department investigating the arson case.

Taking the initiative to take the case on and laboring on it had its pros and cons.

If it was a year ago, he was eager to take credit, he might have done so, but now there was no longer that need.

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