Chapter 568

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:17:22
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Early morning.

Palisades neighborhood.

After a period of drying and ventilating, the house was no longer odorless, and the furniture and appliances were complete, a few days ago, Luke had already moved into the mansion.

The appliances and furniture that Luke had purchased were all well-known brands, and he had spent nearly three hundred thousand dollars.

This was not a small amount of money, but it was worth every penny, so it was worth it in order to be able to live more comfortably.

After reconstruction and renovation, the market value of the mansion also increased, and the sale price could reach around twelve to thirteen million dollars.

Luke’s total assets rose again.

The total price of the house was indeed a bit high, but the entire villa covered an area of 40,000 square feet, roughly equivalent to more than 3,700 square meters in China, the average price was not too high, in exchange for the Magic City, which was also an international first-tier city, this price would definitely not be able to buy such a large villa.

Of course, this comparison has no practical significance, but Luke was a Chinese in his past life, and will still habitually make a comparison.

If one could have such a big mansion in Magic City, that would be a real rich man.

However, to have a mansion of his own Luke was already satisfied.

Luke sat in the courtyard of the mansion to eat breakfast, the sun is bright, birds and flowers, the greening rate of the community is extremely high, the air has a fragrance of grass and trees.

Didn’t Luke work hard for this moment of enjoyment?

Luke is on vacation today and it’s relaxing to make his own breakfast, coffee, milk, fried eggs, fried bacon, ham, oranges, and dallettes.

Luke is quite fond of eating daliba lately, however, he is not eating pure daliba, but a modified version, not so sour, not so hard, with nuts in it, which is very anti-hunger and tastes good.

The Kalman Pharmaceuticals series of cases were solved, and the sleuth system rewarded 150 points, which is very generous.

Luke replenished the bullet avoidance card and precision card used up in the investigation of the case, and there were still 230 points left in the system.

In addition, the one million dollar bounty from Kalman Pharmaceuticals was also issued, Luke as the captain had to share a bit more than the others, totaling two hundred thousand dollars.

He was also considered to have harvested a lot.

In addition, he was able to take a paid vacation for a while after killing two gunmen in the course of investigating the case, and he wanted to take advantage of this time to invite his family, friends, and coworkers to his new home.

“Ringing ……”

A cell phone rang.

Luke put down his dinner fork and pressed the answer button, “This is Luke.”

“Captain Lee, this is Fred Kramer, the head of research and development at Kalman Pharmaceuticals.”

“Hello, Head Supervisor Cramer, how’s the injury?”

“Much better.”

“I’ve been discharged from the hospital now, I’m recuperating at home, except for the inconvenience of walking, there are no more major problems, I believe that I’ll soon be able to devote myself to R&D work.”

“Congratulations, what is it that you are looking for me for?”

“First of all, thank you again for saving me, if you weren’t there that night, I would have already been killed by the gunman, and the research and development of the new antihypertensive drug would have been in trouble.

You didn’t just save me, you also helped our Kalman Pharmaceutical Company.”

“That night was indeed quite thrilling, and it’s the first time I’ve encountered such a situation in all my time as a police officer. I hope I won’t encounter it again in the future as well.”

“You’re right, the company is already thinking of fitting me with a bulletproof car. But I don’t really want to drive one of those guys, it feels like I’m staying in a big stupid metal shell.”

“It goes to show, the company takes you seriously.” Luke made a perfunctory remark and waited for the body of the other party, he felt that the other party took the initiative to call, it should be more than just to say this.

“Captain Li, do you have time today? If it’s possible, I’d like to invite you to have dinner together.”

“Is there something?”

“It’s something I want to ask for your help.

The shooting incident that night was extraordinary for me, and although it’s a bit ridiculous to say so, it was probably the most exciting and thrilling night of my life.

So, I’d like to buy your Mercedes G500 as a souvenir.”

Luke said, “There are a lot of bullet holes in that car, it’s badly damaged, and repairs could cost a lot of money.”

“I know, I don’t intend to repair it.

It will mean more to me to keep it in its original condition ……

Many years from now, I will be able to tell my friends and loved ones that my life was not only about research and pharmaceuticals, but also about thrills and spills.

I know that odds are they won’t believe me, in their eyes I’m just a boring guy who only does research.

That car proves it all, the bullet holes in the body are a different kind of medal.

It makes sense to me.”

“So, you’re planning to collect my favorite car?”

“I know it’s a little strong, but the car means more to me than it does to you.

To make it up to you, I’m willing to purchase this very memorable car for half a million dollars.”

