Chapter 645

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:20:40
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The following morning, the office of Squadron One of the Robbery and Murder Division.

Luke walked into the office area with a cup of coffee, sat sideways at a table, and greeted, “Guys, tell us about the progress of the case investigation.”

Blackie stuffed a large donut into his mouth and slurred, “I found something new and interesting.”

Luke took a sip of his coffee and smiled, “OK, then let’s ask Detective Marcus to tell us about it.”

The lieutenant cautioned, “Better swallow the crumbs before you say anything, I don’t want to get sprayed in the face.”

Blacky was disgruntled, “Lieutenant, why are you always staring at me? Is it because I’ve been performing too well lately that I’ve given you a sense of crisis.”

“Yea, you’re right, Lieutenant Marcus!” The lieutenant bristled, “Keep dreaming, brat.”

“Bad old man, I heard it all.” Black made a face and took a big gulp of his coffee, swallowing his food, “Yesterday, we spoke to Sharon Frank and Marissa Hocking separately, and according to their own words, after leaving the deceased’s house and going to each other’s houses, it was obvious that they lied about their whereabouts last night.

So, I investigated the surveillance in the neighborhood of the deceased’s home.” Black walked over to the projector and put up a screenshot of the surveillance, “According to the surveillance, a blue Tesla sedan entered the neighborhood the night before last at 8:54 p.m. From the screenshot of the surveillance, it looks like the person driving the car was none other than Sharon Frank.

At around 9:13, this blue Tesla left the neighborhood of the deceased’s home.

Subsequently ……” Black paused for a moment and asked with interest, “Guess where the car went?”

Jackson asked, “Is there a reward?”

Blackie bristled, “We’re on a case, what reward do you want?”

Jackson said in a serious voice, “That’s your problem, to do a guessing game with a prize, the prerequisite is to have a prize.”

“Forget I said that.” Black waved his hand and continued, “I’ve been tracking this blue Tesla sedan through the surveillance along the way, and this car pulled up at Dawson’s Bar around nine forty.

The car didn’t leave the neighborhood of the bar until twelve o’clock.”

Jackson said, “I’ve been to this bar and it has an oversized screen right in front of the bar, a giant dance floor, 30-foot ceilings, top-of-the-line sound equipment that will get you high when the lights come on and the music starts.

Young people love it here, some are even willing to stand in line for an hour or two.”

The lieutenant said, “If I remember correctly, Sharon Frank and Marissa Hocking were underage and they were not allowed in the bar.”

Jackson said, “It’s not a big deal, most of the people running the fake passes these days are catering to these students looking for a thrill.

That also explains, why they lie.

I think that the reason why they lie is not for the purpose of deceiving us, but their parents.

If their parents knew that they went to a bar at their age, wow …… that would be exciting.”

“Hey, I obviously found this clue, so why are you guys making a long speech as if you guys found the clue.

Besides, I didn’t reward you guys.” Blackie sounded a bit disgruntled.

Jackson said, “I thought you had finished.”

“No, I’m only halfway through, there are more important clues that I haven’t said.

Want to hear it?”

Jackson replied, “Sure.”

Black raised a dark eyebrow and shifted, “I’m just not going to tell you.”

The lieutenant cried a little, “You’re such a childish ass, come on.”

Blackie also laughed and continued, “I initially ruled out Sharon Frank and Marisa Hocking as suspects and continued to check the community video surveillance.

Around 9:30pm, I saw a dark gray Ford sedan drive into the community of the deceased’s house, and this sedan left the community at 9:57pm.

I felt something suspicious about the car and investigated the license plate number.

The owner of the car was Yane Columbus.” Blackie’s eyes scanned the crowd, “Think the name is familiar?”

The vice squad asked, “Don’t whet anyone’s appetite, who is he?”

“The dead man’s suitor.” Blacky put up a picture, “This is a screenshot of the gray Ford sedan, and you can clearly capture none other than Yane Columbus driving the car.”

Jackson said smoothly, “So the reason the deceased didn’t hang out with her friends that night wasn’t because she was sick, it was because she was waiting for Yarn Columbus.”

The lieutenant shook his head, “That makes some sense, if the deceased was waiting for Yarn Columbus, then the two of them would have been part of a two-way relationship, why would Yarn Columbus kill the victim?”

