Chapter 610

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:19:15
A+ A- Turn Off Light

One hour ago.

A black Honda drove into an upscale neighborhood, and after driving a short distance on the community highway, the car opened its right steering and stopped near a luxury villa.

The right window of the car was lowered, and in the driver’s side sat a black man, none other than Filippo Carter, the lover of the first victim, Grace Bloomberg, and an eyewitness to the case.

Filippo Carter stared at the villa diagonally across the street, his face clouded, I do not know what to think.

After waiting for about half an hour, the door of the villa opened, and a fashionably dressed white woman in her forties walked out of the villa with a satchel on her back.

Filippo Carter got out of the car and rolled over the fence, startling the white woman walking toward the garage by taking a few steps backward.

“Filippo Carter, what are you doing here?”

Filippo Carter grunted, “Good morning Ms. Salas, it’s not easy to see you.

You called me baby before, now you start calling me by my full name?”

Karin Salas glanced at her watch, “I don’t know what you’re up to, but I have to go to work now, so we’ll talk about what’s going on later.”

“You’re having a heart attack?”

“What?” Karin Salas clasped her hands to her chest.

“Why did you betray me when you agreed to let me stay at your house temporarily?”

“I didn’t betray you.

It was the FBI that reached out to me, and I didn’t tell them.

I just let you leave because I didn’t think my house was safe anymore.

That would have been better for you and for me.”


If you didn’t rat me out, why did the FBI catch me as soon as I left the house.

Am I to understand that you are in cahoots.”

Karin Salas taunted, “Do you think the FBI is as stupid as you are?

I did say you weren’t there, but they may not believe me.”

“Stupid? Are you looking down on me?”

“No, you’re the one who despises yourself.”

Filippo Carter responded, “That means you knew they might be waiting outside, and you’re still kicking me out?”

“No, I didn’t know, and I didn’t think about it until after the fact.

I didn’t intentionally try to betray you, and there was no need for that, it wouldn’t have done me any good.”

“That’s right, it did do you no good.

You were just afraid that I would drag you down with me, and then you unceremoniously threw me out.” Filippo Carter loudly questioned, “What do you take me for? A stray dog?

Take me in when you like it, and discard me at will when you don’t.

You’re such a heartless bitch.”

Karin Salas lowered her voice, “Yes, I’m the bitch who took you in when you were most helpless.”

“You just wanted me to give you a free ride, and I didn’t charge you for it.

And you kicked me out like a dog when I was at my most helpless.”

Karin Salas opened her purse and took out a pile of money from it, “I don’t want to tangle with you anymore, and I don’t want to argue with you about right and wrong, take this money and drive away from my house immediately.”

Filippo Carter didn’t take the money, a look of self-deprecation appeared on his face, “I thought you were different from them.”

“You thought too much, it was merely a deal.”

“A deal?”

“What else would you want? Marry me?” Karin Salas sneered and dropped a bunch of bills on the floor, turned into the garage and drove out in a white Porsche car, “I don’t want to see you again, or you know the consequences.”


The white Porsche sped away.

“Stinking bitch, really thinks money means everything.” Filippo Carter gave a middle finger to the car and glanced at the hundred dollar bills scattered on the ground.

Scanning his eyes around, he crouched down to pick up the money and put it into his coat pocket, then returned to the car at a trot.

Women are smelly, money is fragrant, who would be upset with money.


Filippo Carter had just run to the car when he accidentally bumped into an old white man, “Fuck……”

Filippo Carter instinctively cursed, however, seeing the old man fall to the ground, the latter words were swallowed into his stomach again.

Filippo Carter looked at the old man lying on the ground and said, “Hey man, you’re too careless.

It’s obvious that you bumped into me, but you fell yourself down, and your body is too weak, you need to eat more.”

The white man was not very old, he looked to be around fifty years old, only his face was a bit gaunt, his body was a bit thin, his right hand was holding the ground, slowly sitting up, a pained look on his face, “Young man, can you help me up?”

Filippo Carter skimmed his mouth, seemed to be a bit disgusted, hesitated for a moment, but still bent down to help the white man up, “Did you fall seriously? Do you need to go to the hospital.”

“Not serious, no need to go to the hospital.

Just find a place to rest for a while.” After the white man finished speaking, he took out an object from his pocket and thrust it at Filippo Carter’s waist.

“Ah ……,” Filippo Carter screamed, shuddered, and his body went limp, sitting on the ground.

The white man opened the back door of the car, yanked Filippo Carter up, pushed him into the back of the car, and handcuffed him.

After doing this, the white man’s forehead was sweating and he looked a little woozy, “Tired me out, what a nice strong young man.”