“Half a million dollars?”


Luke smiled, the price was interesting because the Mercedes G500 had been purchased new for only $130,000, and now that the car was so badly damaged, it would be nice to sell it for a few tens of thousands of dollars.

And it was for half a million dollars that Royce Woodman, the vice president of Gelson Pharmaceuticals, had hired an assassin to shoot Fred Kramer in the first place.

Now Fred Kramer wanted to buy the Mercedes-Benz G500 for half a million dollars, perhaps for collector’s reasons, but just as much to repay Luke for saving his life.

Luke is not a stinking pretentious person, Fred Kramer does not lack of money, take some money in return for his life-saving grace, he is comfortable in his heart, he also got benefits, for both sides are good.

Besides, Fred Kramer’s work is more sensitive, and may be in danger in the future, when they help him again is the same.

Luke agreed to his invitation, and at noon and Fred Kramer to eat together, the two people talked to each other, reached an agreement on the transfer of the car, everything went smoothly.

After the meal, Luke left Fred Cramer’s house with a check for half a million dollars.

Luke’s cash in hand had reached more than a million dollars, and was definitely considered a rich man.

It was inconvenient to not have a car in Los Angeles, and Luke was prepared to go directly to pick up a car.

After the shooting, Luke thought about buying a bulletproof car, and then felt that it didn’t make much sense.

Bulletproof cars are more expensive, and secondly, the body is more bulky, which will definitely affect the speed, and it is not convenient to chase the suspects.

Moreover, Luke can’t drive his bulletproof car all day long to investigate a case, he still has to drive an ordinary police car to handle the case, in general, the practical value is not great.

Of course, this is only for Luke, for those pampered tycoons, bulletproof cars still have value.

As for the next favorite car is still buy off-road vehicles, or change into a sedan or sports car, Luke has not thought well, each has its own good, slowly pick.

What he’s buying today is a pickup truck.

Some people may think Luke is contradicting himself.

In fact, there is no contradiction, in Los Angeles can not only a car, Luke now has his own house, but also a mansion covering a very wide area, repair is inevitable, a tool car is indispensable.

And in the future, RV travel, you can directly rent or buy a trailer RV, the pickup truck can go directly on the car, it is very convenient.

He roughly understood the pickup truck market, and the highest sales are Ford F150, of which, the F150 Raptor has a better appearance and performance, and belongs to the upgraded model.

The F150 Raptor has different prices for different configurations, and the entry model is just over $30,000, and it is precisely because this vehicle is cost-effective that sales are high.

The most expensive one is the 2023 model, the Ford Raptor F-150 Raptor R, with a power of up to 710 horsepower and a price of almost 110,000 dollars.

This vehicle belongs to the top of the Ford 150 Raptor series, but Luke felt that it was not cost-effective, after all, it is only a tool car, there is no need to be a kaiju.

In the end, Luke combined with their own needs, bought a Ford Raptor F-150 worth more than $ 50,000, whether the car configuration, or car interior decoration is good, has reached Luke’s needs.

After picking up the car, Luke directly drove to the supermarket to buy some daily necessities and ingredients for tomorrow’s family gathering.

The following afternoon.

A white sedan drove into the Palisades neighborhood.

Linda sat in the front and drove.

Little Fatty and his girlfriend Maggie were sitting in the back, chatting about something in a low voice.

Maggie looked up and out the window, blinking her big blue eyes, “Wow Wow, this community is so beautiful, colorful flowers and tall old trees ……

Is that a peacock?

It’s actually running around the neighborhood.”

“Yes, that’s a peacock, we can get some food to feed it later.

I wanted to do that the last time I was here.”

“Your brother lives in this neighborhood?”

“Yes, his new home is just up ahead.”

Linda slowed the car down and turned right into a plush courtyard building.

Maggie stepped out of the car, still a little incredulous, “My God, is this really your brother’s house? It’s too big.”

The little fat man was also envious, “Yes, I’m thinking about how to convince him to save me a room.”

Maggie asked in a small voice, “Isn’t your brother a cop?”

“He is indeed a cop, and he is the best cop in Los Angeles.” The little fat man gave an expression like I know what you want to say, “He’s very famous, there are a lot of rich people who will pay a high price to hire him to investigate something, and there will also be people who will hire him to hunt for treasures.

Not long ago, he went out treasure hunting and found a treasure worth tens of millions of dollars.

Remember that antique bullhorn I showed you?

That’s what he gave me, and it was very meaningful.”

“I bet the treasure hunt was exciting!” Maggie opened her mouth wide with longing.

