Chapter 239.

Release Date: 2024-09-06 23:30:25
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A mountain was embroidered above the cuffs.

Dong Qingcheng glanced at Jiang Ran and whispered:

“It’s the Chongshan Sect.”

Jiang Ran nodded slightly.

Among the seven sects, apart from the Blazing Blade Sect, only the Chongshan Sect had some connection with him.

Cheng Tianyang’s martial arts skills came from the Chongshan Sect.

It was rumored that he almost became a big shot in Chongshan Sect.

Just his nature does not like constraints, which left the Chongshan School created its own Tianyang Dart Board, and then made a big show of force into the Golden Cicada first dart board.

Of course, this first dart board’s chief dart head recently met several times, always mixed with the gray face.

But considering that the opponent is the left Daozhuang, under the intention, this is unusual.

With this in mind, he asked that little second brother again:

“Do you know what they went to do?”


While leading Jiang Ran and the others towards the courtyard, Little Brother Junior casually replied:

“But looking at them all good and angry, maybe they went to seek the bad luck of the Wang family.

“Just today during the day to see the Wang family is a calm, also did not hear of the death of any person or so …… is to call people can not understand.”

“Wang family?”

Dong Qingcheng asked:

“And what is this Wang family?”

“Hahaha, you few are really from out of town, right?”

The store assistant laughed: “Otherwise, how could you not know about the Wang Family?”

“Truth be told, I was once here several years ago.”

Dong Qingcheng smiled:

“Even stayed at your inn.”

“So you are an old patron.”

The store assistant immediately laughed again:

“But if you don’t know about the Wang Family, that means that you, my guest, came here at least three years ago.

“The Wang family ah …… came to our county only three years ago.”

“Three years.”

Jiang Ran silently chewed these two words in his mind and then said:

“Three years of time, will do this far and near famous?”

“How else can we say that people are powerful?”

The store assistant had nothing to do and was fond of small talk, seeing that Jiang Ran and the others were interested, he said:

“Mr. Wang is capable of great things, doing great business, when he first came, he moved into the current ‘Wang Mansion’ with boxes and boxes of gold, silver and jewelry.

“At that time, there were still quite a few shopkeepers in the county who looked at him unfavorably and wanted to squeeze him out.

“As a result, within a few months of work, all of them were pleased and convinced, and elected him to become the president of some trade union, completely stabilized.

“These three years of hard work, hard to make an outsider, made the first ancient chapter.”

“So that’s how it is, indeed not an unusual character.”

Dong Qingcheng nodded, “It’s just that this Wang family is so powerful, why did those guests start a conflict with them?”

“Hey, how can I say it …… It is inevitable for a great man to have a wife who is not virtuous and a son who is not filial.

“This Wang Clerk is powerful ah, laid down a large family business, accumulated a strong financial strength.

“However, it can not hold the scourge of the defeated children and grandchildren.”

The store assistant said here, his face was full of pain, he only hated that he was not surnamed Wang, and could not become the descendant of this Wang family:

“Mr. Wang’s family is a seedling of a thousand tilted land, and there is only one young son.

“It is rumored that since childhood is pampered, to this ancient chapter county ah, the first year is still peaceful, but also at that time Wang outside the firm footing.

“In the second year, it began to show its true colors.

“Every day, he took a few experts that Mr. Wang spent a lot of money on, and went around eating, drinking and having a good time.

“When he saw a pretty girl, he would snatch her back and make her a concubine, not caring whether she was willing or not.

“It’s a good thing that Mr. Wang’s family is so wealthy that after every time something like this happens, he severely punishes his own son in front of everyone.

“Then the money should be compensated, the apology should be apologized.

“And finally marry the person back in style.

“Just this …… before and after a total of seven or eight big marriages.

“The Wang family young son, this year can be less than twenty, just concubines have eight rooms!

“Said to go out is all as a joke, but privately, who shall not say, to wait for this king outside a hundred years later, the Wang family’s ten thousand family wealth is not enough to compensate for this small son of ……

“Aigoo, said far, said far.”

The shopkeeper said here in one breath, stuttering did not play a, visible weekdays did not say less these words, easily familiar, smooth mouth to the outside of the balderdash.

Said later realized that he was not answering the question, and then hastened to say:

“As for the conflict with the Wang family, is not because of this Wang Xiao Gongzi, and on the street robbing people’s women?

“To tell you the truth, although this is not good to say, but ah, although there is an iron ore mine in our county, but that is the government’s, and we have nothing to do with the people ah, so the poor are also more.

