Chapter 606

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:19:05
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Near Marcos Bar.

A black business car was parked not far from the parking lot.

From a distance the business car didn’t have a trace of light, it should have been parked with the engine off.

However, if one looked closely from the front of the car, one could occasionally see silhouettes inside the car.

The four of them, Luke, Michael, Amir, and Lois, were sitting in the car discussing the case.

Luke turned to Michael and asked, “How’d it go with Bloody Mike?”

Michael grunted, “The guy is slicker than he thought, he admitted that people have been corresponding with him since he was incarcerated and that there are dozens of people in contact.

I pressed him on which ones had the potential to commit the crime and he gave me the names of ten.”

Amir spun his pen, “If everyone is a suspect, that amounts to nothing.”

Luke asked, “Including suspect Tangie Bruns?”

“Included.” Michael responded and continued, “I’m going to double-check the people on the communication list to see if anyone fits the killer’s profile.”

Lois interrupted the two men’s conversation, “The coroner just came through with the latest autopsy results.

The deceased died between eleven-thirty last night and one-thirty this morning, the cause of death was asphyxiation by strangulation of the neck, the legs were cut off by a chainsaw type of tool after death, and there was a large amount of alcohol consumption before death.”

Amir asked, “Was the deceased assaulted during her lifetime?”

Lois replied, “No signs of assault were found.”

Michael said, “The deceased’s home was not burglarized and the deceased was not violated, so what was the killer’s motive?”

Amir replied, “In my speculation, the murderer most likely had bad intentions when he saw the victim drunk and wanted to pick up the body.

But after he missed the murder, he himself was shocked, so that’s why he didn’t have any further aggression or theft behavior ……”

Amir didn’t finish, and then denied himself, “It’s not right, the murderer has the guts to saw off the legs of the deceased, proving that he has a lot of guts, he shouldn’t be like this, it doesn’t make sense ……”

“Don’t think so much, since we have found out that the suspect often appears near the bar at night, let’s find him first.” Luke interrupted Amir’s thoughts, in his opinion speculation was based on evidence, if there was insufficient evidence or the evidence itself was faulty, the results of the speculation were likely to be biased.

Lois said, “If it was the killer who sent the victim home last night, I don’t think it’s very likely that he’ll return here again.”

Amir shook his head, “Truly highly intelligent criminals usually don’t change their daily whereabouts before and after committing a crime, they will act as if nothing happened, while those who choose to flee after committing a crime are instead more likely to be seen by the police.

Besides, the fact that the murderer dared to saw off the victim’s legs shows that he’s a bold person, and there’s a high possibility that he’ll return to the scene.”

Lois shrugged, “I hope you’re right.”

Amir looked confident, “I always am.”

Michael looked at his watch and arranged it, “Amir, Lois, you two stay in the car and check the parking lot surveillance while Luke and I go down and check it out.”

Amir said, “Keep in touch.”

Luke and the two of them stepped out of the commercial vehicle.

After Michael looked around, he asked in a low voice, “Do you think the killer will continue to commit crimes?”

Luke replied, “Since the murderer is imitating Red Mike’s modus operandi and left the same blood symbols at the scene, indicating that he inherited Red Mike’s killing philosophy, I think he will continue to kill.

And it won’t be too long apart.”

Michael sighed, “The first victim was the wife of the mayor of New York; the second victim was an international model.

Both cases caused a huge stir, and I shudder to think what the third victim will be?”

Luke patted his shoulder, “Man, relax, we’ll get him.”

“Zip ……”

Lois’s voice sounded over the intercom, “Be on the lookout, there’s a man in a yellow valet uniform walking towards the parking lot.”

“Copy that.” Luke and Michael looked over at the parking lot entrance and it wasn’t long before a man in a yellow valet uniform walked into the parking lot.

Luke walked forward and took the opportunity to observe the other man’s features and build, which were not the same as the suspect’s features from last night.

He pulled out his walkie-talkie, “Not the target.”

In addition to a few of Luke’s men, a large number of agents were positioned around the bar, and they were likewise searching for signs of the suspect.

Ten minutes later, another agent’s voice rang out over the intercom, “Got him, we got him.”

Michael pulled out his walkie-talkie and inquired, “Can we get a positive ID?”

“Looks and build are similar to those in the video, basically positive.”

“Good, bring him here.” Michael revealed a glimmer of joy and said to Luke, who was beside him, “Got the bastard.”

A few minutes later, a white man wearing a yellow valet uniform was escorted into the commercial vehicle, the man was not tall, slim, with a thick beard, looking at Luke and the others with some dissatisfaction, questioning loudly, “Why are you arresting me?”

“FBI! We are investigating a major criminal case.

What’s your name?”

“Gore Nolan.”

“Any idea why we’re looking for you?”

“I don’t know, but you must have the wrong man, I’ve never done anything illegal.”

“Where were you last night at eleven o’clock?”

“Just near the bar.”

“Doing what?”

Gore Nolan looked down at his shirt, “What do you think I could have been doing? Valet driving, of course.”

“Who were you chauffeuring at the time?”

“Olenna Barker.” Said Gore Nolan and smiled, “I’m a fan of hers and it’s the first time I’ve seen her in person, much prettier than on TV.

I’m honored to be her valet.”

“You’re a fan of hers?”



“I’m not lying, I am indeed a fan, I still have her pictorial at home, it’s super sexy.”

“If you’re a fan, why don’t you follow her news?”

“I haven’t intentionally searched, but if I see her news, I usually click on it.

What’s the problem?”

“She’s dead.”

Gore Nolan’s mouth opened wide in a shocked expression, “How is that possible? I even sent her home last night.

Geez, you guys don’t think I killed someone, do you.”

Luke said, “As far as we know, you were indeed the last person to see her.”

