Chapter 623

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:19:46
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Luke called his three helpers in and briefly explained the plan to retake the cockpit of the cruise ship.

He looked at the three and said solemnly, “The next battle will be dangerous, so if any of you want to quit, it’s not too late.

I can also understand your decisions.”

The three looked at each other, none of them had any intention of backing out.

“You guys are true heroes.” Luke praised and began to organize the mission.

He looked at Hamedi Shaw’s two bodyguards, “In a moment, you two will recapture the cockpit with me.” He then looked at the black chef, “You are in charge of guarding this robber.”

The black chef frowned, “Why are you making me stay and watch this guy?

I also want to go with you guys to recapture the cockpit, I know the importance of the cockpit, you guys need a guide, and there is no one more familiar with this cruise ship than me.”

Luke had asked the black cook to stay behind to guard the hijacker because he was concerned that he had no military training and was likely to be injured in a fight, and could also cause instability for the team.

Luke advised, “The next mission is dangerous, there is a possibility of injury.”

The black chef looked at the two bodyguards, “If the two of them can go, why can’t I? Don’t underestimate me.”

Luke patted his shoulder, “Man, I didn’t mean it like that, both of them are retired soldiers with professional military training and extensive combat experience.”

Luke looked aside again at the captured robber, “Besides, we do need someone to watch him.”

The black chef didn’t give up, “I can get a coworker to watch him.

There’s no way he can run now that he’s injured and his hands are cuffed.

I’m going to fight with you guys.”

Luke looked at the other party’s resolute attitude and stopped advising, “Be careful, pay attention to protecting yourself, and make sure to listen to the command.”

“I understand.”

Luke continued to ask, “Martin, do you understand the situation in the cockpit?”

The black chef replied, “Of course, there is no place on this cruise ship that I am not familiar with.

The cockpit is on the fifth level of the cruise ship, and the glass in the cockpit is bulletproof, and the doors are thickened, so it would be difficult to force your way in.”

Just then, a man’s voice rang out over the cruise ship radio, “Good morning passengers!

Everyone should already know what happened on the cruise ship.

I am now officially announcing that this cruise ship has been hijacked, and everyone stay in their rooms honestly.

Whoever dares to come out and run around, I’ll throw him into the sea to feed the sharks.

Also, I know there’s an FBI on this cruise ship.

This fucking asshole killed my partner and gathered a few helpers to try to get at me.

I’m pissed, but I’m not scared.

Come on, I’m in the cockpit and I’m the only one here.” At that, the man on the radio hemmed and hawed, “By the way, there’s one more thing to tell you.

I’ve planted a bomb on this cruise ship, and I’ll detonate it whenever a stranger dares to approach the cockpit.

Although it may not be able to blow up the entire cruise ship, it can definitely make the cruise ship sink to the bottom of the sea, and at that time, the hundreds of passengers on the cruise ship will have to be buried with me.

I’m sure they and their families will be grateful, haha.

Come on, I’ll be waiting for you in the cockpit.”

The galley storeroom was silent after the broadcast ended.

The actions of Luke and the others could only be terminated for the time being.

Martin, the black chef, asked in some panic, “Did the hijackers really plant a bomb on the cruise ship?”

No one answered.

In Luke’s opinion, in order to figure out whether there was a bomb or not, the first thing to figure out was, what was the purpose of this group of robbers?

According to the statement of the captured robber, Baldy, the purpose of this group of robbers was to rob the passengers on the cruise ship, and then select a few rich passengers to kidnap them to Mexico to carry out extortion.

Luke felt that there were certain problems with this statement.

First of all, this group of robbers was weaker than expected, both in terms of staffing and firepower, trying to control the entire ship was a bit of a stretch.

If the hijackers weren’t carrying on with the cruise ship passengers, they wouldn’t have been able to withstand a wave of SEALs.

Second, the timing of the hijacking of the cruise ship was a bit off.

If the kidnappers wanted to kidnap the passengers to Mexico, then they should have done it before they reached the Mexican port of Cancun, rather than doing it after they had already passed the port of Cancun, as they did now, and then turning and returning to the vicinity of the Mexican coast after hijacking the kidnappers, which was a complete contradiction.

Luke guessed that the kidnappers are likely to have other purposes, just a temporary accident, suddenly changed the original plan.

Only to find out the kidnappers original plan, will know whether they installed a bomb on the cruise ship.

Hamedi Shaw’s bodyguard asked, “Counselor Li, what should we do now? Should we still recapture the cockpit?”

Luke replied, “Since the kidnappers are prepared, it will be much more difficult to recapture the cockpit.

If there really is a bomb on the cruise ship, the hijackers may detonate it in a moment of crisis, creating chaos and escaping.

In order to avoid mass casualties, it is imperative to remove the hidden danger of the bomb.”

Luke looked at the handcuffed hijacker Baldy, “You installed a bomb on the cruise ship?”

“I don’t know, I’m just a minor character, even if there was a bomb, they wouldn’t have told me beforehand.”

“Then tell me what you know.”

“That’s really all I know, I swear.”

