Chapter 683

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:22:19
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Robbery-Murder Division, Lounge.

After all, Karlo Ross did not have the courage to start a war with the police.

Seeing the somewhat unfamiliar surroundings, Karlo Ross was a little complicated inside, it wasn’t that he hadn’t been to the police station before, but he was usually brought to the detention room or interrogation room, coming to the lounge was really a first, and there was actually some inexplicable sense of novelty.

Luke and David walked into the lounge.

Luke placed a cup of coffee in front of Karlo Ross, “You’re welcome.”

Karlo Ross looked at the coffee on the table and couldn’t raise the slightest interest, this was not a good place to drink coffee, he glanced at his watch, “Officers, let’s get right to it, I’d still like to go home early and rest.”

David leaned forward and glared at Karlo Ross, “Scarface killed Jones, do you know what the consequences are? Don’t act like it’s none of your business.”

Karlo Ross said, “First of all, until Scarface is found, no one can be sure if he killed Jones. Secondly, even if it was Scarface who killed Jones, it was his personal act, nothing to do with the Viper gang, and even less to do with me.”

“Then you find a way to prove it, if you can’t …… prove it neither you nor the Viper Gang will have a good ending.”

Karlo Ross sneered, “You brought me to the lounge instead of the interrogation room for the purpose of threatening me?”

David said with a serious face, “This is not a threat, but a notice. Scarface can’t afford to carry on about Jones’ murder, and we’ll get to the bottom of it.”

Karlo Ross said, “I’m not afraid to investigate, Jones’ death has nothing to do with the Viper Gang. I admit that the Viper Gang has had a lot of friction with the police in recent years, and Jones hasn’t done much to suppress our Viper Gang, but I understand that this isn’t a personal vendetta. It’s just a sign that our gang is growing and that the police department feels threatened.

Jones’ suppression has also increased our gang’s reputation to a degree, and has led to more people joining the Vipers. If I didn’t want to get into trouble with Jones, all I had to do was stop the rapid expansion, there was no need to kill him and cause so much trouble. I’m not a fool and I don’t want to cause trouble for the Viper Gang.”

David asked back, “Then why did your beloved Scarface kill Jones?”

Karlo Ross shrugged, “I don’t know, to be honest, I haven’t seen him in a couple days. I just heard about the firefight he had with someone this afternoon.”

David shook his head, “That’s not a good enough reason to convince me.”

Karlo Ross licked his lips, “OK, what I’m going to say next is something I’ll never admit to out of this door. Because some time ago, a batch of my goods was robbed, that batch was robbed in a somewhat strange way, it happened to be robbed when the defense was at its weakest, rather than robbed, it was more like stolen.

I have also been tracking the whereabouts of that batch of goods …… I suspect that it is likely to be done by people within the gang, I have suspected a lot of people, but the only thing I have not suspected is Scarface, and now it seems that …… maybe he is associated with that batch of goods that were robbed. ”

David said, “Even if he robbed that shipment from the Viper gang, there is no reason to kill Jones?”

“I’m not sure what he was thinking, just that it’s possible that he betrayed the Viper gang because of it. As for why he wanted to kill Jones, I’m afraid you’ll have to ask him yourselves.”

Luke asked, “Where can I find Scarface?”

Karlo Ross shrugged, “If I were him, I’m sure I wouldn’t dare to stay in L.A. after killing Jones, odds are I’d run away to Mexico.”

Luke said, “He may have had the idea of running away to L.A. That’s why he showed up on Kalisch Avenue in the western suburbs of Los Angeles.

Only he was shot at there, interrupting his escape, and, chances are, he was wounded in the shootout. If he hadn’t fled Mexico, where could he have gone?”

Karlo Ross thought for a moment, “I know he had a mistress in Los Angeles, and that’s likely where he would have gone if he was desperate.”

David pressed, “Where does that mistress live?”

“324 Winster Community.”

“You better not be lying to me.”

“I swear to God.”

“Very well.”

Karlo Ross stood up, “May I be excused?”

“Of course. However, if you find out where Scarface is, remember to contact to let me know.” David took out a business card and slapped it on his chest.

Karlo Ross took the business card and put it in his pocket, “I will.”

After sending Karlo Ross away, Luke returned to the Robbery and Murder Division office and gathered his team, “Guys, we have a mission.”

Outside the Detective Bureau.

Karlo Ross got into a black Cadillac sedan.

A man of Mexican descent with a large mustache asked, “Boss, are you okay?”

“You think I look like I’m not okay?” Karlo Ross grunted.

“Boss, where are we going now?”

Karlo Ross thought for a moment, “Scarface might have betrayed the gang and gotten into big trouble, we have to find him.”

The Chicano man with the beard said, “I know Scarface has a mistress, could he be hiding there?”