“You know what?

I suddenly admire your brother a little.”

“What?” Little Fatty frowned, isn’t it me you should be worshipping?

He hurriedly changed his mouth and stopped bragging, “No No No, actually he’s not very good.”

Maggie said, “Being able to live in a house like this is already awesome.”

“Hey, Maggie.

I’m going to buy a better house than this one later, trust me.”

Without waiting for Maggie to speak, Linda coughed softly next to her, “Jack, don’t put too much pressure on yourself.

You know what?

When I was your age, I always thought I could be a second Monica Bellucci.”

“Pfft ……”

Maggie laughed, “Linda, I think it’s still more of your idea.”

Chubby “……”

“Hi, good afternoon!” Luke smiled as he walked over and waved to greet the three, “Mom, Jack, and Maggie welcome to my new house party.”

Maggie held up a gift box, “Luke, your new home is beautiful, congratulations.”

“Thanks.” Luke took the gift, “Jack, show Maggie around later.”

“I will.” The little fat man handed Luke a gift box as well, then pulled Maggie to tour the house.

Linda came over and gave Luke a hug, “My son, you have a house of your own, so happy for you.”

Luke handed Linda a key, “Mom, I saved you a room, you’re welcome to move in for a little while anytime.”

“I’ll keep it safe.” Linda had her own house in Los Angeles, naturally she wouldn’t move in with her son, but this key still meant a lot to her.

Linda looked around, “Where’s your grandfather? I clearly saw his car.”

Luke was about to say something when a black F150 Raptor drove in and parked in front of the garage.

The driver’s door opened and Robert stepped out of the cab, “This car is great for outdoor off-roading and the interior is nice and comfortable.

Can I borrow it for a drive when we go out camping later?”


Val also jumped out of the passenger side and patted the tall body, “I love this big guy, rugged on the outside, cozy and powerful on the inside, next camping trip, I can chauffeur you guys around.”

Luke teased, “Provided you’re not drunk.”

Linda was also a little surprised, “Is this the new car you bought?”


Linda looked toward the garage, “Where’s that Mercedes G500 of yours?”

“There was some accident and I sold it.” Luke made a perfunctory remark and greeted the crowd for dinner.

Tonight, the main focus was on barbecue, and it was still Robert who was in charge of the barbecue, and he was in awe of Luke’s newly purchased grill.

Seeing how much he liked it, Luke thought of giving him the same oven for his birthday.

The potluck had officially begun, and the crowd was eating barbecue and drinking and talking over and over again.

Luke had a big yard and wasn’t worried about disturbing the neighbors.

Val got high and performed a new song of his own in public, which was much ‘lower key’ and normal compared to his previous songs.

Luke guessed that it likely had something to do with the fact that his work and life were on track.

Judging by the way Robert and Linda were treating him, it was a good thing, otherwise, he wouldn’t have had the chance to sing his own song at the party.

At nine o’clock in the evening, the party was over.

Robert had had a good day and was a little tipsy from all the drinking.

Val drove him back first.

The crowd had just watched Val’s car leave when they saw a black SUV drive up and park in front of Luke’s house.

“My dad’s here to pick me up.” Maggie ran over cheerfully.

Luke turned to the chubby little man at the side and said, “I thought you were going to take Maggie home.”

“I’d love to, but I don’t have a license or a car right now.” After saying the latter, the little fat man looked at Luke with a curt face.

“Save that damn look for Dad.” Luke directly gave him a brain dipper, the little fat man has grown fast this year, his size is almost catching up with him, and next year, he can also take the driver’s license and buy a car, and Luke doesn’t want to be this ingrate, at least, he won’t take a big head.

Maggie’s father got out of the car, this was a tall white man who looked to be in his forties, with hard features and a shirt with jeans, “Captain Lee, I’ve seen you often on TV.

Thank you for entertaining my daughter.”

Luke shook the other man’s hand, “Mr. Cullen, you should have come earlier, then we could have had a drink.”

“Another time, there will be a chance.” Maggie’s father stroked his daughter’s head, “Honey, see you all later, it’s time for you to go home and get some sleep.”

“Luke, Linda, thanks for the hospitality.

Jack, see you tomorrow.” Maggie waved goodbye to the crowd and got in the car to leave with her father.

Watching the car leave, Luke rubbed his nose and asked, “What does Maggie’s father do?”

“Elevator repairman.” Jack responded and shrugged, “What’s wrong?”


Luke caught a whiff of disinfectant from Maggie’s father, and he happened to be sensitive to that smell.

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