Chapter 616

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:19:29
A+ A- Turn Off Light

New York, Manhattan, Calypso Building.

This was the busiest zone in New York, the transportation was very convenient, the subway entrance was only a few dozen meters away from the building.

At ten o’clock in the morning, Luke took the subway and arrived at the Calipoo Building.

Hamedi Shaw’s company was located on the seventh floor of the Calip Building.

Luke got off the elevator and there was a sign hanging on the glass door on the right side, Trick Investment Company.

Luke entered the company, walked up to the receptionist’s position, and said to the white woman sitting inside, “Hi, beautiful, good morning.”

The white woman looked up, smoothed her red hair and looked at Luke with blue eyes, “Hello sir, what can I do for you?”

“You have beautiful hair.”

“Thanks.” The redhead smiled.

“Is Mr. Hamedi Shaw in?”

The redhead didn’t answer positively, “Do you have an appointment, sir?”

“Yes, my name is Luke Lee.”

“Mr. Lee, nice to meet you.

Mr. Hamedi Shaw is waiting for you in his office, please follow me.”

The red-haired woman stood up, wearing a black professional skirt suit underneath and stepping on teeny red leather shoes, and led Luke to the end of the corridor.

A white man in a black suit stood on the west side of the chairman’s office.

The redhead said to the man in the suit, “The guest Mr. Shaw invited has arrived.”

The man in the suit examined Luke and asked, “What is your name, sir?”

“Luke Lee.”

The man in the suit opened the office door and said, “Mr. Shaw, your guest has arrived.”

“Invite him in.”

The man in the suit stepped aside and made a gesture of invitation, “Mr. Lee, please come in.”

Luke also sized up the man in the suit, the black suit looked a little tight on him, he had a strong build, not like someone who sat in an office a lot, most likely a bodyguard hired by Hamedi Shaw.

Luke entered the office and saw a white man around fifty years old walking towards him, the man was not tall and a little bald, smiled and said, “Hello Counselor Lee, I’m Hammady Shaw.”

Luke shook the other man’s hand, “Nice to meet you, Mr. Shaw.”

“Have a seat.” Hamedi Shaw waved his hand, signaling the man in the suit to leave, leaving Luke and Hamedi Shaw alone in the room.

“Would you like a cup of coffee, Mr. Lee, or wine?”

Luke smiled, “Still the first time someone has bought me a drink in the office.

Any good wine?”

“Can’t speak of good wine, it’s a home-brewed whiskey from my winery, it’s not bad.”

Hamedi Shaw poured two glasses and handed one to Luke.

Luke took a whiff and took a sip, “It’s full bodied and has a light fruity flavor, good wine.”

“Glad you like it.” Hamedi Shaw smiled and put down his glass.

“OK, let’s get down to business.”

“I’m a businessman and have invested in a lot of areas that interest me and I think there’s an opportunity to make money.

I’ve had good luck, making more than I’ve lost.

Some time ago, I had my eye on a Los Angeles marina.

In fact, I’ve been interested in this industry for a long time.

This industry has huge benefits and comes with high risks, it’s challenging and my favorite type of business.

But there has never been a suitable investment opportunity.

Until some time ago, that marina in Los Angeles was on the verge of bankruptcy due to poor management.

I thought it was an opportunity.

I wanted to buy that marina company, and the head of the marina company was very sincere, and we had a pretty good talk.

Just as I was about to go to Los Angeles to negotiate the acquisition contract, I received a threatening phone call.

The person on the other end told me in a commanding tone to give up on acquiring the marina and threatened to shoot me in the head if I dared to go to Los Angeles.

I don’t want any trouble, but I won’t be deterred by such cheap tactics either.

That’s why I’d like to hire you as my security consultant.”

“How many times have you gotten threatening phone calls?”


“Could it be a prank?”

“No way, the person who made the threatening phone call knew me well and my purchase agreement with the marina company.

He definitely came prepared.”

Luke tried, “Did you hire a professional bodyguard?”

“Not just me, but my family has bodyguards around.”

“Then what can I do?”

“I’d like you to escort me to Los Angeles.”

“You’re worried they’ll ambush you on the way?”


“Then just hire more bodyguards, why do you need me as a security consultant?”

“Bodyguards can protect me personally, but they can’t take care of my business.

My trip to L.A. is just the beginning, there’s still the purchase of the marina company to be negotiated.

If I’m successful in acquiring the marina, I need to establish a firm foothold in Los Angeles.

The marina business is a complicated one, involving all walks of life, all walks of life.

There are so many ways for someone to mess it up.

For example, they could buy a gang and have them cause trouble at the marina, and the marina’s business would be affected or even shut down.

And I’d lose a lot of money.

I know you have connections in the LAPD and the FBI.

I want you to help look after the business at the pier.

I don’t need you to do anything extra, just maintain the marina.”

Hamedi Shaw took a sip of his drink and continued, “Of course, that’s for later.

All you need to do now is get me to Los Angeles.

If we work well together, and I can successfully acquire the docks, we can sign another long-term security consultant agreement.

What do you think?”