Luke asked, “Tell me the identities and positions of the six robbers.”

“The leader is the second mate, he’s the one who just made the announcement and he’s the one who recruited me, his name is Gore Neville.

There were two cruise ship security guards, including myself.

Three others were cruise ship warehousemen.”

“Three of the hijackers were cruise ship warehousemen?”


Luke frowned slightly.

Was it a coincidence? Or did these positions serve another purpose?

If the security guards were recruited to take control of the cruise ship by surprise.

Then what was the purpose of recruiting three warehousemen?

Also, why did the head hijacker’s second mate know his FBI identity.

The only people who should have known that identity when Luke gave it out were the people who were inside the restaurant.

This meant that the people inside the diner were probably in collusion with the robbers.

Luke looked at the robber, Baldy, “Are there any more of your associates in the restaurant?”


Luke stared at the other man, seeing no obvious signs of lying.

His thoughts went back to the three warehousemen.

If this solicitation wasn’t a coincidence, it meant the warehouse was important to the hijackers.

Had the bomb been placed in the cruise ship warehouse?

Thinking of this, Luke turned to the black cook aside and asked, “Do you know the location of the cruise ship warehouse?”


Led by the black chef, Luke’s four men rushed to the cruise ship warehouse, which was large and stored all the passengers’ luggage.

Luke went in and searched the area, and no robbers were found.

Luke arranged for the four to split up and search for the bomb.

Luke found a pool of blood underneath one of the shelves.

A black plastic sheet was covering the side, and when he lifted it, underneath was the body of a white man wearing a security guard’s uniform, stained red from a gunshot wound to the chest.

The appearance of this body sideways confirms some of Luke’s guesses, it is not a coincidence that there are three warehousemen among the robbers, they should be transporting some contraband through the identity of the warehouseman.

Maybe some accidents were found in the process, which were discovered by this security guard, and subsequently, shot down the security guard.

If, indeed, the contraband was a bomb, Luke speculated that the probability was that the bomb was no longer in the warehouse, and was probably placed elsewhere.

The reason was simple, the bomb was the biggest dependency of the robbers, and they would definitely arrange someone to guard it, but the warehouse was empty, with only a cooled corpse, indicating that they had already abandoned this place and hid the bomb in a more hidden place.

The search by the others didn’t make much progress either, the warehouse was huge and held hundreds of passengers’ luggage, searching piece by piece took too long, and the hijackers couldn’t possibly give Luke that much time.

Moreover, the results of the search would probably be an empty one.

Luke was prepared to investigate in a different direction, if the contraband being transported was really a bomb, then Luke speculated that the bomb might have been sent on the cruise ship at the port of Cancun, Mexico.

There are three reasons, the first point, relative to Mexico for the United States for the control of explosives is more stringent.

Secondly, the hijackers hijacked the cruise ship time, just after the port of Cancun, Mexico.

The third point, the hijacker’s accomplices fleeing direction is also Mexico, where is likely to be their home base.

And according to Luke, there were only two guests who boarded the ship yesterday from the Mexican port of Cancun, Julian Ron and Andi Dougherty.

And do these two men know something inside?

Also, not only did these two men know who he was, they had experienced the restaurant first hand.

Luke then took out his walkie-talkie and tried to contact Hamedi Shaw to find out from him about Julian Ron’s movements.

Luke had just turned on the walkie-talkie when Hamedi Shaw’s voice rang out from across the room, “Luke, we’re under attack, I ……

Bang Bang Bang ……”

Five minutes ago, Hamedi Shaw, escorted by two bodyguards, boarded the elevator to return to his room on the ninth floor.

Earlier, after the three of them had left the dining room, the entire cruise ship was in chaos as passengers scrambled back to their rooms.

A group of people were all scrambling for the elevator and climbing the stairs.

The two bodyguards were worried about accidents, so they took Hamedi Shaw to hide in a safe place first.

Only now that the cruise ship was stabilized did the two bodyguards take Hamedi Shaw back to his room.

“Dingdong ……”

The elevator stopped at the ninth floor.

A tall black bodyguard checked the situation outside before taking Hamedi Shaw out of the elevator and walking quickly towards room 906.

Just as the trio was about to reach the door to the room, a man suddenly stepped out of the stairwell, wearing a ducktail hat, a black jacket, and his hands kicked into his pockets.

Both bodyguards were involuntarily alert.

Before they could react, the man in black pulled a pistol out of his pocket and pointed it at Hamedi Shaw.

“Bang ……” the gunshot rang out.

The black bodyguard’s body blocked in front of Hamedi Shaw, and the bullet struck the bodyguard.

“Bang Bang ……”

The other bodyguard also pulled out a pistol and returned fire, shooting against the black man.

“Get in there ……”

The black bodyguard opened the door to the room and pushed Hamedi Shaw inside.

“Bang bang ……” The gunshots continued to ring out.

The gun-toting bodyguard was also shot and retreated back into the room, covering his shoulder.

The men in black didn’t give up, firing a burst of shots at the aspect.

“Bang Bang ……”

The bullet pierced the door of the room and hit the gun-toting bodyguard in the leg ……

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