Black summarized, “Guys, don’t speculate yet, I have a better idea, call Yarn Columbus to the police station for questioning, won’t we know?”

Luke said, “Marcus, since you’re the one who found out the clue, you’ll be in charge of contacting Yarn Columbus, and if you need a guardian to be present, have his parents come along.”


Luke looked at the group again, “Anyone else have anything new to say?”

The lieutenant said, “I’d like to talk about my homeless friend from yesterday, I’ve had a serious conversation with him.

He may be an asshole and a drunk, but he shouldn’t be a murderer.

It’s going to be 24 hours soon, so I suggest we let him go.”

Luke nodded, “You watch it.”

Jenny said, “I contacted the victim’s mother and she was able to return to L.A. today to assist in the investigation.”

“When she arrives at the station, take her to the medical examiner’s office first to identify the body.”


“OK, does anyone have anything else to say?” After a pause and no one responded, Luke continued, “The morning meeting is over, so go about your business.”

An hour later, Luke met Yarn Columbus in the conference room.

This was a very spirited young man, thick brown hair, straight features, with a few pimples hanging on his face, he was considered a sunny type of handsome man.

Accompanying Yarn Columbus was his mother, who looked to be around forty years old, wearing a half-rimmed glasses, only her hawkish nose made her look a bit stern.

Luke sized up the other man and asked, “You’re Yarn Columbus?”

“Yes, Officer.” Aarn Columbus crossed his arms and looked a little nervous.

Yarn Columbus’ mother patted her son on the shoulder and asked, “Officer, what is your name?”

“My last name is Lee, Mrs. Columbus.”

“Officer Lee, I would like to know the reason you invited my son here.”

“Before that, I would like to ask Aarn Columbus a few questions.

If it’s a mistake in our judgment, you can just go home without being questioned.”

Mrs. Columbus thought for a moment and then looked at her son, “Ask.”

Luke stared at Aarn Columbus, “How old are you?”


“Where do you go to school?”

“Malaboa High School.”

“That’s a good school, it’s not far from our house, my neighbor’s daughter goes there.” Luke finished and turned the conversation around, “Do you know Ellie Bergman?”

Yane Columbus pursed his lips and nodded, “Yes.”

“What’s your relationship?”

“I like her and have been courting her.

We were about to establish a relationship, who knows ……,” Yarn Columbus’ eyes reddened a little and rubbed his eyes.

Luke pressed, “You knew about her murder?”

Yarn Columbus’ voice choked a little, “I’m still having some trouble accepting it, it’s sad ……”

Luke looked at Mrs. Columbus, “Ma’am, that’s why I asked Yarn Columbus to come, he was close to the victim.

We would like to know something about the victim’s life through him, which will help in solving the case.

I don’t know if this reason is satisfactory to you?

If it is satisfactory, I would like to continue asking some questions.”

Mrs. Columbus did not answer immediately, but looked at her son.

Yane Columbus nodded, “I am willing to cooperate, and I also hope to catch Ellie’s murderer sooner.”

Mrs. Columbus sighed softly and said to Luke, “Officer Lee, you may continue to ask, however, if the questions are ambiguous, we will also refuse to answer.”

“Of course.” Luke flipped through his notebook and formally began his questioning, “Yarn Columbus, when was the last time you saw Ellie Bergman?”

“The afternoon before last, at school.”

“Was she unusual at the time?”

“Nothing out of the ordinary, just that she was a little unwell.”

“Did you have a car?”


“What kind of car?”

“A gray Ford sedan.”

“Did you drive this car to Ellie Bergman’s house?”

Aarn Columbus gulped and twisted his hands together hard, looking a little nervous.

“Son, you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.” Mrs. Columbus patted Yarn Columbus’s shoulder and looked at Luke again, “Captain Lee, I think your question just now is very targeted, my son is here to help you solve the case, please don’t interrogate him as a suspect.”

Luke didn’t say anything and directly lit up the community surveillance screenshot, “This is the surveillance footage from the night before last, which clearly shows that Yarn Columbus drove to the deceased’s house at around 9pm.