Luke asked, “Who do you think the threat is primarily from?”

“I have no idea.

The person who made the threatening phone call was using a prepaid cell phone, and I couldn’t find out the identity of the person on the other end of the line, however, I can confirm that the call came from Los Angeles.

From what I understand, there are several other companies interested in that marina in Los Angeles, in addition to me wanting to acquire it.

As long as I was scared off, they would have one less strong competitor and could acquire the pier at a lower price.

Pretty shitty tactics, but they work, and besides, the cost is just the cost of a prepaid cell phone.” Hamedi Shaw’s face turned cold and his tone lowered, “Unfortunately, they’ve got the wrong man.

If I was that easily deterred, I would have gone bankrupt I don’t know how many times.”

Luke asked, “What way are you going to get to Los Angeles?”


Luke rubbed his chin, “Driving from New York to L.A. would take you almost across the entire United States.

If the people who are terrorizing you are really on to you, there’s also a chance they could do it on the way.

Why don’t you take an airplane? It would be safer that way.”

Hamedi Shaw pointed to his chest, “The doctor didn’t recommend I fly.

Although I don’t think it’s a big problem ……

However, I don’t want to go to God early, even if it’s only a one in a thousand chance.

So, if you’d like to be my security advisor, I’d like you to come along for the ride.”

“How long will you be in Los Angeles?”

Hamedi Shaw shook his head, “Not sure yet, depends on how well the acquisition program goes.”

“So the mission is supposed to be in three stages.

First phase, I’ll send you to Los Angeles.

The second stage, protect you in Los Angeles to complete the acquisition of the pier.

Third stage, take care of your business at the Los Angeles docks.”

“That’s right.

What I’m looking for is a long-term partner.

That’s why I want to ask you to join me on the road, we need to know more about each other to deepen our cooperation.

We can start with the first phase of a security consultant agreement, where you’ll get two hundred thousand dollars as a consultant as long as you get me safely to Los Angeles.

If we get along well during this time, then we can talk about the next phase.”

Luke thought about it, even if someone really wanted to do something to Hamedi Shaw, the other party might not choose to act on the way from New York to Los Angeles.

Even if the other party really had this kind of idea, as long as they did a good job of keeping it a secret, it would be difficult for the other party to determine Hammadi Shaw’s whereabouts, which means that the possibility of encountering danger on the road was not high.

Luke tried, “What if there are no accidents along the way?”

“That’s more of a sign that you’re a great consultant, helping me avoid risks in advance, and the consulting fee will still be yours.”

Luke felt that this business was still a good deal, but didn’t agree immediately, “I’ll go back and think about it, and get back to you tomorrow.”

Hamedi Shaw picked up his glass and clinked it with Luke, “Give my regards to Negan.”

“I will.” The two chatted about a few more details before Luke left the building and took the subway back to his father’s house.

After getting off at the nearest subway entrance to his father’s house, Luke went to the grocery store and bought two gifts to go back to his mom and Fatty.

He then bought two more pockets of ingredients.

At noon, Luke ate a meat sandwich and a roast duck, both bought in the Chinese supermarket.

In the afternoon, Luke took a nap.

When he woke up, he started to prepare dinner.

Every time he came to New York, it was Li Zhaofeng who cooked for him, and today he had the time, so he was going to cook a meal for his father.

Because there were only two people, Luke didn’t prepare too much, only five dishes, hand-held lamb, stir-fried cabbage, garlic lobster, skinny egg and tofu, celery and peanut rice.

When Li Zhaofeng got off work, dinner was already on the table.

Looking at the steaming hot meal, Li Zhaofeng smiled from ear to ear, he took a bottle of Wuliangye and laughed, “Such a good dish, I must drink it.”

Luke had come to Los Angeles for a few days, but because of his busy schedule, he hadn’t had time to sit down and have a good chat with his father.

The two of them ate the dishes first to pad their stomachs before drinking and chatting at the same time.

Luke asked, “Has my aunt been discharged from the hospital?”

Li Zhaofeng put down his chopsticks and nodded, “After the observation period this afternoon, he was kicked out by the doctor and went home to recuperate.”

Luke smiled, “It’s good to be fine.”

“Hmph.” Li Zhaofeng grunted, “If Julia doesn’t listen, your aunt will be infuriated in the future even if she’s fine now.

People used to say that sons are hard to manage, I can see now, if your daughter doesn’t listen, she can make you angry alive.”

“What are my aunt and uncle thinking, have they talked to Julia’s boyfriend?”

“What’s there to talk about. Their thoughts haven’t changed, break up.”

Luke nodded, the possibility had occurred to him as well, “Dad, so should I still invite my family to get together before I leave New York?”

Li Zhaofeng thought about it and shook his head, “Let’s forget about it this time, I really don’t have the mood, let’s talk about it next time.”

Luke didn’t ask any more questions, and chatted with his father about something else, and the two of them drank until twelve o’clock at night before going to bed.

The next morning, Luke called Hamedi Shaw and agreed to be his security advisor and escort him to Los Angeles.

The two parties made an appointment to leave New York the morning after ……

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