Ghost Blown Light of the South Sea Returning Ruins

Grave robbers have been around since ancient times. Tracing back to the roots of the matter, since the item robbed the Qin Dynasty, after 23 dynasties, there is no mound in the world that is not hairy, the world has been changing dynasties, and there are as many people as gadflies digging mounds in the caves, according to their motives, techniques, and lineage distinction, which are nothing more than hairy mound, touching the gold, moving the mountain, and unloading the ridge.

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Chapter 84 Help

Boat runners merchants and sailors, perennial winds and waves to go in the sea to earn a living, if the unfortunate encountered a shipwreck, the body fell into the sea, some of the dead by the fish eaten just, but also some of the corpses will be closed in the hull of the shipwrecks, or with the waves were washed to the shore, the fishermen of the South China Sea egg people, a lot of them are to fish for the head as a means of enrichment, they will be the body of the valuable things to strip down to sell money, so do not prevent untoward! Some of the seafarers running the ship, will be in their own carry-on gold and silver ornaments in the "under the compulsion to set up the drop", designed to retaliate against those who killed the pirates of the sea bandits, or seek unjust enrichment in the body of a dead person picking the green head of the fishermen egg people, once someone took the shipwrecked dead on the body of the thing, often will be in the evil arts, suffered a horrible death.

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