Chapter 678

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:22:05
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Outside the deputy director’s office.

Luke and David walked out of the office one after the other.

David’s face was grave, “Luke, how do you plan to investigate?”

Luke thought for a moment, “Tight inside and loose outside, the first thing you need to do is to control your men and don’t let them cause trouble.”

The Anti-Triad and Narcotics Division is one of the most dangerous divisions in the LAPF, their job is to deal with drug dealers and gang members, and the members who can enter this division are not easy to deal with, this kind of division also emphasizes on “righteousness”, their boss Jones was killed, and this group of people must have already exploded, and they are probably already thinking about which prick gang to go to. They’re probably already thinking about which prickly gang they’re going to sweep up and vent their fire on.

“I can restrain them, but with Jones killed, it’s simply impossible to get them to do nothing. I’ll have them spread out their informants and collect leads on Jones’ murder.”

“Good idea.”

David pressed, “Where do you want to start your investigation?”

“I’m going to meet the patrolman who stopped the suspect vehicle, look for the driver of the suspect vehicle and the first crime scene.”

“Is there anything you need me to do?”

“I’ll let you know as soon as I find the location of the first crime scene, you can pay a visit to the local gangs, maybe they’ll be able to provide some clues.”

“Leave it to us, that’s what my gang is best at, whoever’s territory Jones died in, they are responsible and must provide clues.”

Luke cautioned, “Don’t overdo it.”

“Don’t worry, I’ve got it covered. I’ve got to go back before the gang of my men get wind of this from somewhere else.” David finished and waved his hand and left.

Luke shook his head and sighed, “Hell if you have a measure.”

Returning to the Robbery and Murder Division’s First Squadron office, Luke gathered the men together, “Guys, I just heard the sad news …… that Jones was killed yesterday.”

“Captain Jones of the Blackmail and Narcotics Division?”

“Captain Jones is dead?”

“How is this possible, I saw him yesterday?”

“Fuck, what fucking asshole did this!”

Luke pressed his hand, signaling them to calm down, and then briefly described the situation.

With a grave expression on his face, he said, “Reed gave us this case to investigate, I didn’t push it and I won’t push it either. Whether it’s killing Jones, we have to find him.”

Blacky concurred, “That’s right, we must catch the murderer and avenge Captain Jones.”

Jackson said, “Captain, you arrange the mission.”

Luke nodded, his eyes scanning a sad or angry face, and said, “Get your gear ready and meet in the parking lot in ten minutes.”

“Yes, Sir.”

The neighborhood of Kazka Street.

The alley on the right side of the street had been cordoned off.

Two police cars were parked on the side of the road, and Luke was the first to step down from the car, hanging his badge on his chest.

“Captain Lee!”


The surrounding police officers greeted Luke.

Luke nodded in greeting and crossed the police line to see a black Honda in the alley ahead.

John greeted it and said, “Hey Luke.”

“Man, I heard you were the one who stopped the suspect’s car?”

“Yeah, I was on night patrol in the neighborhood yesterday.” John pointed to the black Dongfeng Honda in front of him, “That car was speeding and I drove after it, signaling the other guy to pull over.

But not only did the driver not stop, he drove faster, and I felt something was wrong with the car.

Then the driver drove into the alley, abandoned the car and ran deeper into the alley. It was so dark that we didn’t catch him.”

Luke asked, “Did you see the driver’s face?”

“No. He kept his back to us and was wearing a hood when he fled, but he looked like a man from his build.”

“What time was it?”

“Ten minutes past eleven at night.”

“Was Captain Jones dead at that time?”


I smelled blood when I searched the suspect car and opened the trunk of the car to see Captain Jones’ body. He was not breathing or having a heartbeat.”

Luke walked over to the car to check it out and found a lot of blood left in the trunk and said with a heavy heart, “Can you recall any other clues?”

John thought for a moment, “I didn’t recognize Captain Jones when I saw the body, and after reporting it to the main desk, the precinct’s night detective took over the case.

The body was also brought back to the City West Precinct for examination, and I have a copy of the autopsy report here.” John returned inside the police car and took out an autopsy report and handed it to Luke.

Luke flipped through the autopsy report.

“Name, Jones Oliver. Time of death, between nine and eleven p.m. on January 2nd.

Cause of death, three shots to the chest, one of which struck the heart, resulting in a traumatic heart rupture, loss of blood from the heart chambers, cardiac arrest, and sudden death.

No signs of binding or defensive wounds were found.

Murder weapon, nine millimeter handgun.”

Turning to John, Luke asked, “Man, this car was never driven here?”

John replied, “We found the car in front of the Lawson’s Convenience Store on Kazka Street when it was traveling from south to north at a fast rate of speed.”

Luke asked, “Were there any clues to the suspect found in the car?”

“It’s just after Christmas, and the City West Precinct is stretched thin, so the tech team hasn’t been to the scene yet. However, we’ve been protecting the scene from vandalism.”

“Understood, I’ll have someone take over the scene.” This wasn’t bad news for Luke, it was more efficient to have one of his own people take over the scene investigation, “By the way, did you find out the owner of the car?”