“If there are many children in the family, the daughter’s family is even more unappreciated,” he said.

“If it is robbed by the Wang family’s young son, Master Wang is generous, a daughter can be compensated for several hundred taels of silver, plus the bride price, tsk, say food and clothing for a lifetime that is impossible to be able to.

“But it is also a thunderbolt on the ground, steep and rich ah!”

Both Ye Jingxue and Tang Wuyi were displeased to hear this.

Then he heard Tang Wuyi say with a cold face:

“Isn’t this selling your daughter for glory?”

“That’s true, but think about it, can a daughter be treated poorly when she joins the Wang family’s door?

“Good food and drink is always inevitable, who wouldn’t you live with for the rest of your life?”

The shopkeeper smiled:

“That’s why many people don’t say anything, but in their hearts, they’re looking forward to being robbed.

“We usually, but also as a fun to watch.

“Anyway, as long as they don’t rob their own women, who cares about their shit?

“But we know, but the guests from out of town don’t know.

“Once they see this situation, where is the willingness?

“Immediately fought with the Wang family.

“This fight, but it is the Wang family side of the skill, the guests suffered a loss.

“And after such a stir, Wang Xiao Gongzi lost interest, also not to rob the girl.

“As a result, the girl is not happy, a few guests heroic rescue a beauty, almost not be complained to death.

“You say funny not funny?”

One willing to fight and the other willing to be beaten, but the bystanders worked for nothing, Jiang Ran felt that this was indeed a bit funny.

But yet, he couldn’t laugh out loud.

After exchanging glances with Dong Qingcheng and the others, they all fell silent as well.

The shopkeeper had actually already settled them down, but he was just gossiping at the comfort place, unwilling to go, standing in the cold wind and chattering until now.

At this time to see Jiang Ran they are not talking, although some of the intention is not yet finished, but also stopped talking.

Let the guests make themselves at home, if there is something to call him on the line.

After that, he left.

Only when this shopkeeper left did Dong Qingcheng look at Jiang Ran:

“Swordsman Jiang, this Wang family shouldn’t be quite right.”

“Go inside and talk.”

Jiang Ran led Dong Qingcheng and they entered the house.

Originally, the brothers and sisters of the Blazing Blade Sect were going to follow them in, but they were dispersed by Dong Qingcheng, who waved his hand and told them to pick their own rooms and not to disturb them.

In the end, he only led Hu Nan in.

Bringing and waiting for a few people to take their seats, Dong Qingcheng opened his mouth and said:

“Chongshan Sect is one of the seven sects, the inherited jedi is extremely powerful, how can it not be a match for just a few jianghu casuals?”

Tang Yuyi grunted:

“What’s wrong with that? I’m also without a sect, so would Brother Dong like to give me some pointers?”


Dong Qingcheng hurriedly waved his hand:

“I don’t mean that, I just feel that there seems to be something fishy going on.

“Listening to this shopkeeper, the Chongshan Sect’s people were quite peaceful even after they came this way.

“Apart from clashing with the people of the Wang family, there were no other twists and turns.

“They went out last night, such as today nearly evening has not yet returned ……

“The Wang Residence is calm, I worry …… that in case there is a problem with this Wang Family, these fellow members of the Chongshan Sect, may be in danger!”

“It’s not certain yet, that they are the Chongshan Sect disciples, and it’s also not certain that they just really went to the Wang Mansion.”

Jiang Ran spoke after a moment of contemplation:

“But just in case, it’s true that we have to make preparations early.

“In this case, Tian Yu, you run and ask around for information.

“And then explore this Wang Mansion …… remember not to go in.

“If the Wang family really has problems, you may not be able to get out.

“Moreover, the Wang family is powerful, in this ancient chapter county, there may not be any eyes, you inquire about things must also remember not to move sound, careful for the top.”


Li Tianyu agreed, then put his bow and arrow in the room and went out.

Carrying a bow and arrow on his back was too conspicuous, and since he wanted to remain motionless, of course he couldn’t make such a big deal out of it.

Seeing this, Jiang Ran instructed Ke Beisheng to follow and protect Li Tianyu’s safety.

Ke Beisheng also agreed and hurriedly followed behind Li Tianyu.

The reason why they let Li Tian Yu go instead of Ke Beisheng.

It was because the day after Ke Beisheng followed Jiang Ran, Jiang Ran bought him a mask to wear so that he wouldn’t miss his face.

The scars on his face were hideous, easily scaring people not to mention, moreover, Jiang Ran had other arrangements for him.

Otherwise, he might not have taken this person in yet.