“No No No, I didn’t even know she was dead and I had nothing to do with her death.” Gore Nolan defended, “I work the night shift, I don’t get off until six in the morning.

Then I went home for dinner, and I watched the news before I went to bed at 9:00 a.m., and at that time there was no news that she had been killed.

After I woke up from my nap, and then I had to work the night shift as a substitute driver, I really hadn’t seen any news related to her yet.”

Luke kept his eyes on the other man and didn’t see any obvious signs of lying, “For all we know, Olenna Barker had been looking for a chauffeur online, but it wasn’t you.”

“So what?

She’s Olenna Barker, and I’m willing to give her a free ride as a chauffeur even if she doesn’t pay.”

“Describe carefully how you met Olenna Barker.”

“I met Olenna Barker in front of a bar that night, she was drunk that day but still super beautiful.

I asked her if she needed a chauffeur.

She then gave me her car keys.

It was as simple as that.”

“You drove her home?”


“What time did you get to her house?”

“It must have been less than eleven-thirty.”

“What happened after you dropped her off at home?”

Gore Nolan thought for a moment and replied, “She was very drunk, very drunk, and as soon as I stopped the car she was in such a hurry to get out of the car that she was walking crookedly and almost fell to the ground, and I got out of the car in a hurry and ran over to help her.

Then dropped her off at the door and I left.”

Luke stared at the other man and asked, “Did you go into her house?”


“Did you see anyone else at the time?”

“It was after eleven and it was dark, so I didn’t notice.”

“Where did you go afterward?”

“Someone in the neighborhood just happened to call for a chauffeur, so I took the order and then proceeded to drive the client home until 6:00 a.m. I was busy until 6:00 a.m.” Gore Nolan added: “If you don’t believe me, you can ask the valet’s customers, I’m telling the truth.”

“When you drove Olenna Barker home, did she show anything unusual?”

“I didn’t see anything unusual other than intoxication.” Gore Nolan responded, unable to resist asking, “How did Olenna Barker die?”

Without answering, Luke continued to inquire, “Were you followed when you drove Olenna Barker home?”

Gore Nolan recalled for a moment, “I was so focused on driving and Olenna Barker that I didn’t even think about it that much.”

Michael said, “Shortly after you drove Olenna Barker home, Olenna Barker was killed in the house, things are not looking good for you right now, you’d better be able to say something of value.”

Gore Nolan covered his forehead, “God, this is terrible.

I could have sworn to God that I really had nothing to do with Olenna Barker’s death ……”

“Cluck ……” the door to the car opened from the outside and Lois stood in the doorway, “Unit 2 just called, something’s going on over there.”

Luke stepped out of the business car and Michael followed.

In the morning, after Luke and Amir had gone to Tangie Bruns’ house to talk, both of them felt that Tangie Bruns was hiding something, plus Tangie Bruns was the one they had screened for major suspicion of committing a crime, so they sent FBI agents to keep an eye on Tangie Bruns.

Luke asked, “What’s the situation with Tangie Bruns?”

Lois glanced at the business car and whispered, “Just now, Tangie Bruns left the house with her daughter.”

Michael glanced at his cell phone, it was already past ten at night, “There is indeed something wrong with going out so late.”

Luke nodded thoughtfully, “There’s definitely something wrong with this guy, I’d like to search his house.”

Michael raised an eyebrow, “Quietly?”

Luke asked rhetorically, “Is there a problem?”

Michael gestured to unlock the door, “Want me to come with you?”

“No need.” Luke pointed to the business car, “While I don’t see this guy lying, you might want to check his alibi just to be on the safe side.

It’ll take at least half an hour to an hour to kill, saw the legs, and process the scene.”

“I understand.

How many are you going to take with you?”

“One will do, more people would be inconvenient.”

“Be safe.”

“I will.”

Half an hour later, Luke and Amir arrived at the suspect Tangie Bruns’ house.

Five years ago, after Bloody Mike entered the prison, Tangie Bruns had kept in touch with him and even visited each other several times, and both of them were pianists by profession, so combining all the reasons, Luke and Amir felt that he had a major suspicion of committing the crime.

But the problem now is that the FBI has no evidence to prove it.

So Luke decides to make a nighttime visit to Tangie Bruns’ house.

In the past, Luke seldom did anything out of the ordinary in Los Angeles, but now that he was working on the case as the FBI, instead, he had many fewer scruples.

Being too conformist was rather not in line with the FBI’s style.

The two men parked the car on the side of the road and after observing that no one was around, they arrived at the back door of Tangie Bruns’ house in the night.

Amir was in charge of the stakeout, Luke walked to the door, put on his gloves and took out his lock picking tool.

There was a small sound followed by a ‘click’ and the door opened.

Amir raised an eyebrow, “Wow wow, didn’t see that coming, you’re so good at picking locks.”

Luke put on his ankle holster and went straight into the home of the suspect, Tangie Bruns.

As soon as he entered, Luke smelled an unusual odor, “Do you smell that?”

Amir wrinkled his nose, “It’s not blood, and it doesn’t smell like disinfectant, it’s a little pungent ……

I should have smelled this odor somewhere.”

Luke grimaced and put on his mask, “Search first, be careful.”

The two of them took out their flashlights and searched separately, Amir went into the bedroom next to him while Luke searched the living room.

The living room was simply decorated and cleaned, he didn’t even see the children’s toys.

There was a picture sitting on the TV stand of three people, Tangie Bruns, a woman, and a little girl.

Luke recalled that the little girl looked a bit familiar, it should be the girl who showed her head by the window this morning.

Suddenly, a voice rang out from the bedroom, “I’ve got something over here.”

Luke walked into the bedroom next to him and saw Amir holding a book in his hands with a somewhat old cover and a red circular symbol drawn on the front cover ……

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