John replied, “It’s a registered stolen vehicle.”

Luke took a picture of the suspect vehicle and casually sent it to David and dialed his number again.

“Hello, this is Luke.”

David’s gruff voice rang out on the phone, “Man, checking in, how’s it going?”

“I got to the scene of the stop of the suspect vehicle, it’s a registered stolen car, and I want you to investigate the car for leads.”

The reason Luke made this request was twofold.

The first was to find some work for the Gang and Narcotics Control Division to save them from getting into trouble.

The second was that many theft gangs had connections with local gangs, and it would be easier for the Gang Strike and Narcotics Control Division to poke around.

“No problem, it’s time to find some work for those boys, I’ll have my men investigate. As for me …… there are trickier things right now.” David sighed and said, “I’m going to make a trip to Jones’ house to tell his family in person about Jones’ murder …… Do you want to go along?”

This is the kind of thing that Luke doesn’t really want to do, but the problem is that now that the case is in his charge of the investigation, he definitely needs to talk to Jones’s family, and maybe he can get some valuable clues.

“Send the address and we’ll meet you there.”

“See you in a bit.” David said and hung up his cell phone.

Luke called in the vice squad and Ramon and gave them assignments.

The vice squad was in charge of the scene investigation work and looking for witnesses.

Ramon was in charge of finding the first crime scene.

Half an hour later.

Luke and David met at the Jones’ house.

David pointed to a small blue two-story building, “This is the Jones house, and he invited us here for a party a few months ago.”

The Jones house was an open courtyard and David led Luke into the yard just as the door to the house opened and a teenage white girl came out of the house carrying a bag.

David waved in greeting, “You’re Mia Oliver, right?”

The girl looked at David, “Who are you?”

“I’m your father’s coworker, David.”

“I don’t think we’ve met.”

“Last time, your father invited us to be his guest, and I saw your picture.”

“You have a good memory.” The girl finished, made a move to leave, then turned back and said, “By the way, he’s not home.”

“I know …… Is there anyone else at home?”

“My mom.” Mia Oliver finished and was about to leave with her bag when David called out to her, “Mia Oliver, please wait. I want to talk to you about your father.”

Mia Oliver bristled, “I’m not interested in his business.”

David froze for a moment, as if he didn’t expect this response from the other party, “It won’t take up too much of your time, this matter is important to you.”

“OK, go ahead then.” Mia Oliver clasped her hands to her chest.

“I’d like to say it together when I see your mother.”

“Come in with me.” Mia Oliver turned toward the house, opened the door, and called out, “Mom, there’s a guest.”

“Who’s here?” A white woman with brown hair came out and looked at David, “You work with Jones?”

“Yes I am, my name is David.”

“What can I do for you?”

“I want to talk about Jones.”

The white woman clasped her hands over her chest, “Then why don’t you talk to him?”

The attitude of the mother and daughter made David a little uncomfortable, “Ma’am, I am talking to you very seriously about Jones, he is your husband and I expect you to respect him.”

“It seems he didn’t tell you that we are divorced.”

David froze, “When?”

“Half a month ago.”

David rubbed his chin and looked at Luke again.

Since it was his ex-wife and some words really weren’t necessary, Luke asked, “When was the last time you saw Jones?”

“Before Christmas, when he came back to move his stuff.”

“Where did he move to?”

Jones’ ex-wife shook her head, “I don’t know and I don’t want to know.”

Jones’ daughter, Mia Oliver, asked, “Wait, my dad hasn’t been going to work?”

Luke asked back, “When was the last time you saw him?”

“Before Christmas, too.”

“Do you know where he lives now?”

“Yes, I remember …… I think he sent me the address.” Mia Oliver said, looking is flipping through her phone, “Found it, 203 Christopher Community.”

Mia Oliver looked at the two Luke’s and asked, “Did something happen to him?”

“Does it matter? No one here cares about him anyway.” With a hint of anger on his face, David turned and walked to the door, twisting his head, “By the way, he won’t be bothering you guys again, ever.”

Mia Oliver panicked a little and turned to Luke, “What does he mean, what happened to my father?”

Luke sighed, “David is a coworker of your father’s, he cares about your father, he’s just a bit blunt, I hope you guys don’t mind.”

“What happened to my father?”

“He died.”

“What? What did you just say?”

“Last night, Jones was killed.”

“Oh my God, you said my father is dead.”

“Yes, and I’m in charge of investigating his case now.”

We came over today, one, to inform you that we hope you’re not too upset.

Another is to inquire if you have any clues about Jones’ murder?”

Jones’ ex-wife looked complicated and said, “You’re lying. How could he be dead, he was never the one who killed anyone …… You must be joking.”

“I wish I was joking. But it wasn’t. Jones is really dead, and not only are you guys having trouble accepting it, but the entire LAPD doesn’t want to believe it. All we can do is catch the killer and avenge Jones. If you guys know anything about Jones’ murder, I hope you’ll let me know.”

Mia Oliver shed tears, covered her mouth with her right hand, and choked, “Yesterday, he called me, but I didn’t answer ……”

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