He got into the cab and rested for a while before driving off.

After an unknown amount of time, Filippo Carter slowly woke up, the light was a bit dim and it was hard to see around him, “Uh ……” a soft grunt escaped his throat, “Where is this… . what happened?”

“You awake?” A voice sounded not far away and the lights suddenly came on.

Filippo Carter’s eyes were stabbed open, and it took a moment before he slowly opened them to see a white man of about fifty standing not far away, “I remember, I’ve seen you before.

You fell down and I helped you up.

Where are we?”

Filippo Carter tried to stand up and felt his hands and feet being bound, he looked down and was naked and was surprised, “Why am I tied up? Where are my clothes?

Hey, get off me, you fucking pervert.”

“Hey, hey, don’t be nervous and don’t yell.

There’s no one else here, just the two of us.

If you yell again, I’ll gag you and you won’t even be able to speak then.” The white man made a gesture of silence.

“Who are you? What do want to do?”

“Oh, you’re saying so many questions at once, I don’t even know which one to answer.” The white man pulled out a chair and sat down, “But it’s time to introduce yourself.

Sooner or later, we’re going to become one, so it would be better to get to know each other in advance, or at least, you should know who I am?”

“What are you talking about?” Filippo Carter with a trill.

“My name is Leonard Hogan.

The most sincere follower of the Eternal Cult, and from now on, will also be your master.”

Filippo Carter’s tone drew up and his expression was annoyed, as if he felt offended, “Are you kidding me, it’s already the year 2023, I don’t need a master.”

“I’m sorry, I used the word inaccurately.

Shouldn’t have said master.” Leonard Hogan pointed to his head, “It should say subject consciousness.”

“What the hell are you going to do? Bullshit subject consciousness, I don’t even know you, making a sci-fi movie?” Filippo Carter was getting more and more flustered.

“Uh …… maybe you don’t know me.

But I’ve seen you before.” Leonard Hogan laughed, “I’ve seen you perform on the night of October 3rd, to be exact.

You were strong as an ox and the mayor’s wife loved it.

It was enviable.” Leonard Hogan reached out and clapped Filippo Carter on his robust shoulder.

“How did you know about that night? Could …… it have been you ……” Filippo Carter’s eyes widened.

“Wow wow, you guessed it, so it seems you’re not stupid?

All the more reason I can’t keep you then.

Having said that, it’s time to get to work.” Leonard Hogan stepped to the side.

Filippo Carter’s eyes followed Leonard Hogan’s figure, and only then did he see his surroundings, it was a house, about thirty to forty square meters, no windows, it should be a basement.

Leonard Hogan walked to the corner of the basement and picked up a saw from the floor.

Filippo Carter’s teeth chattered in fear, “No No No, what are you doing? Don’t come near me.”

“Ta-da-da-da-da ……” a sound of running water rang out on the floor.

“You peed!” Leonard Hogan laughed and soothed, “Don’t be afraid, I’ll slit your throat first and you won’t feel the pain anytime soon.” Leonard Hogan pulled back the chainsaw: “Zip” came a horrible sound.

“No, please don’t do this, please spare me.” Watching Leonard Hogan slowly approach with the chainsaw, Filippo hissed with all his strength.

“It’s no use, the best soundproofing material is used here.” Leonard Hogan took the chainsaw and aimed it at Filippo’s neck, when suddenly, his nose wrinkled at the stench, “Fuck, you filthy bastard, fouling my house.”

With a few hard looks on his face, Leonard Hogan seemed to change his mind and sealed Fillipo Carter’s mouth as the chainsaw sawed down on Fillipo Carter’s arm.

“Oooo……” Filippo Carter let out a wail of pain.


There was a pop from the doorway.

The basement door was kicked open.

“FBI!” several agents in FBI uniforms barged in.


“Hands in the air!”

“Bang bang.”

A flurry of noise passed, and Leonard Hogan fell to the floor with two shots in him and the chainsaw falling.

Michael rushed into the basement with his men, handcuffed Leonard Hogan and grabbed him.

Lois walked over to Filippo and checked his wounds and nose, “The arm was cut by the chainsaw, it’s not life threatening, but the man passed out.”

Amir covered his nose, “This unlucky guy, 80% fainted from shock.”

Luke, on the other hand, looked at the captured Leonard Hogan, who was shot twice, one in the arm and one in the shoulder, neither of which was fatal.

Leonard Hogan looked at the FBI agents who had burst in and cried out defiantly, “How did you find me?”

Without answering, Luke asked, “Why Phillipo Carter?”

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