My question just now was just to get a clear picture, did he go to Ellie Bergman’s house? And what did he do?”

Mrs. Columbus looked at Aarn Columbus with some surprise, “Son, didn’t you say you were going to the Martin house?”

Yane Columbus let out a long sigh and looked over at Mrs. Columbus, “Mom, could you step outside for a minute? I’d like to talk to Officer Lee alone.”

“Honey, I have to be around you, you’re still young ……”

“Mom, I’m seventeen years old and can make my own decisions.

I haven’t done anything illegal, I just …… want to talk to Officer Lee alone, is that okay?”

Mrs. Columbus stared at her son for a long time before standing up and walking outside, stopping again as she reached the door, “I’ll be right outside, call me if you need anything.”

“I will.”

After watching his mother leave, Aarn Columbus took the initiative and spoke, “Yes, I was at Ellie’s house the other night.”

“Did she initiate the invitation? Or did you want to go yourself?”

“The matter is somewhat complicated.”

“Take your time, we have plenty of time.”

“A while ago, Ellie and I were talking about her mother, and how they hadn’t been on good terms, and Ellie complained to me a few times, and said that her mother had to go out recently.

So, we made plans to go for a ride together the night before.

Two days before that, she told me again that her best friend had invited her to spend the night at her house.

After I met up the afternoon before, she said again that she was sick and just wanted to stay home and not go anywhere.” Yane Columbus rubbed his nose and continued, “In the evening, I called her after dinner.

She said that she was a little sick, and that she hadn’t eaten at night and was resting alone in bed.

I felt a little sorry for her, so I was going to drive over to see her, and brought her favorite bread.

It was just a little late, so I lied to my mom and said I was going to a friend’s house.”

After taking brief notes, Luke pressed, “What happened after you went to Ellie’s house?”

“I drove to her house and there were no lights on in the house and no one answered her phone when I called.

I was a little worried that she wasn’t too sick to answer the phone.

I was worried that something had happened to her at home alone, and I didn’t have a key to her house, so I climbed down the windowsill to the second floor.

But, there was no one on the bed in her bedroom.” Yane Columbus scratched his hair hard, “At that time, I was a little angry and thought she was lying to me. Guessing that she wasn’t sick, but that she didn’t want to go for a ride with me and ran off to play with her girlfriends.

Only now do I realize that something happened to her ……

If, and I mean if ……

I had called the police, she might not have been killed.

I regret it, I regret that I didn’t believe her ……”

Luke stared at the other man, sincere, with no obvious signs of lying.

However, Luke didn’t trust him completely and tried, “Can we search your car?”

If Aarn Columbus had killed Ellie, then surely a car would be needed to transport the body.

“Sure, the car is parked downstairs.”

Luke stared at the other man, showing no sign of weakness.

“At that time, did you see any suspicious people or cars around?”

Yarn Columbus recalled carefully and shook his head, “Didn’t see one.”

Assuming, Yarn Columbus’ words were true, he hadn’t killed Allie, who had met an untimely end before he arrived.

And Allie’s two girlfriends, too, claimed that Allie was lying in bed when they left.

It is likely, then, that Allie met her untimely demise after her girlfriends left and before Aarne Columbus arrived.

Two of Allie’s girlfriends, Sharon Frank and Marissa Hocking, left the deceased’s neighborhood at 9:13.

Yann Columbus entered the neighborhood of the deceased’s home at nine-thirty.

In other words, if the murderer was someone else, the time of the crime would have been between nine-thirteen and nine-thirty.

In Luke’s experience, this time was too ‘rushed’.

It wasn’t that seventeen minutes wasn’t enough to commit the crime.

Rather, the pinch point was too accurate; the murderer might have run into the two girlfriends if he had committed the crime earlier, and then run into Yarn Columbus if he had done it later.

It’s not impossible that this kind of pinpointing is possible, but the probability is too low.

More likely, someone is lying.

Judging from Yarn Columbus’ frank attitude, it was unlikely that he had lied.

Then, it’s likely that the ones who lied are Sharon Frank and Marissa Hocking, and perhaps, these two didn’t just lie before because they had been to the bar, but also secreted other clues.

It’s more likely that these two BFFs are avoiding the truth when they seem to be busting at the seams.

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