Karlo Ross snorted, “Idiot, Scarface was probably wounded in the shootout, what would he be doing at his mistress’s house? Jerk off to lower the fire? Go to the Fox Clinic.”

“Okay, boss.”

“I’ve got to find this guy first and find out what fucking asshole is trying to hurt me.Fuck!”

Nine o’clock at night, Fox Clinic.

Three cars parked near the clinic, ten men of Mexican descent stepped out of the cars and stormed into the clinic with handguns.

“Ah ……”

A gasp of shock was elicited.

It was a good thing the clinic didn’t have many patients, just a few Chicano nurses and a doctor.

Karlo Ross grabbed the doctor by the collar, “Fox, has Scarface been here?”

The doctor known as Fox pointed to the ward inside, “I just dressed his wounds.”

Karlo Ross cocked his head and said to his men aside, “Get that bastard, I want him alive.”

“Okay, boss.”

The man with a big beard rushed into the ward with a few minions, and after a burst of noisy scuffling, the ward once again regained its calm.

“Boss, we got him.”

Karlo Ross walked into the hospital room and saw Scarface lying on the floor, his left hand bandaged, his right hand cuffed to the leg of the hospital bed, and his face black and blue.

Scarface sat up, looked at Karlo Ross, and shouted, “Boss, what are you guys doing here?”

“I heard you were injured, I came over to see, who injured you?”

Scarface shook his head, “I don’t know. I was attacked out of nowhere, probably some rival gang.”

Karlo Ross pressed, “Why did you go to Kalisch Avenue in the western suburbs of Los Angeles? Was it in preparation for a run?”

“No, I …… was just going for a ride.”

“A ride?”


Karlo Ross walked over and kicked Scarface in the chest, cursing, “Fuck! You think I’m an idiot? How dare you lie to me now. You really think I wouldn’t dare to kill you.”

Several of his men’s guns were already aimed at Scarface.

Scarface’s face changed drastically, cold sweat broke out, and he stammered but didn’t know how to explain, “Boss, I ……”

“Why don’t you say? Or don’t dare to say it?OK, I’ll say it for you.” Karlo Ross revealed an angry expression and pointed at Scarface, “Why did you kill Jones?”

“Boss, I ……” Scarface wanted to speak.

Karlo Ross took the gun of the henchman next to him and pointed at Scarface, “If you dare to lie, I will kill you now.”

Scarface looked at the gun and lowered his head, “That’s right, I killed Jones.”

“Fuck! Why did you kill him? Did you want to die?”

“I killed him all for the Viper gang. That asshole Jones has been targeting the Viper Gang, and by killing him, our gang will be able to grow better and the bigger our territory will be.”

Karlo Ross sneered, “Are you a fool, or do you take me for a fool? If you kill Jones, everyone will think that the Viper Gang did it.

Whether it’s to avenge Jones or to deter other gangs, the police will crack down on the Viper Gang. Everyone in the Viper gang will be implicated. You’re not helping the Viper Gang at all, you’re trying to destroy the Viper Gang. Why?”

“Boss, I’m not.” Scarface shook his head, snot and tears running down his face.

“You asshole, you’ve managed to sap my patience.” Karlo Ross pressed the trigger and shot Scarface in the calf.

“Ah!” Scarface rolled on the ground in pain.

“Hold him down.” A little annoyed, Karlo Ross slapped Scarface’s face and asked, “Don’t argue.”

Tell me, why did you kill Jones? If you lie again, I’ll shoot you a second time, understand?”

“I didn’t want to do it, I was forced to.” Scarface with a sobbing voice: “Some time ago, I dumped a batch of the gang’s goods, and the rival gang knew about it, they were the ones who coerced me to kill Jones, if I didn’t do it, they would tell the gang about it. I had no choice.”

“Which gang?”

“The Denaras.”

Karlo Ross took a step back and shook his head, “No way, the Denarra family was wiped out by the LAPD five years ago. The head of the Denarra family is still in prison.”

Scarface said, “It’s the second son of the Denara family’s patriarch, five years ago, when the LAPD wiped out the Denara family, he took advantage of the chaos and fled back to Mexico, and his family still has a lot of power over there.

“Now he’s returned to Los Angeles. He caught me in the act and coerced me into taking out Jones. I refused to agree at first. But he kept pushing me, and promised to help me smuggle myself into Mexico and make me a high-ranking member of a Mexican gang if I took out Jones. He claimed he wanted revenge and to take back everything the Denarra family had lost.”

After hearing this, Karlo Roth’s entire body froze, then stormed into a rage, “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” he cursed as he whacked Scarface with his pistol, “You fucking traitor, do you have any idea where the Viper gang got their current territory?

The Denaras asked you to kill Jones not only for revenge. It was more so to use the power of the police to overthrow the Viper Gang! So that they can regain their lost territory! Stupid!”

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