Only after waiting for the two men to leave did Jiang Ran say to Dong Qingcheng:

“You shouldn’t be anxious either, it’s been a day and a night since the incident.

“If there really is something wrong, I’m only afraid that even if we were to find the door now, it would already be too late.

“Wait for Tian Yu to come back and then make a calculation.”


Dong Qingcheng nodded and added:

“Then I’ll have these senior brothers and sisters of mine go out and explore as well?”

Jiang Ran smiled at his words:

“That’s not necessary …… just asking for directions, having Tian Yu alone is enough.”

Dong Qingcheng glanced at Jiang Ran, nodded thoughtfully, and rose first to leave.

Ye Jingxue, on the other hand, suddenly frowned, not knowing what came to her mind, and left the door on her own without saying goodbye to Jiang Ran.

Jiang Ran noticed her difference and was a bit strange:

“What’s wrong with this?”

“Must be thinking that you have a gloomy mind and are not a good match.”

Tang Yuyi sat down next to Jiang Ran and grunted:

“Considering that her sister is simple-minded, and you’re such a smart and gloomy person, turning around, her sister was bullied and didn’t even know it, she’s definitely not willing to marry her sister to you.”


Jiang Ran felt that these words were as upside down as Ke Beisheng’s martial arts:

“Always only parents marry their daughters, where is a sister marrying her sister, and this is not something she said.”

“You really want to marry ah?”

Tang Yuyi glared, “I knew that you and Ye Jingshuang’s eye contact, kissing each other, and living in the same room, must be unclear. Before she left, she even exchanged love tokens with you!”

“There was no exchange.”

Jiang Ran said smoothly, “It’s a token of affection she sent me.”


Tang Yuyi gazed at Jiang Ran.

Jiang Ran blinked:

“What’s wrong?”

“You can’t be that negative and thin-skinned person!!!”


Jiang Ran looked puzzled, but Tang Yuyi had already grunted and turned around to leave.

“Negative and thin-hearted?”

Jiang Ran rubbed his face, suddenly feeling that with such a face, it seemed like there was indeed a chance of being negative.

Just, is he that kind of person?

And what kind of position did Tang Yuyi have to say such words?

The most important thing is ……

Jiang Ran sat on the edge of the table, thinking of Ye Jingshuang, a few tenderness did flood the depths of his heart:

“I don’t know, how is she nowadays?”



Ye Qingshuang’s news can’t be reached, for a moment where can know?

But Li Tianyu’s news quickly came back.

“Big brother, snooped around.

“Gu Zhang County is quite remote and cold, there aren’t many pedestrians on the streets at night.

“I learned from the mouth of a night watchman that I did see a group of people dressed in the same attire last night, heading in the direction of the Wang family.

“Just what happened afterward, that night watchman doesn’t know.”

Jiang Ran pondered for a moment, then said:

“Go and invite Dong Qingcheng.”


Li Tianyu turned around and went out.

Dong Qingcheng’s room was on the other side of the courtyard and could be reached by crossing the courtyard.

Halfway through his journey, he suddenly had a certain footstep and was about to turn his head to look, when he felt that there was already one more person beside him.

It was as if an aura had appeared without any reason.

His heart tightened and he was about to back away when he heard Jiang Ran’s voice enter his ears:

“It’s me, no need to panic.”

“Big brother?”

Li Tianyu froze.

Just then, he heard Jiang Ran laugh:

“I’ll go with you to find Dong Qingcheng.”


Although Li Tianyu felt that Jiang Ran’s move was somewhat inexplicable, he still nodded and then said:

“But just now ……”

Before he could finish his words, he was tugged by Jiang Ran’s wrist and walked towards Dong Qingcheng’s room:

“Let’s talk about it when we find Brother Dong.”


Li Tianyu only froze at this point, then suddenly realized:

“I see.”

The two of them then joined hands like this and arrived within Dong Qingcheng’s room.

Dong Qingcheng was sitting there reading a book, and when he saw the two people enter directly without knocking, he was a little confused for a moment.

Before reacting to what they want to do, see Jiang Ran has already closed the door to the room.

For a moment it was more of a brain Jiang Hu:

“Jiang warrior, Knight second warrior, you are ……”

Li Tianyu’s apparent identity is Li Tianxin’s younger brother, line two, naturally, is the Li Second Warrior.

Jiang Ran, on the other hand, smiled:

“Brother Dong, there’s news, come with me.”

“Where to?”

“To visit the Wang family.”

Jiang Ran said softly:

“Let’s go scout for news.”

Dong Qingcheng glanced at Jiang Ran and pondered slightly:

“Will it be a bit presumptuous?”

“Just right.”

“Then let’s go.”

Dong Qingcheng had been forcibly pressing down his heart’s irritation, although the seven sects were not as homogeneous as the Five Swords, they belonged to the lineage of the righteous path, and they all had friendships with each other.

If something really went wrong in Chongshan sect, they can’t just sit back and watch no matter what.

But waiting for news is still torturous, which is why I found a book to forcefully stabilize the mind, suppress the internal energy of the body of the dry chaos.

At this time, since Jiang Ran had made up his mind, there was nothing to hesitate about.

After cleaning up a bit, he stood up and followed Jiang Ran.

When he went out the door, he saw Ye Jingxue and Tang Yuyi, who didn’t know when, together in one place, were muttering.

When they saw Jiang Ran and the others, they were also stunned:

“What are you guys doing?”

“What are you doing here?”

Jiang Ran asked without answering.

“There are rats, we’re discussing whether to catch them or not.”

Tang Yuyi glanced at Jiang Ran.

Jiang Ran smiled:

“Some small matter, don’t pay attention to it first, the main thing is important, you guys come with me and pay a visit to the Wang family.”


Tang Yuyi and Ye Jingxue looked at each other and nodded.

Jiang Ran then arranged for the distribution of personnel.

The ones going to the Wang family were him and Dong Qingcheng, Ye Jingxue Tang Painting Yi and …… Ke Beisheng.

Tian Miaomiao and Li Tianyu, on the other hand, he arranged to stay on this side of the inn, waiting for orders at any time.

The other disciples of the Blazing Blade Sect also stayed here.

Leaving the inn, the group walked towards the Wang family.

Halfway through the journey, before they reached the Wang Residence, Dong Qingcheng suddenly realized:

“What about Ke Beisheng, didn’t he come out together?”

“He went to catch rats.”

Tang Wuyi laughed: “In the end, we can’t let the rats get too frisky.”


Dong Qingcheng glanced at Jiang Ran to this point:

“I see, so this Wang Mansion?”

“Still have to make a trip.”

Jiang Ran said softly:

“I always feel that this Wang family is also a little bit wrong, a moment Dong brother do not say our name, just say …… is a few friends in the jianghu is.”

Dong Qingcheng smiled:

“Then we will listen to the orders of the Jiang Warrior.”

The group walked and talked, casually discussing a couple of sentences to finalize their plans, and then they had already arrived at the gate of the Wang Residence.

There were guards in front of the door on the left and right, and when they saw Jiang Ran and his party arrive, they all felt that they were not unusual characters.

One of them muttered in a low voice:

“Could it be that the young master has robbed someone’s girl and is being approached again?”

The other one still wanted to pick up the conversation, but it turned out that Jiang Ran’s group had already arrived in front of them.

Dong Qingcheng slightly clasped his fists:

“The two young brothers, please also inform us that the Blazing Blade Sect’s Dong Qingcheng is paying a visit to Officer Wang with his friends.”

“Blazing Blade Sect?”

One of the guards mumbled a couple sentences in a somewhat confused manner and asked the person beside him:

“How is it a bit familiar …… like I’ve heard it somewhere?”

“In the teahouse, Mr. Storyteller said it.”

Another retainer looked at them and muttered:

“Young master is getting more and more powerful now, the people of the Blazing Sword Sect also dare to rob ah …… I’m afraid I have to run this time, this is not a problem that can be solved with money.”

While he said this, he muttered and entered the door, turned the shadow back wall, and scattered.

The sound of footsteps could be heard clearly outside.

The guard who stayed behind gave a dry laugh:

“This brother of mine, he is just a bit hairy, you all forgive me.

“This, should we use tea in the foyer?”

“No need.”

Dong Qingcheng shook his head, “Just wait here.”

That guard also stopped persuading, so he joined them in a wide-eyed stare.

After waiting for about a cup of tea, he heard footsteps arriving hurriedly.

A man who looked to be in his fifties and was extremely well-dressed was the first to turn out of the shadow-backed wall, taking a look towards the door:

“Which one of you is Warrior Dong? I, Wang Dahai, have long admired the mighty name of the Flaming Sword Sect.

“Today, I suddenly heard that an expert of the Flaming Sword Sect has come to the door, it’s really a great honor to be here!”

Jiang Ran glanced at Tang Yuyi as soon as his gaze touched him.

For some reason, when he saw this Mr. Wang, he always couldn’t help but think of Mr. Tang ……

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